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Show MANUFACTURERS CARDS. LOCAL WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturer of iron fences. Bank. Office and Cuun-te- r Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All ktnds of fancy wire and Iron work. We do Electro Plating In Nickel and Finishes. Copper in ail the Ioiu-s- i Write for Prices, Salt Lake City State St CW4GEK 1 y S R ; CRDCKEITT. Autfcr o ia, tCopyilfilit. CHAPTER XXXII. Continued. Uiuv, Ouu other revenge I hate- wltlrii I l. a r o y s shall It himll be- sa to the . french AnTansy sweet keep to me an jaunt to m. I shall TaMots. wltn draw it (ait lingeringly tbst I may tlieur tablnta will drain all Its sweetness. It Is the upa rnuit in pleasant surprint to start sprliiald whom the ITioct-sSUItnriUK wolnn Margaret bad the bad Uotc lo prtler l'lir ladies' a to uie. Nut that I eared a Jot fur tbs In cases of painful or Princess. My taste Is far other (here trim-flu" man, THKr KUCCKKU price. 1.M per hs looked up tenderly); but the Pria lies. At ell drug storee or by mall. cess I must wed, ss maid or widow 1 noun iUg Co., csre not. I take her provinces, not Main, Salt Lake City, Utah, herself; and Ihcae must be mine by right of fief and succession ss well as DRINK. The way Is by right of conquest. clear. That piece of carrion which men called by a prince's name wan carried out a while ago. Conrad, the priest, who Is a man. shall die like a man. And I, Ivan, and Iluly Russia shall enter in. Ily ilie right of Margaret, sole heir of Courtlaud. city and province shall he mint; Kernsberg shall be mine; Hohrtitiiein shall be mine. Then mayhap I will try a fall for riasenbiirg and the Mark with TEA. the Execolhitier's Son and his little fki!eyrrrrrryrrpyreyyyyr.rrr housewife. But we ter than all Bhsll be my revenge upon the man 1 hair -upon ilm who took his betrothed wife from Ivan of Muscovy. Ah. said Theresa von Lynar. It will Indeed le sweet! And what shall Sr Factory; 720 South Second West be your worthy and terrible revenge? 5 1 have Telephone 979-q thought of it long 1 hare turned It over, this and that I have thought of the smearing with honey and the anthtll, or trepanning and REMEMBER. worms on the brain hut 1 have thought at last of something that will If your local merchant docs not make the ears of the world tingle1 carry in atock Temple Brand GarHe leaned forward and wblsiered ments, Itanm's Head Swaatera, 8e-gInto the ear of Theresa von Lynar the Lily Underwear, send your orders to the nole manufacturers. Salt terrible death ireared for her only lake Knitting Works. son. She nodded calmly as she listened, but a wonderful Joy lit up the ' - ." '.Jt.. .m woman's face. I am glad I came hither," she murTHE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT STONE CO. mured; It Is worth It all. CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANPrince Ivan took her hand In both UFACTURERS. of hie and pressed It fondly. 80LE AGENT8 FOR And yon shall be gladder yet," he Concrete Block Machines. Want te I have someestablish a plant In every city, town aid, my Lady ITheresa. not to that had say. thing thought and village In Utah. Block machines from 9100 upward. there lived to the world any woman Start a email plant and become In- so like minded, even ss I knew not that there lived any woman mi beam dependent tlful. Together you and I might rule Correspondence solicited, P. 0. Box 1131, Sait Lake City. the world. Shall It lie together? lad Phone S80C-But, Prince Ivan," she Interposed quickly, but still smiling, "what is BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. this? I thought you were set on wedYou ding the lrlnceaa Margaret. Many bright boys and girls are mak- were to make her first widow and then wife." ing 5 weekly after school working