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Show ' HtMimim. N. WHITLOCK, AX AMKM'MKXT Tu Article 19, of i;i I'onsJlfi-tiut' Kilui'dlnui, I'ublid School SjKInn. M.itnti-li:ilii- . lARNEtS AND HORSE FUR- He It ell.irti'd liy the tagiriuture of NISHINQS. Ej the St Ate of Utah: S.'i lion 1. Tliiit the following rroii-o- .i Utah; gMaryevale f tin n ti aim-m- i the I'onriitollon the State of Ilali in hereby mililiiltleil SfiXafcfeWsteXssJsxi to tbe qunlllleil elector uf tlie Statel. of I'tuta for their approval or namely: That Section !. Article 10. nf the SALT LAKE A MERCUR RAIROAD funalituliun uf the State uf L'tah, be CO. TIME TABLE. amended tu read ae fulluw.: "Tlie Public School System ahall Include kindergarten aclionl. rununun Effectiva December 10, 1905. chuula, cunaiatliig of primary and Kriiiiimar gradea. high arhool. all college, a univerelly. and Westbound. Eastbounl aurh utiier eehuula ae the LeglHlnlura ealablleh. The cuminuii may No. 1 No. I hull be free. The utiier depart nieiita ahull be supported ua uf the ayatein Arrives. Leaves. Stations. provided liy law. Irovlded, that high 1:45 p.m. achoola may be maintained free In ull Mercur 11:15 a. m t lea uf the Ural and aecund class nuw 1:65 p.m. cl 11:00 a. m Summit cunatltutlng aeliuul district. and in utiier citiea and diatrieta aa may 10:30 a. m Manning ....1:31p.m. euch Hut !w draigiiiited liy tlie 10:05a.m.... Fairfield ....1:13p.m. where the proportion of toecliiHil moiitca any city or apiHirliuiied or an ruing Arrives. dialrlct Leaves. Hhall nut lie sufficient to maintain ail the free aclioula In Miieli city in dialrlct, the high aclioula ahull lie by lucal taxation; Provided, that when any citiea ur diMtrlcta Mliull eatablisli Ivigli achoola, the L. H. GRAY, may authorixe the uae uf slate acliool euch fniida to naaiat In supporting Land Attorney. schools. aaid funda being ii'inort lulled to the citiea or diatrieta rinicerned. by Attend to all business before tne Mute Hoard uf Kducallon." Section 2. The Se rotary of State la United States Land Office, n hereby ordered to cauae I Ilia propnal-tiuU. S. Surveyor-Genera- l. one to be puhllahed In ut Land Board, In the State every cuunty nf newspaper State where a newapaper ia pulilialied, State Engineer. two months fur Immediately preceding Land scrip bought and sold. the next general election. 3. Section This proposition ahall he 1 D. F. Walker Building. submitted to the electors of thlaAt.ile Utah. at the next general eleCtlun for their Salt Lake City, All official iipproval ur disapproval. l.iiMota used at auch election shall have MtatKatKMIWUUUUM) or written thereon the words printed ' the amendment tu Section 3,. Article 10. of the Constitution," and "Agaiiiat the umendinent to Section to-t, Artirle 10. of tlie Constitution," CYRUS 0. GATRELL with auch other title designatgether as may he proing auch amendment vided by law. Kahl bul lot a shall lie reAttorney A Counselor. ceived and said votes abnll be taken, returns counted, canvaaaed and tlie manner 119 thereon he made In the unit F. Walker BulMlafc nnd in all respects as is provided by Balt Lake City. law In the case of the election of ths State officers. This amendment. ef-If Hart Ion 4. lake adopted at said election, shall fect and he in force from and after the 1907. D. Hrst day of January. A. statititstBtstFritststststKivimsistitittRR of l'tah. GEO. W. PARKS, $ State Office of ths Secretary of Hlate . I. rharles K. Tlngey. Secretary of S Htnte of the Htate of l'tah, do hereby Land Attorney, that the foregoing Is n full, S certify Auerbach Building, true and correct copy of toa resolution Section 3. Salt Lake City. proposing an amendment Article 10. of the Constitution of the State Of Utah, relating to Kdiiration, Public School System, Maintenance, pnaaed at the Blxth regular session of . the Legislature of this State. In