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Show never he conducted by a man of God. ( per, the same being 1400 let northerly ! Jennie K. N. 48 deg. 59 min. E. 8240.9 of Carnegie; thence S. 82 deg. 20 min. aud 100 feet southerly from Discovery feet and Angler N. 50 deg. 39 min. E. E. 130.7 feet to Corner No. 4 of CarIn the other It mean Monument therein, with surface ground 7325.6 feet distant. negie; thence N. 7 deg. 40 mini. EL not the moral welfare of a people; 6u0 feel In width situate In Little Cotof Idacourse and length of 196 feet to intersect line The presumed Politics ton wood Mlniug District, Salt take each vein ' or lode line la as shown may; thence S. 82 deg. 20 min. EL to wreck but to elevate. calls out the baseness In man; relig- enmity. State of Utah, and described upon the plat of Survey. Said con- 526.8 feet to Corner No. 4 of Idamay; on the official plat and by the liield solidated clalma form a portion of the thence N. 7 deg. 40 min. E. 1500 feet ion calla out the best. How then can notes on file In the office of the regis- unsurveyed part of Tp. I B, R. I E. to beginning, survey of exterior bounhla of Mr. Smoot, having the Interests ter of the United Slates Land Office, 8. L. B. and M.. Utah, said Jennie K. daries of the consolidated claims, church at heart, descend to the level at Salt take City, Salt Lake county, and Angler locations mining claims containing a net area of 92.343 acres, of the most prosaic condition of hu- Utah, with magnetic variation or 17 being of record I ntbe office of the hereby claimed and applied for. 45 min. east, as follows, The areas in conflict with Magnet County Recorder of Salt Lake County man affairs. Slid yet ho;ie to guide his at Cor. No. 1 of said Col- at Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Survey No. 3787, Jack Mine Survey Beginning to be can aapire umbus No. 6 tade, whence the 4 aee. pimple's morals; how Wedge and Wedge No. 1 lode. loca- No. 3788, May Flower No. 3786, Brighanything in a recular sense but the er. on the S. boundary of Sec. 32, T. tions, being of record in the office of ton Lot No. 147, Catherine Lot No. 148, R. 3 W., S. L. B. and M bears the County Recorder of Utah County, Glaser Survey No. 3785, Sun Beam Perkin. absorption to his own purposes of the 3 S., and practically Irreparable blunder. K. 40 deg. 13 min. EL 1643.4 ft.; Sheriff C. P. Kmery. Utah, at Provo City, Utah. The near- Survey No. 3789 and Snow Drift Surhis of people? welfare moral the Mr. Smoot possesses ordinary Asaw-sivC. M. Drawn. Tbence S. 65 deg. 13 min. W. 600 ft., est known locations being the afore- vey No. 3784 are expressly excepted Is atate and church of The union to for. No. 2; and excluded. acutueu that Is a part of the stock la Auditor P. Hcginbotham. said conflicting claims. the segrega- Thence S. 1 deg. 1 min. EL 1500 1 The quarter section corner on South direct that this notice be pubAttorney Willard Hannon. trade of a politician and a man of ever a menace to both; a where leaders ft. to Cor. No. 3; line of Section 35, Tp. 2 8., In lished both at boundary the Alta them f Surveyor J.B. 8wenon. tion and Independent does he N. 65 deg. 13 min. EL 600 ft.. Alta, Utah, the newapaper published R. J EL bears as follows from Corner Commissioners J. C. Mackey, J. E affairs. Granting that Thence as politicians probably we do not attempt to gainsay It must are Involved Pi Cor. So. 4; Clinton and J. II. Cock riff. nearest tbe said mining claims, for No. 1 of each claim: Idamay N. 40 : Thence N. 1 demonstrate to Mr. Smoot the futility means exaltation. deg. 1 min. W. 1300 ft., the period of nine weeks. deg. 23 min. E. 1120.4 feet, R. A. B. reN. 42 deg. 06 min. EL 2808.4 feet, CarEL D. R. THOMPSON, As an eccleslsst Mr. Smoot will pi Cor. No. 1, tbe place of beginning. of the position he wui,!d then assume. THE THAW CASE, UGHI Said Columbus No. 6 lode contains a tbe his and of people negie N. 52 deg. 31 min. EL 1605.8 feet, rethe ceive Register. supisirt race after having Making that area ot 18.909 