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Show .:S t , 1 V M The Weekly mi. THE TOOELE COUNTY REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. A h A 1 STOCKTON, UTAH, SATU1UJAY, DECEMBER 5, 1903. VOL. IV. FOR Dr. L OURDDON I Cough Remedy to loosen AND Mercur. DR. F. M. DAVIS, AND PHYDIOIAN DUHDRON - - CinrWnn OIUCKIWII, i J. I I I OPPIOB ISIS Z. MB. IBS X. PROMS be-go- od Mer-laln- 's declare poeltlon and lleve It, and to allay the Irritation and hope there ia sufficient of the moral of the throat and lungs. ment in the present City Counril to cor Irect both evils before they go out of For sale by. office. And, if not, we trust the Mayor M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. and loves has backbone enough morality sufficiently to Issue a mandate similar to the one issued by the MERCUR NEWS NOTES. As to the fuMayor of Eureka. ture, we feel confident the Incomof the From the Miner. ing Council will rectify several evils that now find sucroi In our midst. .... Main Street. ; I tlnue to the end of the chapter to flxht glovea; also mlsaes', children's and I If you have a bad cold you need a- I thla evil) we now, for the,flrt time, reliable medldne like Chamber- gin our fight on the gaiablera of our and re- - I G. Thayer, PHYDIOIAN BAD COLD. NO. 21. cur. I We MINING NOTES. DEATH BED REPENTANCE." ba- bies' sizes. be exchanged for a new set. Call and see if there is not something you would like to reed. o o-The public achoola held Thanksgiving exercises. Songs and recitations were Isnt It greet to think that we can the principal part of the programme, choose the pattern for a new suit from and were all very creditable. Each over 500 alfferent patterns? Strauss room received visitors, even to the little Bros, of Chicago show that many In tots of Miss Gllddlngss room, their new line now on display at the store of A. Swenson Co. All garments The perfect fitting, satisfactory wear- are made by skilled Journeymen tailors. ing qualities of the dothee by Strauss Bros, of Chicago, as well as the low prices they charge Is what mokes them so popular. Call and look at the line displayed by A. Swenson Co. made-to-ord- H.-Alle- n, James Edwards, brother of former Superintendent George Z. Edwards, has left Mercur with his family to take up their home In Wilkes Barre, Pa. Mr. Edwards has been in Mercur for alx years, and the family have many friends here, all of whom. Including the Miner, wish them well In their new o Lyman Balter has beeh Installed aa An edition of the free traveling 11 Eureka, Nov. 85. For the first time innight foreman at the Goljlen Gate mill, br&ry of ths Utah Federation of Wo great many years there ia no men's clubs is at the Mercur drug home. gambling in Eureka. Notices stating 'A shipment of mercury went to the store. The books are for free circulathat the ordinance governing and pro- Salt Lake Hardware company this tion, and after they have been used hibiting gambling would he strictly en- week. A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERT. for a certain length of time they will forced were passed around among the Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does for the saloons at an early hour thla morning, Prospecting Is steadily going on at the stomach that which it Is unable to do are very and as a result none of the games were Sacramento, and the CURED OF PILES AFTER 40 TEARS for Itself, even when but slightly disretail opened up. The notices were signed by encouraging. . Kodol DysMr, C. Haney of Geneva, O., had the ordered or Mayor Hal F. Gear, whose term of for 40 years.. Doctors and dollars pepsia Cure supplies the natural Juices Mr. James Edwards hah resigned his piles office, along with the other city officers, could do him no lasting good. of digestion and does the work of the expires on the first Monday In January. position as foreman of the tram line and Witch Hazel Salve cured him stomach, relaxing the nervous tension, i The order was not altogether unex- - will leave Mercur. Invaluable for cuts, while the Inflamed muscles of that orclaim Mr. George Edwards, ton of James permanently. pected; In fact, the saloon men somebruises, burns, lacerations, ec- gan are allowed to rest and heal. Kosprains, Mercur with the for not leave did been have that they looking Edwards, and all other dol Dyspepsia Cura digests what you rheum zema, salt tetter, election ever here elnce kind remains this of but Indefinitely. thing family, diseases. Look for the name De eat and enables ths stomach and dlves-tlv- e skin dewere Democrats when the day, organs to transform all food Into The Green Reduction company Is In Witt on the package all' others are feated. Mayor Gears order also prored blood. worthless counterfeits. 