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Show iu ' .t T' I- - THE ALTA INDEPENDENT, Alta. Utah. Wednesday, April 24. J907. Vol. II. The Alta Independent Published Every Wednesday. By THE the INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office of publication, Postofflce, Alta, Utah. SUBSCRIPTION: One year, $2.00; six months, $1.25; three months, 75 cents. Entered as the postofflce second-clas- s at Alta, Utah. matter at EDITOR C. V. ANDERSON D. C. DESPAIN.. . . LOCAL MANAGER. I local & News Items METAL MARKET. Monday, 15. Silver, 66c; copper, 23c; lead, $6. Tuesday, 16. Silver, 65c; cooper, 23c; lead, $6. 17. Silver, Wednesday, 65c; copper, 23c; lead, $6. 18. Silver, 65c; copThursday, per, 23c; lead, $6. Friday, IS. Silver, 65c; copper, 24c; lead, $6. Saturday, 20. Silver, per, 23c; lead, $6. 65c; cop- ALTA BRIEFS. Stocks of the Alta mines rather slow, not many shares were chang- ing hands. Calumbus Con. sold at from $5.10 to $5 JO; South Columbus was sold at from $1.30 to $1.37. J d s. Smith, formerly superintend ent of tho Continental properties, has been placed in charge of the City Rocks mines and he will prosecute the campaign of extensive development that has now been entered upon and which is to be increased in the near future. R. J J I am a subscriber and reader of The Journah It affords me a great deal of pleasure to counsel and advise the Elders and saints to contribute for the support of this most extraction by the end of the present month. The story of the Honerlne Extension troubles has been told several times. It Is an account of difEvery subscriber ficulties and patient endeavor on the splendid paper. who aids in the support of The Jour- part of the officials that has seldom the been equaled in the mining life of the nal Is continuously spreading truth among the children of man and state. .Last year the company had just performing missionary labor. J. G. KIMBALL. broken Into Its first great shoot, a Jl J body that gives every promise of be feet from lng the largest and richest yet found In an upraise twenty-liv- e what is known as the Craig drift In In Stockton, when the onrush of the the City Rocks companys property at pentup waters forced the company to Alta, two feet of ore has Just been leave the ore untouched for fear that encountered that is counted upon to the lower workings of the Honerlne develop into something good. While company would not be able to take care of the water when released. The the ore Is. in Its entirety, of only concentrating grade, small streak of Honerlne Extension company developrich copper ore that clings to one of ed this body from the extension of the walls, makes it certain in the what is the sixth level of the Honerminds of the management that a fine lne, and every foot gained upon this body of ore Is close at hand in this new shoot meant over that In vertical depth, or, in other words, sloping portion of the mine. o ground. A great many 'assays have been STOCKTON SHORT-STOPmade from the ores of this shoot. The values have run as high as 7 Manager J. J. Trenam, of the New per cent lead, 60 to 70 ounces silver, on east Stockton company, has gone to 5 per cent copper, and several company business. dollars gold to the ton. - All who have Jl Jl seen the ore are most enthusiastic Superintendent Tom Gallgher, of the possibilities of the Honerlne the New Stockton company, was In over Extension when development work la Stock at mine from Lake the Salt in full swing. It is now statstarted ton. ed that the flow of water from the . General Manager A. J. Bruneau, of face of the drift Is only 25 per cent several weeks ago, the Old Glory and Dominion comps of .Ahat lt was the friends nlea, has returned from an Inspection the lessening flow leading of the company to the conclusion that of the mines on Silver Island. the company by May will be able to Jl Jl enter and take out Its mineral wealth WORK ON THE HONORINE. without fear of damaging the Honerlne On several occasions the conditions workings beneath. From that time date another great Stockton at the Honerlne Extension property will success. of evidence Stockton at gave every such Improvement that the management felt confident of an early reMERCUR NEWS NOTES. sumption of activity. At no time, however, since the company has This Is regular Republican weath touched Its main ore body has every' er. circummore to Ideal thing pointed Jl Jl stances for work within a short time Mrs. Roundy spent several days Jay than at present It Is understood that In Salt Lake this week vialtlng relathe company will be able to begin ore tives and friends. Hake thi-i- r home. Nuioual avenue. Address No. 303 Mechaule King, of the Con. Mercur cuniany, has gone on an ex. tended visit with her parents In AlaMrs. James