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Show -- s- V Tret. Orange a Long-LlveThs orange la the longest-livefrell pat. It begins to bear the third year after budding and for a hundred years t will yield abundant eropa. Orange trees have been known to attain to the ripe age of 300. The orange rsqulrss leas care and attention than any other fruit tree. Its early growth 1 rapid. a the flrat two years It grows more than It will In the next 50. This refers, of course, to its height and breadth alone; Ita fruit atems and consequently its crops Increase more rapidly after the first ten years. Frills Again In Favor. Tiny frills are again being seen on muslin and other gowns. These were particularly noticeable at a recent fashionable function, where several dresses were worn ornament ed In this fashion. One was composed of spotted net, and the skirt bad no less than 15 graduated frills, each frill being edged with tiny gnuie ribbon. The bodice wne made in fichu atyle, with frill to match those on the skirt, and with elbow sleeves also finished with frills. Lace revere, chemisette, and high collar, and deep belt d Chinn ribbon gave the ef finishing touches. Brooklyn Eagle. d rose-tinte- Remarkable Coincidence!. Borne remarkable coincidences are recorded In the cnee of two men, William Connolly and Patrick Cantwell, who were drowned n short time ego by the upsetting of a "float" on the Grand canal, near Tullamore, Ireland. The two men were born on the same day 31 years ago; they were baptised In the tame water; they were drowned together In the Grand canal, and they have now been burled together at Bahaa, Kings county. ' ON A DUTCH FARM. CUSTOMS OF CENTURIES ADHERED TO. With ;! r lain tYi'l.k LITTLE THINGS AND BIO. Differentiate Between and the AGO the Eeeentlsl STIFFNESS, STITCHES, LAMENESS. CRAMP. TWISTS AND TWITCHES. ALL DECAMP WHEN YOU APPLY green a. u ST, P JACOBS OIL - i t I THE u-- r f l, pronk-bedde- n A oppor-tualty- it-- il ou you, sou-venl- n Wtil get all this information FREE. FREE INFORMATION COUPON SITS ruMLt h Mly M SM SIM sv VMS rtrsa, aZOnrM liuwf Utlo ItopaitOMl Tbs Shiuu Hw (Ziuruir. lMtraii, Blah. fall ,.Uwln Mi la, W Bfi fiMsfillfiB fiM I A Y (I- Y l chamber. In some farm houses a wing haa been added to the original building, and in such cause It Is divided Into two or three email bedrooms. As a rule, the stable or shed for the cows forms part of the house, and Is separated from the living room only by a wooden wall or partition. The door of communication Is gen erally fitted with glass windows, so as to keep the animals under supervision. There is also a class of open farm houses, where there Is no partition at all and the animals literally live with the family. Nowhere Is the theory more firmly held than In Holland that the odor of cows is beneficial to consumptives. Indeed, sometimes those who are tuberculous will go to sleep with the cows In their manger. Over the cowsheds are the haylofts, and sometimes these serve as sleeping places as well. In many of the older farms there Is an open fireplace without a chimney. and the smoke finds Its way out aa best It can, helping in Its passage to cure the ham, sausages and black puddings which depend from the beams of the celling. The furniture le strictly limited to chairs, tables, tbe linen press, which is the ornament of the chamber, and perhaps a The pinning wheel or a mangle. ornaments are probably no more than some delft ware bung round the room, generally In racks, and a Dutch clock. The library constate of tbe family Bible. The food of the Boer class le as simple as the rest of their life. The staple dish la buckwheat porridge and pig meat, especially In the form of hams and sausages, represents the chief article of the principal daily meal, with little or no variety. Coffee Is the universal beverage and the only intoxicant taken Is one of the in forms of gin distilled Treacle Is all parts of the country. also largely used, while sugar Is regarded as a luxury. The bread used Is black rye, but there Is also a brown loaf made with treacle anil mixed with raisins. Other Musical Ears. notori- ously and historically fond of music. At a performance in Missouri the concert hall was made