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Show THOUGHT HIM A NEAR- PRESIDENT NOW NERVOUS PROSTRATION CURED Y OR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS y Toning uptha Blood and Narvaa Pa-tiRaeovared Weight, Strength and Good Spirits. 'When the nervous it broken' sjtew wliatt-ve- r down from overwork, or canoe, lifelosee itt joy. Nut only it tlio ner. vous victim a tnfferrr himself but he it nasally a trial to the whole familv. Nervous breakdown it often gradual, appearing at tint to be merely an nun-anfretXulneo. Dr. William' Pink Pilla tone np the nerves in the mia--t direct way and not only erne minor trouble but aeriona disorders aa well. Mr. W W. Mnuroe, of Id Hazel Park, AIhiui fouryeara Everett, Maaa., sa-a- : ago this fieptemLer I tvame all ran down from overwork and from confinement to work during warm weather. For two montlia I grew steadily worse. X lost in weight and strength and had no appetite. My memory failed me quite rapidly and I became in a very low state, both physically and mentally. I took no interest in life, neither in b nor recreation. In my position, aa foreman in a large manufacturing chemist's establishment in Boston, a good memory is absolutely essential to sudooss because of tlie immense amount of detail tliat must be carried iu the head. I grew very despairing, could not bear to have ioplo meet me and my friends remarked on my condition. About the middle of December a friend told me one day tliat he lmd tried Dr. Williams Pink Pills and found tliem reliable. I commenced taking them and at tho end of two weeks the change for the better was remarked by friends. I continued using the pilla until I was thorougldy recovered. 1 reganl them aa a fine rernody and make tins statement in gratitude for the benefit voluntarily X received from them. These pills actually make new blood and liave cured such diseases aa nervous and general debility Indigestion, nervous headache, neuralgia and even partial paralysis and locomotor ataxia. As a tonic lor tlie blood and nerves they are unequalled. If yon area sufferer from any disorder of tlie blood and nerves write for proof of what Dr. Williams Pink Pills have accomplished in cases similar to yours. Every testimonial used by tliis company is carefully investigated before being published and is authentic. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or directCOby mail, postpaid, on cents per box, six reoeipt of price, boxes for $3.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y, ant al mi-me- sa then-matis- Soldiering In China. Corporal Frank Hayden, of the army recruiting station, who spent a year of army service in China, says It Is a good country to soldier" in. The worst thing about China and the Islands, he said, "la that there's no one to associate with except the natives. Otherwise they're good places, China especially, to do military service. Food of good quality is very cheap. We could buy 175 eggs there for 50 cents American money or one dollar Hex. Ten cents would buy a fine fat chicken and 60 cents a good sheep. The Chinese are good cooks and we could employ one for a very little money over his board." Kansas City Times. Queer Names of Jurymen. Among those drawn for Jury set Ice for the April term of court in Franklin county are: Mr. Button, Mr. Hasty, Mr. Curl, Mr. Lord, Mr. Dyer, Mr. Cook and Mr. Pear. Kansas City Star. A LUNATIC. A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Man'o Queer Jumble of Worde War- - ranted the Inference. 4dw a Veteran Was Saved tation of a Limb. the Carpets ran Ampu- druggist. colored nn the floor with U--Jj Ks. i,k your S lcl' package. I Pl'IXAM I A lUc 1 JJ. RHEUMATiSH I havo lived to know that tho great AND Trof. William Lyon Phelpa of Yale B. Frank Dorenius, veteran, of secret of human bapplnesa la this: Never suffer your energies to stagHa- loosevelt avenue, Indianapolis, Ind., recently told thla story at New NEURALGIA 1 had been nate. Dr. Adam Clarke, ven's chamber of commerce banquet: says: Mr. llarvey, the ctmiiimtcr, a ax A hard drinker was told by his doctor of showing symptoms Garfield Tea, which is guaranteed under I (sinfully reading the laii-s- t story of that he could be cured if vry time kidney trouble from the lure Komi aud Drugs Art, is the best j the trusts' alleged aickeduts when he felt that be must have a drink he the time I was mus- remedy for constipation, Mr. Bolting, freight conductor off would tered out of the army, Slid indigestion. It purities the blood slid Immediately take something to j duty, shoved his labor journal