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Show REMEMBER. SPECIAL NOTICE. If your local merchant does noi carry In stork Temple Brand Garments, items' Head Sweaters. Sego Lily Underwear, send your orders direct to the sole manufacturers, Salt Lake Knitting Works. If this paragraph Is marked with a cro-JIt inuicaick mot yum s script Ion to this paper has been settled for three months from that date. If marked with a black cross it haa only two weeka to run, but unlesw otherwise notified we shall continue to forward the paper. Very reapectfully, THE PUBLISHERS. frvl 44444444444444444444444l:rari(f'.rffr.ll'.rfr. !(a 5 v For Nice Room in a First-clas- s ti5 Hotel go to the A PAUM1&BRS&AN a DYB WORKS 55 W. Second South. DRUG (Tho buyers' friend) la located next door north of tle poatoffice. In tho city of A opportunities, and we do Owl drug New Southern Hotel, ji l SALT LAKE CITY THE OWL h a S WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Hut and cold running water and ateam heat, electric lights and & J b uni neats. Manufacturers of 1 71 wvice In every room. Ruoms under direct charge of Mrs. Cand 3 Iron fences, Bank, Offlce and Coasntd. Hotel centrally located at f i SALT LAKE A MERCUR RAIROAD ter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All HTO- MISS THE LARGE (DON'T kinds of fancy, wire and Iron work. CO. TIME TABLE. SMOKE THE BEST. MOB'LE We do Electro Plating In Nickel and that runs to all paints of Interest, Copper In all the Latest Finishes. BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. Write for Prices. gwith a good guide. Fare $1.00. .RVMv.iutRRMiiiritMRrrrvr.a(Bv.vs!r.RiiS!Sta;itMiiwxstsuutatitatS 8tate 8t .... Salt Lake City Whitaker and Dallas, Makers. 134 W. (Seeing Ssit Lake" Car and Autos., 5 WSlaaMniMAail)iMMVniMWSlSlSMraMMj(AMABMB4ldA.4A4A-Mjnr440 E 2nd So. g 3rd South Street, Salt Imke City. MiolSMiaMfcnatMratiiiilllMMMMsIlia BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CASH. CRAGER 627-29-3- 1 Many bright boys and girls are making $5 weekly after school working for us. If you want the same chance, send us your name and address and we will send you f3 worth of our quick-cellin- g Household Specialties. When sold, send us $1 and keep $1 for yourself. You can do this In one day. We will furnish you permanent work. Address N. II. Groesbeck A Co Sprlngvllle, Utah. WASH IT AWAY. I.ead and uremic poisoning cured. Castilla Hot Springs Water does the work. Rheumatism vanishes at lu touch. For rate apply to C. 11. Room 222 Southworth, Manager, Commercial Club building, Salt Lake City. "PURE FOOD i MILLER A VIELE West: 503 MoCarnlck Building. SALT LAKE CITY. G G O G O G Bell Thone 797. to If you want borrow money on your farm, longtime, easy terms, liberal options, drop us a line. 36 Main St., G Bell G G Year Caereatse. 10 to 3. AD WITH TOTj Sunday, tOjnUS of the Fall and Winter Season 1906-- 7. NEWEST HOTEL IN SALT LAKE Aevoae Ma41nf Mil M inudnaiwniii i XX We Ian Tari lNN&Co'"NewYiirk Mnaeh OSiaa M.UAlHii.e M V Pants European Plan, 50c up. HOTEL HALLS. M. XX THE ARTISTIC TAILOR NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, ORPHEUM THEATRE BLDG. worth from $8 to $12 , , J. 8alt Lake City, Utah. Trade Inventions patented. marka secured direct with Wash G G Independent 4444 Atlas Block. Salt Lake City, Utah 32 -- iU FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEIDT OGDEN AND D EX V Eli COMPANY, D. F. Walker Bldg HUODART FLORAL CO. CllOICII OF UOUTES. GET THE BEST! PULLMAN THROUGH AND s TOUfflST 8 (Opposite Grand Theatre.) Cut flowera and flora! work fori I allWooccasions. make a specialty of shipping J 2 funeral designs. Write , telephones SLEEPBf FROM MDBM OB SALT LAKE In having your teeth fixed, why not get the beat? DR. WEST 261 Main TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OP CAM Street . Gives his personal attention to all work dona. Keeps no hired men or hoys to practice on you, and prices are within reason. Fifteen years In Utah; seven years in same office. Ml MAIN 8TREHT. Sign. "DIDN'T HURT A BIT BOX. TeL 157S-- nor telegraph. Tree IUollalar Chair Cars. Dining Oar Service a la eerie oa eU through wain Fur FoUera, Ulnatraied Kookmin, eta addr LA BENTON, O. AP.Dt Sj Hiver R. Meredith. Trunk Manufactur-- f er. St, Salt Lake. New York & WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt Lake City. . .Located fas the bout c the tty. Rates Reasonable. First-clas- s Light, airy, clean rooms, In every respect Steam, beat, Electric Lights. 