testimony whereof. I hnw- - hereGreat affixed ILAbSTONE MATtfOy the and hand set unto my Heal of the Rtate of l'tah, at Halt Lake City. Utah, this ZZrd day of August, A. Mrs, A, M. Marsha Pntk D. 190. r. 8. TIXGKT. oath Mala Street Salt Lake Qtt (Seal.) Secretary of Htate. furnished Rooms by the Dan Week or Month. RESOLUTION. Rates, 60 eents to 91J0 per dap, TO AMKSDMKNTR PROPOSING pedal rates by the day, weak f Section t. Article XIII., of the ConstiIDiiO, S, November as amended tution and Section 12, of su Id Article XIII., tax and exemprelating to uniform of the tions therefrom, and authority for a stamp tax Legislature to provide on or a tax based income, occupation, licensee on franchises. Ha it resolved and enacted by the of Utah, Legislature of the Statethereof concurof all members therein: ring Section 1. The following proposition to amend the Constitution of the Stats of Utah Is hereby submitted to the qualified electors of the State for their oooooooo approval or disapproval, namely: That Section I, Article XIII.. of the Constitution of the Htate of Utah, aa amended November (, 1900, and Secmusic: tion 12, of said Article XIU., be and the same are hereby amended to read PIANOS, as follows: shall Section I. The Legislature Organs And All equal provide by law a uniform and on nil rate of assessment and taxation Musical Instruments, property In the Htate, according to its value In money, and ahall prescribe as bv seneral law such regulations shall secure a Just valuation for taxof all property, so that every ation 49 South Main 8 treet. person and corporation shall pay a tax In proportion to the vulue of his, her Salt Lake City, or Its property; Provided, that a deduction of debits from credits may be Utah. authorised; Provided, further, that ths property of the United States, of ths Htate, counties, cities, towns, school poooooo districts, municipal corporations and public libraries, lots with the buildings thereon used exclusively for either repurligious worship or charitable poses. and places of burial not held or used for private or corporate benefit, be shall from taxation. exempt ramils. reservoirs, pipes and Iiltehe. TO flumes owned and used by Individuals or corporations for irrigating lands owned by such Individuals or corporations. or the Individual members thereshall not be separately taxed aa of. AND THE long ns they shall lie owned and used exclusively for such purpose; Provided, further, that mortgages upon both real nnd peraonnl property shall lie exempt VIA from taxation; Provided, further, that the taxes of the Indigent poor may be remitted or altatsd at such time mid In such manner aa may be provided by law. 12. (Stamp, Income, license, franchise. or mortgage tax permissible.) Nothing In this Constitution shall ba RAILWAY construed to prevent the Legislature from providing a stamp tax, or a tax based on Income, occupation, licensee or franchises." THROUGH SCENIC Section 2. The Secretary of State Is hereby ordered to cause these propositions to be published In at least one newapaper In every county of the FERTILE Htate where a newspaper fa published, for two months Imrnnl lately preceding KANSAS am MISSOURI the next general election. Hectlcn 3. These propositions ahnll PULLMAN he submitted to the clcrtors of this at the next general election, for Rtate SLEEPING CARS. their approval or disapproval. All OBSERVATION ballets used at such election shall DINING CARS. have printed or written thereon the words. "For the amendments to SecElectric lights, tion 3. Artirle XT!!., of the sffinstltu-tloElectric Fans, ns amended November . 1900," and Agnlnst the amendment to Seciing chair Cars stave race).. tion 3. Artirle XIIT.. of the Constitution as amended November 3. 