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Show f HAD NERVE, BUT NO MONEY. Unlucky Modest Request for Pecuniary Assistance. ca-ihr- to-da- your "Sure." said Hitchcock, placing his band In his pocket. Then he paused and queried: Where do you live?" Vancouver," waa the answer. Hitchcock took a flying leap for his machine, and unless the visitors at New Orleans are more gullible, the Impecunious one is still looking for car farwi Harper's Weekly, Rich Prize for Historical Work. One million live hundred thousand dollars Is offered as a prize for a literary composition, the biggest prise of Its kind on record. Tbe award will be made at 8L Petersburg on December 1, 1125, to the writer of the best history of Alexander 1. of Russia. Arakt-chetefounder of the military colonies of Novgorod, left a fortune of 50,000 gold rubles ($25,750) to provide for this unique prise. The prise giving a day Is the centenary of the Csar death, by which time the money will, It Is estimated, have Increased to 12,000,000. of It will be used to defray the cost of publishing Ibe work which wins the prise. True to ths Bax. On ewept the amasous. Suddenly the long line of female warriors halted on the brink of battle. "What are they waiting for?" asked the war correspondent. "Powder!" replied the commander laconically. "Ah, they are about to put some powder In their guns?" No; they are about to put some powder on their noses. Just because they are warriors Is no reason why they should be any different from other women." And then there was a moving pic- turn - acewe of omHm itwf t pofta and flashing baud mirrors Alex-ander- One-fourt- , Karnwl Mild Man's .aymond Hitchcock. tbo romrdlan, while la New Orleans a few mouths of Ruing to ago, took the tbo races. Turing the afternoon bo the result of several ticki-ts- , lie was feeling happy good guesses. after the last race, and suited for the automobile wViili was to convey him back to bln lm,',l. As lie was about to rlirnb Into the machine he felt a baud on his arm, and a man abuuted In Lis ear: Hello, Illtrbci k, bow are you? Hear you put a crimp In tbe bookies to day." Hitchcock blushed and shook bands sheepishly, not recuKiiizing tbe man, and not wishing to show it. 8ay, 1 want to speak to you confidentially," said tbe stranger. "All right; what Is It? asked ths comedian. "Well, 1 tin up against some bird lurk They cleaned me and I want to get home. Now, don't let any oue of those people see you, but allp me enough for car fare, will ' RELIABILITY hi$fll GLUED THEM DOWN Dlsssrtstlon on Hsnpcck. to be at the point of death from blood poisoning caused by honpeck. This Is rather queer. Thnre are many men In and around tiskrldge who are henpecked a thousand times a year, and while It makes the blood boll no poisoning baa net In. Wabaunsee Tribune. An Ohio man Is reported you be men or women, you do anything In the world courage. It la the greatest Whether will never without quality of the mlud, nest to honor. James Alloa. A SOCIAL LEADER OF KANSAS CITY Attribute Jtr LxctlUnt Jltaltk to Ft-re-u- a. HOW A SKIPPER SAVED FROM SAVAGES. rimlluf I w of .low uf MlirrMHou HilttMl,HrrllP HllU'HflR pur of llir III iMt3 IliffUM. Nit III' IT III iJlMWMlIitU rfts SHIP South Sea Island Natives Were Decidedly Up Against It When They Mixed Things with 170 St Cxpt. McCabe. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH was trading around Inlands that I liud a tin- - Kciitli from a baud of saiayeu nairuw dial wore going i take uiy ship," said tin- veteran sailor who has now settled ashore to pass hi da) in lelsun., to a Scuttle Iout r mau. "It having a serin us ending tor me, hut I came out ahead after all. "I waa sailing In a pretty liule srhnoner, the Mattie V and we had a general cargo for trailing. Setting on deck were about go cases of a glue that waa never known to let go, hut we couldn't sell a bit of It. "Well, we got down to M Uccello, one of the group of the New ilehrid-a- , and there we anchored In Mauley bay. The snowy naud of the beach waa shaded by waving palms and the sheltered waters of the hay were warm and as clear as crystal. We lay there for a week resting up and cleaning up the ship. We had been trading for alniimt a year then nnd there was nothing left but the glue and