acres, but appliMartha N. 50 deg. 37 rain. E. 3573.8 R. E. Ross, Claimant's Attorney. as a pual all of tata-moupollti people; good opinion The jury In the Tbaw cane have signed aa an apostle, would be area feet "99" N. 47 deg. 08 min. E. 4947.4 therefrom excludes in the 1907. First cant March 27, publication feet and Joe N. 50 deg. 05 min. EL to a declaration of war against clan, Mr. Sniunt receives the anathe- eon diet with Lot No. 163, Garfield It la very unfurlunale. It would tast May 22, 1907. publication la of fair play, and 5581.7 feet distant. Mine Lode, such conflicting area being have been a very good thing for the opposing parties, elements and fac- ma of all lovers The presumed course end length of 1.349 acres, leaving n net area herelooked at askHtiee by bis APPLICATION FOR PATENT. people of the entire country If the cae tious. each vein or lode line is as shown upfor of 17.660 acres, said applied by 4182. No. A. M. As a part of the declarations adoptcould have been aettled one way or on the plut of survey. Said consoliclaim is situated In unsurveyed part United States I .and Office, Salt dated lode claims form a portion of the the other, either that Thaw waa con- ed by the Mormon church In conferof Tp. 3 S. or R. 3 EL or Salt Lake ELECTRIC 8PARK8. uneurveyed part of Tp. 3 8., R. 3 E. liase and Meridian In Salt Lake coun- Lake City, Utah, March 21, 1907. ence asst! in bled, a aort of a rider to demned to the electric chair, to Notice is hereby given that Moun- 8. L B. 4 M. Utah, said lode location Utah. Associate ty. Editor.) I By our or been declared not the main declaration, appears this names of the adjoining and tain Lake Mining company by ita mining claim being of record In the of this guilty. It la not with a detdre to statement: "The reaffirmation claims, aa shown by the Agent and Attorney in fact, Jacob office of tbe County Recorder at Salt Prize-fightNelson has had hie ton- iThe comment upon the action of the jury doctrine and policy, however, Is pre- sils removed, but hla rival can probe (Mat of Survey, are: Lot No. 4991, Evas, whose poatofflee address la Pro- Lake City, In Salt take County, Utah. Columbus No. 5 Lode; Lot No. 4991, vo, Utah, has made application for n The nearest known locations being In the cane that Inspire tbla article, dicated upon the express understand- bly beat him with a typewriter yet Statea Patent for the Idamay, the aforesaid conflicting clalma I'oluiiibua Lode; Lot No. 163, Garfield United where R. A. B., Carnegie, Martha, 99 and but only from the thought auggeated ing thnt politics in the states I direct that this notice be published Lot No. Ho far Senator Henry G. Davis' trib- Mine Columbus 4991, Joe lode mining clalma consolidated, In the Alta Independent at Alta, Utah, aa to what a good thing it would have our people reside shall be conducted ute to Judge Gray seems to have been No. 2 tatde. situate In Big Cottonwood and Little the newspaper published nearest the 1 hereby direct that the be aa In other parts of the union; that as effective aa a voice from the tomb. been could our newa column foregoing be In the Alta Independent, a Cottonwood Districts, Salt Lake Coun- said mining claims, for the period of published freed from the nauaeating detail of there shgll he no Interference by the Utah, consisting of 1500, 1471.6, nine weeks. Peace to thee," were the last newspaier published at Alta, ty, the meaa. And It la a meaa. The state with the church nor with the words of Dowie to Zion City and the weekly E. D. R THOMPSON, 1500, 1500, 1500 nnd 1498.8 linear feet, a for Salt take Utah, County, period SHOULD various factions fell to wrangling more respectively of said lodes, and surRegister. prominence of both the dead man and free exercise of religion, of nine consecutive weeks. face ground as shown upon the plat R. EL Ross, Claimant's Atty. E. D. R. THOMPSON, the aocnaed man, taken with the fact IOIJTICAL PARTIES MAKE WAR than ever. of Survey being survey No. 5595 and First publication dated Mar. 27, 1907. Register. that It waa practically a fight of the UPON THE CHURCH, or menace the A Russian drug store is said to fill described in the field notes and plat Last publication. May 22, 1907. 