disagreeable by a sudden invasion of spiders, which were drawn by his violin out from the cracks and crannies of the ancient building. They crawled about the floor and onto the stage, and be could A Good Antiseptic. sec tho annoyed audience stamping on Boric arid and boride acid are tha the insects. The writer adds that he same. Every housekeeper should hnvs haa known a small garden snake to on hand n supply of this very usettf be attracted by piano playing, and a antiseptic. For burnt It ! unusually young calf to whisk his tall and excellent Drop two ounces of the prance about most gleefully at tbe boric acid crystals lu n glass quart flrat notes of a French born. His far and fill with water. This makes neck would curve about proudly, his a saturate solution. Take a piece of hoofs tread lightly, and his ears wag gauss or cheesecloth, saturate with Joyously when the tooting began, and the solution and lay on tha burn. Ap- he never quieted down till the music ply very moist covering with absorb- ceased. ent cotton and then with oil silk. This will keep motet for 13 houn, for The Candidates. the oiled silk will prevent evaporaA Lexington avenne barber has the tion. If you havent the boric acid placard In hie shop: "Cus use a solution of bicarbonate of soda, followingwho ain't famllyar with tbe torners which Is nearly as good. names of the pollytlshuns in the guber ' natorial scrap may copy them from Professional Handicaps. There la no meat in that fellowa this Hat: Odel, Higlns, Huse, Quig Hirst, Suiza, arguments; nothing buf dried bones." Murfy, Flat, Depu, Jerom, Brua and Rus-felFlab; McLelan, Rion, la because he la "That probably, Y. Press. N. a medical student and used to the articulation of skeletons. Clubs Carved Out of Rock. There is a kind of rock called greenstone found in New Zealand of which the natives make beautifully carved From SSII.00 to BS.5n0.00 ora ronutantly shows la largo qimnllllmi at very reason clubs. These clubs sre precious heir nblo prices. W rite w shoot the looms and very rarely Indeed do they sins you want. leave their owner's family. Lord Hob erts received one as a present from a rhlef and counts It among his most prized treasures. d tif Cutieura Works Wonders. 170 IMfi fl T nr is tfikdB tnirrufiiiy And Afla suj Hiuiaii turfflcfifi of ib JBWU1. feruu f..r lefi.iitt hIsIp free. a i HRSh o., Toia&a floldty B'lDlUiHl'lB ;v. lflkfi MfiaisKfiMiiy rtos fur roiialipAlk. Buffered with eczema eix months. i iit-1- a r I had tried three doctors, but did not get any better. It was on my body and on my feet so thick that I could hardly put a pin on me without touching eczema. My face was covered, my eyebrows came out, and then It got In my eye. I then went to another doctor. He naked me what I was taking for It, and I told him Cutieura. He said that was a very good thing, but that he thought my face would be marked for life. But Cutieura did its work, and my face Is now juet aa clear as It ever was. I told all my friends about my remarkable cure. I feel so thankful I want everybody far and wide to know what Cutieura can do. It Is a sure cure Sold by Lcndiag Dealers Everywhere Lswer Animals In Sickness. Mas might often take from the lower animal a lesson as to tbe care of himself when ill. All sorts of animals suffering from fever eat little; lie quiet in dark, airy places, and drink quantities of water. When a dog loses his appetite he knows where to find dog grans, which acts as a purgative and emetic. Sheep and cows, when ill, seek certain herbs. Any animal suffering from chronic rheumatism keeps as far as M)sllile from tbe eun. If a chimpanzee be wounded he bee been seeu to stop the bleeding by a plaster of ebewed-uleaves and for eczema. Mrs. Emma White, 641 Cherrler Place, Camden, N. JH April For Emergencies Sloaovs Liiinveit p 25, 1905. K:pt Tax. Receipts Long. Charles King, ef East Utterly, a Microbe ef Gray Hair. suburb of Pittsburg, Is what might be new michave a discovered They termed a careful man. He has been a robe in New York and it is quite popu- voter la the East Liberty district since lar among actors and society women. 