Quirk returned from a bama. Mrs. King will be missed from 16 days visit to her parents at Salt the social set In Mercur of which she Mke. Site reports everything green Is a prominent member. in Zion, even the trees. jl Jl . jl A delegation of Odd Fellows and Mrs. Frank Carpenter la a Rebeccas from Mercur, consisting of to the Grand Lodge 1. O. O.delegate F., at Mead nines C. W. Fivers, C. J. Ixillis. Ilovo, as a representative of the Re- V. J. Janney, Frank Carpenter, Mary beccas Lewiston Lodge No. 25. Riley and Miss Kate Coffey, Mr. An. dy Anderson and Mr. Albert John,Fr n "r- - W- - T. Jauney gave an son. attended the meeting of the Informal card party on Friday week, grand lodge of 1. O. O. F. at Provo. in honor of Miss Kate Caffey, who left They also witnessed the horse fair week for southern California, on the 17th Inst. They report a very pleasant trip. rrof. D. 8. L Jl Jl principal or Mercur schools McCorkle, and erstwhile penJohn Ronneberg, shift boss In the cil pusher." for the Salt Lake Herald, roll room of the Con. Mercur mill, was visiting In Zion over met with quite a severe accident Sunday, while oiling one of the large crushJl Jl Manager Geo. H. IVrn, of the Con. ing rolls, slipping and falling from Mercur, t in Nevada on mining busi- the top against the roll pulley which ness. It Is reported that Mr. Dern threw him against an upright sup-imIs largely Interested In mines In that and thence to the floar, bruising state. him up considerably and breaking ' his right shoulder blade. Jl Jl He was Mr. D. M. King, master mechanic taken to Drs. Thayer 4fc Berrys office at the Con. Mercur company. Is In and his injuries attended to. He Is this week, taking degrees resting very nicely at this writing In Masonry, also accompanied hla and expects to be around again In a wife that far on her trip to Higdon, week or ten days. J THE BIG EXCURSION No. 39. A. Anderson Is a delegate to the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., In session at Provo, 16 and 17 Inst js Jl plus $2.06 Long limits. Stopovers. Other cheap fates during the summer. L. Write H. Harding, Salt Lake City, for full particulars. L. H. HARDING, General Agent. Some of Utahs Great Mining Camps. The swelling tide of general prosperity for Utah Is bumming and bussing from every point or the compass. The Stale Itaclf la participating In a forward movement which all Ita parts are contributing to, and It la the proper thing to aay at this time that the beginning has but fairly been launched. With the outset eo anusplcloua, ao active, ao full of promise, what must the contlniiatlou be? And to what heights of commercial and Industrial auiieriority will the comumma tlon head us? Certainly no commonwealth at any time or place ever contemplated surroundings more gratifying. resources more abundant, or a vlata of the Immediate ruture more roll of the ways and means by which kind becomes wealtter and more progressive, thereby stronger, better and happier. I.et the procession proceed! ALTA. Alabama. How properly named la Alta! Oc.4 il JA SUMMER EXCURSIONS. cupying the loftiest spot of nay reglarge crowd of Mercur dancers, ular abiding place of cirlllsed mu-kinchaperoned by Prof. Stanberg Via Colorado Midland Railway. and among the external snow which Miss Jane Blanchard went to Ophir City of Mexico, May 1 to 7, June 7 crown the craga like fadeless halos, Friday night to attend one of Ophlrs to 14 and 17 to July 11. Round trip, Ita situation la moat majestic. In the famous dances. They all report a $69.15. Long limits. days gone by, it waa a wonder of the fine time. world and that It la leaa spoken of now EATERN EXCURSIONS. ' than then ia not because It baa reached ji Mrs. D. M. King, wife of Master June One fare any stage of decadence, but because Its May story has become familiar to tho people here and elsewhere. It Is still n repository of wealth incalculable, the work constantly guing on and tho product ateadily pouring forth amply attest It ia a safe prediction to say that Alta baa yet to reach Us aenlth. MARBLE SPRING WHISKEY, (In but s moving toward it with glut Bulk 41 Bottled In Bond) strides, is gaining new friends every day. STOCKTON. Wont you try it? For Sale EveryIn a picturesque spot near what where, was once a considerable lake, and RIEGER A LINDLEY, flanked on two sides by natures great The Whiskey Merchants. 