that waa piled alongside the companion way. Well, one afternoon I let all the crew go ashore, and they were Inland or away swimming In the clear water. I lay down to have a rniooxe. Sudden ly 1 was awakened by a sharp Jolt and all around me were South aea savages. They were armed with ssara. Ikiws and arrowi and atone tomahawks Their actions were hostile and 1 saw rlxbt away that 1 was up against It. I was alone on the vessel with all these armed heathens. Just then I hupiiened to tourh one of those glue boxes and In a flash an Idea came to me. There was a large bunch standing near the main life rail and 1 grabbed five hottjea nnd threw them at that crowd of savages one after the other. The Is it ties were thin glass and every one broke. Then, before the savages could recover their wits, I started throwing more. The glass would break and the glue ran all over them. When they tried to walk the glaaa would cut tlielr feet and in a few minutes I had that whole crowd of savages glued to the deck unable to move. The glue hardened almost Instantly on touching the air and this was what saved ine. When 1 saw that they were all caught 1 signaled for the crew to return and then we weighed anchor and put off fur Charlotte, In the Gilbert Islands, where there were laborers wanted. 1 wasn't engaging in tbe lave trade, mind you, because these natlvea lind come on Imard of their own free win nnd hadn't left. At Charlotte a planter offered to pry those savages loose from the deck and give 91,000 to boot, and I let hltn do It. That planter also took all the rest of the glue that we had. "That waa one of the most fortunate voyages that ever I made." "It was when Nnd I Itutb tw-- I. rUuKva ISO 41 Hus IMa Right of Way. As a train from Washington recent-l- y slowed up before the station at mail big small lawn In Virginia-tb- - was thrown to a darky lad of 12 years, wbo at once started off at a brisk trot to the poet office, lie hid not gone more than ten yards befort a large negro boy ran Into him, . most knocking the youthful meisengtr heah, ulggah! off his feet. exclaimed the messenger, with g glance of Indignation. Youne try In' to git in Jxll, ain't you? Youse Inter, ferln' wld de United Slates mall, nig. gnh. When yo' Jars me yo Jars 4 government of do United States!- -, Harper's Weekly. $30 California A Ret. Salt Lake Kotitsi m-a- A In a Manner of Speaking. Scotch witness was being ex- amined as to the sobriety of the d fendant, and. In his anxiety not to e. press an unfavorable opinion, had made so many evasive answers that both Judge and counsel became exasperated. Now, sir," cried tbe Judge, "answer the question. Was he or was he not Intoxicated?" "Awcel," said Sandy, I wullnadeny that he was Intoxicated la a manner o' speakin'.'' "And pray, sir. what do you mean by that? roared the Justice. "I mean, Sandy replied, very calmly, "that he could walk atralght, but he could na talk straight" Harper's Weekly. POPULAR APPROVAL OP THEFT. English Writer Beea Significance In Glorification of Robbers. Tbe idea of private property hai never been fully accepted by the massee of thn people, aud never bad tbmr cordial approval aa :in Institution. says a writer In the Loudon N.w-t- . The must popular songs and hallads uf our nation in all ages. It may be noted, have been those which sympathetically attacks on private property, front the llohln Hood In which cycle to the hroHdsheeu Turpin and Sheppard were 'kaad The Kind You Have the literature that touches the people, the literature that the educated classes seldom .Hi much as see exposed fur sale, the literature that Is sold In the amall general shop In the back street, and rusts fewer pennies than the novA we know costs shillings, still very largely with the romantic l AN&gdalklYeparaiiflnfirAi simtaiiit$iir Infants Opiuiu-Morpllin- little April 22, 1905. Signature of ntifiv nor Mineral c Not Narcotic. AgftrMiksnmnna AnpfeW- In AMtrUb-Aw-M to. TO SKELETON. son. when about a year and a half old began to have lores mine out on his face. They began to come on his arms, then on other parts of his body, and then one caine on hia chest, worse than the othera. At the end uf about a year and a half of Buffering he grow so had I had to tie his hands in cloths at night to keep him