12 rich, cheap, of from at be closed number (employees vides that the saloons creasing the n mill and ramp Is, Mercur Meat and Gro. Co. and M. E, Mercur Meat and Gro. Co. and M. E. o'clock Sunday morning until the same the Brown, Stockton. Brown, Stockton. hour at night. Wide-ope- n gambling has In consequence, enlivened jby it. and always been tolerated in Eureka the saloons have been allowed to keep Reports from the Dip ne to the effect open on Sundays, although the various that the Daisy will be ready to start up day. very soon. We expect dgily to hear of games were closed on the Sabbathinter-I a Urge force of men golijg to work on The Tribune representative has viewed several of the city officers the mill and In the mlne.j A? with reference to the Mayors order, HATS the matter with ERATO'S STORE and the majority of them claim that It creates a better feeljng among all they were not In favor of the closing classes of citizens to red the stock of all the time? it is filled to of the games or the saloons on Sunday. the Con. Mercur steadily! advancing in The people of the camp generally are price. We hope to see It pp to its origiWhy, rfhe reason is plain, he keeps the best of the opinion that the Mayor's reform nal statue at par or a oVe toon. movement Is like the death-be- d repentselected stock of GROCERIES in Mercur and his ance too late in the game. As near as The ' Sacramento Mining company can be learned at this time the gamblere made another shipment of gold cyanide treatment is the same to all and is appreciated by ifjr and saloon men purpose to obey the last week. Aa regular as the month mils action the little Is what modest not this known proposiround order. It and (gold His business is all new city officers will take in the matter. tion pays a nice dividend to' its shareconsiderable the reguThe city has been receiving holders, all brought about by promises to do so ad lib. revenue from this source, and the ea-- 1 lar shipments of gold ryahlde. been loons of the camp have always MERCUR LOCAL BRIEFS. operated in an orderly manner. The order tasued by Mayor Gear reads as C. A. Anderson has gpston a follows: Denver, Colo. "NOTICE. "To whom It may concern Please Mrs.. Stelnman was IrtSalt Lake take notice that the ordinance govern- the firstBen of the the within and gambling prohibiting ing -- ' " u'ne nsmrem "LiVTaiTa "A'Nifa- r " date, be strictly enforced, and any per- house was a pronounced success, as son In any way violating any of the pro- usual. visions of the said ordinance against gambling will be prosecuted to the full Mrs. Erath was a visitor to the meextent of the law. Notice la also given last week, as was also Mrs. A. Is superior to the Royal and lias no that all saloons shall hereafter be closed tropolis on Sunday, beginning Sunday morning Swenson. o- at 12 oclock and ending Sunday night The Salt Lake A Mercur railway ia equal In this countii. at 12 o'clock. business rush of considerable a "Dated at Eureka, Utah, November having this month. H. F. GEAR, Mayor." 24, 1903. I Boura t to 4 p m. Sunday by appointment. Office Office, 309-31- I Deseret News Bldg. 1 d. De-Wit- t's I DSLT LASS OITV. 4 er over-loade- Dr. Samuel as east first north. UTAH. i J Geyser-Mario- B. TAIT" I ..DENTIST... All operations la Dentistry I MoaMft-all- y Performed. Dismally Dsn Dm Stract Fims m 1 :: FRED. WITTICH, THS LDADlNffi IN TOMDORIALIDT Ths sad Beards Trimmed in ths Half vary styles. latest, mm. Fariora next door to Usio. Kor. Oo. 'A' I "FRED mm - 11.-03-TLHV TONDORIAL ARTIST. Shop opposite the Craft Hooafc. Shop open only Iron Bin. 4 to I p.m. dally TONDORIAL ARTIST. Stockton. Main Street : : W. H. PECKHAM, ...FRANK ERATH'S BREAD... o-Willlam Peterson and Roy Beck of The caption over our article will be the State Guard were both compelled to found as part of a display heading to Scofield. go In article above over the which stands the Salt Lake Tribune. Superintendent Koehler of the Sacranot The Miner does pray for a "death- mento mine spent Thanksgiving holl-- 1 bed repentance of his honor. Mayor In Salt Lake City. day Luft, not even in the sense suggested above, but we do pray that hla honor Conklin was a visitor to Mr. will follow the example of the Mayor MercurJohn this week, being one of the of Eureka and issue the retiring order to the wedding. guests to a class of people who are no good whatever to the commonwealth of Merare using "San-ltacur. In thla we echo the sentiment! of A great many people Tou can wall of instead paper. of strict honest advocate every see samples at Stelnman's. in Mercur. female male and morality o and doubly so of the many wives and T. R. Lundberg