for Theresa," he said, looking amorua. If you want the same chance, send up. at her, I wed for a kingously ns your name sad address and we wiH dom. But I marry the woman who Is send yon 92 worth of our quick-sellinmy mate. It Is our custom. I must When sold, give the left hand. It Is true, but with Household Specialties. send us 91 and keep 91 tor yourself. It the heart, my Theresa!" He was on his knees before her Tou can do this In one day. We will now. still clasping her hand. furnish you permanent work. You runaent?" he said, with triAddress N- - II. Groesbeck A Co umph already lu his tone . Bprlngvllle, Utah, I did not ssy nay!" she answered, with n sigh. He kissed her hand and rose to his .1 g&fcXsfeXsX feet. He would hsve taken her In his TRUNKS, TRUNKS. hut a noise In the pavilion disI arms, R. turbed him. He went quickly to the 3 curtain nnd peeped through. It la nothing" be eald, "only the men come to fetch the powder tor the Margrafs cannon. But the night 159 Main St, Salt Uk speeds apace. In an hour we assault With an eager look bn his face he came nearer to her. SALT THAT'S ALLt 8ALT Theresa," he said, a soldier's wooing must needs be brisk and speedy. ROYAL CRT8TAL BRAND Youre end mine yet swifter. Qur revenge beckons us. Do you abide here Manufactured only, by till I return with those goods friends INLAND CRYSTAL SALT COH whose names we have mentioned. But now, ere I go forth, pledge me N. W. Clayton, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. your love. This Is our true betrothal. l'r. la.-:'- - n i s I x o g Meredith. Oliver 'runk Manufactur-- r er. I'AUMIR DUUSIAN dyb works i Lk Crockotl.) Come!" the said, and led him withA dim light in the inner pavilion. sifted through (he open flap by which the men hid gone out with their load of powder. Day was breaking sod a broad crimson bar lay acru the path t (he yet unrlscn run. Theresa and Prince Ivan stood beside the dead. He had been roughly I brown down on the pile of rutiah hoses which contained s the powder manufactured by the slrlu.-inihtaccording to the famous recipe of Hsrtholdua Schwartz. The lid of the largest cheat stood open, as If tins men were returning burden. for yet nni Quirk!" eh raid, here In the presence of the ! .i I, I will whisper It here, here or d not elsewhere." r. him round with the She broil-.!gentle ninipiii.'inn i.f her hand till he stood In a li'.le ancle where the red light of the dawn hliono on his dark, handsome fan-- . Then she put an arm n Filers about him, strong a a pinioning him where ho stood. Yet the grueinii Miiile on thn womans Ups hi Id hint uc.piicKctni and content She belli her head. JJsli-n.she paid, "this have 1 never iionc for any man no, not so much a this! And fur you will I do much more. Prince Ivan, you speak rrue iIimiIi alum.! mnt part you and You me for a love pledge. me. I will give I'. Ivan of Muscovy, you have plotted death nnd torture the death of tie; innocent. Listen! I am the wife of Henry of Kcrnsberg.'the mother of the lad Muurlco von Lynar whom ye would slay by horrid I'rinee, truly you and I shall die together and the tiifie la now!" Vehemently for his life struggled Prince Ivin, twltlng like a serpent, and crying. Help! Help! Treachery! Wilch, let me go. or 1 will stab you where you stand." Then Theresa von Lynar laughed aloud as she held him In her grasp. The password, Prince do not forget the pas word! You will need It tonight. I. Theresa, have not forgotten. It Is 'Henry the I.lon! 