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Show T NORTHWEST FIT PROPOSAL TO UNITE NOTES MINES AND MINING WHY MARK DIDN'T TALK. August Parsonage at the Table He site for an executive mansion has A number of the Deep Creek mines Monopoly of It RAILROAD COMMISSION chosen la Carson City. The Intend commencing shipment of ore to A couple of days ago a gentlemaa finest residence la the state will be Salt Lake amelters at once. called erected. upon me with a message (from NeFOR From all reporta Cherry Creek, a Rock Springs vada, Is having the most comforting the German emperor). . . . The wordTheodore Tronquet, ing of the message was: Organisations in the Northwest Will boy. aged 4V4 years, shattered his kind of boom that could he desired. "Convey to Mr. Clemens my kindForm One Strong Combination band by the explosion of a railroad The directors of the Utah Mine ol est regards. Ask him If he rememin Near Future. Fish Springs met last week, and post bers that dinner, and ask him why he Miners in Eastern British Co- torpedo with which be was playing. The Goldfield Miners in Mass didn't do any talking. A. Pszzi was serioui.ly Injured by ed the usual dividend of three cents lumbia and Alberta Have Why, how could I talk when be of a box of accidental Meeting Ratify Agreement or the explosion than $3,000. hi more share, li Helena. Mniii. waa talking? He "held the age, as Tools Down at the Smith Green Thrown giant powder caps With the Operators. The establishment and successful the that (hr nilruj (irotiaM. say, and two cant antimony mine near Mill City, Nev. operation of the new Utah scatter talk at the same time with of tlio nuiUiuettera stales good efGovernor Brooks, of Wyoming, has near Ogden has given great impetus fect It reminds me of the man who rnni the Great I aks to the Iaclllc was reproaching a friend, who said: axuociaiion President Mite hells Orders Are Ig- designated Friday, April 26, as Arbor to subsidiary Industries. Ths Miliars' Union Will Hava Jurix will be united into an "I think it a shame that Work-B-oard a be observed to will occasion have about the of Refuse and Men the nirMiM and 'or bringing nored day, Man tha find A All rich of diction Ovar Mines, galena and not spoken to your wife for you 15 years. a schools of with Advocates a the children and Trado of meeting loser understanding, r by the Shifts and tin has been made in the Black moun- How do you Justify It? Work 111 ahorily b held In Seattle for programme. Bringing in Cheap ChiReceive tha Wage Scale tain region on the waters of Upper I didn't want to Interrupt her. the of nese Labor. tie perfecting purpose Month. Stockmen la Wyoming will make Wind river In Wyoming. Paid Last If the emperor had been at my table effort to eradicate mange, united A new law in Utah now is that min- he would not have suffered from my of the Chairman II. T. Stanton he would only have suffered which has spread so rapidly among ing companies must hare on hand silence, who Montana railroad mnnnlaiiton, from the sorrows of his own solitude. Vancouver. H. C. Practically all cattle in this state and especially In Goldfield, Nev. By au overwhelm stretchers asd medicines, emergency If I were not too old to travel I would Ins vote the miners of Goldfield in has Just returned from a conference (he coal mi ues In eastern British Co- the vicinity of Laramie. such things for injured men. and go to Berlin and introduce the etiwas closed. are It of the Alberta the Oreguu aud Washington, ratified lumbia open meeting on Sunday A passenger train ran Into a freight The spur track to the Montgomery quette of my own table, which tallies Wash.. rumored Friday morning that Pre4-deat bodies meetOlympia. tsna Jolut the upon hy train at Browns siding, in Nevada, with the etiquette observable at other Bti Mitchell of the United Mins as the result of an open switch, En- Shoshone mine has been completed sa-1.sthe the and of $1,040,000 royal tables. I would say: "Invite me shipment deadlock, remarkable In many ways, I members of thoae couiiiiIhsIoiim. steps Workers of America bad Instructed gineer Hampton being killed and a to the Lake has again, your majesty, and give me a. Salt smelters dump Is over, and for two years to cornel md been taken with this end in District 'resident Sherman to ask number of others Injured. chance; then I would courteously I begun. organisation Is the men to resume work, but 8her waive rank and do all the talking there will be no trouble between