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Show THE ALTA INDEPENDENT Alta. Utah, Wednesday, October 24, 1906. Vol. II. The Alta Independent ;nie Holly have both been divorce liberated by from their lords ami masters. . Published Every Wednesday. Fork citizens American owning GRAY ft JAKEMAN, Publisher. ground in the North Tltitie district 'have incorporated a company for $1,-- ! Office of Publication Postofflce at Alla, Salt Lake To., Utah Oou.tHHi to be known as the Nicholas North Tintic Mining company. . Entered as second-claimat ter at Prof. J. V. Sparks, of tlie the postoffice at Alta, Utah. liemedy Co. will lie in Sandy and Saturday. Thursday. Friday Subscription: One year. $1.00; six months, 75 cts: Those having any ('hnluil, disease will three months. GO cts. leave name and address in jmstoflice. The above prices are cash in advance .4 . and do not apply to subscription The recent strike made in the Slew-ar- t due prior to July 14, 1906. property in the Silver take dis.4 Jl in American Fork canyon, is attrict. Address all communications to the considerable attention. Comtracting County Courant, P. O. Pox 17, Salt panies owning clainia near at hand are Lake City. waking up to the possibilities tbat possess. they D. C. DESPA IN,. ..LOCAL MANAGER. HAVE PATIENCE IT WILL GET METAL MARKET. THERE. Monday, IS. Silver, 69; copper, lead, 5.75. 20; Tuesday, 16. Silver, 69; copper, lead, $5.75. 20; Wednesday, 17. Silver, 69; coplead, $5.75. per, 28;; Thursday, 18. Silver, 70 cents; cents; lead, $5.75. per, 20 FYlday, 19. Silver, 69 cents; cents; lead, $5.75. per, 20 Saturday. 20. Sliver, 70 cents; per, 20 cents; lead, $5.75. copcopcop- The following communication was received the past week: Bessemer, Mich., Oct. 16. 1 HHti. Editor Independent: I saw In your paper that the Columbus Con. mine was the best mine In the west, that they had such good ore and that they were making so much money. If this Is so, can you explain to me why the stock does not raise and why they do not pay any dividends. Then, she must be better than the and she pays a dividend right along and she Is $18.00 a share. It seems to me as though some-1hmIs holding It down to freeze out all the poor people and to get It all themselves. If Mr. Cole had the controliiig interest the Columbus Consolidated mine would be worth $50.00 a sahre hi the least. Please answer this. Yours respectfully. Daly-Wes- REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For 8tate Senators: BENNER X. SMITH, WILLIAM N. WILLIAMS. For House of Representatives: HARRY J. ROBINSON, Rlngham. HARRY S. JOSEPH, Salt Lake. BRIANT 8. YOUNG, Salt Lake. CHARLES E. MARKS, Mill Creek. PRESTON D. RICHARDS, Sugar. BRIGHAM ' ' CLEGG, Salt Lake. DANIEL McRAE, Granger. JOHN M. MILLS, Salt Lake. JOHN Q. CRITCHLOW, Salt Lake. NEPHI JENSEN,"": Forest Dale. r' For County Clerk: J. U. ELDREDGE, JR. For County Recorder: P. O. PERKINS. For County Treasurer: JOHN A. GROESBECK, JR. For Sheriff: EMERY. C. FRANK For County Attorney: WILLARD HANSON. For County Auditor: FRANK HEGINBOTHAM. For Surveyor: B. SWENSON. J. For Aeaeeeor: CAMPBELL M. BROWN. For County Commissioner: (Four-Yea-r Term) JAMES E. CLINTON. t, !' Our friend In Michigan must have patience, mines are not made or developed in a day. It takes often times many long, weary years before the great results will come and they will come In the case of the Columbus Con. for all we have said of the mine Is tru.e So far as this reference to Mr. Cole (with all due respect to himself and our correspondent) neither he nor any other man ' could bring such results sooner than .will Mr. Jacobson. Tony Jacobson Is not the man to freeze out any poor man he was a poor man once himself and that for a long time, and he never forgets it. He is a friend to the humblest stockholder In his enterprise and would not see them robbed of a cent and he will bring about the results higher prices for the stock and dividends to the stockholders if the stuff" Is in the property, (and It surely is), to do it with. But our friends in the east, or elsewhere must have patience, good, long patience, and they will eventually get their reward from the Alta properties as they are not "wild cat, "salted' propotdtion to lure dimes from the poor man nor the thousands from the rich they are bona fide and good Investments. MANUFACTURERS' WEEK COMES IN NOVEMBER Salt Lake Producers Will Show the Public Their Plante. Before another spring shall come around developments In our camp will be such as to encourage the building of the branch