1907. 3, or First publication April or religious rights law agalnat untold wealth, made the civil, political of the official survey on file in this two thousand prescriptions a nay, but tast publication May 29, 1907. office, with magnetic variation at 17 raae ao famou. Its members as such against a policy this Is explained by the fact that the saloon. degrees 00 minutes east, as follows: APPLICATION FOR PATENT. But a moral. In fact several of them, of that kind, by any political party or government runs the Beginning at corner No. 1 a corner M. 4181. A. No ran bn deduced from the reaulta of the set of men whatsoever, we assert the has discovered twenty United States Land of Pittsburg Idamay lode claim of this Survey Office, Salt a for eight honest men within her confine deliberation of the jury. Prom Inherent right of and running thence N. 82 deg. 20 min. 1907. 21. March take Utah, City, heard on all aldea, both locally the. church, and her right and duty to and until New York and Chicago css Notice Is hereby given that Moun- W. 600 feet to corner No. 2 of Idaought to keep S. 7 deg. 40 min. W. 196 and from travelera from the east, the call upon all her children, anti upon equal that record, they tain take Mining company by Its may; tothence Intersect line 2 of Carnegie; feet quiet In and Jacob the desire aud agent attorney fact, general conaenaua of opinion seemed all who love Justice, thence No. 82 deg. 20 min. W. 526.8 The rumor that Tom Johnson Is to Evans, whose pontofflee address is feet to corner No. 2 of Carnegie; to be that Thaw should have been re- perpetuation of rellgloua liberty to Utah, ban made applica- thence S. 7 manage Mr. Bryans campaign appears Provo City, United deg. 40 min. W. 1340.7 leased, not on the plea of Americana come to lier aid, to atand with her to States patent for have been started just to aee which tion fur a to Intersect line 1 of R. A. B.; dementia" aa Mr. Delmaa, leading until the danger shall have passed." would deny it first. At this distance, the Jennie K, Angler, Wedge and feet thence S. 49 deg. 06 min. W. 593 feet Wedge No. 1 lode mining clalma con- to counsel for Thaw, termed the unwrlt That rider Is In direct accord with It looks like a dead heart . 2 of Martha; Intersect line In situate solidated, Big Cottonwood, thence N. 37 33 min. W. 437 feet ten law, but from the fact that he the policy adopted Iiy Mr. Binoot deg. Little Cottonwood nnd American Fork to corner No. 1 of Martha; thence S. waa protecting the honor of his wife Inspired no doubt by his leaders and GATRILL Mining Districts, Salt Lake and Utah 52 0YRU8 24 n:ln. W. 1500 feet to corner the him assures and because whether demented or a counties. Utah, consisting of 793, No.deg. 4 of Martha; thence S. 37 deg. re1500 1491.8 and linear 1499.1, feet the of an Counsel A members not should the law puulah right to rail upon Attorney degenerate the 33 min. E. 181.7 feet to Intersect line spectively of said lodes and surface 2 him. A great many also wonder at church, should his candidacy be atof 99; thence N. 79 deg. 40 min. as shown of the 89 IX F. Walker upon ground plat W. 382.3 feet to corner No. 2 of 99; the action of the juiy In not acquitting tacked upon religious grounds. In 5007 and thence S. 10 Survey, being Survey No. Ball Lake City. deg. 37 min. W. 333.7 Thaw. described In the field notes and plat other words, the phnse "should politifeet to Intersect line of Joe; thence of the official survey on file In this But the fact of the matter Is no cal parties make war upon the church No. 37 deg. 33 min. W. 6.6 feet 17 with variation at office, magnetic Mag doubt that the Jury did not look at or menace the civil, polltlral or reto corner No. 1 of Joe; thence S. patan tha bowels. Bea'iLsutlvaCesibSynp degrees 00 minutes east, a follows: 61 Indicentals me estates. nwttRWtstw.ittMMMtittsttstitlttlW ore! the bowels deg. 57 min. W. 1498.8 feet to Corthe moral phase of the matter. It waa ligious rlgh.s of Ita members'' 1 No. of corner at Bcgginging 4 No. Stockton Drug and Newa Co. of 37 Sold ner S. thence by Joe; deg. Mr. of va. the of should the OEO. a question the randldacy W. PARKA pro- cates that oligarchy Wedge lode claim, of this Survey, and 33 min. E. 600 feet to Corner No. 3 running theuce S. 42 deg. 14 min. E. of letariat. In other words, the as- Smoot be opposed upon religious Land Attorney, Joe; thence N. 51 deg. 57 min. E. BALT LAKE A MERCUR RAIROAD. 