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Show UTAH STATE NEWS! F. Barton ha been appointHjsiu,aster at Verdure1. Han Juan Jamt-- s tti i ms n Sim MU 111101 EVLICE j count y. The Flab laike t'nrext reserve bead-quarters hi been (laiiK'-- from Frr-- ' luont to Saltnu. held The Bsiipetc rouiiti at Spring Weapons Surrendered by the the first institute of iiu- Cubans Disposed of by City last week. The twenty fourth annual stale asOrders delation of the Conste liitloual ehureh met in Provo last week. ; msriiine en- Thousands of Rifleo and Carbines Spark from a ' gine destroyed arjiu valued at 7uu, Sunk in Thirty Fathoms of Water of Mount belonging to liana J liruwn Future Revolutionists Will Pleasant. Have to Make Fresh PurThe thirteen Hi nniitml convention of! chases. the Ctah Feder.iiion of Women rluli bey an it sessiun lat Monday mornHavana. The statement made by ing in Park Cltv. Tart, on the eve of bis deSalt take has been chosen aa the parture from Culm, that he would put Bvit convciitlou pluee (if the Assui-la-tloof Hallway Supei iniendenta of all the arms surrendered by the insurgents where tbey would do no furand Building. Bridge Thotiia r.lglian. employed at the ther harm waa verified when a comof the Cuban artillery spout Beta oeiuent woika near Ogden, fell pany afternoon throwing these Wednesday was and asleep on a railroad bridge Into the sea from the outer ground to plecea by a freight train. bastion of Morro castle. Thousand earthof wa shock a distinct There of rifles and carbines were mink In quake exMrienctd In Salt Lake a few fathoms or water. nlnutea before 7 o'clock Thursday thirty Home unrest continues to prevail in ao was shock week. The Bight of last Ihe provinces of Puerto Principe and alight that It waa uot generally noHanta (Mara, where small armed ticed. bunds are roving and committing The I'luh Woolgrowera' aaaoclatlon niiuor The residents of depredations. has arranged for nn exhibition of fanof Holquin requested protection cy alecp In connection wJJJi the meet- troops a considerable body against ing of tho national association to be of former rebels who are reported held in Ball Lake City on January 16 not to have disbanded, and a battalion to 19. of the Eleventh Infantry reached HolJames If. Crawford, the colores Tim afternoon. guin Wednesday t Ijock-harman who shot and killed C. c. in mayor of the town of at Ogden on July 27. waa acquit tbe province of Havana, Aguacate, who was ted of (he charge of murder by a Jury ousted from ofllce. was restored to on Saturday aud waa released from his position Tuesday and organized and armed escort of twenty-fivmen, raslooy. that lie feared an attark by Warren M, tawr y, employed in a alleging Ihe moderates. Governor Magonn Balt take aaloon as a bartender, waa has ordered Governor Nunea to profound dead In the Bunltarlum after ceed to Aguacate with troopa. taklug a aleam huth, death lieing due 8UCCE8S COMES AT LAST. to heart failure. induced ny the heat and steam. There are bllliona of tons of salt In Waters of Colorado River Turned Back Into Old Channel. the waters of Great Balt lake and extensive deposits of rock salt In the Imperial, Cal. Water was turned mountain of the atute. From theso hack Wednesday In the old channel smircex the stale la producing yearly leading to Ihe Gulf of California, tho about 35, 000 tons. first water or the Colorado river (hat The fifth proclamation of the presi- has flowed there for two years. Six dent extending the area of the Uintah years ago that portion of the Colorado forest reserve waa received at the doaert known as Imperial valley was surveyor general's ofllce last week. It colonised and water was brought In la dated Oct. 6, and adds 90,000 acres from the Colorado river for Irrigation. to the present reserve. Two who tics-- - Colnradcr river Native aulphur occurs In extensive broke through its banka and flowed dopoulta at Cove creek, Millard coun- Into the Ralton sink, compelling the ty, Utah. The crude ore averages 20 Southern Pacific to remove Ha tracks per cent sulphur aa It cornea from the several times. The company then unvein, although In places mss sea of dertook to turn the water Into Its old rhannel and have at last, after many pure sulphur are to be found. succeeded at a coat Professor A. Ruth plots, a noted