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Show NEWS SUMMARY. NORTHWEST NOTES. Work is gradually be,n reanmod o all the mining properties In the TeUo ride, Colo., district David Higgins, a pioneer who came to Seattle from California, and eatab llihed the Dally Intelligencer, la dead at the age of 78. Sixty shingle prodncers, la aesalea at Everett Wash., agreed to form a combination and the price of ehlnglaa will be advanced. boy A Portland, Ore., messenger was entrusted with flOO to purchase theatre tickets, and lost the amount playing faro bank. Sol Fulks general store at Battle, Wya, was destroyed by lire last week. The store was one of the largest la that section of the country. ' Tom O'Day, the bandit, la safe la Jail at Casper, Wyo., and reports ol plots to rescue or lynch him are Half the horses stolen by ODay's gang have been recovered. Under direction of United States Senator W. A. Clark, the directors of the Paul Clark home, established by the son of the Senator, have established a free souphouse for the destitute of Butte. Dan Nichols, who Is alleged to have Stolen a bunch of horses near Dillon, Mont., last summer and driven them to Market LCi? end sold them to a Resident of Kearney, Neb., was convicted on the first count. Almost the entire works of the North American Copper company and the mine at Grand Encampment, Wyo, are closed down. The mine Is In excellent condition, and it Is a mystery to the public why it has been closed. Information received from Sunlight mining district, Wyoming, Just across the Montana line from Red LodgA gays United States Senator Kearns ot of the secured twenty-siUtah in the claims most promising mining x district At Dillon, Mont, George Pollack, the convicted murderer, was given the limit ten years, for manslaughter. He naked the Judge to be lenient and was told that the Jury had already been lenient and that ho deserved a much aevarer sentence. Rev. Thompson L Smith, said to be Chapethe oldest of the l--. Aim In DhmI lilt WMt. H was 10 years old. Mr. Smith was chaplain of the famous "Stonewall' brigade and was the Intimate friend of Lea, Jackson and Early. frank Rhodes, a Rock Springs man U years of age, is under arrest charged with. rape, his victims being two girls not yet In their teens Rhodes has waived preliminary hearing and Is held for trial in the District court on $8,000 bonds The terms of the will of the late Montana Henry Klein, a capitalist, have been made knows Besides liberal behests to relatives, he gives to the Wesleyan Methodist university and St Johns Roman Catholic hospital, both of Helena, $5,000 each. The attorneys for Prank Keefe, the Rawlins merchant sentenced to four years In prison for manslaughter, announce they will take the case to the Supreme Court While drunk he shot and killed Officer John Baxter and Brakeman Tom King In his store at -- well-know- n Rawlins William E. Morse, a ranchman on Dry creek, In Wyoming, met death In an extraordinary manner at the ranch of C. H. Eads. During a windstorm a severe gust of wind dashed a board through the air, which struck Morse on the back of the head and crushed in his skulL W. A. Parsons has been arrested at Garland, Wyo., upon the complaint of . his charged with having one too many wives. Parsons recently married the daughter of A. C. Kickey, a prominent ranchman, and it now develops that Parsons has another wife father-in-law- la the east. parGay Harshman, a ticipant In the fruitless attempt to hold up and rob the Oregon Railroad A Navigation company's overland train at Corbett station last September, has been sentenced to serve a term of 12 years In the state peniten- tiary. The prisoners at the penitentiary at Rawlins, Wyo., observed Thanksgiving day In a manner quite befitting. The prisoner minstrels gave an entertainment lasting two hours, which was quite a treat. Many of the performers are professionals, and give a very good show. As the result of the decision of the state administration regarding the law passed by the last legislature taxing the output of coal mines In Wyoming, that the measure Includes the produet of all mines, the mine owners will put up a strong fight to declare the law unoonstttntlonal. A severe blizzard ern Michigan. ' written some humorous verses regarding the curtain Drawn Mfort her, Lest if her charms were seen, the students Should let their young eyes winder o'er her And quite forget their Jurisprudence. iSESof is raging la south- Fred McWhorter was fatally Injured la a football game at Paris, 111., on Thanksgiving day. W. W Hammond, a motorman, was probably fatally injured in a street car collision In Seattle. John Lewis, said to be the original sideshow man, Is dead at his home in Clrdevllle, O., aged 74 years. Four men were burned to death and property loss amounting to $800,000 as the result of a fire In Omaha. A Baltimore society woman who called the police "puppies and "cab tie" has been sued to recover $10,008 for slander. The annual report of Governor Otero of New Mexico makes an earnest pies for the admission of the territory te statehood. James Sullivan Is dead at Ballard, Wash., as the result of a beat ing administered by two soldiers in a saloon row. Severe gales prevail throughout the northern portions of Spain and shipwrecks and loss of life are reported from the coast Two men were killed and a third wounded at Oregon JJar Cal., In a shooting gffray, which resulted from drunken quarrel. Senator Quay has Introduced a bill granting statehood to Oklahoma. The bill is the same that