the view.w The pruiKiwid has Construction division Utah company The Northwest culled the I thank his majesty for his kind Henry R. Merton and company, of man denied this. Then S. 8. Lindsay, mine ownera aud the miners In thill10 of Association of ths National Just commenced work on the construc- London, estimate the production of message, and am proud to have it and Nest comCoal Crow's the of manager district. CoiiiHihoduners. miles of new double copper throughout the world in 1906 glad to express my sincere reciprocation of thirty-fivThe terms of the agreement which pany, gave out a copy of a dispatch Green River and at 711,675 tons, between track PORTE. THE ON a PRESSURE from after who district received thla to bad Mitchell, against 683,125 in tion of its sentiments. From Mark meana so much he Twains Autobiography la the North on the Pacific. Union 1906, and (504,000 the year before. said definitely that he had ordered Granger, lega of many weeka are as follows: Amsri-caAmerican Review. for ths Anethsr have Opportunity Anaconda machinists at the The Sherman to get the men back to work. "I. The wage scale in effect in on the The treasury department In Ambassador. r contract with the 12th WAIT FOR THIS. district March 1, 1907, shall remain The men have quit work, but not signed the purchased 200,000 ounces of silobtained force, and eight houru shall constl All on Ifuving eo company. Constantinople. s Copper Amalgamated that strike, gone Only $30 round trip to California, definitely ver at 66,062 cents par fine ounce; tute a day's work for all men under an trade all their demands they may not be prosecuted under a unlona employed at the Washoe smelti- 100 ounces to Balt Lake Route. Write for fall rla granting union. Miners' Ban of to the Francisco the Jurisdiction go Information to J. H. Burtner, Salt law. SherMacedonian dominion gendarJu have new government contract the the have shall union Miners signed "2. Ths concerning ng plant and the remainder to New Orleans. his assistant, lake City. rlsdlctlon over all men regularly em mle, the ambassadors of the powers man and Patterson, ShoeS. of A J. Nevada, pioneer Jack Leggett, one of the prominent slate that the men are pressing I ployed la and around met Saturday to algn a protocol an- - both Kssp Mum. to Issue a strike order, no doubt maker, a former clerk of Washoe and successful mine operators of them and amelters. Including timber fram II cent Increase In 3 Women, as women, are pretty much on account of the ambiguous position county, Is dead in Oakland, Cal., aged era, engineers, blackamllhs and ma ! ceptlng the per Butte, Montana, Is now In Boston for silks. They have the same hair, difThus the question they occupy, thus quitting work with- 81 sod excepting superintend toms duties. yearn He was at one time grand n conference with eastern stockhold- fering The Miners' I which has agitated the porte for the out any definite arrangements. There slightly only as to color and ents and managers. of Odd Fellows of the state. ers of the Raven and Butte and is much doubt about the action of muter Ely length; same features, same thoughts. union ahull not have Jurisdiction over Bnd hM been lb twelve The Ninth legislature of the state mining companies. ! When we love one of them, therefore, carpenters employed In the construe-quitting work without calling It a wo are In reality loving them all. But tlon of head frainea, ore housea and subject of Ishortous diplomatic strike, secretly ordered, and all fall- of Wyoming, which convened JanuThe men employed at the Ontario It Is as well about the mines, mills and tlstions for two years Is now finally ing into line, being a strategic move not to mention this. , 1907, passed more bills relaary I amelters. guttled and the bargain completed by to evade violation of the clauae of the tive to the schools of the state than mine at Park City went on strike on Ufa act. Sherman saya he will not pay the 11th, because of the attempted strike allowances because he can get any legislature has done for many enforcement of n new rule which re- $30 California ft Ret Salt Lake Route. In order vote of that pay the cost ala Unless by a working years. cent of the revenue around that by paying quires them to enter and leave the Life on a Troopship. organisation la favor thereof, and no Macedonia. 