from scratching the Mires and tearing the flesh. He got to be a mere skeleton and waa hardly able to walk. I sent to the drug store and got a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura My Chhdm Promoles Digralionflwifi exploits of Torments with Terrible Bores on Face and Body Toro at Flesh Cured by Cuticura. Bears the ntlltedub ncss and RestXunlains persons having too much money. In Food ling Ur SicaEkiB uadiIBuw&i the ro her. He Is never a villain; he is noble and generous to a fault; but he is convinced of the Impropriety of BABY WASTED Always Bought ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT" heroes. Kven nowadays Ointment, and at the end of about two months the sores were all well. He hsi never had any sores of any kind since, and only fur the Cuticura Remedies my precious child would have WAIT FOR THIS. died from these terrible sores. I used Only $20 round trip to California, only one cake of Soap and about three via Salt Lake Route. Write for full boxes of Ointment. Mrs. Egbert ShelInformation to J. IL Burtner, Salt don, R. F. D. No. 1, Woodvllle, Conn., City. For Infants rnd Children. WnJW-mSfriTt- ar. Use A petted Remedy rorConsflp tion . Sour Stonadi.Diantoa For Over Worrasonvulskms.ftvmslr ness and Loss OF Sheep. FkcSbnie Signarort of Thirty Years NEW YORK. At bin outfit olnJB 35 D fiuaranteed under theToodaii Exact Copy of Wrapper. me enmun nanm. an TOR any. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITAN- T, CAPISICUM VASELINE EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT A OUICK. SURF. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR FAIN. "RICE Busy Hotel Elevators. Benefit of Modem Machinery. 13c. IN COLLAf BLE TUBES-ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. OR At the Waldorf-Astorihotel hi BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS. DONT WAIT It Is estimated by the department COMES-KEEP TILL THE PAIN New York It is estimated that the of agriculture that last A TUBE HANDY. years crop A for and substitute to cover mustard or any other plaster, and will not elevators of the about 120 superior trips was produced and gathered at a savblister the most delicate skin. The and curative qualities of miles dally. ing of $085,000,000 over what would the srticls are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve a have been the cost of raising an equal Headache and Sciatica. We recommend it ae the best and safest external $30 California ft Ret Salt Lake Route. counter-irritacrop 60 years ago. This saving waa known, also as an external remedy for pains In the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complaints, A trial A Cruel Religion. accomplished by the use of mode, j will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the "It is all very well." said the lec- agricultural implements. Farm Mahousehold and for children. Once used no family will be without It. Many turer, to say that other religions am chinery. people say it Is the best of all your preparations." Accept no preparation aa good as ours. Take Mohammedanof vaseline unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it Is not renulne. How's This? ism, for Instance, that cruel creed. We offer SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUR VASEon Hundred' Bmrsid lhlUar for On Take the Lord's prayer of MohamLINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. m of catarrh that cauuui bo eumd by Hairs Catarrh Cun. medanism, the prayer that Is repeated r. J. Ctl KXET CO., Toledo, a CHESEBROUGH MFC. CO. tbo undandsord. bore knows P. J. Chaney dally la every Mohammedan house- furWo, tbs last la year., and belleva bln pnrtn-tl17 STATE STREET. NEW YORK CITY hold and mosque. This la It: and tnanrlally la all niaaloe-- a imiuat-Uonauy iibllyalluu made by bla Aral. seek refuge with Allah from able to carry MWouiao. Kittia t Moavia. Wbule1e Unuurl.u. Toledo, Satan, the accursed. In the name of Catarrh Cara ta taken laiaraally. aeila Ileire Allah, the Compassionate, the Merci- Ureelly upon the blood and muouu, aarfar.ee of tbo 34 YEARS SELLING DIRECT yvem. TeallUHialala aeni reo. Tries ii seal a par ful. Oh, Isrd of all Creatures, Oh. tome. Onr Tahlriaa and tiaraw. km.a Ihmpb aold dlrwt from oar factory to Sold by all linnndaia. uwr