1857 sod when asked last regIt la called the chromophage, its spe- istration day If be hadon athe tax receipt cial function being to turn the hair he pulled from a pocket tax receipts gray at a comparatively early age. The for the last 41 years. When asked by handsome actor who has those white the If he had any more he registrar halre on his temple that the women replied that If he went down deep In-admire so Is full of the cliromopbagee. box" at home he might mg Immune' from men TM Baldheaded are poatbly find a few dating long back microbes. He only attacks the hair, and a man without hair need not worry about the chromophage. For yean It was thought that a process of the blood killed the coloring matter of the hair cells, but scalpologlsta In New York combat that theory. They say It Is the chrnmopliage. The microbe does not like heat and for that reason the woman who uses the curling tongs Is less likely to have gray hir than the one who puts her hair up la pa- at Home For the Stock on the Farm grass. Is a. whole medicine chest Price 25c 5 and 50c 6 1.00 For Free Booklet on Horsss.CatHe.Hogs &ftultry. Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. the oldest member of the board wu born. Mr. King Is now 78 years old. having been born in Baltimore In 1KI, removing to East Uberty In IF YOU WANT to EARN MONEY HOWARD E. BURTOI, cmVJibt"b 1857. His first presidential vote was hrp s vmir fctoAUc. Wfi offer tm I'AMIfl furtlMiM FKIKM for lb winMairfiiliMtiiiHHi cut for John C. Fremont and hie last two nr. NietNi mmtHSlne nubbin offttifiof ib iwAMina Mallinf anvekipieand full ynneUM mteeapellMH $ llvm (taNMNin, eseb fur a Uiffi. ( unirul und Umpire for Tlinodore IloosevelL He le a fflinrpMHNfi full yr. JftfKw, M om Colo HfiionMou,CArbuaAiuMMlou4nSSS fed stanch Republican and as a contractor uf Wrtw. tUL I'rlfim srlu sttdtlUia u hb?ri oumitjibNHtn on teb oitter. Thesfiriubfi and brick manufacturer for half a cen- sioHiui Mil lliewNeivufi. Hunts uurn 9HII a wmA, fifi Cah um Ail your tim or a WAiiy Thoupsoii Eys Watsr has to contributed much tury the up- ItAnofiL Aini'b WrHfiMfdAjr furpArUcuiAxa, befurayour Ifl in territory liken, building and growth of East Uberty. U4AM IMUAUt U WfihtfiU . I BfiVMO. W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. 42, 1901 before ifc? pers. Legally Her Husband's Bose. Boston has one woman who Is legally her husband's boss. She le Mrs. Ellor Carlisle Ripley, one of the as lstant superintendents of the public schools of the city and the wife of Principal Fred H. Ripley, of the Longfellow school of Roslindale. Mrs. Ripley draws some $85 a week of the hubs wealth, about $1,500 more per annum than the man who has recently became her hubby." An assistant superintendent Is virtually a supervisor and Mrs. Ripley Is In reality her husband's superior and could fire" him in a minute If she saw fit Mrs. Ripley is a young woman of pleasing personality. TheWinningStroke NO DAWDLING. - A Man of 70 After Finding Coffee Hurt V,. Him, 8topped Short. If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reasonable amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It is ail important, however, in selecting a laxative, to cloose one of known quality and excellence, like the ever piea&ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effectually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature. As the phr.ts whicn are combined with the figs in the manufacture of Syrup cf Figs are known to physicians to the system, the remedy has met act most beneficially with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth consiucring in making purchases. S It is because cf the fact that is a rerv.dy cf known cua.'ity and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led u its use by so many millions of weil informed people, who v.cuid r.ot use any remedy of uncertain quality cr inferirr rope taler.. Every family should have a bottle cf the j;r.e c:i fund at all times, to tie when a laxative remedy is resumed, p.case to remember that the ger.uing Syrup cf F.i.3 is f:r tide in bottles of one s'ae and that full name of the only, by all nputab'.o ql'Cl'--s- . company Cafcir.ia K.,t Syrup Co., is plainly printed on the front cf every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle. When a man has lived to be 70 year old with