of the Salt Lake & mothers and sisters of the hard-workirailway spent Thanksgiving! miners of the camp who are monthly Mercur distressed by those vampires in human day with his familyo- in Salt Lake, form. If his honor would only go far Stelnman places on sale thla week fifty enough to try and adopt some method sweaters at $1 each. No more to put a stop to the monthly Influx of are sold at that price. Hurry these tin-hoafter rs who gamblers float Into camp just before pay day, and up and pick your sixe. after the hard-earne- d money of a Mr. Guy Bolognesa la selling hla stock goodly number of the 500. workmen here at fair prices. The gentleman gets Into their Jeans, decamp, and of Hquors leave us all the poorer for their advent, Urgely overstocked. For family llquora call on Guy at the Eagle bar. the community would be better off. It is not only the simple fool who Stelnman haa Just received a beautiful hands these tramp leeches their cash Jullete In ladles, for nothing, but the entire community line of Buffers from it. The men are unable to misses and children's sixes, which will pay their debts often because their be placed on sale at popular prlcee. money is lost over the gaming table. The Mercur Coal company la doing a Some years ago an epidemic of smallmorel pox broke out in Mercur and the fault fine business. Theycanare getting very well fill. was traced directly to prostitutes and orders than they order early to have gamblers. The mandate went forth to Customers must close all gambling-house- s, which was their orders filled. o done, and they were kept closed for For sick headache try Chamberlain's some time. During this period the business men say they collected their bills Stomach and Liver Tablets; they will more promptly and lost less than at any ward off the attack If taken In time. For sale by other time in the history of the camp. M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. We have made a fight on children beo ing admitted to the saloons (of course, Between now and the holidays, for up to date, we have been unsuccessful in this fight, much to the discredit of the Christmas trade, Mr. Guy Bologour public officials, but we shall con- - nese will sell at a very reduced figure s" NOa 0Iib m -- X X X X X m R. H. GUNDRY, : m m m m increasing daily m in, : overflowing X MSROUR. Bast of Work Obtains!) Is. w w rnsvili OPLONHla -- all-wo- ol blood-sucke- aA DOLE HOROCa livery riob OR rn fiSfHes a Complete U4l?tK CBOCEBIES AMD HEATS fur-topp- ed The Mercur Abstract Co. : ; I OP ABBTBACTERS Pim TITLIB. INSURANOI AND LOAND sal Batata sad Ooavsysselag. Gm-pls- ts Abstracts of all Property. both and Beal Batata, la Tsoals UTAH. OITY. LTOOKLI J. I BBUNBAV, Mgr. fllH M 1 1 NOTARY PURLIO. All Classes of Legal Business Attended to. BTOOXTOl. BHEKDAI ATE. ! HI !! L H. GRAY, (MB MID MININ z ATTORNEY. Salt Lake City. (10 per cent) all his stock of wines and a specialty. liquors. Family trade o THE BEST REMEDY FOR CROUP. Have you seen the new stock of clothFrom the Atchison (Kan.) Dally Globe. at Stelnmans? If not see them be-- 1 This is tbe season when the woman ing your winter eults. who knows the beet remedies for croup fore ordering Just received a new line of ladles' golf Is In demand In every neighborhood. One of the most terrible things In the world is to be awakened In the middle A GOOD NAME. of the night by a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are alFrom personal experience I testify most as sure to be loat. In case of croup, that DeWltte Little Early Risers are as a revolver Is sure to be lost. In case unequalled as a liver pill. They are of burglars. There used to be rightly named because they give an remedy for croup, strength and energy and do their work known as hive syrup and tolu, but with ease. W. T. Easton, Boerne, Tex. some modern mothers say that ChamThousands of people are using these berlains Cough Remedy is better, and tiny little pills In preference to all othdoes not cost so much. It causes the ers, because they are eo pleasant and patient to throw up the phlegm" effectual. They cure biliousness, torpid quicker, and gives relief in a shorter liver, Jaundice, sick headache, contime. Give this remedy ae soon as the stipation, etc. They do not purge and croupy cough appears and it will pre- weaken, but cleanse and strengthen. vent the attack. It never fafla and la Sold by pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Mercur Meat and Gro. Co. and M. E. M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. Brown, Stockton. tga g2t and ' Largest Meat MpSOn Jooele County. I RICHARD GUNDRY, ! RSfl Street, Stocktoni t I .Fffesh Meats; BEEF, IIH, PORK, VEAL! a-'f- Li l V51 |