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Show vr" Mm tlgur.-- of (be secretary Inalfe. from (he Uhl (tie rfj arbawk appear nu li.e c.'fi-- of 'he ,u. Cowl ! For the .meut, goo-hi!! Johann, vi I'liij' heart tii hih (oil "(lint knows, I ft i.i-r ihaiik or repay you. My heir is heavy for that. I am unworthy all your goodness." Let there lo no talk of parting for the moment, bhe Maid. C you nrs my knight. Perhaps one dij if you do not forget me, I may be j far kinder to you! And with klas and a little sob tl Princess sent her lover, more si more downcast and discouraged I reason of her kindness, upon bis w So much did his obvious depression 1 feet Margaret of Courtland that aft the secretary had reached the top (be river bank, she suddenly bade th rowers wait a moment before castln loose from the land. "Your sword! Your sword! sh called aloud, risking any listener her eagerness; you have forgotte your sword!" Now it rhanred that the Sparhaw, had come up with the little party 0 u r &r S R'OiQCKBrfTVA o Tfc&tfdttjC'C -- CHAPTER VIII. please, we win go over this matter as possible." carefully and calmly "Very well. Clare, you may take our brother Into the garden." As xoon as the children went out. Mrs. Hamilton turned an expectant fi co toward the detective. "Now, madam, have you any idea where your husband has gone?" "None whatever. ' I am told that every year nine In your marriage he hu been away the month of Mny nnd stayed two weeks." Once he stated hut ten days; at another time he was gone fifteen. Hare you any knowledge of hli life previous to bis marriage? I know his birthplace. It was ElHe-wamirs, N. Y. I knew his mother. died father Hia child. an only when he wu five yearn of age. Tho family wu once exceedingly wealthy, I have heard, but Vane, when I mar rittd him, waa only moderately well-to-daa we aay here. How does your husband appeax when he goes away? Sometimes he seems troubled, at other times quite chewrful. But this time he appeared more worried them usual. He seemed very absent-mindeand he talked In hla sleep a good deal tbe night before he went away." Ah! Mr. Bruce appeared interest' ed. What did he talk about? Of carrying heavy loads, and he complained that nobody would help, him. "I cant stand It. It la too much,, too bard,' he said over and over again.. I thought he referred to his business,, which is very difficult to manage, for my uncle and Mr. Henderson are both disposed to leave all the details THE MISSING MAN By MARY R. P. HATCH uthor of The Bank Tragedy" ward thrust of the.r frt lids. SMI ft: L'eer right, lass, bg Ln gheperd ring narrowi-d- , and ilic pair of ipiilan Princs Wasp. fighters would 10111, l.sve So te sad, a he faced tbs swept sway had not alively diversion conn CHAPTER III. Ierion particularly resemhlilng him. secreury, cow somewhat rom;otiitfcly to alter the fdft t.f hi rigs. Some people In Grovedale discredited Count Styled, Johann, vixi Leon. "so Out of the gate which led lo the Cashier's Matters at the Bank. Osborn's young springald, you think to court a wing of the palace occupied statement, while others ly the was left a prey to anx-jiii- a averred that he must have been misConstance foolish princess. You play uKn her Print-erVai caret burst a little roni thoughts while Tony went on taken. though, without doubt, they with your pretty words and graceful pany of halberdiers, at sight of whom pward the mill building, a long, low-o.i- lt said, he thought he was correct in compliments. That la an agreeable the crowd gate suddenly back The structure on the river hank. It. On the other hand, many relaxation. Only-y- ou have In add! Princess herself was with them. Tony asked to see Mr. Carter, and believed that barm had come to the tloa to reckon with me. Ivan, heredi"Take all prisoners, sod bring them ras directed to his office, a comfort-ibl- c caahler after he left the building, tary Prince of Muscovy. within, she cried. "My brother is enough apartment at the rear of while the bank officials thought the And with a sweep of his hand from home, or you dsro not thus brawl he building. across his body be drew his sword In the very precincts of the matter quite serious enough to call a palace! Mr. Carter, have you seen Mr. from its sheath. meeting and look over the books, deAnd at her words the soldiers ad this morning or last posits nnd collaterals of the bank. Hamilton, The sword of the pound secretary vanced rapidly. A further diversion came into band with equal swiftness. was caused Bight? People who had money ln the nnvings by the Sparbawk sudden "Seen Mr. Hamilton! What do you Institution got wind of the matter, nnd "Follow me. Count von lawn, said ly cleaving a way the crowd through You ought to the passbooks begau to come in so mean, young man? tbs prince. nnd setting off at full speed In the ki.uw I haven't without asking, And wMh hin lithe nnd springy walk direction of the river. he rapidly the directors publicly an-- i said the Prince