240 feet to corner No. 2 of Wedge; 669.3 feet to Intersection line 3 of sumption Is that the majority of the grounds, tlie church stands prepared thence S. 53 deg. 20 min. W. 1496.2 Averbseh Building, CO. TIME TABLE. 99; thence S. 10 deg. 37 min. W. 267.8 men on that Jury were poor men or to back up Mr. Smoot, thinly veiling Balt Lake Clty.j feet to corner No. 3 of Wedge; thence feet to Corner No. 8 of 99; thence S. , exIf are 27 3, circumstances. middle 1491.8 corner membem 64 W. to min. the AJn Its threat that deg. 40 min. E. 600 feet to Corner 79 Effective December 1(L 1105. To; 9 ef Wedge No. 1; thence N. 42 No.deg. that Fla true, they would look with pected to stand by him. 4 of 99; thence N. 10 deg. 37 COO 14 corner to W. min. feet teg. man of on effort of to menace the the min. E. 1304 feet to Intersect line 4 suspicion Can Mr. Smoot see the East bound, to. 4 of Wedge No. 1; thence N. 13 of Westbound. wealth to free himself, llad the case a atate In thla fact? Does Mr. Smoot Martha; thence S. 37 deg. 33 min. 4eg. 16 min. W. 600 feet to corner No. I , No.1 1.1 3 to No. E. corner feet of Martha; been conducted purely along the lines realise that the announcement of hla Mo. 4 of Jeilnle K; thence N. 65 deg. N. 52 deg. 24 min. E. 840 feet Arrives. thence Leaves. Stations. B min. E. 287.3 feet to Intersect line of the moral phase of It; had there candidacy for the same office he now to Corner No. 4 of R. A. B.; thence 11:15 a. m Mercur 1:41p.m. 45 of Angler; thence N. 71 deg. 10 not been auch a lavish display of holds, would be a practical declaration S. 37 36 min. E. 600 feet to Cor4 corner 1:55 p.m. of ner 3 deg. in. W. 562.2 feet to No. Summit a. 11:00 m., of R. A. B.; thence N. 44 wealth; (45,000 for experts; that he Intends standing by the letAsgler; thence N. 54 deg. 56 min. E. 54 min. EL 1481.8 feet to Corner deg. 10:30 a.m.... , Manning ...,2:11p.m. No. 000 for of counsel (tOO, Thaw, ter of the law expressed In that leading 1081.7 feet to corner No. 3 of Angler; 2 of R. A. thence N. 37 deg. 86 10:05 a. u . Fairfield ....8:13p.m. the exploitation and ostentation of phraae, and that he expects the memthence N. 14 deg. 00 min. E. 375 min. W. 33.3B.; to Intersect line 4 leaves. feet Arrives of No. thence to corner feet 2, Angler: great wealth, the chances are that the bers of the church to see that be I. 71 deg. 10 min. E. 600 feet to cor men of that Jury would have simply la elected? Does not Mr. Smoot nnd isr No. 1 of Angler; thence S. 14 deg. THE HISTORIC WORCESManufactured by John looked at the matter from the view- his see that It he runa (0 min. W. 519.2 feet to corner No. TER. Reeves Oa, Balt tak and I of Angler; thence 8. 68 deg. 40 min. point of the unwritten law; would again that It will he a practical declar' Indorsed by the M. A M. W. 500 feet to corner No. 1 Jennie QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE have come Into court, and have said: ation of war? Does he realise that If Bee 16 600 13 min. E. S. thence the Asan of Utah. Aik your K; deg. We release you he attempta to make the race for Well done. Thaw. On the Labels. feet to corner No. 2 of Jennie K; Grocer. because there are many more Stan- United States senator even as lay thence N. 65 deg. 28 min. EL 708 feet 1 No. of Wedge ford While's In the country. Go free member of hli church that It means 1; theuce to cor. No. jj. 65 deg. 33 min. EL 1563.8 ft. to corand continue your good