In his eat instead. but in all my life I cleanses tlie s stein. face with a heavy finger laid uikiu a never suffered aa hi The man followed the advice and Happy la the man that eats only for name at the top of a capitalized list waa cured, but the habit of asking for 1897. Headaches, dizand drinks only for thirst, hunger, of new executive officers of a great food had become so fixed with him ziness and sleeplessand lives by reason, not by example, western railroad. aa locked up was once he that ness, first, and then and nearly provides for use and necessity, There'll be harmony in tliat board, a lunatic, lie was stopping at a hotel dropsy, I waa weak not for ostentation and pomp. all right," chuckled Mr. Hotting. You and, hearing a great commotion In the and lielplesa, havlig knew our old division superintendent, room next to his, he peeped over the tan down from ISO to 125 pounds. 1 didn't you?" transom to see what the matter was. aa having terrible pain In the Prize for tho Unmarried. Only slightly, thank you," said Mr. He saw, and rushed madly down to and the accretions passed almost Tha latest novelty in bazar attracA llarvey, studying the name. the office and shouted to the clerk: kvnluntarlly. My left leg swelled un- tions Is that Introduced by the Spring-sid- e short, stout Irish gentleman, it was 34 Inches around, and the The man In 153 has shot himself! Wesleyan chapel, Rawtenst&ll, with a cast, 1 think." betor tapped It night and morning England. A wedding cake waa cut Ham and egg sandwich, please!" up, The same," observed Mr. Uniting, Lippi ncott's. fctll I could no longer stand It, and and In one section was concealed a wlib a glass eye, a bull nerk, and ben he advised amputation. I marriage certificate. It waa announced The Proved Remedy short mustache, Juat turnin', and them SPLENDID APRIL TONIC. and began using Ikian'a Kidney that the bachelor or spinster securing lor Over 50 Years. fills. The swelling subsided gradu-Oy- . the chunk shoulders, hey? the document containing "I'll tell you about the time he had Easily Prepared at Home and Harm-le-u the urine became natural, and all bad the opportunity offered to be marPries SSe and 90s to Use. the tall, thin German by pains and aches disappeared. 1 ried freo of coat within the next 13 hve been well now for nine years months by the Rev. J. Dennetts. geutleman who's runnin the engine This Is known as hire using Doan's Kidney Pilla. up for discipline "Oh, don't!" pleaded Mr. Harvey. Time," especially among the older For sale by all dealers. 60 cents a People seldom Improve when they Thompson's Eji Witar "The whole train knows that story. folks, who always take something dur- fix. Fostcr-MllburCo.. Buffalo, N. Y. have no other model but themselves to copy. Goldsmith. Here, read this life Insurance piece. ing this month to clean the blood of W. N. U Salt Lake City, No. IS, 1907. A 140,000 TREASURY ROBBERY. Its scandalous." Impurities and build It up. The following Is the recipe as given "Thanks," pursued Mr. Bolting, reby a authority, and any' Oevcr Work of Detectlvo Rovealed lentlessly, laying the newspaper p of his full dinner jiall. The engineer one can prepare It at home: tho Thief. Fluid Extract Dandelion one-hal- f used to have a dirty Dulrh temper The robbery of the when he waa firin' and so all bands ounce. Compound K argon one ounce, In juat rouldn't help plaguin' him, till Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla three fticago recalls the fact that the one day the bugguge muster overdid ounces. tsury department in Washington It out on the branch line and got him Get these simple Ingredients from Ri the victim of a $10,000 theft about Are both symptoms of organle deBoIuV any good pharmacy and mix by shak- 31 years ago. At first, although no aud nuture'a warning to rangement, women of a trouble which will soonMr. Harvey sank baek. Through ing well In a bottle. The dose Is one nuonable explanation of how tho bed' at er or later declare itself. tfing could have been done by an outd eyelids he watched the teaspoonful after meala and How often do we hear women ray, time. lier could be given. It was assumed smooth, spiral revolving 'of the tele"It seems as though my back would Everybody should take something to Utt It was the work of some one graph poles as the filer shot along. break." Yet they oouunue to drag with the office In which the Mr. Bolting, like the train, went on. help the blood, which becomes impovalong and suffer with aches in tha win the sour after and almost erished was nbbery occurred. It not long, The