1 I upheavals, sits the pioneer mining 8a!t Lake City. and smelting town of Stockton, Utah. Sole Distributors. Founded by the stalwart soldier, General P. E. Connor, soon after lending his command hither from California, the place has ever maintained some of the characteristics which brought it Into being; push and pull, advanoe . i g pi ffijooal Pure Food Law, Guarantee No. 04 L fled M.JJngSnn and never give up the ship, no matter though It be becalmed at times and not able to make much headway. Tlw worst la past now and the beat la to come. Stockton has caught the gait and will be seen, heard and felt among the godhead communities of tills prosperous state. rt . d. 27-3- 0, u Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cone have gone whose limits are beyond conjecture, to SanDlego, Cal., where they will but all of whom with the exception of THE BIG EXCURSION. the last named being practically at Complies with afljrequnanaits the beginning of what, must surely ' wA of Means,- Si- -e v&vtrrr T5eGf grtatT career a st3iat of any other; while of the much Number. in Great ity greater number whose record as producers has not begun, but Is about to FLOCK TO MILFORD ON 8UNDAY. do so, the great mass of people, lnclud lng many of those nearer home, know from little to nothing. We They Visit the Cactus, the Horn Sil- all the way to need don't enlarge greatly on the ver, the Talisman, and a Lot More of property that has become a merits Wealth-Giverhousehold word; but we do want, while giving It due and full credit, RETURN WELL PLEASED MONDAY to have other worthy properties receive a measure of recognition which EVENING. la necessary to their full fruition and this Is most sure to come around upon The big mining party from Salt Lake examination by those who are willing reached Milford on Sunday morning to examine, able to comprehend and last as per schedule, albeit a couple have the means requisite to make the Advice of the largest cofee tfcalers of hours or so later than was origin- needed Investment. The day of frauds in die world is always to buy the ally designed, the hour being 7 In mining deals by whatever means Is now rests oclock. After a few minutes' stay, long passed; everything Aibuckles ARIOSA Cote in the special pulled out for Newhouse upon the bases of substantial and visDont aJc for s pound of Mocha and Java, or buy bv die price, packages. and went through without a stop, ible merit, and well for Beaver counfor fluctuates and toffee Is It that such Is the case; for we you cannot get is same coffee for die same pticeail die time reaching then soon after and early ty have and nnifta merihad all much have for all In too the for the hand. along you pay it Most of 4e purposes enough Mocha and Java Coffee is simply The party spent the day variously, torious "great first cause and have raaupxfudmg, and is not nearly os good ccfce fer you as Aibuckles ARIOSA, the blend but owing to the fact that but half a not only been willing but solicltlous cf tho Brazilian Coffees most suitaluc to tho taste and health of American people. By the dozen of them were allowed to visit and anxious to have the properties looks dime is no difference between msded Java and Brazilian Coffees; manjyjcnjdjMjnnk the Inner workings of the great Cac- thoroughly exploited. While this has It is a miajte to believe that a high price guarantees tus, the time must have hung heavily not been done to the fullest extent The principal difference is that AAuilcostyrouIeM. on some of their hands as the town is or in a manner at all approaching quality. When you buy Aibuckles ARK)SA Coffee, you get a full one pound package of the leading Coffee of the a very quiet one and objects of Inter- completion, the visit of men of capworld. Its sales for 37 yean are greater lhan die combined sales of all die other packaged coffees. By giving better est are not numerous. A good many acity for Judging and the indespensa-bl- e Coffee far the money, we have built up sbuanem exceeding the combined businesses of die four next largest coffee firms intuition regarding deposits, even kept close to their cars, which broke die in whole world. If your dealer wil sot supply the genuine, write to arbuckle Bros, NswYwkO camp at 2 p. m. for the return trip, for a couple of days, has suggested, been the means of mine much the behind. visitors accomplishing leaving These, with Harry Keate and The good. Beaver county, naturally one of the Times man, representing the local richest tracts of country In a geolocame on back the regular committee, train, which left at 3:30 and passed gical sense upon which the rays of the special at Frisco, where It hung the sun ever descended, has been adup till 7:30, reaching Milford again vertised and worked up In a ratio about 9. After a good night's rest In exactly inverse to her merits. It our magnificently atmosphere, the par- high time we did a more tooting of For information concerning best inrestments in the new "Gold Field." The Seren ty were up bright and early some of our own horn and not let honest dwindle for want of acquaintthem were and a large number soon Troughs Miofag District Humboldt County, Nevada, after took the teams in waiting