44 I!. BURTNER, D. P. A. S. P. L. A. & S. L. R. R. Salt Lake City, Utah. 4 Reputation. Illinois Central ns Good An Etiviahle .fit Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Only direct Most Modern lalatial Trains equipped with Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Diner Reclining Chair Cars. . ; !rair. via Salt Lake City and Nevadas .iv.ral Belt. Ask nearest agent about California Bacenr-sioor write to 4 4 4 gBiiiiia(gia(a(F Company; Good Meals. That It th happy trlnfty that makea happy travslars an Reck Island through trains. Through Standard! Sleepar daily Salt Laka and Ogden tei Chicago without change. Arrives Ins Chicago In the morning. We alea rung through tourist cars to Chicago and St Louis. Steamship tickets on ealejj S to oil points In tha Old Country. to wont ga.j Lot us know wtisro you Wo will do tho real "Nothing finer than tho Rock laland Diner." railroad In America Is the system of discipline among employes and watchfulness for the safety of passengers developed to a higher degree than on the On no A Chicago, Milwaukee&St. Paul I Railway Two trains every day Ogden or Denver to Chicago via the Union Par St Paul line. Through sleepers and free reclining chair cars. clfic and For tickets and Information call on C. Beth phenes 246. Com 'Turcia! Agent, S- - Wili-ms- , Salt 1 MKlrlM'iWI Service-Goo- d 4 1. DREW, General Agent ake City. E- - Pm DRAKE. Dlat Agent BIBLE, Trav. Paso. Agt,.v aiM Salt f 4444444444444444-bef- - 44V4444WW "kisklidatie uma inUU i POSITIONS FOR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. SOCLEAN keeps your floors free from dust SOCLEAN will not allow dust to fly when sweeping. SOCLEAN will make your carpet look like new. SOCLEAN will make your floor appear aa If scrubbed every day. SOCLEAN will save you hundreds of' dollars annually by having your place clean and free-frodusL Send In your orders. SOCLEAN MFO. CO.. 0. 261 So. W. Temple SL, Salt Lake City, Utah. Southern California Western Piano Co. 4444444444444444444444 east purchase your tickets vis he to J. P O. Box 443.1 We have more calls for tenogreph-er- a than we can fill. Our bualneaa lo to fit young women and men for these positions. We give a complete practical course. Write ua or call at our office, 224 Dooly block, Salt Lake City. Utah, for catalogue, terms, etc. STENOGRAPIINC BUREAU. The Best Line You will come to Salt Lake City in October, will you not? While there, you will want the cheapest and best Pianos for the money to be obtained in Utah. They are to be found at our ware room at No. 52 Market Street, half block from the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 Meanwhile, we will send you list of such used upright Pianos as the Chickering, Steinway, Weber and Knabe, etc with prices attached, if you send postal. When you call you will find this is a one c price house) tickets are attached to each Piano, containing price of same and condition of sale. No dickering. We will deliver to your nearest railroad station, freight free, all Pianos purchased from us Town and country is the came' to us, 106. 5 BALT LAKE CTTT, UTAB The New Road ff TRUNKS, TRUNKS. Phones GOOD This is a Conference Ad. REMEMBER. If your local merchant does not carry In stock Temple Brand Garments, Ranms Head Sweaters, Sego Lily Underwear, Bend your orders to the sole manufacturers. Salt Lake Knitting Works. .'