of Muscovy pnssrd again Irritably. nounced that all should be attended travelers. The Princess nnd her guard were Mr. Hamilton was Into the alleys of the rose garden till left with the bank at "Do to in due season, but that no irregu-- j not I will tbi trouble, the bring secretary end the be reached the flrst open spare, where unconsciousonly lsritlea had thus far been disoovered, of the Prince of sword," he etld to Johann, with hh ltM nlht- - (bats all, said Tony, body he turned upon the secretary. usual Impetuosity, and without n mo "And never came near the mill! nor did tbey expect to find any. Mr. Muscovy. "We are arrived," he said, "our busiLook here, Henderson! he called. Hamilton was expected in three days "Sirrah," she cried severely to the ness is so pressing, and will be so former, is this the first use "Vane has come, and we can get him now, when, no doubt, matters would you make to s'lalgbittn that consignment mat- settle in their old place. The bank quickly flnlshed, that there Is no need of our hospitality, thus to brawl In the for the formality of seconds. Though street underneath ter exnmlner, meanwhile, would In any my very windows I honor you by crossing my sword With our noble "By George, Im glad of It. You case soon be there. For the rest. Mr. guest the Prlr.ce Iran with yours. It Is n mere formality. know. Carter, I said this morning he Hamilton's bondsmen, Carter, Hender- I Take him to my room, and have such skill of the weapon, an 1 keep him safely brothers was likely to walk ln at any time. son and Deane, were responsible men. there to our But It seems he hasnt, said Tony, dre say report has told you, that you lord's return. We shall aee await And thus the matter rested, if it what the may consider yourself dead already. Prince will say to this. And as for coolly, amused, ln aplte of bis anxi- could be said to rest when half a dos-o- n Guard! bank officials, aided by young ety, at their readiness to shuffle off this wounded man, take him to his But Johann Pyrmont had been own apartments and let a were industriously turning over j their And then he responsibilities. he surgeon 'told them the facts as he had done nil the bank books, looking up cotrained In n school which permitted sent to him." bo such windy preludes, and with the .to Mrs. Hamilton. 'Probably you are right What llaterals and deposits, which at one So, merely detailing half n dozen to fencers smile on his face he kept rnrry the Prince to hie chambers, the "By George! That looks bad, dont point showed a 'difference of several else did he say? hie alienee. Ilia eword would an' Mrs. Hamilton blushed nnd hesitatft. Carter? thousand dollars. But there were one of the guard conducted the swer nil such boastings, nnd that in raplaln Mr. "Yes; where can be be now? or two erasures in the balance sheets, ed and looked at his note-boosecretary to the very room In which "That's the question. Perhaps he difficult to understand, and yet which Bruce promptly closed It and put It tn good tlmai n hour before he had met the brother And no It fell out. came back after something, nnd didn't might be made to come right In the his pocket of the Princess. Here he was conFrom the very flrst crossing of the fined, with n "You were saying, I think, he said, sent to trouble Constance by going hands of the bank examiner. It was couple of guards at the words Prince Wasp 'found himself door. Nor had he been but still he hesitated. was there. soon of too would to there suggestively; 8he, course, say anything object long shut up "After all, dreams amount to nothingto his going away again, nnd be knows opposed by a quicker ye, n firmer before he heard the quick step of the wrong. wrist, a method and ncVnce infinitely Princess coming along the passageit. He knowa very well, too, that hla No reply came to the letter Mrs. -stray scraps of fancies, conversuperior to his own. Hie most dash- way. mysterious Journeys vex her, as well Hamilton had written, and the sir by sations and a confused Jumbling up of ing attack was repelled with apparent they might." Tuesday night, which was Just two what it would be too much to call "So." she said, ns soon ns the door ease, yet with a subtlety which inter-pose- wna does Where he weeks from the time Mr. Hamilton Ideas. go, Carter, every shut, "you have killed Prince I understand you, ahe aaid, keennothing but the moat delicate Wasp! left Grovedale. waa rife with a hunyear In May?" of guards and parries between Prince At the station when ly. "You think what he said may be "You know well as as rumors. I dred I da only trust not "I said the aecrelnry, Ivan and victory. This gradually Inhope theres no danger ln It, that's the train whistled In, the platform wu of consequence. I think so, too; bnt "I meant only to wound him. Found furiated the prince, till suddenly los- gravely; himself swaying over the dark alL Seems an If there must be, or crowded with expectant people. Mrs. please to recollect that