Ger- discouragements, of 9i.uou.ooo. man geologist la In Balt Lake studyEXPLOSION IN COAL MINE. ing the oolites In Great Balt lake. Professor Rothpletx baa made a complete study of this formation aa It exists In Seven Men Killed and Two Painfully Great Salt lake and the lied sea. Wounded. A fire that started from some unJohnstown, Ta. By an explosion In explained cause In the main building the mine or the Cambria Steel comof the Ogdun Sewer Pipe A. Clay com- pany here seven men are dead and pany. one of I he moat Important In- two painfully but not Totally hurt. Tho dustries In Ogden, destroyed the entire building and all of lie contents. explosion Is t nought to have been caused by the Igniting of gas by the The report circulated through the off of a bluat. Most of the victale proas that Mra. Georgia Spicer, Betting tims arc foreigners. The explosion formerly of Mount Pleasant, had at- occurred In a throe miles heading to untrue. be tempted suicide, proves from the mouth of the mine shaft. Mra. Spicer took a sleeping potion by Many reports were spread aa to the mistake, which gave rise to the story. large niinilicr or men Imprisoned In Bv the accidental breaking of a the mine, but these reports subsegenerator at tho plant of the Idaho quently were found to he untrue. Sugar comiMwy. at Sugar City, Idaho, Moody to Go on Supremo Bench. James Gaddle. an old employe and a no Washington. While official resident of Lehl, waa almost Instantly statement is obtainable, unofficial adman waa and wounded another filled, !n vices confirm the report that the presthe hand. are being rapidly ident will appoint Attorney General Arrangements William II. Moody of Massachusetts completed preparatory to the com- to the seat on the supreme bench mencement of work on the big canal vacant by the retirement of Asmade which will reclaim from 40,000 to sociate Justice Henry R. Drown. The 60.000 acres to the south of Price, and Intention of the president between that pli,cel Cleveland and announced to appoint Mr. Moody to the supreme Huntington. bench came as a surprise, as it was The Australian thlatle, which la one generally understood that he eliminatof the moat pernicious weeds known, ed the attorney general from considIn that connection because of ha been found In Weber county. The eration the fact mainly that Massachusetts of agriculture has Issued already had a representative on the department several bulletins dcacrlblng the weed bench In the person of Associate and instructing the people how to pre- Justice Holmes. vent Ha growth. Tourist Suicides In Chicago. Arthur Tatteraol, employed In the William S. Stewart. 35 Chicago. sugar factory at American Fork, la at a Balt Lake hospital Buffering from years of age. or Toronto, Canada, by shooting himteirible Injuries which he received committed auk-tilwhile at work, being caught in a bolt self at the Saratoga hotel. Stewart and would around the shafting. Ills had been making a tour or the west with Mr. and Mra. D. O. Cloud of recovery la doubtful. of Roeheater, N. Y. He had accom-pante- d George Morehouse, whose home la hla companions to a theatre Bear Fish Springs, attempted suicide and when he returned he waa exIn Salt take City, slashing hla throat tremely nervous. Shortly after Stewwith a raxor, the windpipe being art had retired Mra. Cloud heard a shot and ran to Steward room. Fallsevered and the Jugular vein cut ing to find him there, aha called her through. Despite hla terrible Injuries, husband, who found him In an adjoinIt ia believed he will recover. ing bath room. William McGregor, one of the pionHonorable Career Ended. eers of Weber county, 63 years of nge, O. James W. Columbua. va killed at Burch creek, near OgForsyth, U. B. A., retired, died general a major mad waa bull. The anlutal den, by horniest, hut butted the old man, who at hla home here Wednesday of General FOrayth had a distinhad Invaded hla pasture, and pawed and stamped him to death. guished military career. He waa born Leonard Jensen, the 3 year-olyears ago and son In Ohio aeventy-twof David Jenson, of Ogden, had a nar- graduated from Weat Point In 1356. row escare from death by being at- Ho nerved on McClellan's staff during tacked by an angry cow. The child the renlnaula and Maryland camwas thrown agaiust a wire fence, and