1900:" Coach so. also the words, For ths amendment to Sect ion 12. Artirle XIII.. of the Constihr IwtttTkMi, Fdtsn, ifa, lidrsti tution." and Agninst the amendment I" no tion 12. Article XIII., of the Constitution." together with eueh other title designating aurh amendment as may Ire provided by law. Said ballots H. O.TOWMBKND, shall be rerelved and said votes shall te taken, rnnnted. canvassed and naturae thereof he made In the snme ,,i p i,.r nn.l In nil respects ns Is provided by law In the ruse of the election of the state officers. Sot ionat 4.snldThese amendments, tf 60 YEARS election, shall take efadopted EXPERIENCE fect nnd he In force from nnd after the first da of January. A. D. 1907. State nf l'tah. Office of the Seeretnry of State. I. Charles S. Tlngey, Herretary of or the State of I'tnh, do hereby State -that the foregoing Is a full, ertify true and correct ropy of a resolution proposing amendments to Section 3, Trade Mamie Article XITT.. nf the Constitution nf the Htete nf l'tah. ss amended NovemDesigns Ac. ber 4. 1901), nnd Section 12, of aald ArCopyrights ticle XIII.. relating to uniform tax a ikatrft nndSroripthMininT Anyone millns our whHner M free and exemptions therefrom, end authoroff kit nwrtmn Invenitt l probably of the Legislature to provide for a ity Unniarrtrtlf mnMmtlaL HANDBOOK w stamp tax or a tax baaed on Income, ent free. OIle Mnry licenses or franchises, Co. receive occupation, PMtMita fsfct 4 khneieli Mon tOTMi eefiM, without cTiftmt, ta Ue passed st the Sixth regular session of the legislature nf thin State. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand nnd nffixrd the ffiwCrrted wortT. A SMWteimitf Great Seal of the State of Utah, at Salt take City. l'tah. this 23rd day of August. A. I). 190. York New C. R TINORT, MUNN & to (Heal.) c. ix el Mitt ee Secretary wuwhii. f uee, bl in,., Dealer In PRnluslNri Rviliuii 2. n. dieap-pruva- anp-port- rwrwrr.wwjwr 300-30- HIMSiMSUSSdeMlim a two-thir- ds . Beesley Music Co. Through Service ST. LOUIS EAST Missouri Pacific COLORADO nl n, ..... Scientific flimrican. The Ydding Ring. (i tin1 wedding ring is The hMory hr to i.iue. s coi:.i!i wld li i ii-i- ni mir puritan it a lvlli- - id heathi-ii-a- r . it Unenviou Notoriety. In the early part of the List (ur a II nil of conir.-triurnuim-Hioihtrs r:irili-- l on IiiisIiii-m- s , ccn-- I Jer-i- y in SALT LAKE A LOS ANGELES RAI. WAY TIME TABLE. In Effect May 31, 1906. Ar gait Laka. Leave Salt L 1.90 p.m. 9.34 3:30 p m. 2:00 a.m 3:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 5:00 p.ui. Ik un KiijImhI. ami cat i it The) would no more uupicasanl no niiciy by pulling up hive a wedding ring around than they rapidly bulli, showy, bin rurt-eould have old women riding on houses, mo i hat their name eventWmibiicks and bewitching the cow. ually became general for such build-er- a 6:00 p.m. 7:30 pjn. What a difficult Job the dramatist But 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. the Puritan ate dead and the and such work la ull parts of the has. to be aura! it la alwaya necct-ar9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. ddiii ring burvives out of a tuys-krio- world. for him to make the hero fail 10:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. past. first la love with the girl early in the 10:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. art, and she must, of course, return Danish Treatment of Aged Poor, Rural Simplicity. his love without letting him know IL "THE LAGOON ROAD." There is no of a Tact that one stigma attached to the at the same time being careful to Ti.s amhiir uf Kenilnlsi-ence- s or one's is relative an make the matter plain tu the audi- (buutry Politician asked a laborer inmate In a home for the Salt Lake and Ogden Railway. aged in Denence. After it has become evident to k an English vlllaga. about 10 yurt mark. None are admitted o'-- . except how h'u. he was. the "I be Just everybody but the girl that tbe mss Uni Time Table in Kffi-c-t May 30. 