railroad Into camp. Our great hopes of 1906 Being the happy consummation have been blasted and now the denlsons of Alta must resign themselves to another winter of snow-shoe- s and mule transportation. At the regular meeting of the M.and the hall of the Chamber of Commerce last night the directors made arrangements for a "grand manufacturers' week, commencing November 12. President O. H. Hewlett All the presided over the meeting. manufacturers in the city will make a special effort to have their factories and mllla In condition so as to comfortably handle visitors. On November 12 Invitations will be issued to the people of the city to inspect the factories. The manufacturers will show the visitors through their plants and demonstrate the manufacture of all articles put by them. Special exhibits will be made in all lines handled, and an effort will be (made to Interest the public in the .manufacture of local products, etc. Modern Improvements In putting up ,and manufacturing goods will be fully demonstrated. The entire week will be spent in visiting the different manufacturers with the exception of the last day, Saturday. Upon this date a special programme will be arranged at the Chamber of Commerce hall, where exhibits will be made In manufacture, agriculture, horticulture, minerals. etc. Everybody In Salt Lake Is invited to attend this grand opening of the manufacturers exhibition of their products, and an effort will he made to give the people a good time. This Is the flrat venture of Its kind that has ever been attempted by the manufacturers here, and nothing will be left undone that can be done to make the affair a grand success. Work will he commenced tomorrow to boost the proitosltion. BRIEF8 OF LEHI AND NEIGHBORS. THE FAIR OF 1909. (Two-Yea- J. B. r Term) COSGRIFF. THIS AND NEARBY MINING CAMPS Lewis Jeffs has returned from his trip to Ely and other Nevada mining districts. J J of Mill Superintendent Whitmore, the Columbus Consolidated, is enjoying a visit from his brother. Dr. E. A. Whitmore, who is here from the east Jl J Last weeks receipts of Alas ore at the samplers amounted to twenty cars Twice the amount would have gone in could it have been handled by rail Instea'd of horse teams. . The lowest price reached for some time on Columbus Con. stock, $7.00 a share, was touched the past week and 1,430 shares were sold at prices ranging from that up to $7.45 a share. . . A total ot 10,600 shares of South Columbus stock sold on the Salt Lake exchange market during the week ending Saturday last. The highest figure reached was 58 cents s share and the lowest was 51 cents. , M. society In Nielson Is suerlng with Seattle People Buy $650,000 Worth of Stock in Ex.1 , position, Assuring Its Success. Monday. 15, two cars of American Fork ore were released from the samSeattle. Oct. 24. A ten million doplers. . . llar fair three years from now that's The Commercial club hts revived what the town of Seattle, the state of and will hold a "Harvest Festival Washington, and the Pacific Northwest are looking .forward to. The Thursday. . start has been made, a wonderful Mesdames Hilda Peterson and Jen- - start, by the raising of $650,000 In one Mrs. typhoid fever. Alaeka-Yukon-Pacif- No. 13. iiniu-raitgrounds, day through the sale of stock In tM.V leinpri-lii- g bordering on corporation. lske ami take Uulon. Mihingiuii October 2 was a gala day in Beatt the biggest day the Washington isehc bii-- i'Imm-i- i as a site, and land tropolis ever had. It was known P Hpc gardening will soon bo begun. Day. The mayor, $f$i sl'e is simaied twenty Subscription proclamation. made it a holiday, atl- Sic ii.un : tie .'cuter of the city, and the slogan Everybody Helps," adopt- ) in ewiy w;i adapted tolls purpose, ed by Will H. Parry, chairman of tk ways and means committee, was ma$ a reality. There was a constant fit of checks and gold up the elevators U the fifteenth story of the Alask building, where the temporary bea quarters of the exposition have bet; 8T0CK10N SENTNEL BRIEFS, lisle Jnl us the Timber Wolf lisle on die northeast and die 8t. Ulgls Mill-sit- e joins the Tlmlier Wolf Millslte on the northeast. Raid claims are of record in the office of the county recorder or Rail take comity, at Salt Lake City, Utah, in book I" of locations, at )agoa SG and 472. 1 hereby direct that the above notice b epulillshed in the Alta Independent, of Alla, Utah, for a period of es-lHie- r nine consecutive issues, said being published nearer said clulni. FRANK I). HOL JJ, Register. First publication, Oct. 3, 19UR. Nov. publication, 28, 1906. E. A. Attorney, Commercial Block. 