when my husBut he attacked me I could not do water, ing his temper he stamped hie foot In otherwise than defend be would tell Constance. Hamilton with her children and Mr. band spoke a womnaa name ln hla myself. anger and rushed upon hla foe with "Mr. Carter, your niece would like Carter were D there, waiting, and sleep I did not mistrust his honor, uienta hesitation he flung himself erled the T hope Tut,, Princess, I the true Muscovite fire. trying lo 1xj placid and cheerful. nor do I now." have killed him. It will be good down the bank. The Princess had to have you step up to the house. But 1o! the blade wee turned aside, yon Ituped waa and "Perhaps you will tell me what he nimbly ashore, standriddance, and most like the Muscovites the ing with the sheathed sword ln her anewering thrust will send an army whloh. with looking her squarely In the said," your hand. glittered out, and the secretarys Plassenburg to for he perceived he had a womface, help ua, will make a word stood a couple of hand breadthn When an nerve of she and commonsense to deal saw the figure mime pretty fight. It serves him right, at In the boaster'a shoulder. with. all events, for Prince Wasp must al- bounding towards her dowa the pebbly Tbo prince staggered, cried out hank ahe gave a little cry, and, 'I will. He aaid 'Lenora Nora a ome unintelligible words In the Mus- ways be thrusting his sting Into hon- ping the scabbard, she threw est folk. pretty name." her aiSi covite language, and pitched forward "Do you know anyone named Le'The laws are strict against duel- Impulsively about the Sparhawks lowly on hli face among the tramneck. T nora she continued. The Prince Ivan pled leaves and blown rose petals of ing," I could not let you go like I do not, and I have never In In high favor with "No, that elder my brother, tho palace garden. heard my husband apeak of anyone and It will be well that you are seen without ever telling you that I loved ... 7011 l-by that. name.. really.,!. inti-n-" Still you think you can explain IU rltti wont, and ran to lift hla fallen enemy. ent, that Is. But In a little the Prince wMeh2Jptoodpetrifled I can see that," he said. But. all unseen, other eyea had watch- Wasp will die or he will recover. In astonishment, without sound or mo "Perhaps that yould be too much to tltm. "I will marry none but on ed the combat, and from the door by either rase the affair will blow over. Mrs. Hamilton arose, went to say. A Ivan neither Prince nor nnothtr. which they had entered, nnd from Then you wtll come back to teach me and took therefrom a the bookcase, woman should not tell a maa that, behind the treea of the (unwinding more foreign customs." volume of Poe's poems. lest a he hut princess despise her; glade, there came the noise of poundShe smiled and held out her hand. He ilked them very much, and I ing footsteps and fierce cries of Johann kissed it, perhaps without the may, because tbe man dan not tell book-marat Lenore. " found her." I Tear him to fervor which might have been expect"Seise him! Kill him Mr. Bruce took the book and rend pieces! He has slain the good prince, ed from a brisk young man thus highw!th not unattractive accent: "And what said you? asked ths the friend of the people! The Prince ly favored by the fairest and sprlght-lieas of his they secretary compr.nln, llow shall the ritual then be rend? Ivan la dead!" of princesses. how be eungT rode together through the plght oit The secretary eyed this unkempt she went on, "there will on their road to the evil eye: by yours you, by your, By Kernsberg. horde with haughty scorn, and hla be n boat beneath that window. It the slanderous tongue I said wu "Why, nothing speech fearless attitude, ai he striped hla will be manned by those whom I can That did to death the Innocence, that died, and died eo young." atalned eword through his handker- trust. A ladder of rope will be thrown not needed," quoth the Dane coolly. She kissed you? chief and threw the linen away, bad to your easement. By It you will dePoe's verse Is very melodious, but The Dane shntgged his shoulders ta something to do with the fact that the scend, nnd with a good horse and a la one of his poorest poems. Still that rabble halted at the distance of half sufficient escort you can ride either the dark. "Now, madam, have you any Idea where your husband has gone?" have haunted your husband's it might I take the what send," Well, gods a dozen yards and for many minutes to Plassenburg or to Kernsberg, mind. a was he but She to little purpose. About twenty replied. pretty gM, "Worried, hey! Well, Henderson, contented themselven with hurling which la nearer, nnd tell Joan of the After a few more questions, Mr. made no and her rrincess-ahl- p oatha and Imprecations at him. you juat fix that matter as we talked. people alighted, but Vane was not Biuce took his leave, Sword Hand that her sister the Prinam-massuring Mrs. without so In I them. as her far could kissing, It seems we must