a habit grown t,. him like a knot on a tree, chances are hell stick to the habit till he dies. But occasionally the Bpfrit of youth and determination remains in some ' men to the lost day of their lives When such men do find any habit life haa been doing them harm, they surprise the Oslerites by a degree of will power that ia supposed to belong to men under 40 only. "I had been a user of coffee unr three years ago a period of 4J yeai and am now 70, writes a N. Dak man. I was extremely nervous and debilitated, and saw plainly that 1 must make a change. I am thankful to say I had the nerve to quit coffee at once and taku on Posium without any dawdling, ai.'l experienced no ill effects. On the contrary, 1 commenced to gain, losing my nervousness within two months, al.-gaining strength and hralth otherwise y "For a man of my age, I am very Vi J, well and hearty. I sometimes meet persons who have not made their Postum right and don't like it. I tell them to boil it long enough, aud Puzzled. Jf1IL lIOlMllll call tlioir attention to my looks now, mi, Fapa, Is It patriotism that makes a and before 1 used conit, that man pay $15,000 to gc--t an office that vincing. pays $1,000 ? "Now. when I halre writing to lu. Yes. son, it must be. or long columns of figures to cast u;, But how does he get his money I feel equal to it and can get thro-i.-hark? work without the fagged out feelmy "Yon run out anil play; you are too of old. Name given by Poh'uiii ;' ing understand Hous-to willies. i young ' Co.. Battle Creek, Mtch. Read vlie ton Post. book, The Roan to Wellvillc," In 2Swawf2ml!lIlflN!r 1 Nrisf rotor Hun am tor IrM NOM-M- m pkgs. "Theres a reason." npsfnsoaatL j I o V , r ,u.tl Mutaxt Pt sua. lUll's CaUMi dtrrvtly on in f MAIN ST. CITY, UTAH. i Ssad ms fres of charts your Stovs Book oa Cost Ranges Bose Burners Steel Ranges Heating Stoves Cook Stoves Oak Stoves Gs Ranges Gas Hesters Also your Expert Store Advice free ol chars, faOMr lki w i X I IU MU w OUMvr rmi aeoOB i g DIAMONDS - ilMfiUsilMlAOfifi k M filsM ! VMT iHlpr- wls AIM Ml Is fJ(y ( pronk-kanier- ; are PRICE 23 AND 50 CENTS It has cost many stove users HUNDREDS OF WASTED DOLLARS to find this out. Cut out this Coupon end mall to ns and we will solve this problem for i l. A violinist says spiders M How to Save DOLLARS in Cooking and Heating sssss htui-ii- Fra-quentl- t vil- uiain-tenStU- d ff. the stage g.U'J point!. Pt'TN '! FAliKIALSA HYKH do net stain tin- ..in.is (r tput lue kciilc, except 1 The Kitchen Sink. The ideal sink Is of porcelain with rolled edge, round corners, porcelain back and open plumbing without a crack or crevice for dirt or the ever ready water hug. He Is ready still, but he must live In the open and not lie concealed. A white enamel sink la almost aa good as the porcelain and much less expensive. Soapstone and late are very good, and so, too, u tha sink. The great danget copper-linela the porcelain and enameled sinks Is the breaking of delicate china and glass The copper lining Is much th best for that The wooden drain boards tipping slightly toward tha Ink are n great convenience. rubber mats with roughened surface are placed In these to keep thi dishes from slipping. There are, be dish Ides, wire and nickel-platedrainers, which will keep the plates separated one from another while draining. Harpers Bazar. HAMAUAA. 1:1 Ni;u-!iti- Five trains dally via the Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe, Colorado to Kia aaa City, St Joe, Chicago. Galveston, El Paso, City of Mexico. Ask ms about reduced rates. C. F. Warren G. A., A. T. A 8. F. Ry.. 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. M. l.iia - Wo Make Travel Easy. Union Assay Office O. n M f i Little things are often of great imLoo1- Afte- portance. but when they are so they Jewish Orphans. An tre not little. The pinion of a watrh l'umrselle Dothe Life of Simplicity Keynote wheel, for example, in one sense is has ri.jFUik orpl.uii in mestic Animals Live in Close little. In another sense It is not so at the A.:n in ii .iiiiial school, und Proximity to the Family. net perfectly ad- has all; for when It a .ii.'