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Show eunx a cold xv one day. Vhl LiuIIti Bronco Quinine Tablets, AB iragglsU refund tli money if it to mm. K. W. Onn'i eignaturs Hh to M each ka. lie. RARE HONOR FOR o sever At, persons and rAirm rood fcrtir late (cm la this icpuiatloa it minty required. it aad advertlM eld er.tab-- . wealthy bueineea houee of eolld standing. Salary S21.00 week to wltb aapenaei additional, all payable to each each Wednesday direct from Bead offices. Horae and carriage when necessary. References, tur-tohe- d envelope. Polo-tooCm, U4 Dearborn st., Chicago. l neloee self-address-ed BOY. Youthful Life Safer Given a Mednl of Honor. A rare honor for one of his age has been conferred on Stanley M. Cox, the non of Arthur M. Cox of Brooklyn, by the Humane Society of Massachusetts, in awarding him a bronxe medal for bravery la saving life. The medals of the society are only given where unusual personal risk Is assumed in effecting a rescue, and they are only conferred after a thorough Investigation. The singular courage and coolness I ua THFUL! and Dys THE SCENIC LINE TO wtUia mask ft all at ska Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadrille, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, ALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS Sanitarium and sometimes extinguishes the Are of ambition." Though great despite his Complaint Field suffered from indlgte-tloall hie life. weak, tired ctomsch cant digest your food. It needs rest. You can only nil it by the use of n preparation like Kodol, which re lleveeitof work by digesting your foo l Rest soon restores ll to its normal uus k ISP In i.vlgoratIn; Mercur Drug Company. Mary E. Brown, Stockton. 'SEEZP J i.'f fir. Through Ecrvico tm i THE EAST VIA Missouri Pacific RAILWAY Stanley IW. Cox. displayed by young Cox in Biving the life of Frank Deveau, a boy of eight, at East Gloucester, Mass., on Aug. 12 lost, fulfilled the conaltions upon which the society gives Its decora, tions. Cox was coming down Bass River in his sailboat, when he heard a cry close hy and saw that Deveau bad fallen Into the water. The lad was sinking for the third time, and Cox, without a moments hesitation. Jumped Into the water to assist him.! The river Is very deep at this point, where It empties into the ocean, and the current swift and treacherous. Cox grabbed the boy, and, seeing that it would be practically impossible to reach the shore with his burden against the current, devoted his strength mainly to keeping afloat station The watch at the at the mouth of the river had wit nessed the attempted rescue and came Both boys be-to Coxs assistance. came unconscious when they were taken from the water. Cox soon recovered, but the Deveau lad was be lleved to be dead and was not re Tired for an hour. life-savin- g THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE ! UISSODRI sSwifa OBSERVATION DINING CARS. 1 Birds Apartment House. 1 1, ex we PLBKDIDLT RQUITPED FAST TRAINS DAILT BETWEEN OGDEN Mrw. RaU a bHIIm pik of. valor Hwfcfrfcio rtm Tk Via Tbraa Mapaiata hNakhaJMia rS! Floss Kansas City, Ssiat Loals and Hemhis to points in the South, Soath ssst and Southwest The Southeastern Limited Leaving Kansas City at i:30 P. M. daily, will take you to Springfield, Mem phie, Birmingham, Atlanta, Jacksonville find ell points in the Southeast. TEAS. UFapi SUFFICIENTLY SERVES A VAST TERRIITORY By through servloe to and from ths following eitles: Chicago, HL Omaha, Noth at. Paul, Minn. St Louis, Mo. Minneapolis, Minn Peoria, HI. City, Me. Xvansvlllo, Ind. Nash villa, Tens. Memphis, Tenn. Cincinnati, Ohio. Atlanta, Oa. Jacksonville FIs ffioulsvllle, Xy. New Orleans, La. Vicksburg, Miss Weekly through servlet bstwocn Chi sage and between Cincinnati And the Pacific Co oat and Montana Territory. Connsstlone at these tarmlnale for Swindle the Gullible Tourist. firm manufactures sacred scarabei for the Egyptian tour 1st trade. The little charms are carved and even chipped by machinery, colored in bulk to simulate age and shipped In casks to the Moslem dealers at Cairo. The Arabian guides are the chief buyers, many of them being adepts at salting the sands at the base of the Pyramids or about the sacred temples, where they artfully discover these scarabei before the the very eyes of tbe Yankee tourist BAST, SOUTH, WEST AND HOSTS. and sell him for an American dollar at a cost of Fast and Handsomely Equipped an article a manufactured less tban cent in his native land. Steam Hsatsd Trains Dining Cars y Cars Sleeping Care-Fr-ee Reclining Chair Cara His Measure. ths tickets via ticket for Ask agents ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, or apply to A Connecticut Buffet-Librar- J. A. FOLEY, St. Bolt Lake City. 60 YEARS ) EXPERIENCE Track Marks Desisns Cow mourn Ae. Anvons Mending a skstrti and gaseriptlsa mf CVlcklv aarsrialn our opinion frvwiakv aa iiivaiitVm naiantabla. Covgantaa. i. probably HANDBOOK ea Patent tree. Oldest tptfial turtles, without oasnrs, la Us tlon. strictly eimOduntuL r- -t Si What kind of a man is he? Well, I dont wish to knock, but hes a fellow who never carries an umbrella that youd consider worth stealing. , A handsomely lllnidTutnd wpskljr. Tjuvoat trip dilation f .nr .iiriituie lonrn.L TwiAN B vow; four months, SL Hold by on jsvsasalsra MUilN & square. - WasblPeWn. Jot Aa D. E. BURLEY, TNi DVBCT CONNECTION WITH THS C.r.T.A. UNION PACIFIC D. S. SPENCER, AC.r.ffiT.A THE OVERLAND ROUTE WHICH THS fOHLAR POUTS TO ALL POINia KABT m COMANINO 6- - CO VI PORT SAFETY jjj t TccUy i Bhntratcd. 