pair 'Say, it waa acand'loua! smull of the baek, pain low down in are who those however, before a clever detective of 'em fought all over the aidin and ter season, especially the aide, dragging sensations, nervsubject to Rheumatism, Catarrh, Kid hicame acquainted with the fact that ousness and no ambition. switches In plain sight of the Pullom of the clerks who might havo bad do not realize that the back ney and niadder trouble. mans and all them swell commuters. They main-sprin- g use of this Mess to the bundle of bills was so ia said of woman 'a organweek's one Is that the It two to on for held nigh her, too, They ism indicates and sores, of will akin by aching mixture the clear quickly qminted a with minutes before the rest of the crew professional gambler a diseased condition of the feminine organa or kidneys, and that plmplea or holla. ihidy antecedents. That discovery could drag 'em back on their jobs. and pains will continue until the cause ia removed. This Is sound, healthy advice, which obed the problem. A little patient They had two full days to think readers. be will many In by tho appreciated witching resulted patching It over before things happened. Then gambler with the stolen notes, and the baggage master got shifted to a Clever Trick of Tramp. made from native roots and herbs has been for many years the most the rest was easy. The clerk was arrhe losg, heavy, local run where successful remedy In such cases. So other medicine baa such a record A queer comedy of cheating la now owed, and, while in confinement, waa wouldn't have time to rag firemen or of cures of femiuine Ilia. much amusement in Paris. betcausing to glTen waa ha understand that and baby Miss Lena Nagel, of 117 Morgan fit, Buffalo, N. V., writer "I was anythin' else but trunks A laborer named Bedaane, living at rayed, he confesssd the whereupon wagons, and the fireman was ordered completely worn out and on the verge of nervous prostration. My back Ymonvllle, in the Eure et Loir, went robbery, which was accomplished by ached all the time. I had dreadful periods of pain, waa subject to fits upstairs. to Melun with two pounda in his boring the package of notes, all of of crying and extrema nervousness, and waa alwaya weak and tired. "The boas believed In settlin' things Having spent this In liquor, large denominations, into a position Lydia E. 1inUham's Vegetable Compound completely cured me." man to man. When there waa trouble pocket he conceived the Idea of getting on Tkara they rould bo snaked up" Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound cure Female Complaints, on the road he'd find out who waa at to Paris for as Backache. Falling and Displacements, and all Organic Diseases. such nothing. wttk a cane hock. a with provided the bottom of it, and then, like aa Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. It strengthens and an empty third-clas- s Finding tones tha Stomach. Cures Headache and Indigestion and invigorates not, he'd call the man up to his prihe fastened a flannel belt Encourage Saving, the whole feminine system. vate office, snap tho door, and tell round hla staffed a handkerchief neck, lbs wise father and mother win him what he thought about it till the into hla Women Mrs, hla Standing; empty mouth, pitched noitt discourage the fancies of their man would hit him or quit lyform from female Women seat are onto Invited to weakness of the opposite and, purae children for accumulating things. any suffering It I recall, said Mr. llarvey, he told write Mrs. linkhain, Lynn, Maas. Her advice ia free. first had a sleep and then, la t natural instinct, inborn in tho down, ing the Y. M. C. A. that good railroad ma- when Paris was reached, refused to moot of people, and given e little terial was very scarce, and that when give any sign of life till tha t and care by tha older beads the road get the men It wanted it station staff poured a cordial Into his be turned to good account. If offered them every inducement to " mouth. child begins to collect pretty" Dont Interrupt," snapped Mr. BoltThen he was taken to a hospital, tables or shells at the aeashore don't And then, as I waa rayin', hed where he told a ing. of being atr story them out but let them form give discipline accordin', with never a tacked by three men, hut police quesI. L D0U61M IA00 SILT DK M0EI MINT K EMUUE9 AT MIT flUCL cent to pay. He didn't go much on tions becoming too difficult, he at tl$e basis of a little geological colFOR EVERYBODY AT AU PRIOESi SHOES and with proper guidance the Mwwe, SS te ei.SA. Wwhi'i finin' or suspendin'. Nu'ilh(M,0taOI4l. hla stratagem, and was lation, last related A (klldr..'