for (bird of a eratary. a a ahlp for oaaanaaUr aod the tnttdel and Take Hall'a Allah, destroy raially Illia fur enuntlpatkm polytheappraral and svaimata aafrdollTory. Too ara Mil sotblas If sot aatisBad aa hi aly la quaUly aad prtoa. ists, thine enemies, the enemies of Wc Are The Horse Waa Fastidious. KudicUrcn la Tbe WarU the religion! Oh, Allah, make their aOUIao totharonwnwrirlnal It. WanakofM alylaa of A cockney cabby who had Just afchildren orphans and defile their VohleiM,fbatylMof HaraoM. Scad tor lamo.fKoaalaloctia. abodes, households, and their women, fixed hia horse's nosebag, turned to ..fS&S'SZ ElhtarlCV,Sf HerMeseMlB.ee. motor mu ar. am iM and their children, and their posses- the driver of a broken-dowIndiaUo Her probable Reason. out: bus and shouted close Now, their by and and their rare, sions, wealth, Day yesterday, right out In and their lands, as booty to the Mos- then, clear off with your oil box, 'cos front of the hotel, here, said I he landthe smell of it spoils my orse'a lunlems. Oh. Lord of all Creatures!'" tavern ut 1olkvllle, Ark., lord of the cheon." g met a felgrass-widoa $30 CALIFORNIA $30 Ma0 ohm. bar payee's. pan. Induatrlaa . ler that had been going with her some, In a Pinch, Use ALLENS or you mil bo loo lain. Writs HM Him waalM. Aol al iwoorimoMrimApniB.hmmfMlchsumwfiBbnaboM map, via Lake Suit Route. Round trip A powder. It cures painful, smartiand fired three shots at bitn, one of Sale Write 2i;h. April begins today. ng, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. which tore off considerable of his DO YOU BURR KERDSENE? H. Uurtner, Salt City. Its the greatest comfort discovery of south ear as he waa rspldly going J. more if so get new A the Makes shoes age. easy. east. 1 waa settln' on the porch at light with a B1NQ SLASS A New Reformation. certain cure for sweating feet. Sold CONE LAMPBUilNLI" Tbs cared by Positively the time, and saw It all, and" Are we In for a new reformation? by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no subtimutut duesiL Tbeysre these Little Fills "Great Scott! ejaculated the great fit conimos lamps. himself an evangelical theo- stitute. Trial package. FREE. Adalso relieve DisVlnet, They Send your desists nans achine agent, prirklug up his logian, aald long ago that one was dress A. S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. tress from Dyvprpla. Intoriav aud 2Sc fora BINS ears eagerly, "unlesa It Is a matter airs No. 1 or 2 nnut paid. Too and and Hearty digestion and there inevitable, neresaary BING BURNER CO. that you don't care to discus. 1 wish are featurea about the present upTo live but one day In good will to A perfect remEating. Deal. 42, RissresaHk. Mias. edy fur Dizziness, XBases. you would tell me what. In your opinheaval which remind us curiously uf all men is to antiiepate and hasten Taste Bad Drowsiness, ion, was the lady's reason for such an that old one of nigh four centurlca that day when all men shall live in In the Month, Coated urt? good will. Ullss Perry. ago. Christian World. Tongue, Pain in the Side. Well. I rockun." was the Ingenuous TORPID LIVER, ffhqy Fur const ipal ion. liihinisness, liver Hint she wns mad at him. $30 California ft Ret Salt luke Route. reply, Bowria. Purely Vegetable. the duovi-e- s regnlste iinnnd from resulting Of course, she mightn't have SHALL PILL SHALL PDSL SMALL PB1CE. pure blond, tuke Nut lire's Aik root drain toe you run't tell much about women, you 8pecisl Guidance Needed. iirld Tea. It is nude wholly of health-- ' them. Writaforonr know but that's tho way It looked to Edwin A. llalriey, ati assistant giving herbs. new f ree. GenulnB Must Bear catrlngns me." Tom P. Morgan In Smart Set. i charge daffaires of ihc Th BABTELDES SEED CO. press Signature Our distinctions do not lie In the gallery, who halls from Virginia, U responsible for the following story: An places which we occupy, but In the HOWARD E.luRTOH, Children and the Home. old darkey who had not been to grace and dignity with which we fill iirirrv: (jotil. 