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Show PARALLEL. A DEADLY Itlllir :.MFlt tli Itl.ll'KM coMiitsrs mnM:i:v M.Us Ittrollik MIIAT THE mi IlM1 Mi kiuk-- jmr IMJ Mining tens-a- . UHIIAIU For President, 1908: THEODORE R00E8VELT. STUIsTIIS MIOU. lKI(IOS . ll,H.-Gitri..- " ri'KaiiMil control In nf (lie ami nine tariff. mln,llr, lia follow nl. Now dial tariff rrfurni Mini li 4lir new ltriulilli-aiiM- MHiir , uf tin two nr nr fomini-rcla- l Uir wliolr txainir) aaniplra uf wlial li.MH.II T IICII )rr I rnactl REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE PAIGN COMMITTEE. lln lllnjil,, ever known inrrllj . aM-n- . n l.u niaiijr uf llir Inilii-lr- li In fuuiul In all new hi Tin I'tlrw inf fur llu- - J. Salisbury, Chairman; WeW-Wiilruu. First Vice President; Stan'nril, Second Vice President; :1eurgn 11. Squires, Secretary; Briaut O KU'OIMI. I iianiiil: S. MiMI Klltri UTIOV Youiik. AsnIkuiiI Treasurer. Secretary; h e 1 lu-r- e 14 p,.. - i West First South, A. L. Brattaln, Have you ever thought of getting into business? ForManager. instance, a good paying rooming bouse, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, restauIn fact, any bualneaa enterprise? If you contemplate such a rant, or, move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be money makers. Correspondence solicited. Business Opportunity Department A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. ; - ' vvr.uutA - & si HINT TO THE INVESTOR. i; m m bait Laze Real Estate is tne Barest, surest and best thing to buy In the whole wide west. It Is cheap, too far cheaper than It ahonld be, consid- ft ft ering resources, geographical location, rapidly developing tributary region, ft climate and the attractions of 8alt Lake. The country around about la far ahead of Salt Lake. Salt Lake must and will catch up, and while It Is catching up Is when values will double and good money be made. s 1 s tf pri-w-n- t; ii BOOST Salt MARINGER INVESTMENT CO., 40 East Second South. Manager Seeing Suit Lake City Care." THOMAS F. ASHWORTH. i EVERYBODY s Lake! I r i -- JIHS - jxMkc.. tffMkrjrxmz-.- Vt g lnter-Mounls- M. McCONAUGHV, Real Estate and Loans. Investment. Securities, Trades and Business Chance. Ind. Phone 1101. 41 West Second So. SL, Salt Lake City, Utah. m Homea for rent and aale. Easiest terms, Salt Lake City. prices. 4t SOUTH WEST TEMPLE ST, SALT LAKE CITY. The I.arr,t ladeetadr.t Llntyw Plait West of Chiron. AH Kills f Type Hettliff fnm Asite ttm Promptly pid gklltilly Elicited Special Edltlau, Til (.lots. Brief! lid Prupti ( Specialty. A Kill l.tn if Haehlic Birder Alwiyi m Hud. Write for Eitts tea Addren P. O. Bmc 1141, Silt Lake City. BcU PhOM S11T. . e tions solicited, and anawered prompt312 Dooly ly. Bell phone 590-Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. WHEN HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. .. llOMXEY AND RYAN, L1N0TYPERS. enai-lini-n- fr : ki . Attorney-at-La- Practice In both state and federal courts. Special attention given to mining and mining law. Communica- GEO i ft - .d BUT a LOT or a HOME before prices advance. We advise yon re gardlng localities and make your Interests ours. ESTABLISHED ISIS. ( imsu-ng- Quick Salec In Real Eetatc. If you want to bny or sell Real Estate, list your property with ns for quick sales. We have the buyers. W. J. HALLORAN, Real Estate and Leans. Established 1887. Telephone 823. 14 W. Third South Street, Salt Lake City. Utah. 6350.00 buys very choice Main 8L Lota. Salt Lake City Utah. lke n: HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO, 71 West 2d So. 8L OUR MOTTO: Richter eSt), A. TKII. u. $70, CASH, $1.00 PER WEEK 0 cent. Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. AT Wnlii'KS OCTIAIOK to A. .1. I.ACult IX I'lTTSIll'ltUlf. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. inns. Cm inn ah. Cm.. Juiv AlmoM every linn lx luokl.iK fur Salt take Cliv; George F. Wori-rhii-r- , Manx., July 3, is:!. 111 ne-t- i I .ove, Salt take City; James K. S. vunuiix pari uf The rolllriK mill uf tin- Waxliburn A ha, X. Salt City; Benner Clinton, an. . .. take Moen ..i.wMI" iorl nilllx hihI furnm-, T Muiiufacturli.f k rnininiiiy at m, p -i.IIiIn heei, have that aliut iliiu'n for luituiir up Qulnaisamond has (.hrs.,nlh,I1 onii iase city, I. it' Mini Hu- f. inner in'mu a week. Ihrowli.K nut about Sim men tivi)( lJViK i .Mr-t- , City; Arthur PraH. Cutler, Salt The IlarrliiKtnn & Hlrhanlxoii Arm tinmilkmen Soli lake City; Wesley K. Walton, (IM,v union .K Hike Woodruff; C. K. Iaxtse. Provo; Frank ulio company lias alau laid off a Ifiiae iiuiii- - lui xklil- .l inc. liiiiin-" I'1''1"1- - Thin ih W. FlHhburn, Briffham City; A. H. tier of men. Rome ray Unit from Ml Inlui'k" "f ufli-ii fur labor. ami all wiri-- of Salt laike City; Oeorge M. Cati-nnfrom Hie U 75 man wen- ,1.,,,,. ri. aay Salt Ijike City; Fred C. Jensen, WorkN n.. 111, Lomu I...M nu t.. Suiuriluy Crumpton ML I'leasant; T. EL Ilulanlskl, Oqilen; idjfht, and Ihe force st tin- - Slur Pouu J. H. Detnlm;. Salt Lake City; Jamex A WAI.I. RTHKKT dry has been reduced. The for.- - mi tlie j S. Mclleth, Pay son; Harry S. Joaepu, x of llulire Indiixlrb The Iihm work Kiiowtas tatim greatly James Christensen, 1,1 uiuioxi unexampled i Sail ljike City; u reduced In tlio luuit few week am1 eiij.iiiK 1U11 B. F. Riter, IiORan; J. J. al(.,. w.irkM 1,.fllt1(.rl y l other inanufartiirliiK enni-- i rim m re let urib rx bo..k.-ito him them Thomas, Salt City; W. 8. Luck-har- t, iire tin iik)i Hie yenr. Tin- - rnilr-.iidGus. J. Henrtod, EurePark City; l mHiiiifui-tiii,i-iH uf toliime muvItiK ka; C. K. Ijoom Member Republican ko.hIx lb.it iiffxi-l.the Crompton works through the win- - and -SlJtril.liial fr..,l,ix. Natloual Committee; Joseph Howell, hlrlII(tl, ter was about ISO, but has been re Mny of the Member Congressional Campaign ComThe great ruilnn.il syxii-nilu u xpl.ii of mittee. are duced now to Ires than TOO, no new ui.kinoui. The lust orders are coming In, and the works harmony hillo-rlIn l.unkrupti-of the eii l EDITORIAL NOTES. have mure than enough men to r..iu-plet- e tins heel.gi res. properlii-i .red to its shareholders. uffp-lulthe work on hand. The I'hysleully ti ml morally the railroads Mayor McClellan Inalsts that he was lay Ihe truulde to the Im-- of eonli-deuc- e are belter limn ever before Our off at Iluffulo." "put beAt the Knowles grout inuiiufiiclurli.g In biiMliiesn. Hie l fon-Is the ing railed upon by foreign coiiuirb-- s lam in works the Think of New York being governed smallest employed In many yearn. A for iiuielilio-ry- . h.i.I bridgsalesman for the Wtmhburii A es. Itussla has pluce.l with one of by the Evening Journal! ManufHi-turliithe compuny who line Jnxt our iiiai.ufio-tiii-lnreturned from a trip Ihrougli the iurgest order ever given in Ihe history Why, there's two votes fur I leant - lull. 0. ill Ions of steel. right country, us fur west as liuffnlo aiul r the In the Katzenjammer family. off Tills ii.ctuix a demand for SIMl.oiiO tons Chicago, reports a large dropping In orders, and Mays It lu the mme of Iron ore, mid an enormous truffle Moat penning are not personally - II.imiuii upon the I ! rent Lukes. The mereun-- I he has everywhere must about the President's worried" littflolie. been huve less failure this your H.hii for seventeen years past. The efforts to curb the iwfcrer of great deposits In the Kansas xlule and pri- wealth. O CURATIVES CItY IIUl.lt. vate bunks huve iurmiseil ll.Soii.tinu IS94. Mass.. 3, luiwreiire. Jan. March, und In the uutlnnul The old and new Democrats of Now Proleala from the operatives of since hunk about as much more. Kroiti York are now so far apart that it I t lAwrenee against the of the KIi.hiii-Ih- I Clreulnr of John II. tlio Wilson Tariff Bill are coining fust, thought ahe services of the police will A tv, July, mu. and Cnngreasinan Hlevenx mull at Hulls not be required. Wauhliigton lu doluged with I DEAR, NOVEMBER. 1339. ItlWA from all parts nf the d Islr let. The Viewing the present alliance or Mue A bale of cotton Is worth smidoyes of the Phillips A Kunliur.lt and Hearat, it la probable that IU more today than it was a year phy mill have prepared the following New Yorkers now regret the dHouth to sticks free If the trade ago. many la signed by much vigorous protest, which longer we miss our guosa. eparture of Croker. all the voters employed In the lie Motile YWr ) Mtatn Register. those papers which continue Mr. Hearst having mutely apiealed We, the undersigned employes In to Maybeabout apparent prosperity are for quiet, and temporarily stilled the the woolen munufscturlng establish- not talk mo cerThe far wrong. prosperity ment of Phillips A Kunhurdt, being nppIniiHP, announces that he voters In the city of Isiwreiu-e- , request tainly Is apparent. Rlnux City (la.) deafening Is not for Murphy. Journal. you, in the most earnest manner, to vote against and to use your best From the newspaper pictures, Mr. Influence to defeat the Wilson Tariff (IAIN IN WAGES 13.000.000 A Hearst apiiears to be an unusually tall MONTH. Bill. We know that tf the bill should become a law It would have a most man, but the Impression Rains that he A by the American Econodisastrous effect upon the lu.luHiry mist Is rapidly shrinking. Hie shows following comparisons that gives us employment. We have In between Mnrch 1803 suffered greatly many years In the andlunnufuelurlng That French anarchist who recently 1000: March past. We feel that should the Wilson was. In establishThere the 1.057 a big fortune and title will Inherited Tariff Hill, the mere announcement ments In 75.754 of a to quit throwing Ninths and now reporting, gain have seso of which has tieen directly felt the number of hands employed, or them. to dodging get verely by us, become a law, our condi- 10.56 per cent; there was a gain on tion would be very much worse, and the sum of of gross wages paid we cannot afford the experiment. We In New Y'ork all mankind Is divided 13.401. 335.58. this being 54.00 per have had suffering enough, and are cent: two classen those who think Into In and while the 1805, March, convinced that should you. our repre. or owns Hearst, and those who rate for average wages Murphy per capita eentatlve In congress, use your vote Ihe month was 833.88, the average think Hearst owns Murphy. and utmost Influence to the dereat of rate per capita In March, 1800. thle hill, it would have a great effect, wage hud Increased to 836.80. being a gain Much as his great white soul reand we, regardless nf party affiliation, of 10.40 per cent. Had thle cen- volts at Murphy, Hearst Is willing will positively support you or any cansus been extended so as to Include candidate you may favor by our votes and Ihe months of April and May. I860. that he should name most of the our Interest, Influence If you work In which the heaviest and didates fur supreme court judgeships. Ihe month which are the Interests of every work- most advances in wages ocing faintly In your district.