5 y exiKwitlon n estulillxlu'cl. The fair already gives promise of q- - Stockt.,1, r leased from the yet, unattained by western piers during i.ist week eighteen car. The name is Hut for Hie . . . terprises. glory of, to p ? !a f f,ni 1 Pacific Exiiositiou contributes an idertaJi mining mwiia on a start for re- ?,thedesired APPLICATION FOR PATENT. east have that river, sur- portion of the general nalure of the show. It rival! (Notice No. 4121. veyed. 4 4 will lie primarily an Alaska fair, held Not ice is United Rtutcs hercliy given: resources tand Office, 8uvini.ii'li'iii Toni tiullgher of the to exploit to the world the That the said land are. by artier f Salt take City, Utah, Aug. 14, 19n6. of the little-knownorthlnnd, and in Sew Stockton company while in Stock-the Notice I hereby given that Charles this connection will he gathered the ton expressed bis gratification over11" honorable niinnilssloner of 6 Tyng and Francis C. Tyng of Amerimost remarkable mining display ever (ht present ion ot ibis splPtidid .wnersl laud office of October 3. i("E 1. withdrawn and reserved from can Fork, Utah County, Utah, have aliown at a world's fair. The gold that Stockton min.'. agricultural entry to lake effect from made application for a United States famous made the country originally intent for the Eameralda lode mining Will he told of through specimens and Manager t O. Klllngwood of the n,l niter September 25, 1906, and aniuiunces that John Brooks, tin tie until the expiration of she sixty claim, situate in the American Fork photographs and machinery, and the he veteran mill man, has been made Idays from the date of the filing of the mining district, Utah County, Utah, other orea more recently discovered will have proper representation. And. sitperlntemliMit of the coiniany's plant, t official plats of surveys in this office,g conaisllng of 1500 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 600 feet wide, more Important, the agricultural and About 200 ton of ore iter dav Is now during which sixty days theandstale all of ladng mineral survey No. (421, and handled and consldera bio crude jthorlUes may select any industrial possibilities will be effectore Is also being seat to market. said lands which are not embraced In di'Ncrlhed in the field notea and plat ively exploited. of the official survey on file in this while the mine itself, Mr. Elltngwood 'any valid adverse claim, Yukon Besides Alaska, the great office with magnetic variation at 17 FRANK 1). HOliUS, states. Is looking first class. Its country will contribute samples of deg. 00 min. enat na follows, Reglsaer. untold wealth, and the islands of the Commencing at ikmi No. 1, a corner MERCUR BRIEFS. sea will show their marvels. One of of the claim from which U. 8. M. M. PATENT. FOR APPLICATION the principal objects of the exposition Mr. William Jayne ban gone lo No. 1 bear 8. 27 deg. 25 min. W. Notice No. 4148. will be to bring together in trade the 1226.5 feet, thence running from corto engage In business. I Lake Salt OfflCc, and United States shores of the Pacific. With a populaner No. 1 N. 11 deg. 00 inln. E. CIS tion ten times as great as the United The (on. Mercur has five roasters City. Utah, Oct. 23. 19oti. to corner No. 2, thence 8. 66 deg. fqet States, occupying a territory three gring and will anon add others to the j Notice is hereby given that Robert oo min. E. 1500 feet to corner No. 3, Salt Lake N 0f City, gait times the size of Uncle Sams domain. 8. 11 deg. 00 min. W. 615 feet take county, Utah, has made appll- - thence Asia and Oceanica produce enormous . No. 4, thence N. 66 deg. 00 to cornet jl for Mr. Nat Pierce of Mercur has gone codon for a United Staten patent quantities of wares which Americans ntln. W. 15(H) feet to corner Na 1, besitmight use, while, on the other hand, up American Fork canyon for a ten the Homeotake lode mining claim, dis- ing the place of beginning. uate in the American Fork mining they med millions of dollars' worth of lays' hunting trip. Said claim being located in unsur-veye- d trict. Utah county, Utah, consisting of . goods made in America. To bring the J part of townahlp 3 south, range surof lode and feet the linear two together, through ihe medium of Friday 6006 shares of Sacramento 1,500 3 eat, Bull take Bone and Meridian, COO min feet wide, being face ground exhibits, will be the object of Ihe sold at 13 rents and 2000 at 12 a total area of 20.635 and eral survey No. 5413 and described in acres,containing