75 per Increase In customs lowance. It looks as though the operthe from derived Governor John Sparks has signed mine on their own time. mine the lockout shall be enforced by Tha troopship of had broken the law In posting noators revels In owners and operatora unless by a like being set aside for the requirements tices of a reduction pending the dis- the bank taxation bill, passed at the e luxuries compared with Ita compeer The entire capital stock of the The Macedonian porta the of budget. vote, pute. The Canadian Pacific railway at lut session of the legislature, and Mines and Smelters company of other days, and If the soldier nowassen, Kcrnle "i. No town labor controversy shall has, however, still to obtain thesmaller haa only 19fl tons of coal on from now on National banka Nein been added to the unlisted adays grumbles to himself at his has Just Interfere with the operation of the! of the Untied Slates aud in from Frank, hand, and that brought vada will be taxed the same as other department of the New York stock cramped accommodation and hla ship's powers to the agreement, and this will which worked Thursday. mines or the employment of miners. he can take 'comfort in the "6. The terms shall remain In force afford Amhassadur Irishman the opThe Canadian Pacific railway has financial Institution!. The companys March fare, Exchange. that he enjoys advantages thought portunity of bringing pressure to bear Issued noilcps that none but perishfor a period of two years.' refined 960.000 was of copper The city council of Douglaa hai output s In presenting the selinol question. his that of the sailing-shi- p will handled In Kootebe able freight pounds. GIRL KfLLED BY SHERIFF. to Yorl New of Moses never even dreamed of. la granted period Bljur situation relieved. until the nay FRUIT. BAD FOR THE, The spring report of the committee Tha Captain. The Winnipeg lioard of trade has City, owner of the extensive oil Horse Responsible for of the Rhyolite Board of Trade shows a resolution advocating the r passed that a tranche place, $30 CALIFORNIA $30 But Grain Will bs Bsnefitted by Storm bringing In of cheap Chinese labor to S Terrible Accident at Goldfield. to pipe gaa Into Douglas and througL the mining Industry of the Lee dlx In men of who Colorado. have the the take Round trip via Salt Lake Route. places trlct to be booming In a surprising Goldfield, Nev. Miss Carrie nurton left About 5,000 men have thrown the streets of the city. manner. Less than a year ago the en- Sale begins April 2Gth. Write today. A sharp drop In temperaDenver. a beautiful girl, 20 years of ago, was down their tools. John O'Rourke, placet tire district could have been tied np J. H. Burtner, Salt Lake City. pioneer shot and instantly killed about f ture followed the snowstorm fist one of the wealthiest mer for $10,000. miner and reo'clock Saturday morning near ths urday night, 14 almve zero being Giving the Mall a Sendoff. chants in Butte, whose home has been The Crown Point Consolidated MinOver In the little town of Wildcat corded by the weather bureau In both entrance to the Goldfield imstnfllce. of Anarchists Said to Have In Montana for more than a third of ing company, with headquarters at a negro postmaster each Fred Gleason, a deputy sheriff, was Denver an Pueblo, and fruit of all Band day carries Roosevelt for Slaughter fa century, died lut week la a Marked the mail from the-- poet office to Provo, filed articles of Incorporation mounted on a spirited horse,' whirl: kinds In eastern Colorado was effectuFresno, Cal. Slowly he places the malfcs N. J. An alleged plot onVr with the secretary of state of Utah reared and plunged on the street neai ally nipped In the bud. At Grand Harold Merrlam, of Laramie, Wyo., last week. The new company has a pouch on a crane. As the fast train the sidewalk. The officer's forty-fivJunction, the center of the mure Im- the part of Pennsylvania anarchists la approaching and the arm on th calibre revolver was shaken from lt portant fruitgrowing district west of who are said to have headquarters at the only recipient of the Rhodes capital of $100,000 in a million aharea mall car extends to 10 cents each. sweep the bag1 of holster and fell to the ground. The the continental divide, the tempera- Hazeltun, to assassinate President scholarship to Oxford university, Engfrom midair, the old man shouts: th of the caused discharge Ore from tur weathPark City Impact shipments ture fell to 30 degrees, aud the Roosevelt, Is being investigated by the land, who will complete the three Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! Tb weapon, and the bullet entered Iht er observer there reported tuduy'that In the week aggregated 2.513,840 pounds, honorable mall of these United States course In secret service. that Institution United States years wat who shoulder of the girl, the condition of fruit was grave. 