- Itnaton curred.general Yeung Mr. Rockefeller says that the pererntHge of Increase in IosL man who wants to succeed must learn the er rapllu wage rate would undoubtedly have been above 15 per to control his temper. Good Idea to Won-ester- , Mesa, Jan. 3. list. cent. learn to control coal oil as a side line. The employes of the H.igg A The extent to which American Whltehlll Carpet Mills at Rouih Wor- Inbor has gullied In employment and It is now pretty generally admitted cester voted this afternoon tu send wages Is further Illustrated in some Mr. Brisbane writes Mr. 'Ilciirst's that to to recent statistic from eight of the delegates Washington protest but so far no one has been of the Wilson lllll niHiiiifui-turli.center of Ohio, which sMet-hes- , against the an far as It refers to the duty on carh..wa In Hie aggregate, an Increase unkind enough to allege that he really pel wool They will hold then. selves of 34.105 in tlie number of hanitM believe them. in readiness to start for WHsl.li.gum employed over the total number In at the call of Congressman Walker. ISSS. and an Increase of ll.K4S.S40 UNION MADE CLOTHES AT POPUBoston Herald. per month In wage LAR PRICES. Front the Republican. Why wear eastern sweat-shngar ments when you can have them built ELECTRIC SPARKS. game, to know when she was hold Ing to your measure by union workmen In a good hand. Salt Lake City at prices whlrh comI Pv our associate editor.) Even the prospect uf holing the pare favorably with those of any houses? garment Every Panama canal job left on his bands, eastern The dotighl in New England Is I. W. W. label. bears the la not to affect the willingness likely attributed to 'ho prayers that All wool suits or overcoats, worth of Mr. Fairbanks to serve a term or went up for Maine to go dry. front $." to 8in. made to measure two a president. and to fit. from $20 tip. The Ik.s Moines Is only a second All wool punts, worth from IS to $13. clitHS cruiser, hut she lias Runners that van make Cuba look like a first class j ',ml American army officer are drink-- made to measure and to fit. from Not enough $ up. tug less than formerly. ret-l- c This Is the only shop In Ih' west less to put any of the dlHtlllerica out where you can get the 1. W. V. label-SenNew York Democrats Intended to of business, thou.'.h. for samples and slm;l-- . put Hears! off at Buffalo. and leave Still, when a man after drinking forms to him there. The operation will bo perimitation beer .goes on an Imitation M. miNF.1,8. the Tailor. formed In November. drunk. It Is not an Imitation officer 57 West Second South St, Rome enemy ha accused Wm. Altlen that he bump Into n he tries to Salt Lake CUT lk down both sides of the street at Niulth of being a millionaire. Hut In j a political campaign, no enndidato is once, it. t, troy's safe from slander. French Tisy Mme. Patti Is said to posses an old . Talileis. As W uuatntaive trttn School Trustee Knflewskl, who ad- doll that was presented to her at tho the" Is Nets will mits that lie has been breaking the age of seven for singing nicely. PerI.. result some of the hoard rules, will have to stay In at haps she also ant rurprlstpleas-W ! o'd dollars she hns hcen presented recess the next lime he disobeys. women Tf" with, since, for the same reason. In pass