.iiilliM-uapplied the Coffee the Universal i timethe watch worthless for sum of ill. mill ii,;n k for their justed, keeping. It is not size that makes a Beverage. ,i!i, lira: thing little or great, but it relation to Of the manni-- of lift- - in Zealand. the end fur which a number of things Important to Mothers. boltle of C ASTORIA, Netherlands, an ubtriii'r write: "The are combined. If a thing Is essential Dutch farmhouse is usually built after It ia Important. Because so many of iL.ii:y fur ibUut and childirs. a uniform model. The living room the people who are always preaching usually occupies the whole of iho tbe Importance of little things fall to Brsn ground floor and is a sitting room, bed- discriminate between the little end the room and kitchen, rout'd Into oue they often make a Is Css Fit ITT 30 Yrara. The bedsteads are screened by green wretched mess of the mansgement of 34 Uiuj tat liavs Always pysfhf curtains, or hidden away like cup- their own and other people's affairs. boards; but what is called the show Theoretically, If every factor that conOpen Air Work for Women. bedstead Mrs G. tonreid operates a ranch always occu- tributes to a result is perfect, the repies a prominent place In tliu room. sult will be perfect; but practically, 1b Coin: :t:lo where wild flowers are , But. then, it is never used; It Is kept for want of time, strength and collet anI presxed for use in tbe efficient mau Is compelled i:J menu cards. exclublvely for the purimse of provThe work ing the high respectability of the fam to neglect aome things for the sake of being in the open air, it has proved lly by the fineness of its linen sheets othera; and, In order to do this and popular teachers and other and the richness of Its counterpane yet secure the main end, he has to women nervous from Kept nominally In honor of the guests, discriminate be: ween tbe essential and troubles, ns it gives them a chance to The one who Is earn a liiing aud to the most honored guest would not be the regain their allowed to use It In larger or more thoroughly Imbued with tbe false doc- health. modern farm houses n separate room trine of tbe Importance of little things, 6rTB wf iii: i. i iry Tulkdo, is set apart as a show place, or pends his strength without discriml.l il ( iil Mu- luflkefi Mith iliat h la tenter FakJ. but there is, as a rule, no ination, and usually succeeds in miss-isAflufil uf flip ft u of J. i'HEAKV 4 ('ii.. i ii the main chance. The Watchman. jufilueM lu (lf Tiitdo. (h.uuty ana bu g bedstead, and the room Is furnished J drill Will pay I hr ttU.li of as a parlor. This room, like the I'Ol.LMi1 ft crb aii4 finery ONbHIMLt.) CBM in CaTsKmH (llfii tUttUoi lfi CUMHi b lUfiUfifiuf ECZEMA. DISFIGURED WITH never is the used house bedstead, by CaIaUKI 4liE. hold for general purposes, but on FlttNK J CHKNKT. Itfif Rvonilo mill iii my jinweUi'C, h.p the occasion of a death of a member Brushed Scales from Fact Like Pow- tiiUfith) i.t iJ.tfiiu'j.T, a. n., . W. GLEASON, der Under Physicians Grew Woree of the family it serves as the bier 1 Marriage Flight ef Ante. People living along the River Stour, at Sandwich, England, were the other day treated to a wonderful eight. Suddenly the stream, the shores and the streets of the town became covered with flying ants that seemed to be dropping like hail from the clonds. The phenomenon was a marriage flight of ants, such as always takes place In the summer. The ante thus warming were young queens and winged miles. In these marriage flights countless millions of ants take part, yet the noise of their tiny vibrating wings la scarcely as loud as the hum of a bee. So frail are their dense columns that a little pull of wind will disperse them out of sight Comparatively few of the myriads which come forth from their nests Into the air live to enter n nest again. Practically nil the males die, lonely and shelterless The surviving queens found new communities, or, entering old nests, are at once taken care of by tha workers, and start new colonies In their old nursery. SALT LAKE exo-p- xv.;- - 'w.vr.-- T '- - v V ' Msmaiiirt .. s. VI' V ( up-o- SYRUP OP 0 a r-IG- (aifqrnia Fig Sybup (9 '.CnTP; dal- - PUTNAM FADELESS DYES . 0i lOr oorkai-yvlto Dm, Slrwn on s Stars. evtor. - Jtanhj Jjj atrrltatter thin mi other 10. DHUQ CO., Uiuoitvillm, mJmmotHtL |