1jn. those who have led derent, sober age as tbe queen," he aald. "It Is ready to sacrifice even hia life for Luke Leave 6:00, V:0u. 11:00 and lives, (his tbe inmates r an a. Salt gives t tier sake and when everybody but tho k eil!i-- a fortnight older or a 111.: 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 p. m. acknowledged which is a standing 1 know don't rightly younger, First six trains run through to Kays-Villhero knows that the heroine 1s dying And 1 dont suppose her great source of gratification to tbe for him they proceed somewhat after vt.h't honest mor. h.(w. either.''--Youth'- s Kxtra Ijtgoon to Ksysvllle, Kl:i p. Companion. this st)le: nt. (Sunday, 8:30 p. m ) ACT I. e 7:uo, in .00. 1 2:10 a. W.tty Saying Under Difficultiee. coi tagoon la- there is In He Ah, Miss ON FlT COT! 7:00. m.; 9:00, 1:3) p. m. nl 3:00.5:10, British campaign atory my heart something that but. no! la tlii- following: MATlRtSS (Sunday, 9:30.) a young lory heir toR4UvBB must not. 1 can not! to a i'l!, i. .in was Sundays and holidays Rpectsl ihrough being pelted with She Oil Arth 1 mean Mr. Spriggs, to Lagoon at 3:00 snd 5: (Ml p. m. trains ro'tea ' s while making a political if I coulil only confide in you hut SIMON BAMBERGER, Wiping the imss from hi hark! There is my aunt. and General Manager. ('resident Lice, he aid. "Ah, ItHve always said He And must we mrt forever? ihat tho oiiiin-utii of my opiioneuts . She Forever unlesa but 1 must were V not say the words that are struggling for utterance upon my Ups. . SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. He if I only dared; if 1 only had True Humility. Xlumi'iiinvM not consist In the right to to telling our fau!t.-- , bin in She Yes. yea; go on. bearing to be told PORTLAND CEMENT fl then, mi lien ring them patiently, THE BERRUMSTONE He Xo; it cannot it cannot be! CO. good-bundeMn thankfully ; in correcting She Ah, well, then, let us say VIA uurscU'-twm-t- i forever. told; in not hating CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANUFACTURERS. hose Dont forever! Xot who ti l! us or them. Scottish He Xo, no, no! American. say that. BOLE AGENT8 FOR She Hut why should you care Concrete Block Machines. Want to whether It la for ever or not? Woman Diamond Agent establish a plant la every city, town He You are going to marry DunMiss Grace M. Vurroe, New of and village In Utah. can Dinglehlatt. Ah, well, so be It I York, has croso-- the ocean !1 times Block machines from 100 upward. will go out into the world alone and as the api-u- ' f un English diamond Start a small plant and become InThis includes thn famous and but why should I bore you by merchant. On each (rip she has had OVERLAND LIMITED standing here and telliug you of my from $l.V0.miii to $200.0H0 worth of the dependent and the new intentions? I will go now. Correspondence solicited, stones with her. LOS ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED She Xo, no, please dont that is, F. O. Box 1131, Salt Lake City. Strictly Twentieth Century, Vestl-bulef you must be going, good-by- . lad Phone I8M-7- . A Childs Question. Electric Lighted Steam HeatA little Rkrl of four was riding past (He Impulsively catches up one of ed Trains operating Pullman Palace and her hands, kisses it exists.) a Mastery wlm her mother. Looking Sleepers; incomparable Observation-Libr- ary ACT II. up, she said: and Dining Curs of the very He Miss Do Lacey ! Why, what latest manufacture. Dr. F. J. Lyon, Mamma, how long is it after they brings you here? bury a person before the gravestones ONLY 41 HOURS, SALT LAKE TO She Iaia and I are making a trip come np?" Royal Magazine, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, CHICAGO. around the world. How good it seems o City Ticket Office, 201 Main 8t, '! Marysvalo, Utah. to meet you. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. He Thank you for saying that. Ah, Why Disillusion Hsrf which Don't tell your Intended that she ia If I only dared to tell you that aa angel unless you can keep up tho but no, no, no! It cannot be. She You cannot know how happy bluff after you are married. it haa made me to meet dear me? Bertelaen Bran, What am I saying? I met Miss Father of Hlatory. in Paris. BLACK8MITH8, that mention Herodotue, "the father of history," He Dont dont declares that the inhabitants of the womans name to me. Stall Maryavale, Utah. "lake dwellings of Switzerland fed She But you love her and M.AILLV. l.-their horses Balt cattle on and fish. M GKy taka If no! thousand times He Xo, a ,000 0.000 O 0.000 Ifil 1:11 Murray lor she were the last woman in the world d9 Bingham Ii.m her-r-r- ! n I would gvortra i She Oh, if I could only believe Amorlesa VM that what you say is but no. no, no! IS ipHnsvlf1 I must put all that out of my taei Bgynka 13 ever. Good-by- . Ar. BUvor ONr Ts xsvs Is Dm sRlstad Ika sayanlhM sT&r. I WM cannot I He Stay! I let you go. lv7BB bans' Mew TtmuhL Dr. Am win Ins aB dslsnbsl IM Ifanti, Lv, Dianas UstwAxg Dnfs . Arthaa, Ray lew and Lsag will apeak! And yet alt, I have not HI eh Hold Trmblw tnmii rORTSXR R0TI0B far Rw Inr fas f (i the right to say these things to you. Alt Maryowal psr traamnL r lit fw Iran ml uaU CUBED, all VO. 1 TA0U0B 1 Duncan Dinglcblatta ring is gleaming fm. ran Lm Thistle f Dm. ibmairon:KBTUIi KBW TREAT- By bi upon your finger, nnd I will aeak! I taavta Provo 1HKT th 7 sm ssablsd I sum any mil u rant nm must tell you what ia in my curses! taavna Amerteaa Fork la s vsry fsw tramsate sra ths old and shraiA si taavMtakl MMMMieM99 fJIsKf R Me Lm you may b eural far 9l. Why niffar frost CiUrrh There comes your aunt! Hut I will dr. j. shores. Lmvio Bingham Junotl bo CURED for 91 a tranMtl m., 111 g m. Apply today ui bo not be denied the right to tell you of ArrfrM Suit tab City . M oonrlncoA. st LoavoZ BINGHiU Dm. Shorn oIm trmt sad ooro all mbli Karra my my (he makes a leap, lands Chronic and Frivolo of lion. Wobm sod OhUdrou of ovary hobo and notur A. IL P. IL OmmIioUou and her feet and kisses the lient of her dlaono writ Call I At SuM take City OmMmUiI and for Id Fra tr nny Is no! It of but tell to my 1:31 you At Btnghxm JuusMi skirt) . J : A I A Hevoro I: 14 my fate to be comiielled to remain A SpecUl Depirtmtnt for 1:4 911 (AT Lead Mine 9A silent 9 I JO 4A iNeghaB 9: IA9 Dm. Shora bars a Sposlsl D.psrtaont ozeluslvoly for tho tratmoat and aura of fop She (sobbing) Good good-bLLI9NT0N, u Frlvata DImoow of Km, whether omh4 by itaoroas umin ar MaUilra. Too (tan. AA. hag i)pt ever. And when you and Henrietta blu. with tad Fribberson nre man and wife I I who (Cup hojie you may be very Bra who find their uoxl visor soao anforioasiM who hiva eantnetsd dliMioo tho tain.) victim! ( Blood Pol on woo ill athan who nead tho cmbm! and aid of axpartmood !! THIS BEAUTIFUL 0R6AN il are Mrdiolly lavitod to eonoult thli dapartBoal snd ba adviud ACT HI. He has changed his clothes and So ouro'lT the eure nadir DRd. SHORE' MODERN METHODS in all Prirato now wears the garb pf a toiler. She that you may arrango to pay the (m for a euro In imoll wachly or monthly uU,thoor cart program or yon nuy PAY WHEN CURED. No matter what uf la Bitting on the southeast handle trouble your who bu failed to euro you, eonoult thorn Mutor Bpodaltst fra of a wheelbarrow, musing. Suddenly be ebarg and loan bow you can yet ba eurod. CALL OR WRITE. at stops, evidently greatly surprised HOME CURES LY MAIL. her presence. IT YOU LIVE OUT OF TOWN, ? WRITE DEI. He You SHORES A SHORES for tholr Now lymptom List, sad She Oh! How you frightened me thair xdvloa FREB. (at 1 am so glad to see you. Ah, if I could OFFICE HOURSl Dally, I B. to p. m. Eroa-iusI I but am tell how yon glad only T to S. 19 a. to it, Ssadays and holiday