8:lrr.Lea0.ll: Gold, Hll- at Mcliwen said Children," Judge ; church for a long time appeared one them. Emerson. w. iucs isoltl.ftu-XieorCoipar.ll. Cyiimd Usttir REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. KtiliOKeiivekmwiftiM full .nollBtRFnWBpplic s dinner In Chicago, are the great night at prayer meeting. His presence Mrs. Window's Rnothlng Syrup. VlilBi Colo linlumiiML home builders. The lack of children at the meeting was commented on huum hy Forrhiblrrn teethlM, wfim lbs sura, rvflurm Up means unhappiness, divorce. In the one of his brethren of the rlmrt-h- . The Stfuialiun. a!Uyi yuu. care wild eollu. kScsbotUs. MISCELLANEOUS ELECTROTYPES ! DEFIANCE STIIRCH majority of the divorce suits that I conversation between the two was In great Tarl-f- T fnr aal at th Inn prim hr on a sometime I pass on top a tumuli peach on grafts Cupid and s.a.ukLbswi KKwarmucSnii w.asawiir.CNams j nthrr etarrhae only If oanrra regia price sat paf something like this: "Say. Brother "DKFIANCE" It SUPERIOR QUALITY. n old shrub. tho couples aro between 30 aud 40 Johnson, I ain't saw you heah at de meetln' house fort considerable durv years of age. and childless. So children should be prized and cherished, tkm." Dat's so." repP.-- l Rroftp, despite their faults. Faults they hnve, Johnson; I'se been iery busy." Well, 1 will admit. Only the other day 1 how come you heji heard of a little girl, who. lunching Itrother Johnson?" Well, yon see. of the Masons styles is the out, waa detected In the net of cram-inluIt's like din Tiro: her Jackson. a large yellow handful of Spnn I'se repairing a ehicki a e nop Ish omelet Into tlie pocket of her some white genilemen-s- . and I'se got a situwmion putting a pink frock. round a "'Why, you little pig. exclulmcd watermelon paieh for :ini;her gent'e-menin Waists, Blouses, Jackets, etc., etc. her mother, 'what on earth are you and I mvls special guidance about? lut that hack on your platc from temptation." Its the newest thing, and a complete ut once. Why, I never heard of such $30 California llet. SaH assortment is found only in the a thing. What on earth do you mean Rome by Itr Results of Amt'-ton'It is so good, niiivver.' tbo rhlbl M.vt of us are explained. I Just thought I'd take hy the anil.i:. ns male :,at Hut we h,vB a piece home to our cook for a pat rc.ilifcd. tern.' 10 Cents and IS Each Calling the Turn" I suppose." s.ii.1 the city R!r, A splendidly iHuitrated sheet of lliese graceful Japanese Different was passing a we,u !u the -wife me with My simply pelted Style will be mailed on receipt of two cents (2c) by .! y beautiful flowers when I came homt THE BUTTERICK PUBLISHING COMPANY. LIMITED from the club last night. . NEW YORK BUTTERICK BUILDING How nice! Not much. They were all In tlowei What dims a t u,A Milwaukee Sentinel. pots. like? queried the chi. Oh," replied the is the greatest authority on Of toll, it's jut a O' fashions for Suggestive. I'e.iry Ilewltt I couldn't sleep a wink Iasi string th' ole tVs arnund Ladies and Juveniles. ! AT . psln-sllsyi- nt 'I Lu-yr-tl n GET RICH n IRRIGATION Tit-Bit- nice-lookin- sSSSSSal FOOT-EASE- SICK HEADACHE sne-lhi- rd washing-m- Plant WESTERN l i In-o- n i r i I I I i Fac-Simi- ! j i i 4 SEEDS PPCIII TQ illn-tr- FOR a- le THE FASHIONABLE FEATURE g fr I MRS. W. H. SIMMONS. TUTRS. W. n. SIMMONS, 1110 N. 8th 1Y1 hi., Kansu City, Mi, uieinU-- r of the National Annuity Association, writes: i I 1 I i was excellent until about 1 had a complete colwyearagis lapse from overdoing socially, not getting the proier rest, and too many lute suppers. My ktouiueh waa in a dreadful condition, ami my nerve a mi My lu-alt- wlu-- n strong. " 1 was advised by w friend to try reruns, ami eventually 1 bought a Kittle, 1 bmk it and then aim: her, and kept using it for three mouths. At the end of that time my health Wus restored, my nerves no longer once troubled me, and I felt inyM-ltuore and able to assume 'iny social I PcruttM iou. certainly feel that a deterring of grilse. There are many res. ins why society Women break down, why their nervous kystruis fail, why they have systemic or night catarrh. Indeed, they are Jewltt It must bavo been aa inter liable to these ailment. No wun- - eating game. they require the pro'retinn of leru-1- 1 is their shield and safeguard. f c E Japanese Effect up-to-da- . Jl! L. when $30 CaUforr.l i JJJj him l wants nuM' git g, Cesli JJgj TotiM-me-no- Unger Butterick Patterns The Delineator up-to-d- , f,r her i I;, su ,.ak, !, 15 Cent per Copy $1.00 per Year |