hut for the timely Interference of paigns of the civil war. tater he waa persons who were near, the lad would chief of staff to General Sheridan. a For gallantry at the battle of have been kill-- " he waa breveted a major. HE IJTK BAD WRECK ON RAILROAD i TUSSU STATE OF UTAH BE 1 i Excited Women Attempt to Force E. trance in the Houao of Commono, But Art Ejected by the Bobbies. Conclusion Reached by Commission Investigating Insurance Companies Such j i Tafts j thri-i-lilm- ! I e yu e par-alyal- d o Chick-amaug- a. Entire Tra'.n ia Blown From tho Track, Near Layton, Utah, Thirty Cars Being Piled Up in a Heap. Damage Amounts to Tens of Thousands of Dollars in While the storm Salt Lake City Saturday night a In Salt Uke City. I'ruisii.il excitement waa at its height wiili ihe i cupelling of parliament mi Tuesday was caused by j freight train on the Oregon Short Une railway, when between Wood's the presence nf about 1 (Hi woman suf- fraglHls. many of shorn, despite the Miana Companies Have Been Guilty Cross and tayton, was blown from the William Gibba Waa Killed at Ogden and Abuses, track. Extravagances While Trying to Sava His Barn, prolests of ihe police, managed to find j So great waa the velocity of the Though They Hava Main-hous- e their way Into Ihe oilier lobby of ilia and J. H. Sorenson Waa Killed tained Solvency, Saya wind between the two points named of the Intention at Murray Several Salt that the entire train, with tbe excepof hiiitonholing the members In aup-- ; takers Are Injured. tion of the engine and tender, waa port of iheir movement, a number ofj blown from the rails. Thirty cars, the aulfragiKts moulded vacant chairs commls-lio-n which the engine was pulling at the in the lobby and heuan to harangue Indianapolis.- - A special Salt take City. Damage which will by the apiKjliitcd of imrllament proa governor, time the train was struck by the full run Into the thousands of dollars, but the few nieiii cut In that part of the house. The po- iriiieh has been investigating the of-f- it force of the wind, were piled In a which cannot now be accurately estiof the state auditor for a year, heap beside the tracks. lice. after being reinforced, made a mated, waa caused by a windstorm of lih the advance special reference to mutual and Invad and duration against strategic unprecedented fury INJURED DURING STORM. Ufa Insurance companies, has era, taking the women singly, and, Mo which awept over the city and county gradunlly ejected them, one by one, kuhtniitcil its report to Governor Han-froWindstorm In Salt Lake Causes Much from before midnight Saturday night the house. The most militant of ly The general eunduxlons of the and continued until Monday morning. Damage and Three Men Are Hurt the women , struggled so desperately cmmiitee are that the coat of life Balt take City. Three men were For many hours Salt take waa almost JnH'iraucc to the public I. too high. cut off from communication mWfa BWr" WFe Kinlni seriously hurt, thousands of dollars entirely with the outer world, with tbe excepdamage waa done to property, atreet care were stopped, telegraphic com tion of Park City, Bingham and Provo. Aa a result of the destruction of manlcatlon was shut off and the elecff divls.on of profits and lines, railroads were unable telegraph nesaed In and about the house. The tric lights of the city extinguished by to run t,lout their trains, with the exception women resolutely refused to leave the j1,cr Bnat rowing a windstorm that visited this city be- of rompan ea Insolvent. Indiana's house without being ejected by force, the Salt take Route and the Rio like companies of tween 9 and 11 o'clock Saturday night clung tenaciously to the stalwart io- - .jeoBipanles, havemany southbound. Grande, exbeen of guilty Captain William G. Cahoon and Drillcemen, the railings or other means tier The wind reached a maximum veof support, and offered strenuous re-- .travugancca and abuses, though they ver Fred Gulbranaon of the fire delocity of sixty miles an hour, and for slst ar.ee to expulsion, while shouts of lave maintained solvency." partment are at the Salt Lake hospiWe will have votes!" and You cowof many minutes maintained periods WORK FOR IDLE NEGROES. tal, seriously Injured. Both were bad- a ardly men dare not give ua Justice! " of fifty-twmiles an