. Mkaa. AS.M to eiJUI. JM I Mao nye' soon be will Mto Tqungster upon looking Shott, So he spoke his piece to the fireW. I DourIss loes ars rseogniisd by export juilgosof footwei haled from hla alck bed to prison. sticks and stones with an interested man and the fireman told him he London Globe. to bo tha beat in style, fit and wesrprotlncnd in this country. Enc educated ud eye. wouldn't dare ray that to him out on .part of the ahos and every detail of tho making is looked after end watched ever by skilled shoemakers, without reganl to the tracks. The bora raid it all over Old Wall Street Character Dead. time or cost. If 1 could take you into my lares factories at He only la advancing la Ufa whoee him fireman told right there, and the Brockton, Mass., acd show you how carefully vT. L. iJouilas Van Schalck db Co., one of tha old- Mart la getting softer, whose blood hoes are made, you would then understand why they hold thalr shape, he waa too old and too little, and est stock brokerage bouses In New whose whose brain waar lunger, and ars of greater value than any oilier makes. farmer, quicker, d man that he wouldn't hit a name asopn' stampeS an III bohssi. wSwfc ml. I. IlnoiriM York, have just lost their oldest and ipdrlt is entering into living peace. I shsea Tsk, S ktimllul- -. OUlf the Wat shot Saaleia anrrwaam arUvs snSTnUinnr anyhow. most famone customer. Almost up to Suskln. CUafst tsaUaSraa W. L. neilUMS, BmkiasAlaa, med tschUMit. tml iMtr Then the bora raid things about the time of his death a few days ago, the Dutch in general and the Prus- he would drop in occasionally to uk sians In partic'lar, and told the fireMr. Gorham, Derby Crandall or CoL man he was some other kind of a Handy how the market waa going. Ho 'fraid cat beside. kept in touch with the market notNot bearin' nothin for half an withstanding hla great age 95. RusSo-Call- ed hour, the chief clerk called the operasell Sage was one of hla chums, and tor and the private secretary to back he used to make all manner of fun of him up and open the door. the miser, who was nearly six yean Say, it was scand'lnus. There was his Junior, patting him on tho back of aa injurious character, which indulge in extravagant and unfounded pretensions the superintendent of division and the and calling him kid," little boy,' to cure all manner of ills, and the fireman lyin' on the carpet buggln etc. each other. They'd upset every stick ROMANTIC DEVONSHIRE. National Legislation Enacted to Restrict Their Sale uf furniture exceptin the big desk. They'd slammed that Into a window have established more clearly than could have been accomplished in any other way The boss's bad Tho Land Made Famous by Philpotts1 and swept it clear. Novels. eye was knocked clean out of his bead The Value and Importance o! Ethical Remedies. and tother was shut The fireman Remedies which physicians sanction for family use, as they act most beneficially and Philpotts has made us familiar with couldnt see out of either of his, In his romantic Devonshire, fascinating are gentle yet prompt in effect, and called ethical, because they are of neither. And there they lay, the boss and the fireman, both clean winded, novels, "The River," Children of the etc. The characters are very Known Excellence and Quality and of Known Component Parts. buggln each other, and still passln' Mist," each other love taps, like innercent human; the people there drink coffee of the world and the approval of To gain the full confidence of the with the same results aa elsewhere. A children. the essential that is it component parts be known to and the most eminent physicians, writer at Rock House, Orchard Hill, Well, a company doctor worked on California tlie Company has published for many Syrup Fig therefore, and, them, approved by em till after dark before they was Bldeford, North Devon, states: full statement thereof. The pera and upon every package years past in its advertisements For 30 years I drank coffee for fit to send home to their wives. An' in laxative a demand which remedy of an ethical of fect and they 5 some and breakfast dinner but product years uniformity purity the boss didn't fire the fireman, nelth of manufacture, method California original Indcharacter are assured by the Fig Syrup Company's He gave him a locomotive of ago I found that It was producing er. heart-burmakknown waa to and and the igestion Company only. his own before the year was out." ing me restlcsi at night These sympThere are other ethical