was Introduced In the house by Representative McGuire. As the result of a violent storm on the French coast the cities of La Rochelle and Bordeaux suffered heavily and there were many casualties among the fishing fleets. It is announced that Eugene F. Ware, commissioner of pensions, win retire from office about the middle of November of next year and return to the practice of law In Kansas. Representative Patterson of Tennessee, has Introduced a bill to abolish slavery In the Philippine archipelago and to abrogate the treaty between the United States and the Sultan of Sulu. announces that on December 12 he will ktart for New York, where be will arrange for his participation In the aeronautic competition, to be held at the 8L Louis exposition. Mrs. Ellen Bailey has been found guilty of planning the wreck on the Norfolk A Western railroad at Greenville, Va., last December, and her punishment fixed at ten years In the peniBantos-Dumo- nt tentiary. The strangest freak of the flood at St Petersburg, Russia, occurred at a cemetery, where coffins were washed out of graves and floated away. Those ithich were recovered were reinterred haphazard. The Countess Isabella Welsieska Kwlleckl, charged with presenting a false heir to au estate at Wroblewo, province of Posen, who has been on trial at Berlin since October 26, has been acquitted. Mrs. Silas Bracken, who several years ago was, by a New York paper, as the result of a contest, pronounced the most beautiful woman in America, was burned to death at her cottage at Murfreesboro, Tenn. A marble tablet to Felice Orslnl was unveiled at Omala, Italy, Sunday in reof membrance Orsinls struggles which Austria, government against condemned him to death. The unveiling gave an opportunity for fresh manifestations. An attempt was made Sunday to blow up the home of Robert A. Val-la- t at Globeville, Colo., a machinist at the Globe smelter, who refused to quit work when ordered by the union. A large charge of dynamite was exploded under the front of the building. The family of Frank Miller, of Tiffin, O., consisting of five persons, husband, wife and three children, have been exterminated through the fatal forgetfulness cf the wife, who mixed a quantity of strychnine with corn-mefor the purpose of poisoning rats. Charged with having held negroes la a condition of peonage, twenty-siIndictments have been returned by the Federal grand Jury against seven prominent citizens of southern Georgia, one of them, Edward McRea, being a member of the state legislature. A special from Trinidad says that the strikers are discouraged at the taken by the miners In the northern coal fields and the action of the eourt In refusing their suit for an injunction against the operators, and there Is talk ?f calling off the strike. SEA MONSTERS OF OLD. Wondrous 8tories Told of Their Size end Ferocity. (Special Correspondence.) The kraken was one of the sea On a recent afternoon, when the lies burled beneath the spot where monsters of old, and If all the stories rammer sunshine was still bright and the picture bung during nearly 300 told about lta wondrous size and doche excessive heat slightly tempered years. Its frame, made by Formig-gin- ings are true it overshadowed the serstill hangs here, and according pent as much as the latter does the by a gentle breeze, I proceeded up the short but steep ascent which leads to the account given by the attendant common garter-snake- . Dandelaus deto the Church of S. Giovanni In in the church, her body is still Incor-rup- clares that this msrine giant caused For some good qualities she tidal waves by swallowing a goodly Monte, or St John on the Hill, at Bologna. Entering the rather dimly possessed In an eminent degree she part of the jvaters of the ocean and1 made my way at lighted structure, once to the chapel, which corresponds to the left transept. Here the altar stands forward from the wall, and behind it is a sarcophagus of wood, painted in imitation of marble, standing upon a high basement. Above the sarcophagus there Is a picture hanging on the wall containing copies of the figures In Raphael's S. Cecilia," celebrated masterpiece which Is the great glory of the gallery of Bologna. It Is not a copy, but rather a memory, of that great work which is to be seen here. The five figures SL Paul and St John the Evangelist on the left of the picture, and SL Mary Magdalen and SL Augustine on the right, with Ste. Cecilia in the center, letting the organ, now silent since Bhe has heard music of the heavenly fbolr, drop irom hit uflfiuS afd all there, but the adjuncts which explain so clearly Raphaels work are wanting In this copy. The angelic choir In the glowing glory of the original Is absent from this work; so are the Instruments of earthly music the violin, the tambourines, triangle and flute. Thus the keynote to the meaning the picture the Infinite superiority of celestial to terrestrial music Is Is given the title of "Beats" or then belching them out again. He wanting. Blessed, and as this title Is written also makes mention of the fact that Nevertheless, In spite of such defects, this chspel Is one of the most upon her tomb. It is evident that the Its gigantic horny beak was often interesting spots In all Bologna. The church authorities here admit her mistaken for mountain peaks sudwooden sarcophagus beneath the pic- right to 1L denly shoved into sight by the Inter-- ' ture contains the remains of Elena In the Church of St. Giovanni nal convulsions of the earth. Bishop Thus, Duglioll, wife of Messer