and ance. It was one of the most com' mendable of things one reflecting paid a visit to the mines of Star disThe new camp that is only s few months old and now shipping ear after car of ore trict and other points, all hands pull- credit upon the county at large even elsewhere through did not out in home for the they evening. ing parti going five to ten thousand dollars per car. While it was not looked for that re- cipate that Milford hustled around sults of a favorable character would and put things In shape for the visiWe will inform you of stocks in good properties now selling for a few cents per be Immediately consummated and vis- tors; our little town thus showed that has she the elements without which ible. It is undoubtedly the' case that share, that will ell for dollars in a short time. great good has been accomplished there never was and never can be a and Investments In Beaver mining metropolis she has public spirit, the ability to catch on at the proper property are assured. and the means at hand to time, A trip of this kind was necessary carry out within a reasonable phere any from more than one point of view. With our To begin with, everybody here and needful public measure. mines which are not proneighboring elsewhere who those Is that elsewhere, ductive for want of facilities and those read the papers, that Beaver has two which produce, producing more and of the great mines of the United States, thereby of the world, but there more and more, Milford will as hithIs a small percentage who are not erto be the faithful barometer to rei posted as to the Important fart that cord and the mouthpiece to proclaim those two are net all. not even In such advancement, all of PITT. G. TOM D. which means CLEVELAND, Secy. their class. They may have heard of the Old Hicko.y, the Talisman, the more population, more wealth and tSTiS 1511 Elephant, the Commonwealth, the Ce- more greatness In every desirable sense for town. our of some others the and dar, the Cave, n d i s. old-fashio- vjt isk. Union Trust 0liy d Investment Company R BOX SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH -- l,T MERCUR. The town of Mercur Is one of the most recently founded of the many populous and thrifty places growing out of mining environments of which Utah iioasta. Although young In itself, it has surroundings much older, as all who are acquainted with the history of camp Floyd and the neighborhood to which it imported no lit tie Impetus in the early days of tho commonwealth. As the preaent home and former cradle of the cyanide process of gold extraction from ores, as well as the production in great abundance of the ores themselves, Mercur enjoys a distinction which time cannot efface. Like most other places, it has had its ups and downs, its periods of depression and Its times of wondrous activity, the mean result being one showing decided prosperity. Its population, while not so great aa at some other times, is still numerous and composed of the elements which o fur the building up and pushing along of the splendid opportunities now existent and yet to be unearthed. The amount of wealth which Mercur has contributed to the worlds posan unbelleveable sessions is well-nigfigure, and the amount yet to emerge from Its hidden vaulta la undoubtedly still greater. That Ita greatest days are yet due Is a belief founded upon the best Judgment which learning and experience can bring to bear. FORFEITURE NOTICE. Salt Lake City, Utah. April 15, 07. To Ell Gregson, bis heirs, assigns, grantees, successors In Interest, or legal representatives: Ton are hereby notified that T. E. Bird has expended during the year 1906, one hundred dollars in labor and Improvements upon or for each of the following lode mining claims situated Tooele In Dugway Mining District, County, Utah, The Dewey No. 2, Dewey No. 3, Dewey No. 4, Dewey No. 5 and Dewey Fraction No. 2 lode mining claims of record in the office of the County Recorder of said County, at Tooele City, Utah, In order to hold said claims under the provisions of section 2324 of the revised Statutes of the United States, and the amendments thereto concerning annus! labor on mining claims, being the amount required to hold said claims for the period ending December 31st. 1906, and If, within 9fl days from the personal service of this notice or within 90 days from the completion of the publication thereof, you fall or refuse to contribute your proportion of such expendiless partial amount ture as s already paid, your Interest In the said claims will become the property of the who hae undersigned, your made the required expenditure by the terms of said Statute. The amount claimed as balance due Is $125.00. T E. BIRD First publication April 24, 1907! Last publication July 17, 1907. to-wi- t: ,4 |