'RememMar-gruf'- . ber!'" And Theresa dropped the naked candle she had been holding aloft Into I he great client of dull black grains which stood open at her side. lRwrwr.m!stvwrrru' Stop Those Has" ehe' Those jgt f ssaaaaaaaaaasaasaa 230-31-3- 2 Dizzy Spells That Eye Strain. Co. Alexander-DIbbl- e To-da- Formerly Alexander Optical Co. Atlaa Block, Salt Lake City. Both Phonee 4444. CALIFORNIA BEST REACHED VIA THE NEW AND POPULAR 1 a neck. Oh, I am bad bad bad1 she cried vehemeptly. It were no won dor if you did not love me. But do keep loving me. I should die else. v 111 he better, I will I will! I do not know why I should be so bad. Sometime I cannot help It." But Maurice kissed her and smiled ss If he knew. Wc will live like plain and honest 'w 1 u. e WINTER RATES: w e Shortest nnd best line to Bullfrog nnd Nevndn'i Mineral Ask Belt, via. Thn La.s Vrjai 4L Tonopah Railroad. the Ajent, but specify San Pedro, Los Angeles Snlt Lain . J. H. BURTNER, D. P. A., Salt Lake City nststur.wjrr.mrstBtstRStsrwrmrsivv.irsrsrrwvrrirrFwwprrS'rrrrirstrstststst SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. or the GRANDE CANYON PANORAMA Little one, I want you to bo good." country folk, you and I," he said. Let Anns and Martha follow their wai captains. Now smile on me, little onel j EAGLE RIVER CANYON. OF NATURAL WHEEL GAP. WAGON BEAUTY ALL GLENWOOD SPRINGS. THE WAY. CANYON of the GUNNISON. i Unit's better." In Margarets April eyes the sun GARDEN OF THE GODS. THREE After that It mattered little that at shone out and ahe clung lovithe name moment lieyond the Alla the ngly to heragain, MANITOU SPRINGS. THROUGH huBband a moment before trumpets of Hugo, Prince of Plassen-burg- , she would let him go. I ' TRAINS. THE ROYAL GORGE. blew their first blast a Not In a vast and solemn cathedral CHAPTER XXXIII. u Joan married, but In the old THROUGH church of Kernsberg, which had so - .. The Head of the Church Vlsibls. S AND PULLMAN TOURIST 8LEEPERS. tko Church So " said' Pone Sixtus amicably411 r,sed TO DENVER. exactions of her ancestom S' the tgalnst H 'your brother was killed by the great The bridal escort was of her own AND For Folders, Booklets, Etc., Address CHICAGO explosion of Frlsr Roger's powder In tded h now to no hers be soldiery, I Then you the camp of the enemy nore, and all of them were a little aro the heir to the kingdom you must sad for that. Hugo and Helene of marry you must marry!" had come Hugo because Pla'ssenburg q'skliiMiiiis'trsskiisiiSssliaiaaaiiaaaaaassaaasskkasasMssas Conrad flushed fiery red. hi was the representative of the Emhe said "Holy Father, nervously, peror, and Helene because ahe was a his eyes on the Alban Hills, It was sweet and loving woman who delight- concerning this that I made pilgrim- ei to in anothers Joy. rejoice to Home I commit that age might last at ..When they came down the your Holiness!" choristers dale, and the sweet-voiceThe pontiff nodded amicably. white-robe- d and maidens the ng, Well, I will receive back your hat. mattered flowers for their feet to walk I will annul your orders. But whom found opportunity to do yon wish to marry T What, your tpon, the bride C I shall never her to husband, whisper brother widow? It will be difficult, ke Joan of the Hand Sword. any thte marriage difficult, but not im- more!" possible." back at her as they came TORONTO. OTTAWA, MONTREAL. The ronttff paused to give Conrad outHe smiled tears and laughter and the upon to time speak. PORTLAND. BOSTON. QUEBEC, of the throng I will pay Into the treasury of the acclaim little filled the that square. Iloly Faihcr on the day of my marFear not, beloved," he said, and hla riage a hundred thousand ducats," eyes were very glad and proud, he And all principal points Canada New said Conrad. I will Sword be to and me, your via Detroit and the England, The Pout iff turned about and beck- joan Hand! oned to a tall young man In a black (The End.) soutane. come tilullann. hither!" he cried, He Knew the Subjects. and as lie came he explained in his In n far western canon, near the low toue, My nephew. Yes. my dear Mexican border, are four graves, the Through car service