828,000 is about to go. Judge, Daly Informal Ion which led to the inves- midsummer, has been offered the chair as follows: passing by, coursing upwards through Whllo the damage to fruit In tills officers by of English at Silver was to vein the 535,000; her neck, severing the Jugular tigation Middlings, given pounds; Bound million university, to several amount Puget state Oleason was arrested, but almost In dollars,maynearly all other rrops will Chief of l'ollee Adams a few days a Methodist institution, but baa not King, 841,840; Daly West. 800.000; On- $30 California ft Ret. Salt Lake Route. wholly be being just before be shot and killed yet accepted It. stantly discharged. tario, 209,000; Daly. 100,000; New greatly benefited by the mulsture. ago Ever Have to Listen to Em. himself. The chief told the secret blameless. He la overcome with the one Ora Ilaley, of the largest land York, 48,000; total, 2,513,840. The Conversation (as It sounds) hla he obtained officials service that horror of the accident. HAILSTONES LIKE EGGS. Is occasioned by And I says to him, I says O, he Much excitement Information from Jan Bartula, who re- owners in Albany county, Wyoming, says of a rich strike at Mlzpah, HAS DAUGHTER ARRESTED. well. It you think, I says says Portion of Texas Swept By Storm cently citme here from Audcnried, Pa last week began removing all fences the report and who clalma to be a member ol from government land In which be la Nevada. Ore has been found at the then he says he he I just wait, I That Raioed Havoc. the band. He aaid they had guns Father Says She Took $500 and Ran surface which runs as high as $7,000 ays Sadie says she never mayb received bark on him and It was with a desire Interested and will not stop until all Tex. Reports Houston, Man. a With to the ton In gold, silver and copper. you didn't, I says, but I know, I Away here tell of a terrific hailstorm which to lie revenged on them that he ex- the wires are down. Mr. Haley cays This ore carries as high as 1,900 ays I don't care what anybody says New York. On a charge of grand Adams He the he will leave the posts, but will turn ounces in silver to gave plot. If he say so he says I said he h over Carthage, Yorktown and posed the ton. the passed uanics of several persons, who, he every foot of government land be has larceny made by her stepfather, Jas. I says says says I to enormous damage Clayton, doing aid. were implicated In the pint, had fenced Into open range. Sooner than one thinks, smelters T. Uransflcld, said to be a Puck. Telend further said that Czolgosx, who housea and live stock. crops, A dam across the lower Laramie will be operated in Alaska, and then railroad contractor of Chicago, Klin $30 California ft Ret Salt Lake Route. graphic advices state that hailstones asMtsluated President McKinley, had river at a been Gillespie's ranch, near Lara- the world will again he astonished by member of the band. Branaficld, 2C years of age. was ar- as at York and as fell, eggs largo Chelf Flynn of the New York dis- mie, is being complained against It the news from there. As It lu now, Russian Farmers Organize. rested. The arrest, according to the town the ground was covered trict of the United States secret ser- is about alrf feet high, and there Is the ore must be taken to Everett or In Russia there are agricultural orMr. a pollen, followed complaint by depth of twelve Inches. sea and 300 by ganizations of ilransflold that he gave his steiHlaugh The path of tho storm was twelve vice, has had several men at work so little water that the large trout Tacoma, 1200 miles by zemstvoB, through the ruse ever since the Informarailroad, a distance of 1500 miles. which large quantities of farming supter $500 on April 9 to deposit In a miles wide and crops will have to be upon was It cross their lu cannot upmigrations him tion Chief Adams t by given bank and that she left Cbleuf-- with resown. Fruit trees were shuttered It haa Just developed that In ad- plies and machinery are produced. have Interviewed Bartula, and ward. Little fish can leap the disa man. J. K. lluaiger of Chleugo was by the storm and hailstones crashed They are fish to the 100,000 shares of new $30 California ft the