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Show The Wladom of Hanno, AFRICAN LAKE COES DRY. Scientists Much Mitt Rose Petersoi, Secretary Parkdale Tends Chib, Chicago, from experience advises all youflf girls who have pains and sickaess peculiar to their sex, to use Lydia & Pfskham's Vegetable Compound. How beautiful yonnr rirla nujworn, listless ana hopeless de-vl- of lmt simply because sufficient won, has not been to attea-tio- u their physical paid he carefully guided physically as well as morally. Another wemaa, Miss Hawaii E. Mershon, Cid linffswood, N.J sayst I tell thought I would write yon that, by following your kind I feel like a now person. I was always thin and delicate, and so weak that 1 could hardly do anything. Menstruation was irregular. I tried a bottle of your Vegetable Compound and began to feel better away. I continued its use, and right asa now well and strong, and menstruate regularly. I eqnnot say enough for what your medicine did for me." 90000 ad-io- e, fvfrtt tf origlmU of ehosu attar gtoofov mimi Or proton fMHMMM Lydia E. Pinkbams Vegetable any woman ,K landwfllcnre who suffers from womb troubles. Inflammation of tlio oTaries, and lrMneyfiHhiM, I PAY SKT SPOT CASH FOR LAND WARRANTS Imui roldlon of uf war Writs ns it sirs OOLO. Block. fSASK H lion, larth SXXVU. Hanno. the Carthaginian, was sent commissioner by the state after the second Carthaginian war to supplicate for peace sad in the end obtained Tet one of the sharper Roman sena-jt tors said: "You have often broken with us peace whereuato you have sworn: I pray, by what gods will you swear? Hanno answered. By the asm gods that raalshed ike former perjury ap severely. Puzzled Over Happening. Lake Shlrwa, which has covered a considerable area of country to the south of Lake Nyassa, lu Africa, ever since that region has been known to white men, has now dried up completely and local opinion leads to the theory that it has vanished for good. Still, it would scarcely he advisable for settlers to sttempt the creation of w Ohio, Cm or Tolsdo, (I any garden cities or other establish- Stats Lucas Couktt. oath that he Is senior Cms.itofasks ments anywhere on the bed of tbs old TunofJ.tho K. J. Cssni A Co., solos Iro partnor of fill kuslsosa Tolodn, tho which la Ceuoiy nd Ohio at City auy lake, up again might ond tbot sold inn will pay Mr sob of ON K time. Men drive their buggies and aforesaid. HUNDRED DOLLARS for oarh aud stsry rua o root he eared hy tho use of Hall's rids their horses along the soft, sandy Catabbm that CuhBs TRUCK J.CIIKKET beds of ths Australian rivers in times Cat ah ah Swots M hofbro sm sad saboeri hod IB ay prssoBeo, of long drought, hut when the rains this Cth day f Desbr,A.D. is. A. W. GLEAB01T, come the river steamers resume their , Xrtarf Mils. ( old places on the newly flushed j Caro Is tokso tataroilly, aid ecu streams. It Is very odd that this great Hair Catarrh surface of U directly ea tho blood oad boocss froo. Shlrwa lake should vanish so com- systoB. BOBdfor tMiluionlmls, CO., Toledo, O. F. i. CHEAiEY Bold hr DrosrlAts. 7Se. pletely without any assignable reason hoot. or U HsU's rills FossUy and apprehension is felt lest something of the kind will happen to Extra Labor for School Teachsra. Nyassa or Tanganyika. A country school district advertises THE COLDEST LIQUID KNOWN. for a school marm with three children of her own. The pleasant task of the Scientists Asserts Nothing Can Equal school teacher loses some of its charm when they have to assume the work of Liquid Hydrogen. coldIs far producing the children also. the Liquid hydrogen by est liquid known at the present time. A Rare Good Thing. At ordinary atmospheric pressure, it and "Am -using ALLEN'S bolls at r422 degrees F., and reduccan saylwould net have bora without tion of the pressure by an air pump It sotruly long, had I known the relief It would 432 give my aching feet. I think it n rare good brings the temperature down to for anyone having acre or tired feet. degrees, at which the liquid becomes thing Mrs. Matilda Heltwert, Providence. R. L" a solid, resembling frozen foam. Sold by nil Druggist, 25c. Ark According to Prof. Dewar, to whom Moro Music. the credit Is due of having liquefied la atraagely unrhythMora music in a color1891, the liquid is hydrogen less, transparent body, and is the mical to European ears. It consists lightest