get along At last they did come on, not nil cess Margaret, send you to her," without Hamilton doubt, that, tidings see. I serve you to the death, oy Vane a while longer. I hope nothing "He will come sure, said together, but tn Irregular, undiscipShe went to the door, nnd with her would be got of her husband before I ll n Mr. If Conas Princers but to Carter, Duchess; lorn you Lady "Come, My. him, cheerfully. lined rushes. Johann's sword streaked fingers on the handle she turned her has happened out thia way and that. There waa an head about with n pretty, vlxenleh me, by the way, why, I am ready to In- Just go UP to mb Constance. If we stance. See where you are atepping, long. Then he went straight to the Essex, Clare. For Heaven's sake, look cheeranswering cry of pain, a turmoil expression. "I am so glad yon stung dulge her to the limit of her desires!" only knew the nature of hla business to learn what he could about' House we "Y'ou an but are Constance an undertone ful, thia (in accommodating youth," away, or his whereabouts, nmong the assailants as a wounded the Wasp. I love you for It!" ahe the lady who had spoken to strange Mr. waa said). sighed the secretary, and '.orthwlft don't;" and with a worried air man whirled hla way backward out of eld. Mr. Hamilton on the street, for he I to n own can returned hla look How cheerful? naked followed elancholy Tony. the press. Bat this could not last Carter had heard the meeting commented At seven It grew dark, and at ten thoughts. Constance was greatly excited when Constance, drawing down her veil. for long. The odds were too great. waa qnlet ln the city. The river all Will he come (To be continued.) Uncle upon. reached the houae. Then suddenly came n voice: Bach, he (To be continued.) on your lives, dogs and traitors! Gee- - rushed swiftly beneath, and the noise "Oh, uncle, something dreadful ban Carter? asked Perley. of It, aa the water lapped against the Business Is Buslmss. "I think so. to Vane! she exclaimed, an happened 8AD 8IGHT IN INDIA. stops foundations of the eummer palA story Is told of a man in Arkaa-sa- s soon m she saw him, "Then what did the man at the staace, helped to disguise the noise of I town who, In addition to his bring not I mean tion had guess by saying he gone off "Oh, no, Constance, oars, as the boat a dark shadow upon president of the local board of , Stagger Under Burden of woman? he had business at the bank, with the green-headeguess detached Itself from Immense Planks. Green-ht-adegreyish water, was also the proprietor of ths something connected with the deposit woman? what do you the opposite shore and approached the best hotel In the place. been No sadder have He sight is to be seen ln may mean, Perley? vault In Boston. window from whose, open casement It appears that a visitor from ths hurried, and didnt want to alarm The "I don't know. That's what he said; India than tbe spectacle of Johann Pyrmont looked out. east one day remarked to h!s min you." I heard him. Do people ever have Men With the Planks, staggering A low whistle came from underthat the town might be made a good along under their burden. Here ia a "But after he had spoken to Tony, green hair? neath, and presently followed the soft, deni healthier If a rerta n !args I never heard of such a thing. The grimly pathetic picture of them, drawn mnat have known I should he nncle, reeving whisk of a coll of rope as It swamp rear by were drained. man waa talking so to plague yon.' by Sir Frederick Treves: worry." Wn-11.- " passed through the window and fell at drawled the pollMilan and he was to man Vane another "No, "They are hlllmen of the poorer would. talking ought so you "Yes, his feet. The secretary looked about hotel man. all my hoard s sort who carry planka of sawn wood men are and I overheard him." ths hut says of that, have thought to for something to fasten it to, and final- tame thing. In my persitlou as pres"You must have understood with Into 8imla. Each beam is from twelve Very Inconsiderate ly decided upon the Iron uprights of ident of the hoard cf nMcrnien rg Inconsiderate. dear." elbows. Cheer up, Constance. to fourteen feet in length, and two your the great desk at which the Prince shorely advocate the Improvement in men are. my I Vane will be here If not, or three make up a load. The men know would He lint. "Vane had stood earlier In the day. a minute ef It warnt for my son. and the sun and. .rain are he the sure am aaid, kindly, I day surely, after, something would worry. No sooner was this done than Jo"Why," exclaimed the easterner In for he noticed that she wu deadly have tanned them and their rags to him." to happened set hann hla foot on the top round and surprise, "why shoulf has "But what could the hoy have the color of brown earth. They bear your sun ob"Cant you write anywhere to find pale. began to deecend. The boat seemed ject?" wommeant about the green-hairethe planka across their bent backs, 001? very flsr away, a mere