must not say such things to you. When did you return to America? He Immediately after we met In EXFEET BFECIAUSTB. Xaplea. I have been out west trying W tail put ar , completed HOUSTON BLOCK, id SOUTH MAIN STREET, trying to to rugemenu with tho Urgent . , SALT LAKH CITY, UTAH. She Trying to what? manufacturer of Organs In the ' world, whereby we can new offer He Trying to forget. to our many patron her un In- , to want She But why should you , . etrument delivered at your own . . etutien for what hoe forget? ordinarily . been known as FACTORY COST. ; He X Can you ask me Thl Is on arrangement that ' that? , . should bo Investigated thorough- - j . ly before you look elsewhere, She I suppose it was very hard for us , , wo are our it will appeal to you. you to give up Miss Friblierson. REMEMBER wo savt you from ' He Why do you Insist on mention. . 636 to 178.9 on on organ. This is . , ing that woman to me? I never cared certainly worth oaring. ' for her. EAST TERMS. Tou can send ' to ii.N per month, to suit , , ue She Oh, if I could only believe . , , , your oonvenlonoo. but there! It is all over. Ah, well! WE PAT THE FREIGHT. Wo ' I shall die an old maid. will dollvor one of then organs at He Dont dont say these words. , . any R. R. station In Utah or Ida- - ! ! , . ho , , without any additional Olivia pardon me Miss De tam-cyto yon whatever. De not charge lmag- 1 I there Is something that I have fno that It te lmpooethio for ue ' wished to to say to you someiMng I to do aa we aay. Our eyotom of ' that but, ah no! I'm a fool to , , handling our outside buxlnrau le ) o porfOot that we eon without , , , . here talking this way. Pardon hit if COLORADO TO any trouble whatever make do- 4 if I have oh, good-by- , Miss H livery to the omallseC lawn In 4 thle wMtern ecctlon. Lancey. But remember that If ;on KANSAS CITY ST. JOE, 4 . ever need a friend I will be re inly to WE BUT IN CARLOAD LOTS i I 4 CHICAGO and are thn enabled to make th do anything you may ask of me. 4 ridioulouely low prlete that wo ' She You are so good. I am o'raid GALVESTON EL PASO, 'I da TOU GET THE ADVAN- 4 I I dont deserve your kindness. Oh. if . TAQE OF THIA ) 4 CITY OF MEXICO. Write ua at mmo If tnterastod. if but no! H cannot be. Did ,nu 4 If not, sm that your flrisnds hoar know that Duncan Dingieblatt and 4 , . of thin groat money oaring op- Aik Me About Reduced Rates. Miss Fribberson were married? . 4 , portuntty. half-waacross tho kiko REMEMBER wo have bden tn 4 (He leaps ; ; buainono boro for FIFTY YEARS '' and catches her in his arms.) 4 oldest house in ths Stats. 4 . . tho He Married? Then be lu not to OUR GUARANTEE aa aa In- -' , 4 you for his wife, after all? strument Is absolutely good. We ' She Me? Why, I thought you , fully warrant everything wo solL knew there never was any truth in I If you doubt our financial rat- - ! 4' tag look us up. Wo refer you to that silly gossip. any Banker or Oommeroial agon- He Olivia! Darling! I love you! In j this Stata ey , She And I love you, Arthur, with ThC KEELEY CURE. : Music J. D. BEDFORD, all my soul. Drunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent earn W lie Ah. my sweetheart At laut Dealer Marie Leading AND PROVISIONS. $ .. GROCERIES at la last! fnmkeaneee and the opium dlseans.8. Mato Street, Balt LLak City, Utah. niere la no publicity, no sickness. A (Curtain.) i Marysvale, Utah. at thi 4ls treated aa privately J Chicago Record-Herald- . ! homes. Ths Keeley IxmUtuU. 314 Temple, Balt Lake OltF, UUk li;-e!- Llu-ipoo!- n-- Oolisdit-- y u fort-Spli- a. ix-sv- its'' ipi-ecn- TRAINS f s DAILY EAST - . d d, Fri-bers- i im acor-r-r-r- SI Until Further Notice sa $ Midi-War- n a Mn. - y Dli-bm- her-r-r-re- s, Drs. Shores & Shores, , , ah-h-- :We Make Travel Easy: j 12-6- 3 Trains Daily 3 f.:-.n- t - 1 " y C.F.Warren Gen,l Agt, A.T.LS.F.Railw0Ly, - I u h i : Clayton Co., |