from Chicago. Rates of nephew. Prince Conrad of Courtland! headboards marking them fashioned You are to go and prepare documents fare further information from deals of a packing (torn the rough concerning this noble prince. I will ease. In tho graves are burled three lnstrurt you as to their nature presA. C. SHAW, General Agent Passenger Department of a little party of seekers after gold, in me the Await hither library. ently. of greasers" from band a of one and was When he gone the Pope sat a 232 South Clark Street. Chicago across the boundary who contested moment absorbed In thought. rlcbwerrl-torto claim the American I will mVid him tn Courtland with the In the canon. you. He will marry you and bring The faulty orthography of the rude back the benefaction. Your eon! V am'an old man anTneedheTp' carv?? the Tadder" on the first jeeture May you bo happy! headboard la Intended for "Padre a CATARRH and all aarabl. Anal. dluaiM af tha sobriquet sometimes bestowed in the ,' Epilogue of Explication. Sara Hma Tbioat, Stoauok. LIt. KldnayA Bladdv Southwest upon an ebsteml- and Bowili. Heart Dii BUa It waa the morning of a white day. lawless D.tn.u, Pita CboA Rbnuiatina, Pi 1ml Ruptare,DimiH, Lost lfanhoad. The princely banner fi,w from every oub comrade. enFnwatlo Tnnbl.a and all OoaorrhoM, Bnhlfla of the carver the epitaphs That lo tower la Cast Kornslieri:, for that day Cbr.nl. Kmu aad Prlrmta Dim... of 11 .a. Worn in ad to the ultimate desand ildrra. SI a traataiat ar fit for a taro (or it waa lo lost' a iliiei.t . and gain a tertained Ideas and DlMaaaai j fallen l a Month) modlolaoo (Too for all companion, duke. It was .luau s. coml wedding tination of hla 41 mum. ohroaio la detested Mexican, the plain of that day tho day of her lirt marriage. Never had the lit tie hill town sees from the direction Indicated by the so brave a gaiheriur, since the Nort- Index finger of the band ebove the Pro. Bhoroo' Xyo Dmartmaat fcr th. gnlak Mr. of all and (or tho hern prince laid Henry the Lion In his name on each board. f In the vault great grave. when he Even. Getting slept there was n new tomb, a plain Who was that plutocratic gentlemarble slab with Hie inscription Dra. Shorn, bar. a SpMia! Detriment ndidub fcr tha WoatMMl and mm man you Just bowed tn. Sqntggina?" f all PrWata Dluaua of Hm. whothar anood hy Itnofaaaa 'THERESA, WIFE OF HENRY all does who the was aoa who haro booa lod aitrar hy had oooaalM-iddlo-a- (ad bxoomu ar aoatastoa. plumber Young That bob who DUKE OK KKRNSItEllli AND HOR. to axuiioo kara on. who aid dad win00001 thotr the house bm In j goaa anfortuaaloa who my during the work EXSTK1N." hua aoatraotod 41 hum (ho vUtt of Blood PaUoa rlyor ad dl othon who aood tha ooubmI tad aid af opariMaad and kindly phyrialanA an andially lari lod to ooaanll month? And underneath, and in Latin, the ter But thi. d apart MM aad bo adviaod TREI Or OHAROB. you seem to have quite kindly Bo nr. to tho mto aado DR8L SHORES' MOOIRX METHODS words la an FrlTata toward him. which plumbers feelings Dinara, that you Buy urruago te pay th. fu fcr . aura lu (Ball woakly o Monthly AFTER THE TEMl'KST, FEACE!" to tho the bo after our. IbmbIIbmia presentaused w FAT WHIR CURED. yon urogroaooA May are hardly DBS. SHORES adroUia 'Vatu'' for any For, strangely enough, by the wonder tion of their bills. But perhaps he has lncla allaont" aad thn aharga you tau iImn m bhoA or some Providence of freak of the ex- let you down-easy?a. in amount udfurtlMd hoeuuM lha ooao la Dra. Shorn Uoro that te tha "Taka Modlaal ploding powder, they found There Not at slL He soaked me and his Dra. Shorts guaruntot that aaa fu Intitule." fallen where she stood, b!:iekened but other customers so hard that he has fcr ALL your utlmanlo If th.y tnul your mo and pays that tha CURS win ha ahoaptr than