Mark Twain's appeal to the Assorts f !. Inf ul nr guft1 ted Press to come to the aid of the the When Into Hearst goes brigade . cf-1Itnn TIIKT KI'fVKKI IMUe fTSSar aliening reform, would have more action. It Is prepared to shell the fox. At 11 iln.it stores ,.r' b- - "m .u if :l h n.ii'at on as a Im ,L sceurclv ss.vleit. tin. ill woods with dollars. Main, lv.lt Ijike City. rt ... Th-- ' Goshen. Ind., man who died reIt is a safe bet. Ion, that the railcently, after going without n hath for road that maintained a Inbhv to deDRINK. found that have the eighty years, may feat IJtFollette, wishes it had Its couM he real only way acquire any money back. estate. IKK ll IOCS 81-0- MONARCH HARDWARE: : COMPANY, y K. an uni)' l TERMS tiv CuliiUiltti-e- : iiuiiIi- - In nm-- r lai-i- i $20 CAM- of the Itepubllcan Eih i ComniiMee and Officers of S1-- ) ri-a- alli-ni- l RANGE MALLEABLE RANGES. PEIN6ULAR RANGES MONARCH CiTMtiini-- l again pul forwunl lit lit- lciiMTlir uirl). anil liiMnirllii1 In It nui) In- - ii.lin-Ml.urr from AliH nf I In- - ir f aiul IHU7 ' Now la the time to Invest. A rapid advance Is rertsln. Choice building lots all parts of city, $100 to $509, 512.60 cash, 57.60 per month, 7 per THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. Homes on Installment Plan a Specialty. Farms and homes for sale or trade. Horae. Buggies, Etc, Bought er Exchanged. Room I O'Meara Block. No. 63 Vb W. Second South Street. Salt lake City. GARLAND Hun SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. - RANGE SALE Representative to Congress: JuM ph Howell pf Cache Couiiij Supreme Judge: Juilpe J. K. Crick of Salt Ijtke riMriiil in INVO. I mli-- r It full III mir lilMnri iii In llist lulu full tvninil plmlxml lu tariff nfnriii. ii tariff, aiul four rur- - of lianl lln-- INI. IV STATE TICKET. REPUBLICAN 1 tu-il- l, iinHi'i'llti't Man I In- - iimmI ru"M-niti- llu- - lUniiHTiilic xin llu In IUKI, emu-H-i- l follow ami ihi-- i As long as the wad hold out, Hearst Is certain to have some supporters. (im- Washington school ak a million Mr. Hearst' lour of the county dollar more than they had last year. fuiis has resulted in no detraction This Teadin'. and 'Tltta-meii- c from the glory of the prize pump''ritlu', Is getting expensive. kins. Thia paper la oa Ilia at the American Cuucreaa, Denver, Colorado. Mil'lt I'lMHWYHlV. I l OK TIIK TAAil Hie It seems lu be pretty generally ceded that President Palma waa ured misfit. ply a Koud-n.i- t tsuesciMfstwRRwrstrjRmcjtitstitstsut kmasssASSSSASSilSSSmss ttrsBvsvvyyyyyaRseeryvrvysR WMSMMaHMIsWlllMWSaMinMMMjS Salt Lake's Greatest ftg All-Yea- 251 Main St, We have all kinds of Investments in real estate and we write nil kinds ot Insurance.' YOUNG A YOUNG, General Insurance, Real Eatata and Loans, 202 Whltlngham Blk, Belt Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. Aitractioh r Lowest FOR REAL ESTATE ft! See Peterson Real lwtata Investment Co. Large list bargains for which we are exclusive agents. Special attention to property of estates and Old reliable iThe SaLnitarixim Baths. a. Swimming Pools! Turkish Bnxths! Private Baths! agency. Correspond or cull. 330 So. Main St, Salt Lake City, Utah. Natural Hot, Sulphur Water is Brought Right to the very Heart ot the City. Frank Y. Taylor. Mosee W. Taylor. TAYLOR BROS. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. Tel. 171, Utah National Bank Balt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake Real Estate the beet InW. vestment In the world. Utah Com8ALT( LAKE mercial and Mining Stocks the safest SSHdMWtUWRHWMtRRRRriHUUtStSW WRStStStWStWfWStStStStStStStStlSJtltStStvfi MBSMWSWSWSMliaWsMAiilSWSJMaMl WSMOWS'rilSlaillSWlMMllHEilHWlHm In the world. Members Salt Lake Stock and MinTHE HISTORIC WORCE8- Manufactured John ing Exchange. by TER. Reeves Co.. Salt Lake, and V 1 Indorsed by the M. A M. QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE See ths Assn of Utah. Do You Yant Work? Ask your On tbs Labels. Grocer. WORK FOR EVERYBODY. Teamsters, Laborers, Always Wanted. We Furnish All Kinds of Help.. DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. 62 East First South, Salt Lake City. Dies er Cylteder Bell Phone 1872-X- . Ind. 'Phone 923. a os part - PEN DAY 3rd 8. St, 5254 NICHT. CITY. ' - gw FREE TRIAL AND EAST PAYMENTS sf the COLUMBIA GRAPHC all s Qm lotsst Uxprov u Dm tstUsc (hotly verld mud in ths standard sf psrfsctisn. ANY OLD MACHINB TAKEN AS PART PATMBNT Is RMkaass fer ths latsst typss, and don't forget that A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Basked by tha Uriot WMIni Mosblns (Br.pasy is ths Uses With th Mach.n. in Sounds BIG, but fns p COLl'MRIA PHONOGRAPH So. Main St. KsCh Photiro. MdSX 1.III CO., Its TRUEI If you want to talk with ovary town in Utah, Idaho, Montana and you MUST have the Wyoming, BELL." Otherwise you CANTI Pure gold rings have GETL 18 k." INSIDE. BALT SSMiMMl telephones OUTSIDE. 18 have k." this d h. . tioacta siiff.-rl:.,- Mfo-"l'1"- 1' . ; . 1 President Roosevelt's new carriage Grover Cleveland might at least break tlie silence long enough to tell team is too heavy. But so Is IsSecresatns that he Is ont of politics. We tary Tart, and the President might not believe him, but we would isfied with him. pretend to. Nothing In the wny of food enn ever The Phlaldoltdtla manicurist who Is he as pure as the bluff that some nf millionaire brewer, must the manufacturer are giving Dr. WiIn marry have had enough experience at the leys commission. M ITI1REE CROHH A GLEAN MOUTH.. ....IS AW NOY APARTMENT HOUSE, New and Elegantly Furnished ATTRACTION EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE OUR PRICES. Set ot Teeth, comfortable to wear, natural In appearance, restores lost expression .85. 00 A Gold Crown, mad ot the very best gold, will not come off, or wear out $4.00 to $8.00 Bridge Work, the kind that lasts, made of the best gold, will not break and fully guaranteed $4.00 to $5.00 Gold Fillings, absolutely pure gold, and guaranteed not to com Throughout. Mrs. A. Van Noy, Proprietress Independent Phone 1424. 263 South Main SL Steam Heat and Bathe; Electric Light A ......... ... . .... .... $1.50 end up out Aljoy Fillings, the next best fillings to pure gold and guaranteed 76c to $1.00 to preserve the teeth from further decay 60c and up Silver Fillings, guaranteed not to come out If YOUR teeth are crooked, decayed or broken the ELECTRO DENTAL CO. can remedy the defect and do It perfectly. They have three doctors each an expert In hie branch. electro DENTAL CO. Open dally until State Street P. M. Room Galena Block. AND PILE CURE FREE Knowing what it was to suffer, I will give FREE OF CHARGE, to any afiefltod a positive cure for Eczema, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, Piles and Skin Diseases. Instant relief. Don't suffer longer. Write F. W. WILLIAMS. 400 Manhattan Avenue. New York. Enclose stamp. ECZEMA .PIMMttMWRRRRRWWtP.RRRRltStRRRZt ft S ft J DRS. WARD AND EDGE, 17$ TEA. VAN t Sundays 10 to Ind. Phone 2999 K 2 a R. A. HASBROUCK, 3 Physlolan end Burgeon, Block, J 3 Salt Lake City, Utah. Phones 1412-- and 1429-- Office, 60 Commercial ' A |