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Show IIOpS tlii liU baling I 'ar. he d parade rot Inge ground and gatll-fif- fo1' shop? li.i run lll''lialiii'a, ligation II need of hot surveyors, ulid Then llmil lah I s' .ml. y l i.iwf.-i.l- owmr (! M , l.i a i MECHANIC ARTS BUILDING poultry i'i.i - FRONT VIEW. the ecrl.iiuiy i I lit Agricultural Col f.iini, Monti, Ituli. 'M. I m'f'ilioii lehool grade, it will he found that by side iu the prosecution of this j and well carried by the daughter ;. I. ii i 1m Cullt-glege T ulli in u' the design ol i nl, 'ingiiiei-VoniiUg I'.vpei i:iieiil Ini- t lie year just closed, the total work were plowed various depths. who (ouk a course in Domestic founder mol meeting the mIh.i 1inLirai'iji llii 1.1 mu, ( 'hey foiie. oil piT student of collegiate '1 lie results show a difference of us last year sl the Agricultural CuiiMtler the fact lliul each and mil limit cicditahly. be'i 13 Soil acre I, bushels to Id aud Win. the .Mile Col't Expert W.ls ge. lo we need ineu of Iniiiunx I. S. I SurfNelson, Ihe ul' every lmililii. iff l'the shallow tween aud of an a yuung woman has the neSoils, if eight Department very to how ATTENDANCE. to tldl h ripiipiiient, mid the iiisti-- I 1. lining, men w l.o kimw C. beD. aud uiue inch plowing, aud j cessary taste aud ability and will Imlil nl their own if Agiieiillure, Wailiingtoii, ut Km in all il extent i before keep M )il i in E. 1991 PJU5, tween the latter aud the deep subthe IS. Smith, (J. Engineer year t'l, During properly prepare herself lor the ahl men w Im c.ni .iteiiia ill tilt soiled plat there is a difference in work by a course at the Agricul)oii. Doe it imt impress yon that allaus, students It.iise, illi .licle S. Weie S.rviie, this ii all institution V.nrlliy tin l.e hiSnlie.vi Jnr others as well? of favor of the suhsuiled of from tural College, she will have a .Wneuitlirul College, Idaho, Mien is the Agrieiiliural 4 pr.d- - of any people, of any slate? in sellout .1111111111' liistriielor E. I. Pulley, students, I'eprc--I- I two to live bushels, it would be good position awaiting her when meet mg I lie C. Meeliaiiie:il Eiigim ei ing, A. SCOPE OF WORK. Utah, Idaho, Well fur the farmer Ho note such she is graduated. mg la slates: I., If t lie .State Iieeil men and wo This years graduates of the An.oiia, Alaska, California, Colo- facts us these. aigan. knowledge IT Ilia instil III inn lias the men with leieiililic I Inline on wheat Profmor n:!, rado. Muutaua, India Maine, ground Maryland, Experiments ii'ii, Agricultural College who desired ami moral environment .iloljo llte ipeei.il llies ollered by plivii'-u- l in with a iu New Tooele lJU5 f )oliieil ie Seienee, E, 1). S. .Mexico, .,. Nevada, to teach Domestic Science and Nebraska, County i!i siroble, and Ilia buildings and the. .iginMiliiiial follege, men am. view aud value of deiuuuat South the Salt Lake City. WyoDakutu, Ails had positions offered them rating Oregon, iiiii'iiiiiil neeessary for Ilia most women wlm also possess tin , a of In from of showed Utah The F. C. students uefere commencement, one young Charge ming. Eiown, spring harrowing H'ielie work, (dial ntlicr riascs hroadi'Jied mind that comes with bushels ol from to counties: live ami six the woman having her choice between Drainage following yield Irrigation of a eompreheiiNK e knowledge are here that enter into a E. S. Iiepart meal of leaver, Box Elder, Cache, Carbon, more to the acre ou plats that had tii vi e good places. "f tile Millie III' Heed nf l.iiii'iin.ge nml literature, iueidcii Salt Lake t.'ity. lav is, Emery, Iron, Juab, Kaue, been spring harrowed only over The eniirse nITered tal insl met ion offered in the vari Agneiiltlire, l!.r Professor Y. M. lardine, 'til, .Millard, .Morgan, Rich, Salt Lake, those that had been harrowed and Hoard and lodging in Logan nii'l the ediienl iniml worth nf the on niurses, lieu the Agricult urn Sum-m- . rolled. from other The results and San of Agronomist Sevier, Juan, Agronomy Sanpete, may he obtained by students at instruct inn, of course. College is meeting the