...A Salt Lake City, Utah. We are prepared to undertake all proper detective business Intrusted to us for corporations and Individuals. Consults) ion and advice free. Call or write. Fboneo: Ind. 3988, Bell 1316-Y- . We want three good, caiutble, detec tlvca. Write fur particulars. THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTB Eyes correctly fitted and cared for by the year. We are the originators of the years care system. Cell end let ns explain. .ij from Omaha to Chicago First-clas- s also between serTtre Omaha and Mlnneapol'a and Chlcaso aa well aa all points In and St. the South and Southeast. For full Information call on or writ J. A. FOLEY. Commercial Agent. No 76 We-- t. Second South Street. - PETERSON'S DETECTIVE 8ERVICE Alexander Optical Co. G We have established a plant for bottling this most popular drink and wa want an agent In every town In Utah to handle It Good profits. Write us at once for prices, etc. Bottling Co. Salt Lake Coca-Col- a Salt Lake City. P. 0. Box 3. of a pleasant w Offices, 11 and 12 Eagle Block. IN BOTTLES. 166 Main M. THOMAS Attomey-at-La- Corntr Third South and State Streets, 8alt Lake City, Utah. 8alt Lake City, Utah. SALT H. E. BARTLETT, PROPRIETOR. Come and see be yourself or write for samples and selLmeasure ment blanks. M, DANIELS, 57 W, Second South St Salt Lake Qiy RIDDLE, Manager. SOUTH STATE ST LAKE CITY. 138 $20 up $50, . . from $6 up $35 American Plan, $1.25 to $2.60. S. RATES REASONABLE. Vuhes to inform you that he has just returned from the East, and is sow in a position to show his patrons the largest and most varied selection of upxtondatc all wool fabrics in the west, at prices which set well within the reach of everybody. Suits or Overcoats worth from from to Scientific JftnericatL A haadaaaialr fllaatralad waahlr. aalaUua af anf ariandSa tnaraaL NEW BUILDING, .NEW .FURNITURE, NEW EVERYTHING. M. DANIELS CoavnioMTS Ac. ikotch and Swietlnn aa our opum. fra wfcaikarbit probably bmwiMMi. CoBBaalm. am micUr tuaMrnilU.HMDBOOft aa Paunu Mot fraa. OMm uwef for aaranaa aaiann. PManu tatn iKmach Milan Alta. lluSN aoMca aKbnol sharia, la tba sm Phone 2767 THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A posltlTO and permanent cure for drunkenness and the opium diseases. There is no publicity, no sickness. Ladles treated as prihomes. The vately as at their own W- So. TemKeeley Institute. 334 ple. Salt Lake City, Utah. To be assured Sllcia, Calcium and Manganese. Write for particulars. THE HENRY HANSON CHEMICAL RESEARCH CO, Analytical and Consulting Chemists, 64 Railroad Building, Denver, Colo U. 8. A. FREE n. m ; XU 6 $3.00. Iead, Copper, Iron, Zinc. 328-32- 9 The Plerpont School locatrd at, East North Temple, Salt Lake, opens its fifth year, September 17, 1906. This school offers as thorough and excellent work in Its lines as can be had in the finest east era colleges. Its courses Include Elocution, Voice and Physical Culture, Public Speaking, Theatricals, Write English and Shakespeare. for circulars. A Fifteen asaaya or analyses for Gold, Silver, e ligton. 37 COCA-COL- e ' 230-231-2- ..... 13 Tiudc Manas Desisns $3.50. G G G ILOI 9MSMSMI kill S Opening Knit Underwear and Woolen Goods. Beat pant on earth, to order, LOANS. G O Bridfi work 3 Men and women to learn barl-e- r trade 8 weeks. Wages paid every night. In GLADSTONE HOTEL. Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop, Graduates earn $15 to $25 per week. IIS Smith Main gait Isike City, Cat. free. Write ua. Mohler Bystem noway tarnished rooms by tne day, of Collegea, 62 E. First South St., Salt Week or Month. Rates. 60 cents to $1.50 per day. Ak City. Utah. Special rates by the day, week or month. CUTLER BROS. CO. T o FARM o o o Wwk. lemlliM t fll.0 M.ftO II. 00 imhmmimm mmim 1 00 1f tlliflfl leailMiMeitlllllM W4 AU lUMr lUilgl eoeeeeeaftO MMMseM li fIf ssssSesMstM tt-- 5 VINEGAR. twAWStatstRStstststststststatstatstatRsi iA (mI n4 twin Ert of 720 South Second Telephone 979-- s Factory: Manufactured only by INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., N. W. Clayton, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. DR. A. XI1WERV MO. TnU litraoM PMlttfilr Wtihtmt Wftl. Tr Whk OR t MAXFIELD VINEGAR CO., Manufacturers J&S&, Utah Dental Co., JSSgftSL A. SO YEARS EXPERIENCE rAStStStRStVBtWSRRV.StltBtStStJtStRMRm SALT THAT'S ALL. SALT ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND WINDS6IL EUROPEAN HOTEL. BnK Lake City. Lnented In the heart of the Rate Reasonable Light, airy, cleaa row me. to every reaped Steam heat. Kteetste Lights. ruak'ak4V''4'an Mtt M. Lake City, Utah. j jj - |