Benedetto In Monte Ilea the promoter of the Pontoppidan, a truthful member of dal Ogllo, notary and citizen of greatest art in Bologna: and in the the Copenhagen Royal Academy, la Bologna. She it was who, In the picture gallery Is the work which the much more conservative in his estiyear 1514, had this chapel of Ste. renowned painter made for her; and mates of its size, giving it as his opinCecilia built, and commissioned the this Is the only Raphael within the ion that they were seldom found more greatest painter of the time, Raphael wslls of this city, and It la owing to a than the half of an Italian mile In Sanglo of Urblno, to paint the pic- womans enthusiasm for the highest length and not larger In diameter ture of Ste. Cecilia, to which saint arL the cathedral at The Hague." He also says that lta body waa freshe was most devoted. There la perhaps uu city in Italy The state archleves of Bologna re- that la more conspicuous for the num- quently mistaken by Bailors for an late that this picture cost her 1,000 ber and high abilities of Its women Island, ao that people landed upon it "scudi or crowns in gold, and that than the city of Bologna. Its uni- and were engulfed in a malestrom of she donated to. the church of SL versity, in which the 1,000th anni- water wheu. the. creature sank to ocean den. Other authorities Giovanni In Monte with many sacred versary of lta foundation was celethat its beak, from the eyes utensils; for although she did not fre- brated in 1888, la notable for opening testify point, "was longer than the malfe-mas- t quent that church it was her particu- lta chairs to women professors. It of a lar devotion. The commission for the has been remarkable for the number was to In picture brought Raphael of these learned ladies. There is a Rome by the Intermediary, Cardinal tradition, rather than a Regiments Good Marksmen. proved histo the Canadian Military According Lorenzo Pucci. torical fact, prevailing thaL In the new adjutant of a volunthe Gazette, At the end of the 18th century this I4th century. Novella d'Andrea, teer was asking the colonel regiment great work of Raphael, with thirty-on- e daughter of Giovanni dAndrea, a cele- a few things about the corps and other pictures of the greatest brated canonist and lector of the merit here, was taken to Paris to Decretals who died in 1848 his monu- eventually got onto the subject ol "Is the battalion a adorn the gallery of the highly artistic ment Is to be seen In the civic mu- marksmanship. city on the Seine. When it was seum occupied her fathers chair fairly good shooting oner he asked. Oh, yes, it is quite," answered the brought back, on the fall of Napoleon, when he was absent through Illness said to ne the very Intelligent attend- or other causes. Another story re- colonel grandiloquently; "youll find ant of the church, it was placed In the lates that another early fair professor, a large percentage of good shots In Pontifical Academy, where It re Christina Pisan, who filled a chair in my regiment And some very fine shots, too very fine shots. I myself (here he dropped his voice to a lower and more oily pitch) "am the best shot. LleuL Pullthrough, who is the next best shot to myself, is a magnificent shot e, L plo-tur- e d to-th- e man-of-war.- " Weight of Children. The weight of a growing child li the most important Index to its gen eral health. A child of five years, foi instance, should weigh about as man pounds as It Is inches high. As a ruli this will be 40 pounds. When a rhiy la rather heavier In proportion to lti height it is a sign of good health. A deficiency of weight In proportion t height la always an unfavorable sign Any Interruption in the progress ol increase of weight, especially durlnj the continuance of growth, must be i danger signal that should not be neg lected. anti-Austri- Unique Marriage. The first recorded case of the ma riage of a white man to a black "gii has just occurred at Bamboo Spring In Western Australia. According the local paper, the ceremony had tl effect of completely paralyzing but ness In Bamboo Springs for that da the whole township turning out f the wedding. Nevertheless, the "luck: man, who la a grazier, hi some difficulty in even obtaining wl nesses to sign the register, two o prospectors finally consenting whi sufficient inducement was offeri them. well-to-d- al o x ao-tlo- n Raphaels Ste. Cecilia. niained until the fall of the papal power in Bologna; afterwards it was transferred to the picture gallery In which it now hangs, the chief picture nf the collection. The lady who give the commission for the picture and who paid the artist the large sum of 1,000 scudi more than ten times the same sum was. in her way, a notable promoter rf the highest srt. She to-da- y this university, was so charming to look upon that the students became quite distracted and studied her more than their books. Unlike some women lecturers of today, who put a curtain behind them to enhance the beauty of their dress and complexion, the simple Christina had a curtain drawn before her to conceal her from her hearers! On this the Irish poet. Thomas Moore, has "Shibboleth., "Shibboleth" la a word frequent used in modern politics, though it ma be doubted whether many politician know the history of it. Curiousl enough, this Hebrew word real! means "an ear of corn as well as river; but its significance for mot erns arises from the fact that It wa employed as a test to distinguish th Ephraim It cs from the Gileadites, th former being unvhlr pronounce th h" sound. |