cents on the Salt Lake hoard. Seattle fair. excluding, howevef-- , therefrom official the of and notes field the plat in the Stale iiartlcipatlon J Jt the area In conflict with the Wacht Exposition la already a Mr. Ted Howard has quit his posl-lio- .survey on file in this office 54with mug Ain Rhein lot 62 and ta Belle lot 48 to 16 min. of deg. at the Golden Gate mill to accept uelic variation of 10.238 acres. Net area applied for certainty, and the United States government la counted upon to put up a o position as collector for Salt lake 17 deg. 19 min, east as follows: being 10.397 acres. Commencing at post No. 1 a corbuilding or series of buildings, and flims. Said Esmeralda mining claim being M. U. 8. which from claim ner of the richmake a display worthy of the of record In the office of the county 1 hears N. 82 deg 07 min. W. M. No. ness of the land. The western states NOTICE. recorder at Provo, Utah County, Utah. 2090.1 feet, thence running from said learned through the Lewi and Clark The nearest known locations or minCOO W. 19 min. corner No. 1, 8. 4 deg. fair held last year the advantages to Department of the Interior, claims being the aforesaid coning United States Land Office, feet to corner No. 2, thence 8. 84 deg. flicting claims and Kalamazoo lot 103 be gained through generous participa11 min. E. 1500 feet to corner No. 3, Salt take City, Utah, tion in national exhibitions, and can 1 direct tbat this notice be pub-hkr-i, 10 October 10, 1906. be counted upon to make jvmi hotter! le I ha iSli , JnJmxurtmU mm lie A thbsd thsftt which helped msfM dlsplAyk Alta, county of Ball take, Utah, for the 1905 show attractive. Oregon if The governor of Utah having made W. 1500 feet to corner No. L being ihe period of nine consecutive weeks. the place of beginning. certain to have a fine building, atuffsd applKatiun under the Act of Congress FRANK D. HOBOS, Bald claim being located in unsur-veye- d with products, and California, always approved Aug. 18. 1894, for the sur-ve- y Register. of the unsurveyed part of a good show state, will he there. Idapart of township 3 south, range G. W. Parka, Attorney for AppliMeridian 7 ami Base 11 3 east; Balt east lake Colorado south, range Township ho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, cant 20.654 10 of area total 11 a east; and containing south, range and the other states, as well as the Township FLwt publication dated August 22; acres, excluding however, therefrom 1906. British possessions to the north, trill Township 11 south, range 8 east; tast publication, October 17, the area In conflict with the Hot Bluff 1906. be adequately represented. Township 12 sooth, range 8 east; No. 2, survey No. 6268 of 0.106 acres. With nearly three years remaining Township 12 sooth, range 9 east; Net area claimed and applied for be- NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR before the exposition, the beginning of Township 13 sooth, range 7 east; ing of record In the office of the counpreparation has already been made. Township 37 sooth, range 10 west; UNITED 8TATE8 PATENT. ty recorder at Provo, Utah county, (M. A. No. 4132.) Utah. United States tand Office, minor locations known nearest The Rail take City, Utah, Sept. 26, 1906. ing claims being the aforesaid Notice Is hereby given that the Gerclaim. mania Gold ft Silver Mining company, I direct that this notice be published by ts president and authorised agent. In the Alta Indeitendcnt at Alta, counA personal guarantee goes with ArByron Cummings, of Balt take City, ror the of Utah, ty of Balt take, stale rowhead whiskey. This Is a new Utah, has made application for A consecutive weeks. nine of period United States patent for the Germania brand. Ask your dealer for it FRANK D. HOBBS, No. 6 I ode mining claim, consisting RIEGER ft LINDLEY. Register. of 1500 linear feet of the lode and surThe Whiskey Merchants." for applicant. face G. W. Parks, Attorney ground and the 8t. Rlgls Millslte, Salt lake City. First publication, Oct. 24, 1906. conalsting of five seres of surface tast publication, Dec. 19, 1906. ground, as shown by the official plat, being survey No. 6389 A. ft B., situOF APPLICATION FOR ated In the Big Cottonwood mining NOTICE district, Balt take county, Utah, and UNITED 8TATE8 PATENT. described In the pint and field notes , (M. A. No. 4131.) of survey on file In this office, with magnetic variation at 17 degrees 30 United States tand Office, Salt take City, Utah, Sept 26. 