work, that of a practical repudiation of all the other New House, New Furniture, Elegantly Furnished Rooms, Single or ner No. 1 of Wedge, the place of beEn Suite. ridding the earth of moral lepera.' declarations adopted by be and his a of area net ginning, containing But It was a question of the man and that It means that Do You Yant Work? 52.031 acres the area hereby claimed man of brawn. The those declarations were adopted only WORK FOR EVERYBODY. of wealth and the tnd applied for. The urea in conflict Teamsters. Always Wanted. with Snow Drift Survey No. 3784, Sun Jury saw only a man of great wealth n blind? We Furnish All Kinds or Help. Beam Survey No. 3789, Century Cop who waa using that great wealth to Mr. Smoot's announcement of The DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. per No. 3 Survey No. 4900, Gitsch SurOpposite Elke Club, Salt Lake City, 44 8. State 8L protect him from that which they term candidacy would be tataninunt to a 62 East First South. Salt take City vey No. 3714, Glaser Survey No. 3785 Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Public and Private Bath. 3790 No. lode looked law. and Alpine Survey the majesty of the They declaration that he will make the Rates Reasonable Independent Phone 2117 THE KEELEY CURE. claims are hereby expressly excepted at Thaw simply aa an example of that light, knowing that he will receive the M. T. MARKS, Prop. on corner The excluded. and Drunkenness quarter Cured. degenerate efflmlnary clothed aa men support of his followers, given him A positive nnd permanent euro south boundary of Section 35, Tp. 2 as largely represented In tho social under guise of those declarations so for drunkenness and the opium dis- g. R. 3 E. bear as follows from coreases. There is no publicity, no ner No. 1 of each claim: Wedge N. circles of the east; that aaw a menace honestly submitted and honestly ;Jleknesn. Ladles treated as pri- 38 deg. 28 min. EL 6450.5 feet, Wedge to society their code planned that adopted by the followers of the as at their own homes. The No. 1 N 43 deg. 39 min. EL 787 5 feet; vately society as being made up of thoae church? Would It lie taken as au In Keeley Institute, 334 W. 8a TSm-piwealthy beings who are guided by pas- dlcatkin of good faith on the part Balt Lake City, Utah. sion and who kill only as a right of hla church If he is permitted to FORFEITURE NOTICE. In the . vouchsafed by their wealth and they run again, not to mention tho dire reTo Ernest M. Boyer, your helm or In could not agree that he did right sults that would follow should he un m assigns: The only house in Salt Lake City You are hereby notified that the Can Mr. doing what he did do. fortunately be elected? llad It been a pour man. had the Smoot not aee that If he runa for undersigned has expended (tiMi.eo in placing the Union label on popular w labor and !mrovenients upon the line Fresh Stock. clothing. priced, custom-mad- e poor man been unable to employ ex' that office again and If the memlters Nina and Martha claim. mining SUITS FROM (22.00 UPWARD. pert talent, and bad only a poor law of the church should stand by him, he uated In the Little Cottonwood (p All goods guaranteed. Sand us your mi. 6.50 UPWARD. PANTS FROM yer, appointed by a charitable court would he elected that It would mean lug district. Salt take County, Utah, mail orders. Of Every had they heard the story from the n practical declaration to the world la order to hold said premises under Bears but Garment wool all DRUG Nothing Of CO, ELITE guaranteed the provisions of Section 2324, Rerhod lips of the outraged wife aa Evelyn that those principles were submitted Statutes This Label. 338 Main 8V, of the United States, bring goods made up. Nesbitt Thaw told hers; had they and adopted ouly as a blind, as a the amount required to hold the Rooms Salt take City, Utah. Eagle Block, Salt Lake City. seen a man In the prisoners dock who snare to lead those who are not famil- for the yeara 1303. 