hour, velocity ly crushed by a tree falling across according to the registration at the resounded through the halls Suggestion That They Be Sent to Dig them aa tbey were on a run to a lire local branch of the weather bureau. alarm. CABINET CHANGES TO BE MADE. the Panama CanaL J. I L Sorenson waa killed at MurHomer Jay. an electrician In the N. F. Thompson of employ of ihe Salt take Electrical ray and William Gibbs waa killed at Washington. Will Ba Reorganized When Moody Ogden while endeavoring to save hia Chattanooga, Tenn., called at the company, received a severe ahock barn, being struck by a flying plank. and Shaw Taka Their Leave. while repairing a sign during tha early A number of men and women, IncludWhite House Monday and Invited Washington. The following state- President Roosevelt to part of the evening. ing two firemen, were aerloualy Inattend the ment regarding prospective changes jured here. and quarantine conference PACKING PLANT DESTROYED. Some idea as to the velocity of the In President Roosevelt's cabinet waa in nest wind may be gained when It la stated made public Tuesday night at the j toJ,be on the president's invitation, Mr. Fire Starts at Midnight, Causing a that a train of freight ears on tha jut wuiie House. Short Line near Kay a vi He, and anothLoss of $100, 0C0. 'Thompson called again at night. The On Hie retirement of Secretary er on the Bamberger road were blown however, declined the pident, Salt take City. Tiie new plant oi from the track and into tbe ditch. and Attorney General Moody ,lutun because he could not find It Mr. Thompson the Utah Packing company near the Plate glass windows were shattered yonihle to attend. add he suggested to the president stockyards la in ruins. It took fire aud bouses were unroofed all over the that the Idle negroes In the south be at midnight Saturday, and two hours city. Ogden suffered damage to the exitilized for Inlior on the Panama ca-- later was In ruins. The building coal tent of more than $100,UUO. and was jiraciically ready Secretary of the Nav- yBonaparte. At Lagoon, in Davis county, the th" explained, would $100,000, of !hlid the 80U,h' Victor H. Metcalfe. Secretary was more than $10,U0O. The few for the damage occupancy. During while in past people securing this B. Commerce and Labor Oscar of labor for that work. It la the daya the plant haa bon receiving a wind was particularly severe in Dadus Strauss. The general understanding kilo negro that makes the trouble In thorough testing and It waa expected vis county, and the damage will he for some time has been that Attorney ike south heavy. and reflects on the better to he General Moody will retire on January put Into operation soon. Four men were Injured in Salt take of negroes." 1, and that Secretary Shaw will follow dui In The fire started the south end City during the progress of the storm, him March 4 next of the building. Its origin Is unknown two aerloualy. That a great number FOUL MURDER IN MISSOURI. and no reason can' be suggested, ax of persona were not killed aeema al IRRITATED. JAPS ARE . waa entirely away from alj moat a miracle, aa the falling trees the .Widow Shot Through Window ana tbe place machinery. From thla place tha swept hundreds of live wires across fire worked Ita way into the lard the streets and sidewalks, imperiling Neighbor Who Came to Rescue Don't Lika Manner In Which Japaiesa house and from the lard house into pedestrians. la Killed. 8chool Children Are Treated In the part of the building containing Cole Camp, Mo. While Mrs. Alice San Francisco. HORROR GR0W8 EACH DAY. tbe machinery. comWlnemillcr, a widow, waa sitting with Tokio. Although the papeis MISSING MINER FOUND. News of Fearful Devastation of San ment Irascibly on tho allegid unfair her five children In their home aev-ermiles from Warsaw, Salvador Slowly Coming In. treatment of Japanese school children Monday In Sun Francisco, the rexmtment la night, shots were fired through a win- Man Believed to be Dead Turna Up San Salvador, Republic of Salvador. In California. not general among the inple, who dow and Mra. Wincinlller waa inTelegraphic communication with inare confident that President lloosevelt stantly killed. Her son, aged 14 years, Salt take City. E. II. Lee, formerly terior points haa been restored and will do everything