1906. mlnutea E. as follows, Commencing at comer No. 1 of the Notice Is hereby given that the Germania Gold ft Silver Mining com Germania No. 5 lode, whence N. E. authorised cor. of section 6. township 3 south, jmny, by Its president and agent, Byron Cummings, of Salt take range 3 eat. 8. L. B. ft M., bears 8. City, Utah, has made application for a 59 degrees 55 minutes E. 10890.1 feet; United 8'stes patent for the Timber Ihence 8. 4 degree 58 minutes W. 617.2 feet to comer No. 2; thence N. md Brcdemeyer No. 2. lot 49. core ot the following diseases Guarantees a permanent Wolf lode mining claim, consisting of 63 degrees W. 1500 feet to corner No. 1500 linear feet of the lode and sur 3; thence N. 4 degrees 58 minutes E. face ground, and the Timber WTolf 647.2 feet to comer No. 4; thence 8. Catarrh, Dipthcria. Rheumatism, Stomach Troubles MillHlte, consisting of five acres of 63 degrees E. 1500 feet, to corner No. 1 Indigestion, Canker. Rupture, Cancer, Kidney Trouble, 1. the place of beginning, containing a surface ground, as shown by the Gall Stones, Urinary Troubles, Chronic Sores. Eczema. plat, being survey No. 5388 A. ft total and net area of 20.660 acres. The H Piles. Remove Tape Worm. Dropsy, Asthma, Blood Poison. situated In the lllg Cottonwood presumed general course or direction mining district. Salt take cmintr. of the vein or lodo is a shown upon Third South, Between State and Mali Utah, and described In the plat, and the official plat. Salt Lake City, Utah field notes of survey on file In this Commencing at comer No. 1 of the office, with magnetic variation at 17 Rt. Rlgls Millslte, whence corner No degrees 30 minute K., as follow, Survey No. 6389A. Germania No. 5 lode, hear N fit dpgrena 01 minutes Commencing at corner No. 1 of the D. 1133.6 feet and the N. E. corner to Timber Wolf lode, whence N. E. cor- miction 6, township 3 south, range 8 ner of Her! Ion 6, township 3 south, cast. R 1. R ft M. bears 8. 67 de12845.7 feet; R range 3 east, 8. L. B. ft M-- . bears 8. gree 07 minute 63 degree 05 minute K. 10630.9 feet; i hence 8 0 degree 26 minutes E. 1500 to W. feet 63 degree (hence N. 335.1 feet to comer No. 2: thence N. comer No. 2; thence S. 6 degrees 03 63 degrees 56 minutes W. 726 feet to No. 3; corner No 3; Ihence N. 0 degree 26 minutes W. 642.5 feet to comer lienee 8. 63 degrees K. 1500 feet to minutes W. 335.1 feet to comer No. 4: C corner No. 4; ilicnce N. 6 degrees 02 thence 8. 63 degrees 56 minute E. minutes E. 642.5 feet to comer No. 1, 7?8 feet In corner No. 1. Ihe place of a containing of the place beginning total and net area or 20.660 acres. The beginning. TORONTO. OTTAWA. MONTREAL. Said claim are In the unsurveyed presumed general course or direction of township 2 south, range 2 part of the vein or lode Is as shown upon QUEBEC. PORTLAND. BOSTON. L. B. ft M. The Timber Wolf 8. east, the official plat. joins the Germania No. 5 lode on Commencing at corner No. 1 of the lode Houthwest and the Timber Wolf Timber Wolf Millslte, whence comer the New all principal points In St. Rlgls Millslte on the Millslte Joins 5388 Timber No. A., 3. No. survey Said claims are of southwest. Detroit 31 the via min 78 N. the degrees Wolf lode, bears England, of the county reoffice In the K. record N. comer the utes K. 968.3 feet, and county, at Salt take 3 of Salt corder. 3 south, range section 6. township In book I" of locaeast. 8. L. B. ft M.. boars R. 68 de- take City, Utah. and 470. at pages 85 grees 30 minutes E. 12716.8 feet; tion. I hereby direct that the above nothence 8. 19 degrees 41 minutes W. 301.9 feet to corner No. 2; thence N, tice be published In the Alta Indepena period of service from Chicago. Rates of 63 degrees 56 minutes W. 726 feet to dent of Alta. Utah, for Through said newsconsecutive 41 Issues, nine 19 N. degrees comer Na S: tlmnce further information from fare said nearest No. published to corner 4; paper being minutes H 301.9 feet FRANK D. HOBBS, ilicnce 8. 63 degrees 56 minutes R claims. Register. A. C. SHAW. General Agent Passenger Department J 726 feet to comer No'. 1. the place of First publication, Oct. 3, 1906. beginning. 1 publication. Nov. 23, 1906. South Clark Street. Chicago Said claims are In the unsurveyed O. E. 2 Sherwood. Attorney. 2 rango south, of township part Commercial Rlock, Salt take City. east, S. I B. ft M. The Germania No. I e sam-scoji- Alaska-YukoiHHu- old-tim- e i 1 u 1- , ; ! to-wl-t: -- 3 o con-flirti- -- to-wl- t: Greenliaigli Remedy 60. of-fld- al to-wl- t: CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY And 1 Canada and and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY car and 232 tat |