liquid known to exist, its mainly of a monotonous reiteration of 4th that of sound, even a supposed change of air density being only water! the lightest liquid previously being almost imperceptible to an ear known was liquid marsh gas, which unaccustomed to the barbarous lack of tone. The More piano la a wooden is six times heavier. The only solid which has so small frame, shaped like the runners of a small kettle-corddensity as to float upon Its snrface is childs sled, on which laid sticks and horizontally, a piece of pith wood. Casslers Maga drums are balanced hy means of zlne. Women crouching on the floor before this instrument beat out a walling Cure for Seasickness. Homeopathists are said to have sound from It with shaped sticks, discovered a certain remedy for sea- while from larger kettledrums, hung sickness in apomorphla, a very small by ropes from a wooden falling at dose of which, taken once an hour in one aide, two men accompanied the water, will remove the qualms. piano. Everybodys Magazine. Pe-cull- 11 POOT-KAS- E, to-da- 1-- 1 s PORTER WHO REFUSED TIP. Put Pride of Race Above Claims of His Pocketbook. A porter who is In command of a parlor car running westward did something notable the other day he refused a tip. It is believed among travelers that the event was unique. Few colored porters are built that way. This was an aggravated case of Obstreperous Traveler. He came from Down East some where, and his conversation Indicated that he was connected with a trust, perhaps with two or three of them. He was seeing the West, and expressed himself volubly upon the sights as they varied with the change of scenery. It waa a hot afternoon and moat of the men gathered in the smoking room occasionally sipping something that the porter concocted, and all the time listening to the ripple of the Travelers remarks. The negro problem brought the crisis. No use for em, no use at all, broke out the talkative traveler between alps. Theres just one way to settle the negro question deport g good-lookin- the crowd, and he was compelled to miss some of the conversation, Yea, of course, the porter heard when he came back with loaded tray. Theyd freeze to death, every mothers son of em, and that would settle the thing for all time. Its the beat plan anybody haa thought out for stopping the everlasting talk about 1L Im going to present it to Congress next winter. Here, porter and be tossed a five dollar bill on the tray. The expense waa even money. The tray came back with the change. Waa It divided Into halves, quarters and dimes with the Inevitable suggestion that only part of it should be picked up? Not much it was a crisp bill. The traveler lifted it gingerly; then looked up at the porter, but that Individual back waa turned and he was half way to the door, through which he speedily disappeared. The crowd in the smoking room roared, the traveler pocketed the bill with, "Well, hes shy a half dollar this trip. Spose Id tak his money! sneered the porter later. Wahnted to freeze us to def I beared him. That kind of foks aint mah kind. 6m. And that la how the Thats what John Temple Graves a man on the long porter established a record. aaya, suggested leather cushioned seat. But hes wrong about It he dont Sleepy Connecticut Town. KUllngworth la In some respects go at It In the proper way. My plan la this: Ship all the negroes to the unique among Connecticut towns. On north pole or as near to it as ships three aidea railroad run within ten can get, set em ashore with food to miles of It. The rural free delivery last a few weeks, and then go off and touches only one corner of It, and the leave em. auburbanlzlng trolley shows no sign of approach. With one exception it He alpped and the la the only town in Connecticut that In listened door the porter standing with Indignation pictured In every haa neither telegraph nor telephone feature. But the traveler was gener- connection. The only public means ous and- ordorod old high balls. Car of approach, la hv ztace puce a.day. good-lookin- two-doll- ar g . 