spot of blackl, and the burden ia grievous. They an? stranger," roplied the In an Boston, address me ness upon the river fare. gave man, "he runs he drie come from a place some days' Journey womIt Is known a Doubtless that he when to Bnt presently, and while making np the Mme I always write From Harpers Wee Ty. an with curiously tinted hair spoke toward the anowa. Tbey plod along little. but amounts to it hla mind to practice the gymnastic of but is away, to Vane on the street the morning be from the dawn to the twilight. They rope ladders quietly at home, he made WhyT The Coffee He Sirjggrd In, he went away. 8he waa a stranger and seem crushed by the weight of the out n man holding the ladder, while Rome years ago a "Bpciui0 fti Vane explained, e,i c'or traveling north, but tbey left town beams. and their gait is more the gait In the though two others with grappled host hooks of Incle Pams held drpm away, miles i mlgtt be of a stumbling beast than the walk of down about the same time. addressed so or a week a letter kept the boat steady fore and aft. on the northern herder rf "Oh, yes, that explains It The man a man. Their long black hair la white j at( course The prince staggered, him. to reach sore A shrouded figure sat In the stern. one fall, alter a was pretty tuny with dust as It hangs by each ame or waa Joking. I thought sa mans to the rescue! Danes, Tents, The secretary was handed from one ti.b on the sni'icgh-r-. "Well, a week will soon pass, and, bowed-dow- n ho re. faces. The sweat was sent their bank examiner The tor, and safe Northmen to the rescue!" to the other of the rowers till lie reived a call from on- no doubt, Vane will return look to a the wrinkles on their brown ia detective after and among Conengaged yi advise me you, direction let of ln the reached the the shrouded the But Following figure around town, who Info? ,: hardened into lamentable clay. Tbey the missing man. ''n well. sound, Johann saw a yonng man drive stern. stance. Question him about bis Jourthe quiet that a c un walk ln single file, nnd when the path was much Hamilton Mrs. very a "Draw this about you. Court, a low some ten miles hack in where he goes. You have right through the press, his eword bare ln nerved when Mr. Bruce was shown is narrow tbey must needs move side."try neys. hit hand, hla eyea glittering with ex- voice whispered, and in another mo- rmiigKled In lfifi to know. h j of Into the sitting room, nnd spring this ways. . . . The path Is ln a solicitement. It was the Danish prisoner ment Johann found himself under tho night I had decided to. nncle: for, he did not Immediately open the busi- tude nmong bare nnd pitiless hills; know. cf the guard hall at Kernsberg, that shelter of one rlonk with that daring v Tired as he wn. tho roil any, I have the right to bed ness of his call, but chatted pleas- the road is as old as the world; and not did time same Sparhawk who had fought with slip of nobility, the Princess Margaro the ; As I have said, up his team, nnd ).. f lrt). to antly with Clare, who wu Just begin in tne weary dust of it many hunfor tim. Inga Werner von Oreeln. ! of Courtland. ers place Just pass very quickly, i'ur. f. Constance ning to take mnsle lesrons. and waa dreds have dropped nnd died. Along worried. The secretary placed himself back or at touched wearied almost the shore , Tbey .parts rty tid.l him whit jr ad-- . it steals this patient line of groaning with her "scales. struggling Boston ; the to to back with fcli ally, and their two the place where the Sparhawk had the fitKpntched her letter farmer admitted that hr "Fine children, madam. Little girl men, bending under the burden of the made in were landed In the morning when he es- I inquiries bright blades waved every way. of tho dress. ;: takes after her father, the boy after planka upon their backs. Behind '! Grovedale concerning Mr. Hamilton ' A second time the courage of the caped from the city rshlile. and n Into the house, the firm-t- he them a roy tinted light ia falling upon twenty-seconyou, I see." on the crowd worked Itself up. and tbey stones throw further up the bank they w'ivu t deputy to his Appearance there l "They are good children, and their the spotless snows, and It needs only ,he I came on. found the horses waiting, ready ca- married In Canada t! - r , f, o MT. wblch Osborn aa the date father Is a good man. she said proud- the pointing figure of Pante on one Those before would have gladly parisoned for the Journey. maiden name wn (V? ,,1 leged by young of the barren peaks to complete tbe ly. fallen behind but could not for ths ter- So soon as lie had distinguished the neighed I fill rounds when he taw and spoke to him. in Puraatorv." "I do not doubt It; and now, if yon picture of a le no one had seen him, or any ci-p- t 1 1.,-r- 1 a I mi-kin- a o, 1 d, I Os-tor- d , long-delaye- d Ift&PESegS dr, c- k st "To-nigh- -- dllTer-enc- e g d alder-men- d e-- d W-al- s-- rt-v- :. u hi gu-'d- d c'-r- But V |