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Show I I R. H. Or iu:sr & Co.. Amyiri a 1 Chainlets, lit 8. W. 'IH Ot, .1 aty. WMU tot 1 iiing n Si Fifteen uujre or analyses for 13.00. Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper, Iron, Zinc. BUeia, Calcium and Manganese. Write for particulars. THE HENRY HANSON CHEMICAL RE8EARCH CO, Analytical and Consulting Chemists, 54 Railroad Building, Denver, Colo, U. 8. A. of Hope light all the air, and where Subscribe for your local paper. the temples of a marvelous fruition are about to begin to soar upward In We will duplicate any piece of work marble and in steel. Get aboard or done by "the reputed beat deuUat in will be left. surely you Utah" for 30 per cent lesa than the price charged by him. All work dose under a written guarantee. SMOKE THE BEST. MECHAM DENTAL CO, 65 Main St, BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. Salt Lake City. Whitaker and Dallas, Makers, 134 W. Subscribe for your local paper. 3rd South Street, gait lake City. HOTELS AND ROOMING SALT LAKE CUTS IOTCL HOUSES. EVUVTBINC NEW and THE NEW YORK EUROPEAN IOC ROOMS avanv ouira wrvH oavn nov and oolo wavan in avanv room eBMVRALLV LOOATIB, M bloom waav OP poov oppiom 48 MARKET STREET RATBO RSAOQNABLS ALEX 44 PALACE OF MANUFACTURES AND LIBERAL ARTS. JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION, 91-2- Orders Mall tended to. 338 Main 40TELS 4 ROOMING ALT Natal. Pvaprtatar, rs. Mary Marriott, PrppM. 4 NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS BY Rates 50c, 75c, and 44V6 AND talaa Strictly First Class. at- DOULL DRUG CO, SL, Salt Lake City, af 444444444444T44444444444444444444 5 promptly arty Clark THE MIDLAND! Thli Is one of the twin structure! aqUa re fot of exhibit space and will that ,a 10 1,01180 1110 taduatrial dlBbfl as beautiful lu design aa it la lm- Exposition menae in size. play at the Jamestown The building is to contain 350,000 Curious Compound Capsules Combine the Virtues of Big G, Rabat O. K, a 8anta Pepalnon and sell for Box. 4-- If J. STRATTON, 4 Dell Phone 5198 Red. THE DAY, Week or Month. fl.00 per Day. ... West First South St, Salt Lake City, 44 44444 444 444444 4444 4444 444 44A4444 HOUSES. -- WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Balt Lake City. . .Located in tho taut of tko Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms, Flratclaaa In every respect Steam, heat Elec- 3HOTELMETROPOLE,l85 Eaet Third South Street Rooms 75 cants to $3 00 psr day. Telephone 1899. Modern in all Its Appointments tric Lights VAN NOY APARTMENT HOUSE, New and Elegantly Furnished Rooms by Day Weak or Month REAL ESTATE CARDS. Mrs. A. Var i'oy, Prnirit-Independent 'Phono 213 South MuK SL Steam Heat and Baths; Eleotne L.n '1 Aa REAL ESTATE CARDS. Richter estate West First South, 14 Salt Lake City Utah. SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. ESTABLISHED 1893. Now la the time to Invest A rapid advance la certain. Choice building lota all parts of city,-- 9100 to 9000, r month, 7 per 912.50 cash, 97.50 cent HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO, 78 West 2d Bo. St . THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Plan a SpeHomes on Installment cialty. Farms and homes for sale or trade Horses, Buggies, Etc, Bought or Exchanged, ltoom 8 O'Meara Block. No. G3H W. Second South Street 8alt Lake City. A. L. Brattain, Manager. Have you over thought of getting Into buainesa? For Instance, a good paying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, restaurant, or, in fact, any business enterprise? If you contemplate such a move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be money makers. Correspondence solicited. Business Opportunity Pspsi tinent.'E:' BlCHTtB,kt4r ESTATE. . ROMNEY AND RYAN, LIN0TYPER8. Ml SOUTH WEST TEMPLE ST. SALT LAKE CITY, Llsatyps Plant Went of Chirac. All Kinds l.iryril st Type Mel 1 lairynlnt as trmm Acat ta Plea Promptly asdn Skilfully KaecalcS a Specialty. Tax Lints, Briefs sad Prosper! Special KSItlaaa, A Fall Line at Marhlae Haider Always aa llaad. Writs far Eatfo Bax 1141, Salt Lake City. Bell Pkana HIT. mates. Addrrss P. ns 1 a J. HALLORAN, Real Estate and Loans. Established 1887. Telephone 823. 