99 good-lookin- good-lookin- g g - HE WAS EASILY SATISFIED. WHAT SICI E1B1TETS CAUSE. Kumar UonruiixTt. Dia- Disease, Inflam- betes, Brights mation of the Kidneys, Dropsy (swelling of the limtoe or hotly), Incensant pains la the hack or Man Bijlbbzx TaociLia of the bladder, inflamed passant, pals in pasting Wn. II. XKiGunoiis, the urine, (acoatlnence of urine, tee jeweler of West Main much or too little uriae. Street, TFytkevIlle, Vs., aaya : Unto Acid Thouhlxs. Some four years ago an attack Gravel, Gout, of grip settled is my bock, and Rheumatism, all 8toaea, Lumbago. I have suffered off aid on ever Nnvt 'lSuyunf.se. OolNeural- since with n dull, heavy aching Is pee, across the small of gia, Sciatica, Nervous my beck, Btoeplessstss, Melancholia. alwavs more severe in the Many other disorders are It was difficult for caused directly or Indirectly morning. me to sump or straighten, and by faulty kidney action, and if I ant down for nny length of caa be reached and cured hy time it wsa hard for me to Doans Kidney Pills. This arise. I took two boxes of remedy has cured every com- - Donas Kidney nils, and the above, aud over dull, disagreeable aching left eiint recorded iU testimonials well-know- n prove urprisisg merit M ceata per box, of all dealers, or Bulled on receipt of Esc, by addressing Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs Gkorqz Wallace, Jr., of Elmira, N. Y., wife of George Wallace, broker, of WeefWatrr Street, and living FIRST KIDNEY PILL MADE. THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERY. THE ONLY GENUINE. at 887 Baldwin Street, aaya: In March, 1x87, I was cured of kidney and bladder trouble by Doans Kidney Pilla My physician said at that time that my life could be aaved only by an operation. Night after night I bail been kept awake for hours at a time with terrible pain in my back, and the secretions from the kidneys were in s bad a state aa possible. I suffered with hemorrhages frequently and waa la a weak stale. Four boxes of Doan' Kidney Pills cured me, and I now gladly retadone the remedy, because during the time which haa since elapsed, II. B. McCanvxR of 201 Cherry Street, Portland, Oregon, inspector of freight care for the Transcontinental Company, savi: "Fused Doans Kidney Pills for backache and other symptoms of kidney trouble which had annoyed me for months. I think a cold was responsible for tho whole trouble. It seemed to settle in my kidneys Doana Kidney Pula rooted it out It is several months since I used them, and up to date there haa been no nearly seven years, I have never recurrence of the trouble. hail the slightest sign of a return of the trouble. DOANS KIDNEY PILLS. THE PRIVILEGES OF WOMEN, Fair Sex Satisfied with Her Position. Mr. Stead aaya that there are only three privileges of my box namely, that In going in or out of a room the woman goes first; that she la served before man at a meal (a statement which Is quite wrong, by the way, only one woman at table having that distinction, the one on the host's right; the other guests, whether male or female, In every household above mere middle class being served In regular rotation), and that In a train n man gives up hla seat to her. I could give Mr. Stead many more. Our bills are paid for ua when our male belongings have any money to pay them with; we are made love to, which may be despicable but la distinctly enjoyable; we are admired, which la no doubt foolish but none the leas gratifying to ua. In aplte of the preponderance of our sex the mar jority of ub are so pleased with ourselves that we have no desire to visit the republic In the neighborhood of the Mountains of the Moon; and conYea. sidering that we can do anything wo Hla eyea began to bulge. There was like In this year of grace and that we a pause. rule all your sex as it la, dear Mr. What else do you want? Stead, wby call us despised and rail Oh, give me fifty dollars for the at the world for not making ua suold woman to buy things for herself preme, when It had never occurred to and the children. ua that we were anything elae?