but dition tance, large kept he them told practically the same below and fishermen are complaining. Ret, Salt Lake Route. arrested as a suspicious person. through nxifa of frail homos. Balaklala stock recently offered to story. WANTED THE WHOLE HOGS. Congressman Frank W. Mondell, of stockholders at $10 per share and unBUILDINGS NOT COMPLETED Completion of Panama Canal. MANCHURIA HANDED OVER. 9 W. It. has at derwritten Dyer, Haden, appointed through for-Wyoming, Washington. John F. Stevens, Widow Fully Determined to Get Her But ths Jamestown a young man of Carbon county, as Stone ft Co., 25,000 shares were also inerly chief engineer sml chairman of Japanese and Russian Troops to same Issued them the at Money'e Worth. price. Exposition Will Open Thle Week. private secretary to succeed Louis and Chinese In Control. the Isihmlun canal commission, talked r of The directors the his life in a burnNorfolk, Vs. Despite the energetic with the president Ite curious how the people have Saturday about Tekln. The Russian and Japanese DeLarlo, who lost Mining company met n Springville Bluffs Council near car Pullman turned around within .a couple of efforts of officials and workmen, the conditions on the Isthmus. ing have now completely evacuated Max last week and raised the price of the year and become so distrustful, Jamts-towtercentennial exposition How long will It take to complete churla. according to the terms of the last winter. aid the old farmer, as the matter of treasury stock 5 cents. The afyrauce Pod Count killed who C. week be 7M this Illnes, will J. unready the canal he waa asked. opened treaiy of Portmouth, retaining only a Is the result of the recent strike on the graft and trusts were touched upon. Goldfield a In to are cafe, structures that of the alleging seven anil h, six number Between certain horsky of railway guards Many years. claim In Keraila, which ht "I had four hogs to sell and advertised All military movements hare ceased that the dead man betrayed hla wife, known in that state as Mormon house domestic ami foreign commer- replied, adding: Boy. them In the village paper. Half a disand the Manchurian towns, etc., which will plead the "unwritten 'The 1st of Jiinimry, 1915. after law" as cial exhibits and shelter the achieve The Brilliant shaft of the Ely Con- dozen people came out to see them, asd It were under Russian and Japanese all contincencles. counting for his action when the solidated nients in the Industrial arts are in should be completed two yeurs be- control, have been returned to the justification company at Ely, Nevada, and among them was a widow. She complete. Yet the sum of what has fore that time." Chlnere authorities. Since the hand- .rial comes up at Hawthorne before la now being pounded down through wanted me to swear to the breed, the and the fact that the hogs lieen done, us compared with the tin ing over of Mukden to the Chinese judge Langan. ore that is averaging 3 per cent cop- weight Remarkable Freak of Nature. wore In good health. She wanted to the evacuation of Manchuria by the finished work, forms a satisfactory re-- , Charles Brown, of Rawlins, who per. The shaft la over 475 feet deep be assured of their good l:od been going on gradually, and suit. In a railroad acciEphraim, Utah. Imre Christensen, Jaiance and every foot of the distance from hearing. She wanted to eyesight the Chinese local authorities itex sustained Injuries In the beauty of the water show, a be satisfied of this west side farmer prominent mark has shown copper that they were ping lu and taking over the admlnix dent on the Union Pacific, suffering the with Its amazing gathering or foreign hogs. She Is the owner of a lamb which t rat ion of the places evacuated by the the loss of one arm. and secured a values ranging from 1 to as high as wanted me to sign a paper that I fleets, representing the most formid- valley. 14 cent. mouths aud two Is of the per Jupanestv Chinese troops had al- Judgment against the company, has possessor able types of naval fighting niachlner had raised the porkers Instead of of nearly every power of the world, two noses. The lamb Is about -- ready departed from Heilungkiang to accepted the compromise $12,000 ofof All In the the miners employed testing them. When I had done all two and in an opening program with Presi- months old. and. aside from the ac- - replace the garrisons or the towns fered by the company. McDonald-Elthis and the sale was about effected at mine, Ely, Nevada, built Is deformities evnruated the mentioned, by Russians, In ft j4 q. dent Roosevelt the leading role, he suddenly turned and walked away. Michael Keavcy, a miner, who has have struck for higher wages, and with diplomatic, military and naval cording to the usual lamb plan, but tended to have a considerable Each double. are Hollo, mouth nt now, what'a the matter? I callber of Chinese I troops' In disciplined working in the Florence mine at their demands have been refused by ed represent at vet of the great aud soial. ne CB nr after her. 