need as no results corroborated these tarius I'tali Logan. Wasatch, Tooele, S:utrfn, Utah, i, Ciuta, from $3.5U to $3.59, an extraordiExperiment The hill providing for the land-pi- s other insUliu ion can providing NY. (I. Svvcndieii, 'Ul, Engineer Weber. At this rate, (he roller costs the aud Wayne, Wailiingtoii, narily low rate compared with is forth work that the ut institutions sets given effectively. rower Co., lruvo. farmer $3.75 for every that of the Telluride was courses practically The alleudauce by for city and. most college the college are instituted EFFECTIVENESS OF WORK rolled. acre J. E. Taylor, UN, fullowa: us Secretary towns. 115; libAgriculture, the purpose of promoting the Experimeuts at the College inThe effectiveness of any schou Slate Hoard of Horticulture, Salt Domestic Science aud Arts, 131; eral and practical education of 13rome Grass that Lake City. At the St. Louis Exposition, the Commerce, 113; Engineering aud dicate the industrial classes in the sev- is best told in the success of its to alfalfa in exhibit of the second stands .1. 11. Ore'Do, Engineer only General Smith, Mechanic it ItiS; Arts, and sludeiilK of recog Agricultnrsl Colj eral pursuits aud professions graduates, Orenutritive value and drouth resis- Central Union, Railroad, lie gon ot College secured 31; GRAND PRIZE Science, Specials, the 8; uized among lege stauduig life," especial einphusis being convert- over all of tant. It promise gives gon. of decision Preparatory, 91; competitive schools, these conipe placed on the necessity of instruct, schools, in (he 4U. There were 145 students ing into green pastures, areas numbering more than 40. The Besides the above named gradu-es- , lion in agriculture aud mechanic tent judges where work done has heretofore regarded as absolutely collaboration of work in Mechanie of collegiate grade. arts and related subjects. Under come into competition with that many other are eugCged in valueless. All it needs is a little Arte was awarded a of the Hoard of of other schoola, in the scholarly positions equally lucrative gold medal, siti ssi FACULTY. intelligent handling to give it a the highest of agriculture, Trustees, and in thorough accord atludumeut of ita faculty, aud in phases The faculty of the College and good start and after that it rewith the evident intent of the bill (he general spirit of the student chemistry, commerce, and domesno attention. With but two or three excepwlifch created it, the Agricultural body. The high position iu edu- tic science. A great number, also, member of the Experiment Sta- quires The value to Utah each year of tions every one of the tion about number Staff work sixty, limciness, instructive cational, advuuued governments oilers received have (.Ytlege degrees seventy odd on alfalfa alone creameries in the State of Utah the experiments now held and life industrial by instructors, schools: professors, six divided including into Westra aud 1'iuiu Eastern college Sugically at the College exceeds the entire recharge of a student or gradAgriculture, Domestic Science graduates and studeuls of the in aud universities, where, without aud assistants. They have aud Artn, Engineering niul Me- slitution speak volumes for its exceirfiou, credits and advanced ceived their training in the best uate appropriations for the sup- ate from the Daiiy department at universities of port of the institution. aud the Agricultural College. Thats chanic Arts, Commerce, (leuernl effect i veil ess. A list of graduates standing have been given students colleges H It aud are aud w America will held preMusic. U. Europe, compare and (J. of positions A. the work at for Science, their quite a record. The product of the poultry in- -. more tlmn favorably with a list Aside from the degree graduates, eminently iiualified for the work All the work throughout the dustry of Kansas for 1905 was from miy western institution. student who have been graduated of their respective departments. Logan has the advantage of acin is strict arranged (uliegc mineral than the greater output more water than