14 W. Third South Street Salt Lake City, Utah 9350.00 buys very choirs Main to. W. Lots. HOUSTON REAL E8TATE INV. CO. Lowest Homes for rent and sale. prices. Easiest terms, Salt Lake City. 251 Or Miles Main SL, Anti-Pai- n FOR REAL ESTATE See Peterson Real Estate InvestCo. Large list bargains for which we are exclusive agents. Special attention to property of estates ment and Old s. reliable agency. Correspond or call. 830 So. Main St, Salt Lake City, Utah. OUR MOTTO: Salt Lake City Has Caught Her hear a a That til lf rlVnc L l ,tle ffe8,, 011 th? d now ?8t 11 11 Quick Sales In Real Estate. They mean that a new time table If you want to buy or sell Real has been and if yon do not Estate, list your property with un lor hurry you ndopted will not get aboard. We the sales. have buyers. quick It is a moat magnificent train that new locomotive la hauling. Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. it has last years Increased values on board and ltrun the way to make a of them to the world. BUY a LOT or a HOME before re What are they T Why, you must he prices advance. We advise you ina stranger. A gold increase over 1904 gardlng localities and make your of 83.000,000; a silver increase of terests ours. 32,000,000; a copper increase of 82,- MARINGER INVESTMENT CO, 40 East Second South. 000,000; a mercury increase of 914.-Manager Seelflg Salt Lake City 000. This In the metal line. But there is plenty more, in sugar, in wool, Cara. in livestock, and 33.000,000 in the in- j creased value of real estate in Salt We have all kinds of investments in Lake City. There is another difference in this real estate and we write all kinds of last item. A year ago the values Insurance. were latent people were dreaming YOUNG A YOUNG, an unearned Increment now the General Insurance, Real Eetate and of values are active and the man who Salt 202 Loans. Whltingham Blk, ptits off a purchase until tomorrow Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. will pay more than he would have to to-da- That is, the boom is on. That la Frank what this train with the Locomotive BROS. attached to It means. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. And if you do not get aboard your 30 South Main Street, 8alt Lake City, Salt Lake Real Estate the best in- children, ten years hence, will be vestment in the world. Utah Com- telling of the mistake you made. ad- Because you must know that the mercial and Mining Stocks the safest vance in the mines haa only Just bein the world. Members Salt Lake Stock and Min- gun and, for it all. Salt Lake ls the clearing house. ing Exchange. When on the morning of Austeriits sun rose In glory over the Carps- GEO M. McCONAUGHY, tbian Mountains, Napoleon, who was state and Loans. riding with his staff, stretched out Investment, Securities, Trades and his sovereign hand and said: "Behold 1101 Business Chances. Ind. Phone the aun of Austerlita," and the awed Salt Lake City. Utah. staff doffed their chappeana. 28 West Third South SL, tl la like that here. When now, at Moeea W. Taylor. - kawnt," which is the Shoshone for Beautiful upon the mountains are foet of him that brlngeth good dawn, the rising sun turns to purple tidings, and now no other tidings are 5Gld tte Bn0W8 011 the lordly Ww being brought Listen to the message tch ran that 10 the m ot Salt come on our wireless: L00- - Pfeaaging trlumps greater tbaa From Park City: Better and bet were achieved at Auaterllta( for it has ter. This year we will eclipse the ome to the knowledge of men that all hst The Silver King has become an this great region. Utah, with her cop- - ftnperor." Do not bother per and gold and silver and lead and From Bingham: wool and sugar, turna to thia city at about Bingham. She has turned vedged-ahapea point of adjustment the sharp edge upward More, half Nevada feels the same aad all the work done la but an ern-th- e way, and la bringing hither her gold t of far mightier works in the fatare." an(1 her