remedies approved by physicians, but the product of But these trusts are simply aw-futhe California Fig Syrup Company possesses the advantage over all other family laxatives We voters must get together toms were followed by brain fag and that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts, without the next big election, suggested Mr. a sluggish mental condition. I When my realized made I effects and without having to np thla, llarvey, wearily reaching for his mind to disturbing the natural functions or any debilitating after quit drinking coffee and time. to time increase from newspaper. the quantity to Mr. Bolting quickly transferred It having read of Fotstum, I concluded This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of 1L I had it carefully made, accordtry to hla own Inside pocket acceptance as the most excellent of of Figs, and has attained to world-wid- e Same aa me and you and the rest ing to directions, and found to my obtained from Senna are well laxative its principles pure a of the train did last time, hey? he agreeable surprise at the end of world to be the best of natural the of known to physidans and the that I no longer Buffered from of Figs and Llixir of of retorted, pleasantly smiling upon his week,name elaborate Syrup more the heart-burn, or brain laxatives, we have adopted either Indigestion, companion and close buttoning his but the doubtlessly it will always be remedy, Senna, as more fully descriptive of leather-lineCheer up. fag, and that 1 could drink It at night to get Its and enccts, of of name Figs; called and secure Syrup for by the shorter restful and refreshing The comets cornin. of the name Company California rig Syrup Co. deep. always note, when purchasing, the full simply call for Syrup Since that time we hare entirely plainly printed on the front of every Package, whether you as Syrup of Figs of Elixir Senna, Condemns Moral Parasites." of and discontinued tho use of the old kind of Figs,' or by the full name, Syrup of Figs A Jewish clergyman In Brooklyn and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig coffee, growing fonder and Yonder of name, Syrup of Figs, which writing about people who habitually Postum as time goea on. My digestive Syrup Company, and the same heretofore known by the sale attend services at the synagogue with- organa certainly do their work much by ail leading druggists Hie genuine is for has given satisfaction to millions. out contributing toward Ita mainten- better now than before, a result due one of size only, the regular price throughout the United States in original packages ance calls them moral parasites" and to Postum Food Coffee, I am satisfied. of which is fifty cents per bottle. describes them further as individuals Aa a tifbla beverage we find (for all of the Company, filed with the Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee whose religious life steals its sub- tho members of my family use It) that D. the remedy is not adulterated or C, Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, stance from others." He aaya there when properly made It la most refreshJune 30th, 1906. and Act, Food Drugs of the within the meaning are women "parasites also and that ing and agreeable, of delicious flavor he has known women to beat or steal and aromi. Vigilance Is, however, their way through religious life." necessary to secure this, for unless the servants are watched they are likely to neglect the thorough boiling which San Francisco, CaL Weedy. New York, N. Y. Maude" wants to know a good It must bars In order to extract the U. S. A. Louisville, Kf. method of exterminating weeds from goodneaa from the cereal." Name given London, England. her flower garden. Ever try having by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. them extracted by a painless dentist, Read the little book, The Road to Maude? Exchan;- There's a rear Wellvllle," in pkga. on." How Railroad Discipline Wins In the Long Run. i ! ST JACOBS i kid-toy- s, OIL short-spoke- Blood-Cleanin- to-da- y g n well-know- n BACKACHE AND DESPONDENCY r.oar-cloRe- Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound compartment Plnkhamfi Invitation to W. L. DOUGLAS AND S3.50 8HOESSUffi $3.00 Sl-O- one-eye- The General Condemnation of or Secret Medicines Patent Well-Inform- - d He Knows the kind of it. Wati Oiled that stands tlieV hardest service DoYjuKnowV '' Nads for all kinds of wet work or sport SOLD EVERYWHERE' f awie ttis.vw.eaTos $4 V, via Well-Inform- ed iiea-jack- mu-brand- ed CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. |