--He started to walk away. Countess In Reply to Mr. Stead. "What else?" Is there more yet?" Natural Ordsr Reversed. Yes. William Magelssen, the American Well, give me a plug o' tobacco vice consul at Beirut, la an Intimate an set me down where the fish will friend of Najib Hashlm, who la the bite all day an you can have the manager of a theater In New York. rest" I spent a week with Magelaaen, Mr. Hashlm said the other day, "In Diminishing Rubber Supply. the summer of 1902. The man United States Consul Kenneday of knew then that his life wasyoung In danger, Para, Brazil, reports great falling off bue he was fearlesa and gay. It waa In rubber exports. He sayB: The a pleasure to be with him. one feature of the situation which is One day in Beirut he Introduced really worrying the rubber men is the one of his servants to me. rapid destruction of the rubber forests 'This boy. he said, had never In the very region where the best rubber Is found. The number of men aeen a paved street till he came to who have gone into the rubber belts tbla city a year ago. The day he this year passes all records and all ex- reached here, a dog, as he was walkran at him to pectations, and they are still going In ing about He down him. reached bite and tried men numbers. heard These hare great of the high prices rubber Is now com- to pick up a cobblestone from the manding. They are eager for gain, paved street, but the atone, of course, and many of them, aa well as the stuck fast. To escape the dog, he had owners of estates, are anxious to re- to take to his heels. trieve the losses of last season. It '"Afterwards, in telling, me the la therefore to be expected that the story, the boy said he thought Beirut destruction of the rubber forests this a strange town, Bince in It the dogs year will be beyond all precedent-enorm- ous were let loose while the stones were and irreparable. fastened down.' Possession of Riches Meant Little to Florida Man. The Florida Times Union says that there la much philosophic contentment In that state, and tells a story to substantiate the statement. When the phosphate boom was young a speculator paid one of these contented Florida folk sixteen thousand dollars for a tract of land the native had tried to sell for five hundred. The sum conveyed only a vague impression to the mind of the fortunate man. What be wanted waa the cash In hand. Dont do that Leave It in the bank and tell me what you want. He wanted a farm of sixty acres with a house on It the whole to cost a few hundred. What else? Can I have a horse and saddle and bridle? Certainly." And a rifle? "Yes. And some provisions ?" One Member of the , A TG I f tlJVrxirG rme OAPSICUH VASELINE (TUT Tr IS OOLLAPSTBLS TUSBO) A tnbotituta for oad superior to mustard or any other piaster, and will not Minor tho Boot and curativa dslicsto skin. The snalitiaa of this article ara wonderful. It will top tho toothache at onro, and relieve headache and aciatica. Warecoinmenditaatbaboal known, also and solsat external counter-irritaM as external ratnedr for paina in tha cheat oad atomach and all rheumatic, nauralxie and fouty coaplaints. A trial will prove what wa claim for it. and it will bo found to ba invaluable in the household. Many people say it is tha best ef all your preparation." Price IB cento, at all drnviisti or other daelera, or by aadiac this amount to us in postaco stamps ws will send yoa a tubs by mail. No article should ba accepted by the public anleta tho stoat curios our label, as otherwise it la not f anoisa. CHBSEBROUdN MFC. CO., 17 Sum Street, Nxw Yeas Citt. e IWhaMIlBiminaNBIitlkBiBMt wBaiiBMwala:o.-aWB- e ' DRUNKENNESS CURED. al bIU, Mamkr, OBtnpkr. IWha, Da Useful. Sellable. Attractive. Lasting. The Haw Edition Has Z5.00 Yaw Words Hew Oasotteer of tbs World Raw Biographical Dictionary BB FOfso. Why Not Blva KibIij Institute, S2kl MD . box re. RELIABLE ASSAYSL Mole.. mi. .......... .S .ft I eM osO BUyev ....SLM tone n eoM. suvr, Oap- r- US Proapt retsras so Bail oaaptoo. Ojitn Assay HBIBbUsHioo XkhBMBoa Sent Dm This Useful Prossatf FREE A Toot In Pronunciation." fasomto Ml soMiUhwo far Oa wkMe hoSa SMON & NICHOLS, CHEMISTS esND pen rmca Liar. . Weal Tamplo CL SALT LAKE CITY . WEBSTERS INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Cm. a. lUwOnfsO SBMelrSal a c. mxxbiah frea co., Psbiuhsn, U. BprlngBald, Maas., 8. A. sight-seein- CURED PERMANENTLY at home, without Xalfa er Oaaw tics, andsr tha personal direction ef I. H. Haaniue, M. D.,Caaoor Specialist no years). Writs today tor fie oad faU partleaUn. Hardins'a Coil Cancor Curs Co. OQDEN, UTAH. PflTEHT Sea A for oar Had es to, ooBtolBlas Annl-rei-omr- Book on Fat- BOarly 1M IllastraUnas of Boekoa-lelav polaU tor loros-Bios- d botoboiio. aid rslaakl aa loiarosMa Hot of Boaufaeiaiorsi also wrlio Dao'l wolt, teToaUons FREE. A FENWICK LAWRENCE, MASON, al TO-DA- Y. When Answering Advertisement! Kindly Mention This Paper. Patent Lawyers. Washington, D. C. If sMleted with ora ayaa use fTtaptin't Efi Witsr , |