allver. The railroads that center here can-- From Cottonwood: y We hare not do the work assigned them, and ed long, 1907 la to bring us reallsap tkn." more are coming. The new smelters are being hurried From Stockton and Ophir: This we are going to surprise yon. to completton lo meet the Increasing From Beaver: "Hurry up your new demand for reduction works. As men in the mines grow rich they fnmacex, or we will swamp yon with are saying, "We must find a place ore." with great schools, great churches, From Newhouse: "We will this theatres, stores, libraries, a good d- - 7&r put aside some millions to corn- mate and Joyous surroundings for tbs pwte those 10 and 12 story buildings Is Salt Lake." children. Instinctively they tarn toward Salt From Old Pioche: "Redemption Is Lake, for Bait Lake has all they want sigh. Walt until our little road Is and still la so near tbat they can run completed from Caliente and see a In, make a visit, and return, before second-birt- h for old Pioche. From Ely: Before this year is out they are missed. And others, when they make money 07 will make other copper camps In our home mines look about then em second class and all our million-pa- y and note how beautiful ia the situation aim win want residences In Salt of tile city, and exclaim: "Men dream take City." of having monuments when they From Goldfield, Manhattan, shall have died, I will build mine hen Ute, Tonopah, Yerlngton and Fair- while I am yet alive," and so they tray view; before the year la out, lota and make plana and it ia in this will make Sait Lake what Jerusalem in monSolomons day when gold was year of our Lord 1907, that those umenta are going to begin to mater- - soplentiful that men no longer made lalize and that ia why we raise the soy account of allver. cry: "Get aboard or you will be The air of Salt Tjv g fliied with tbs ringing of the left!" Joy bells of lr- The train is already moving; the reprcuible business; this train head-th- e respirations of the locomotive are but ed by Progress is compassing the land an echo of the throbbing life of the anl the fame of It fills all tbe space the city; the bell which now rings out a between It's smoke sets, Jny bell; will for you, lest yon get by day ls a cloud; It's aboard, toll a farewell, if you do not bcwllght by night la a pillar of fire mi men 0f the desert to this hurry, for the great train ia already In porting mol'oa and in another day will be dtf as a Mecca where the banners - (From Goodwin a Weekly.) Did you and do you herhrfwhot Y. Taylor. TAYLOR f J w Pills Cure Headache and leave no bad effects. Almost instantly Neural other relieve also pain, every They gia, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Backache Stomach ache, Ague Pains, Funs from inpains, Indigestion, Dizjury, Bearing-dowziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. n wait-displa- Prevent 7r All-Ach- es Anti-Pai- n By taking one or two Dr. Miles Pills when you feel an attack coming on. You not only avoid suffering, but the weakening influence of pain upon the system. If nervous, irritable and cannot sleep take a tablet on retiring or when you awaken. This soothing influence upon the nerves brings refreshing sleep. 2 doer. 2$ cents Never sold in bulk. Rhyo-Progre- Chiropractic Treatment will cure, Is a new science of healing without the use of drugs. It ia In harmony with nature's laws. Seldom fade; never does harm. Wa uee no drugs, no knives. Chirolo the only practic la common sense. It will boar Investigation. It mode of healing which exactly locates the eauee of alekneaa and removes the ume. It Is not Faith Cura, Christian Science, Magnetic,. or anything else, but Chlroprao-ticOsteopath, Manage, correct knowledge of th nerves. It adjimto It la baaed on all diaplaeementa and allowa the Innate builder to reconstruct the book that explains our broken down tissues. Call and get a Consultation and Examination free. mode of treatment. Lady Assistant Office hours 10 to 12 a. m. THE CHIROPRACTIC INSTITUTE AND CURE Bell Phono 1232y. 64 W. 2nd So. SL, Salt Lake City, Utah. Photo-Therap- |