possible to avoid waa badly woumlmL Felix Crawford, a prospector for the National Developendangering the friendship of the a neighbor, who heard tbe firing and ment company, who waa lost while news of the disaster wrought by the terrific storm which has swept ovn United States and Japan. A demon hurried to the accne, waa shot and t ration of prospecting In Nevada last spring, haa the country la being received. Over feeling la died two hours later. His Japan ia not lively unless alleged per J. A. tang, la charged with having been located In Bakersfield, Cal. Lea 100 persona have been drowned In ecuthma are aggravated. Jone the shooting. A posse, headed left 8alt take on April 23, and two A vast quantity of sulby (he sheriff, la scouring tbe Pcttla letters were received from him from Coatepeque. was thrown out of the water BLEW OPEN SAFE. for hilla phur Long. searching county Callente, Nev., dated April 25. Nothvolcnno and inundated the town more waa heard from him and ha of Fanchlanco, killing most of the inRoosevelt Will Take a Fleet With ing Blood Hounds Placed on Trail of Oklawaa finally given up for dead. From other points also habitants. Him Panama. to homa Bank Robbers. Lee writes from Bakersfield that be reporta of terrific devastation are comnotice haa fore he left Callente he had been sick ing in. Philadelphia. Official Guthrie. Okla. Robbers blew open and feverish, but that he had gone on, Pimlento and other towns are reIsland at of sure Bank State of been League navy Parka, the the posted some burros and supplies ported to have been swept away by purchasing at Parks. Okla . fifty miles east of here yard to tbe effect that the cruiser and started for Las Vegas. That waa the floods. The schooner Azelene-witthe last he remembered until he found 92.500, Washington will leave on or about a number of passengers on board early Tuesday. They The himself In a hospital at Los Angeles haa been lost between Corinton, Nicand escaped after exchanging shots November 1 for Hampton Roads. Honduras. with a number of citizens drawn to Tennessee, it la expected, will pass Cal. aragua, and Amalapa, He had been taken with typoid fe Everybody on board was drowned. The out a couple of daya later, and ihe the scene by tho explosion. robbers were headed for tha Creek two warships will act aa escort for ver and lost hia resaoa, wandering The floods have disinterred a number Roosevelt on hla trip to for daya alone on the desert Finally of corpses from cemeteries and are country, apparently, and a special President The and Panama. officer president haa selected he was found by an old friend who carrying them down the streams. It with bloodhounds, train, haa been started out from Sbawnes, the new battleship Louisiana for hla waa prospecting In the Johnnie and ia reported that the railroads In Honindian Wells country. duras have suffered serious damage. flagship during the voyage. Okie., la pursuit. Imduli - eoiiiiei-ilu- i Iit-i- m srz iirr-aass-r- o f . al n BANANA son-in-la- CROP LOST. Hurricane Worked Havoc to Plantations on Coast of Honduras. New Orleans. The steamer Anselms, which arrived here Tuesday, reported that so great was the destruction of a hurricane which pi reded tho Cuban storm and struck (In coast of Spanish Honduras, th.it uot a bunch of bananas was to be secured had from that coast. The 4.0UU bunches of hunumi aboard, at though she usually carries 15,000 hunches. mu-lin- . OUTRAGES CONTINUE. Tribesmen Beating Jewi and Pillaging Shop. Tangier, Morocco. Mohammed El Toree. the representative ot the sub tan. baa nut scut any troop - Arzlllx, which la still In the pnsscision of the Itendarea tribesmen, who hi-the town, pi I lacing th xbi ang boating the Jew. The S mush legs, lion here la protesting cm r ;rtl tally against the outrages, as nvny Spanish subject have been limit reared. Bandarea - Theatrical Manager Makes Confession of Murdering Actress. Mra. Margaret lanlle. the Chicago. actreas found dead In her room In the Falace hotel on the IRth did not commit suicide aa waa supposed, unt u murdered. Herbert K. Nicholas. a theatrical manager, arrested on (ii. pteloo, confessed Tuesday mat ftp aj. rd In the murder and thin . a drug clerk, was his accomplice. The woman's diamonds ana her money were the ino'ive rr th crime. e Leo-pold- CAME