201 MAIN ttnion Unexcelled ST. LAKE CITY, VTML PACIFIC 1 rogressivb (THE OVERLAND ROUTE) ATCHISON, TOPEKA and SANTA FE RAILWAY . 3 PER YEAR, FOSTPAID. BOMB IDS MINING oaa Kiixr niru cow, Sdentmc PRESS Tm ui FUARouoa oax- - HAVE YOU HEARD OP THE LIONS MOUTH? lbs Old Venetian Idea is Adapted by Progressive AmirUM Hewapa. put to Mast Mon Rsqulro. vers! Comer's Weekly Is eanintotog aCot ltd eompsttoa Anil and interesting To enter readers each month. to review rffij ttu( last all ene has to da is current month Igmiea of Collier's for the three qttss-tls- as and answer the two or In end! tor which are printed tie. airing such opinion and swk rag amttons ns will aid in Improving tM paper. Collier's alms ofin this cueway of every tosaeure the seelstanca Its readers in making ths paperto mere Is their liking. Every reader, hasUfU ble become, one of the editors and voles in building ths greatest illustrated Journal of the age. The flret prise etch month, awarded 50 In for the moat helpful uggeellon. Is to cash, cash, with a eecond prise of W of and eighteen other prizes of setsdowr. Pooka, ranging in value from U to l7 making in all St2t of valne togiven adit. prices each month. There are, dition. cumulative cash prises, for those months, whs win prises in successive the and a big cash prise of 11000 for most valuable suggestions during INS. of intending fbr the convenience who can not be promptly supof plied by newsdealers, all tbs copleawlli OslUei'a for the current monthhend-ssm- s be sand postpaid, together with a Cherlet proof of a drawing ofby 40 cents lr PfT. Gibson, upontoreceipt The Uone Mouth tamps addressed driller's Weekly, 411 West Xlth strec New York. to In connection with the R. G. W. Ry. the SHORT LINE from Utah to Kan bos City, St. Joseph, Chicago. Galveston. El Faso and the mining camps of New Mexico and Arisona. Special at tentlon paid to wool and shipments. For particulars about the REDUCED PASSENGER RATES EAST this summer, apply to C. F. WARREN, live-sto- ck General Agent, 411 Dooly Block. sr Uijioij Pacific aod 6bicago, VilwaaKee & 5t. Paul Ry. THROUGH LINE The Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Sleepen, Tourist Railways are now running first-clas- s Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars throngh to Chicago. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and further information, apply to con-agtaa- Impossible to Square Circle. No circle can be Rqmred because 3.14159, which Is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter, la not a Scientific American. -- 1 RAILROAD I ennenim INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. The weaving grosbeaks of Africa build their nests on the apartment house plan. Out of bushmana grass tpey weave a wide umbrella shaped structure, impervious to rain. Around the eaves of this they make their nests, which touch one another, but have separate entrances. Oregon Short Line Q. W. MARTIN BNSRAL WESTERN AGENT yOSTT-TEnt- P Illinois Central Railway. SALT LAKE CITY YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THE IN FIGURING apply to MINING'S H. C.l A. BENTON, G. Ai P. D, REMEMBER, Fsr Cough Colds Nr Isrtls.Tttit, Fdton, ste, Mrsss t L Them that via the OnonintiteOouohGaro COACHKS. DENVER Urates. v. J".P I For ratoo, folders, f ns Illustrated booklets, elo., inialro of your aoareat tieketogont. apooltjlng tho Rio Oreads routs, or address Theres no Better Service 1100. ITth 8t. nVENVCP. OOLO. rass), AND Mo.Ua Free reclining chair cars. Personally Conducted Excursions. Dining Can, service a la Carte on all through trains. 2P?JGL7t For detailed Information and Ulatlaat Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Oars to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, 8t. Louis and Chicago without change. 26c iMaa hsallh sad plsrasrs k m ,Jtag Ikaaa bUe vhaa la Salt Electric lichtb, electric Fans. chair cars .Reclininq (sxavs and all points east Connecting si Ogden Union Depot wiih all Southern Paeltle and Orsjsn Short Lina Tralss. The aniy Tramcontlnental Lina pasting directly through Salt Lake City. V.3JSm M A Co..'iiia Prepared only by K.C.PeWirT Tbs SI. bolus couutiss i$ buMStkeSJc. r Sak Lake Gky n S- Salt Lake CHy basks fomsasfr ABLE! wrote Eugene Field, OS V Mec&ftftda Scdt IdUfE Ottyi at law. m tea ' bsalsd auk 1 "often Incapacitates a man for endeavor W. 2nd So. ATToauava IMaSMMi pepala. 75 LAMP ATTOBNBV. Lung Troubles. ilfltMta. Trial Aottlssfros. I AmbHIon AND J C. W. PARKS. For All Throat and A Perfect Cure i FieBcSs "Dyspepsia," 1 Dr. Kings New Discovery Eugene Vlevi m s A ax a. A a. a 111 TTrl 8 FTTTvTFl m Nothing has ever equalled k. Nothing can ever surpass It F. A. MILLER, General Passenger Agent Chicago CLAUDE S. Commercial Agent 106 V. Second South To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. WILLIAMS, SU Salt Lake Cures Grip in Two Days. on every box. 23c. ll |