'You-vthe three Mnnrhurinn provinces, and been cut their talla fr some for foreign nations participating, the pub form the functions orB1 the the mine. of There Nevada, time, management, required of It by It Is understood that the admlnlKtrx Dlamondfleld. off,' she replied. 'Yes,' that waa done remote a la while hoisted that a bucket a possibility being general from Itself. in fell Is nature, as each tion of Manchuria will be organized complete when they were pigs. 'Then you after which a definite statement will to the top of the abaft early this strike, affecting the entire district, knock off 60 cents for missing apiece be called enforce to demands the may be made regarding the distribution ol week and received Injuries that caused of these miners, but this is not con- tails, or I don't buy. Its whole hog the troops. er none and nn graft!" his death in a few hours. sidered likely. In Church. Free Fight Young Girl Brutally Beaten. blacksmiths workers, electrical Accused of Killing Blind Husband. Te Fashion in Msdiclno. During the first quarter of the curPortsmouth. O. Rivalry between Ban Francisco. Miss Ethel Hvrger-ton- , unions of Great rent There Is a fashion In most and machinists the record for Mrs. Will year high of the Free factions prices Chicago. Baptist Joseph 17 years of age, employed in d Smtlley Falls smelter have agreed to resume copper have resulted In the payment and medicine during the last ten years Market street caudy store, was at- church broke out here In open bat I who was arrested, charged with caux work, pending a conference with John of $21,097,354 In dividends by twenty-fiv- e has appeared to me to be as much the death of her husband tacked and brutally beaten at night, tie during Sunday morning's service Inji companies which are directly in- under Its sway as dress or charity. newa blind man, by pushing him' not D. Ryan, of the Amalgamated Copper terested in mining or are large shareRev, Half ones duties as a medical man is while on her way home, by a man whe A faction opposing the pastor, of the when a wage of question window, nude company, Freeman Chase, attempted to hold holders In the United States and devoted to be discussed. will 50 to explaining away the diagshow cents had volunteered her the way. service with another minister In statement Friday In which she denied advance of Mexico. nosis of the fashionable physician, Her face waa scratched and beaten charge. This was resented by the the charge. She Insisted thstThei A young lady who bears the unique The shaft on the Western Utah which, however, creditable to the and a blow on the head fractured the Chase faction and soon blows were be- I husband forced himself out the Copper companys Gold Hill mines, In diagnostician, la particularly unforn,,rt -S. skull. The Burgeons of the 1ark fwly .whanRod. the Clifton district. Deep Creek, is tunate for the patient, who readily Emergency hospital say she may die. mark below makes a pet of the maladle a la mode. nearing the In the struggle the man attempted to Bradford Is now tuutu-of Tonopah. Nev pie who said that she D, W. Samways, in British Medical the level, and hy the first ef clioke her and she bit three of his took her of CaIlforrda,and a native through the window could the ccmlng month the work of explor- Jour sal. Leland at fingers to the bone in civil engineering (hat went on lu Un dPgree ation ind development at that depth $30 California ft Ret Salt Lake Rout. Stanford university, wLl hi gin. TWO A tD MS coiiimls-ilimt-r- e poker-clerg- y high-grad- e Eight-Hou- organ-satlo- a.! n. sa srs - nt 1 my-a- elt Kali-roa- d e n five-yea- I nego-buildin- I wWSrWriS as two-third- rr7. s to-da- y New-hous- brother-in-arm- field-nea- Hlgh-Splrlts- d fifty-yea- I r. sanl-Newar- the-trai- n. e well-know- 1 With-dra- Swan-Hildc- n Lee-Ech-o - 400-fo- good-nature- d y I 1 I I e 1 1 third-stor- y Sjgflk&lsw 5JES l- plT ! ? 300-fo- |