HOME DRUNK. Former 8enator Burton of Kansas Bogina His Jail Sentence. Ironton, Mo. Former United States Senator Burton of Kansas arrived from SL Louis Monday night, shortly after 5 oclock, and after dining with hla wife and niece, surrendered himself to the Jailer and was assigned to a cell in the Ironton jail. Mrs. Burton accompanied her husband to the berlff'a office and then went to a cottage she had rented, where she 111 remain until her husband haa served the six months sentence Imposed by the federal court. Oklahoma Farmer Kills Hla Family and Commits Suicide. Guthrie, Okla. A special to tha Btate Capital from Gage, Okla., aaya that 0. B. Heyworth, a well-to-d- o far mar living seventeen miles north oi that place, on Sunday morning shot and killed hla wife, two daughters aged 22 and 18, and a aon, aged 20 He then turned the weapon on himself, Inflicting a mortal wound. Family troubles was responsible for the tragedy. Venezuelan Revolutionists Plead Guilty to Counterfeiting. York. Captain George BoynNew In the United guilty ton pleaded States (Circuit court to the charge of for counterbeing a party to a plan for feiting ailver colna of Venezuela revolution a of financing purpose the He was sentenced to In chat country. all months In (he King's county penM. Thompson and itentiary. Cash B. Wilcox, who were associated with Boynton, were fined $250 and $110. respectively. Sllverla Safe From Pursuit States Washington. The United about to the no bring steps ran take extradition of Sllverla, the Cuban banker wanted In Havana and now supposed to be In Caracas, Yeneiuela. beThere Is no extradition treaty Vene-iucl.tween the republic of Cuba and and tha United States cannot interfere In any way In the case, to state department officials, rovernor Magoon may ask resldent to be taken rnsiro to permit Sllverla outcome b Cuban authorities, but the Castro. unon entirely a dependent at Executive Mansion. Washington. An Important confer ence waa held at the White House Saturday, those present being tha president. Secretaries Root and Taft, and Justices Day, White and Harlan of the United States supreme court Tbe purpose oi tha conference ia nol known, but the suggestion ia made that It may have had some connection with the selection of a successor tc Justice Brown, who haa retired. Conference j ; Gigantic Packing House Combine. Chicago. Tbe Evening Post prints a story to the effect that a gigantic combination of packing industries In this oountry la nnder way. No per aon connected In an official capacity with any of the large Chicago packing houses could be found who would confirm the story. The story printed In the Post ia to the effect that the combination la to have aa aggregate capital of $50U,000.000, and to be con trolled from England, where the majority of the money la to coma from. Wire Damage Was General. Salt take Ciiy.The damage by the storm to overhead wire systems. Including telephone, telegraph and power transmission lines, waa general. . All public service companies operating In and around the city were aerloualy handicaped For a time Saturday night the city was completely the shut off from communication with with-Parnorth and west. Communication City, Bingham and Provo waa maintained at all times, the force or the atom being northward from the city. Possible Changes In Cabinet. London. According to the morning Post, the close of the autumn or the-thbeginning of tbe next session of parliament ia likely to see important Sir Henry changes In the cabinet Campbell-Bannermathe premier, probably will be raised to the peerage and will lead the liberals in the house of lords, remaining, however, as premier. Thla would enable the aged Marquis of Ripon to retire aa liberal leader In tbe lords and H. H. Asquith will become liberal leader In the house of commons. e Praise for Ro rid Taft New Haven, Conn. Pralae for Secretaries Taft and Root aa men who were doln Christs work In the world, formed a part of a sermon by Rev Dr. Lyman A bolt of New York before the Yale students at Battell chapel on Sunday. Dr. Abbott did net mention the name of either hut referred to one who had gone to Cuba and brought order out of chaos," and to the other as one who had just made a Journey through South America. harmoaizlDg the north with the south." |