you aaa bo a fcr scarce marred lu face or figure, go been able to buy an automobile out of fufor olHwhart. Mrod Dro. iIm Shorn fural.h your from thet burnt-ou- t hell they had his profits. But, I tell you, I was FREE thoro lo uo "hold up" far "Madlriuoa" after you hart arrang'd tha fu. Quaak. aad Fakirs nmi brought her here that a' the last ahe mighty glad to see him Just now, for te nth trick, to rob lha unwary hat Lagltlxuta might rest near the roan whoa her It savored of revenge." abhor and dtnounea th.m, soul had loved Rw.r of any fakir who ktdM hAInd a "fakt Kadl-eIn what way?" Initituto baeaau ho daro not advartlia ante hla waa But on thl morning of gladness only out Just coming That plumber awn nam. Thar. mu. I ha a roama far II Joan themght of the dead woman. I'll bet Homo automobile Treatment shop. repair Cure. Write for Fret Symptom liM of an If y.a eonnot call, ("on.ultatlou fru. "To-daI will do the thing he be s got a taste of his own medicine - te H0l;B8! p. m. XralagA 7 te S Saadaya and wished," the Puches thought, as xhe there, nnd It will barirupt him Just to holidays 10 a. m.te M of looked from the window towards her 'devil ala wheels wagon the & Shores, Expert Drs. vop Shores Specialists, 249 SS"11 LSiS'ciutah fathers tomb. "She would take noth-ln- runotaff right. If this Isn't poetic Jusfor herself, yet shall her son sit in la? what tice. Ah, CANADIAN d PACIFIC RAILWAY many-colore- d in and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY y 58 W Second South. jwNv.-n- I PLACE YOUR EYES IN OUR HANDS. and SALT LAKE CITY. r, t'aiCOTTON by 'TJtQfZatikvd &o roy piaee and rale where his father ruled. I am glad!" e Meantime, beneath In her chamber, the Princess Margaret was making her husband's life a burden to him, or rather, first quarreling with him and the nest moment throwing her arms about his neck In passion of remorse. For that la the wont of dainty Prinoese Margarets who are sick and know not what alleth them. "Little one," he said, I want yon to be good. This Is a great and n glad my alater finds the hapday. piness that you and I have found. Today I am to sit In my father's seat ami have iny own name among men. You must help me. Will yon, little one? For once let me be your tireI have often done my own woman. tiring when. In old days, I dared death In women's garments tor your sweet sake. Dearest, do not hurt my heart any more, but help me." Hi wife smiled suddenly her tears, and cut her arms f ' rc DOCTORS f f lT MATT 53. kH WHO CURE Tart-aooo- SALT LAKE CITY COCA-COL- CONSULTATION FREE WiSr" Uu UTAH IN BOTTLES. have established a plant for tootwe ing this most popular drink and ant an agent In every town In Utah We The password. Prince do not forget the password I" us handle It Good profits. Write T love you, Ivan!' that I may Say, ; once for prices, etc. in heart till my return!" It my keep Co. Coca-Col- a Bottling Salt Uke He would hare taken her In his Balt Lake City. P. O. Box S. arms, but Theresa turned quickly, finger on lip. 8he looked anxiously towards the back of the tent where lay the dead prinre. lluah! I hear something!" ahe said. Then she smiled upon him a sudden radiance like sunshine through oteainrd "rhoftw. Wrttr wom rain douda. "Come with me I am afraid of the to .unarm. ahe said, almost like a child. dark! nd Mpnwwlt-luuaM . I Krml photo rwrtrU-h- and weiwml For great Is the guile of a woman MWCDIATS FRCS REPORT ON PAT-IMTABILITV. Wycan'prsctkw. KrgMI when her all Is at stake. Writ nr Jo and Pmtmt Lawym WSSHINCTOS. Theresa von Lynar opened the 0. C. Tib Si.. I at latch of a horn la&ter which dangled at a pole and took the candle In her left. She gave her right hand with a certain gesture of aurrender to Frlnce 1 S0S-60- wj ,vsn. A Special Department for Men. " oonipli-oatad- ." mod-Mu- t. al y g |