19m. 1905. sum lnd stood accused of protecting his own iar with conditions here, to believe 1908, and If within ninety days after -this notice by publication, you fail and his wife's honor, knowing that that Mr. Smoot and his or refuse to contribute your Dronnr-tlo- n the accused man had only did a great of such expenditure as a coewner had only the Jeopardy and not deed In ridding tho earth of a moral the guardianship of a stale In their your Interest In said claims will h come the property of the subscriber leper, they would nerer have left the hands? under said Section 2324 Jury box, but, probably without taking Mr. Smoot stands now on n pinnacle JOSEPH W. ni'RKIXSHAW a ballot, they would have said: "Nut to become n great man. If he real' AUGUST JOHNSON. WILIJAM I SHERWOOD guilty." VIA izes the conditions that confront him; H. B. PEYPER. "But wealth does not protect these If he win appreciate the fact that he Sandy, April 13. 1907. days. It is a question of the man of can safeguard the Interests of a state First pub., April 13. 1907 brawn and the man of aggressive and Ita hundreds of thousands of tast pub.. May 29. 1907.' s wealth. The one stands in arms to bln ambitlona, political stiffing by descend upon the other; that jury was he will roino out In n frank, manly NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR UNITED STATES PATENT up In arms, fighting for the imperial statement, will say that he will not M- - A. No. 4181 majesty of the law, which, they com lie a candidate for In the United States Then rm Thla Includes the famous siderod, had been Jeopardised and peace would descend upon a state and Salt l ake City. Salt Uk? OVERLAND LIMITED Co"nVUtah. March 22, 1907. prostituted by wealth and largesse. and the new a great city and Mr. Smoot could rest, Notice la hereby given that CHICAGO LIMITED is ANGELES LOS fact had that he suance of the act of appreciating the WILL HE DECLARE HIMSELFf Twentieth CongmJ P Century. Veetl-baleStrictly done n great work. proved May in. is;;; Eleetrla Lighted Steam Heat Mining Folltlcs occupies purely a domain solldntlng d Train operating Pullman Palace fturnl Republican lnll Iskr. at Ion or Lt '05,rpof Sleeperei In The article Incomparable Observation the Rural Republican of their own. But that domain docs dress Is Utah, Salt take ' Lake Library and Dining Cara of the very last week stating that Senator Heed nut permit of the Ingress cf religion. eonnty. Utah, hy it Pure Gold Rings hiv 18 latest manufacture. INSIDE. Smoot would resign as an apostle of The two are separate, dissimilar and Tony Jaro! same has TO LAKH made place, SALT the dominant church and make the ran never harmonize. In the one It sppiL.TL ONLY 41 HOURS. 18 Telephones have this OVTSIDE. patent for lSim linear CHICAGO, race again for the United States sen- means the lowering of Ideals and the aColumbus No. 8 Lode, xnrreyl 201 Main 8L Office. Ticket J? nty ator as a lay member of that church, rreatlon of worldwlse affairs that ran No. 64S8, hearing gold. BALT LAKE C1TT. UTAH. eilver sas cop has caused widespread comment. That the vtatemeiit la true is now practically proven. From the fact of Mr. Smoot 'having made no denial Americas at lends absolute truth to the statement. fils on la IH This paper Minin Congress. Danrer, Colorado. That Is, Mr. Sinuol has not declared he will not resign, but neither has he SALT LAKE COUNTY OFFICERS. stated that he will not run for senator. The assumption la then that be County Scat, Salt Lake City. will make the race. Clerk J. U. Eldredge. Jr. Now Mr. 8 moot surely cannot be so Treasurer J. A. Groeabock. nearsighted as to make such a serious O. Ilenler-P- . EDITORIALS 3-- 4 to-wi- t: 4-- 1-- ir com-ment- 4-- 1-- 2 1 2-- J 3-- 3-- religionists JTUXEDOI i J I 1 INDUSTRIAL WORKERS 8 EVERYTHING TAILORING CO. :4 RubberGoods m $ 18-1- 9 4 fellow-membe- E TRAINS DAILY AS 4 T Sounds Big, but its True If you want to talk with every town in Utah. Idaho. Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have rltl-xen- the "BELL" Otherwise you CANTS tCsS. ney-ln-far- t. ant k" k" |