any city or town GRADUATES from the certificate courses have OF cordance with both the national SUCCESS Ou the arid farms last year, of Colorado in the same year. in the state. The as demand iu beeu city possesses a special always AND STUDENTS. and State laws under which the little network of Golden raising Poultry required or Coin, Fold," Forty mechangreat canals and ita teachers iu high schools, institution i working, and ia in is work suited to woand .More than 1(H) students have ics iu Amber Lofthuuse capital aud Martin and ditches are ever filled various trades, clerks in gutters line with the spirit aud policy of men and children. Let a daugh- with 27 bushels with degrees and 110 commercial aud ran as wheats as high graduated running water. The Agribanking estabthe heat agricultural colleges of have been given certificates from lishments, aud many are promin- to the acre. Other wheats, still ter take a winter course in poultry cultural College is particularly the eouutry. the various high school courses ent farmers aud stock raisers in used by Utah farmers, fell, where raising at the Agricultural Col- fortunate in having abundance at If spaee permitted, it would he Etah and NEEDS OF THE STATE. grown uuder exactly the same lege and get a start in a healthful any season of the year. adjoining stales. interest ing to print a complete list condition, to 15 bushels and low I aying occupation. Docs the State of Utah need OF COLLEGE. STANDARD of Agricultural College gradu-- i cr. Supposing wheat to be worth At the Portland Exposition last During this time of agitation broadly educated mid scientific ales, e bushel ten cents their occupaseventy-livover pure foods such appetizing year the collective exhibit of the present per giving The high standing of the Colfariuersf Then the Agricultural Are worth $7.50. tions aud salaries. A few rep re' bushels $7.50 and wholesome fruit preparations Agricultural College was given atis schools other lege among tollege is s necessity. seutalive aluinui selected at ran- tested in the luet that the work more to the acre by using the as are taught at the Agricultural the highest sward gold medal Does the State have need of dom will suffice to show how uniand de- right kiud of wheat! Is it worth College would find ready sale at this in competition with aH reipiircd for certilicale young women who know how to versally successful A. C. graduates while? schools west of Denver. Departgood prices. exceeds that rquiri-by make a home along (he moat ap- have been. The followiug named grees ulln-the direction of the Under burIn in homes Utah the ment Exhibits were awarded two many schools of recognized many proved scientific Iiues girls who persons have received practically of tests den of summer the has depth plowing sewing gold medalg and various silver in and the fa't that full know how to cook, slid what to no training other than that given standard, made last vear. side were Plats lii'cii from taken the mother tired medals. , is given credit for work done girls who know how to sew, by their alma m.iter. They are re by the great cistern ai.-- western girls who know how to be practiuniversities. mh-I- i as Harvard. cal in their home life? Then inCliiea'..', Si:i!t.1 Cornell, deed has the Slate need of the COST TER STuPLili'. Agricultural ('"liege. ami Dr.iiiia,-r-, f'Sior nf Does the Stale need ciimpetent A. I., Lov.im. Accordin ' to the rei. of the Arnos X. Merrill. fill. Profi-sioraftsmen in carpentry, at the E. S. CommisM. ti. r ol' K.iaeatmn. j Y"hih' foi sM1. iu factory am! machine of Acrieiiliuiv, the a era Ci1 cost p u L for t Id an. coil.".,.- ihl'oilclioll. '.iie '. 'Hi:: ' - t !3' Off. j oiiil,t College lT.-n- i i tiii-l- ! - aiM-i's- . I - ii- .1 - I -- lo-e- 1 Iln-Ii- , I 1 1 1 'U-5- Investi-oati'in- I'l'pi-iii'ti- l I I 1 I 1 y, . j j Cdl-leg- e. r . i l Irri-Mtio- . : ( ; v i : i ! j I I Ill -- ll.li '!: la I iil ii'i l.i . . I ' it. a ii lYi'iii i o ; I i tig of rl ;m VIEW IN COLLEGE ORCHARD. INTERIOR 1JARN. REAR VIEW OF POULTRY BUILDING BEFORE COMPLETION OF YARDS. |