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Show f Good MISS LEOPOLD, SECY LIEDERKRANZ, Writ. H 'three Years Ago My System a is Ssn-Jjo- u CvnUitu n. I My JCestoration &i Oti'f to Jlcaltk and Strength. H It mctu ta IMS, by i Restores Strength. Mrs. Hettie Green, R. R. 8, Inks, 111., writes : I had catarrh and felt miserable. I began the use of Pernna and began to Improve in every way. My bead does not hurt me so much, my appetite is good and I am gaining in flesh and strength." UNDER GAB USED innovation LIME KILN8. by Connecticut Is a Success. Company The New England Lime company, of Winstead, Conn, asserts that it if the first to introduce gas as fuel foi lime burning. The method la pro Bounced an entire success. The growing scarcity of wood fuel led to the discovery of gas as a substitute for wood, and the company no longer considers the gas method an experiment The efficacy and reliability of gas have been demonstrated beyond a doubt Had It been impossible to find a substitute for wood, said a member at the company, it would have meant the restriction and perhaps the total abandonment of the business. Gas fires are absolutely clean at all times no clinkers and no cinders and the lime produced Is much whiter than that burned by wood. Gas also produces a more Intense heat and consequently increases the capacity of the kilns. The daily output at the companys kilns Is increased from 80 barrels per kiln to 100 barrels, or a total of 700 barrels daily. Switzerlands Bilk Production. Few people probably suspect the extent to which Switzerland figures countries of among the the world, which, so far as Europe is concerned, have always been supposed to be France and Italy. But Switzerland exports annually silk to the value of about $20,000,000, nearly all going to European countries. Iceland's First Theater. Iceland's first theater was founded only in 1897 and there is only one in the island at Reykajavlk but K has taken firm root. The dramatic season opens In October and closes at the end of April, when a large part of tho Inhabitants go fishing. SALLOW FACES Often Caused by Coffee Drinking. How many persons realize that cofs fee so disturbs digestion that it a muddy, yellow complexion? A ten days trial of Postum Food Coffee has proven a means, in thousands of cases, of clearing up bad complexions. A Washn. young lady tells her expepro-tuce- rience: "All of us father, mother, sister I i.m uiiirtj-- t in the divorce court for darted out of ihe siaiLni. d and the omipnuix, two envelope, he dciiuiuuiug tieu uu on them, and nten, stamped with the cavalry seal, iMeu. wile sleeps 'ji) each clutched at a window-reand ex- reaus thrin Uuv i tiay wnenever sha changed smiles of quick understand- ihiuk 1 .mi wneedlir.g her a bit. Now, it yju led equal to it, cutue with me to ing. Great Ssiott!" cried the major, it' my Lute! ana try all you know to pergood to lie back in God's country aft- suade Her ii .it Hide belougs to you, er two and a half years in the Philip- and not to me. Luck at the girls in muslin! The persuasion look a form that ine pines! Jimmy, let's charter the hansom fur rich and elderly Mrs.' Tennant was not the afternoon anJ go round and see aceustumed to. It astounded snd grate husband to y Hied her things!" HU excitement met with no re- see the way in which she quailed besponse. Glancing at his companion, fore Jimmy 's wrath. The latter walked he suddenly checked the further out- straight into her palatial suits and burst on Lis lips. thrust Mime oia am! frayed letters beWhat's up, Jimmy? No bad news, fore her eyes. I hope? You have some of my correspondBad news! I have had none at ence In yuur lossesslun, he said, with all." an intensity of passion that cowed her Faith! there's plenty of good fish instantly. They nre letters written U In the sea. Believe me. Jimmy, there me by a Miss Elsie Stapleton. You Is safety in numbers. I have run aft- will recognize her Jiandwriting. Will er women all my life and never caught you give them to me quietly, or must one yet, so I have had all the sport 1 take them by force?" and none of the worry." "John!" uhe shrieked, protect me!" Tennant agreed with him. lie was Darling," said her better half, "I in no mood for discussion, nor did bis am helpless. .This is ths other CapL friend's cynical badinage appeal to him J. W. Tennant. You refused to beat the moment lieve me, ducky, when i assured At last, when the major bad you" gone off to a club Tennant stood Ir"Do you hear, woman?" growled resolutely In the foyer of his hotel Jimmy. Your miserable Jealousy has whilst pride and common sense wres- entangled, perhaps wrecked, the haptled for supremacy. piness of two people who never imagPride said: Why trouble your soul ined that such a creature as you could about a woman who has utterly Ig- come between them. Give me my totnored you for six long months, and ters, or by the bones of your martyred now treats your homecoming wltn ab- first husband, I will solute Indifference? Give her no farThat was enough. She produced a ther heed. crumpled packet from the bosom of But common sense whispered: Find her dress. Without a word of apology out the truth before you decide. You or further comment, Jimmy stood would have trusted Elsie Stapleton where he was and read the blurred with your life, your future, your honor. lines, for the lady had wept hot tears Do sot now condemn her unhearil." over them, and the paper waa almost He was a hard man and an obstinate in tatters. The silly mistake which one. Not readily, nor yet in stinted might yet have a tragic ending was measure had he bestowed his love, and quickly revealed. Elsie had IndeeJ the causeless, merciless abandonment seen In a newspaper an account of to which he had been subjected had tjie marriage, and her lover's proseared bis heart. Nevertheless, pride longed alienee at that unhappy Juncwent under in the struggle, and be ture forced her to the conclusion that started forth to ascertain from the he had Jilted her. Her last little note lady herself why he no longer found of farewell wrung hit heart In agony. favor In her sight. It waa a long and difficult search Tor When be reached the lady's house, ten days. Jimmys chief difficulty was she was not there; Indeed no one that the only persons who knew lb knew where she was. Her father had Stapletons whereabouts regarded him given up the house eight months ago, as an unprincipled scoundrel, anil reand In New York, where no man fused to see him. Then he found the knows his next door neighbor, the Interval opposed s blank wall against further Inquiry. It struck him as a small coincidence that at the period of this change of residence he was in the wildest part of the Philippines and temporarily Incapacitated from' writing home. Letters from Elsie, breathing love snd hope, continued to reach him by devious routes for soma weeks. Then silence! Being a determined man, he Interviewed local tradesmen, policemen, post oftsw officials, and finally a doctor. Here he foyad a clew. Yes, exactly eight months ago, Miss Elsie Stapleton, suddenly became very a shock, ha believed, by unexpected news concerning a friend In the Philippines, and was taken abroad by her father. The girl was dangerously HI. Ablaze with uncertainty, Tennant went back to hli hotel. . A man awaited bis arrival, an army officer, like himself and it was sufficiently amazing to read on the stranger's card: CapL J. W. Tennant." 1 hare been chasing you round the "SOMEHOW," BOBBED THE GIRL, I world," be explained. My business is NEVER REALLY DOUBTED YOU." we a Can talk have quiet important. girl's aunt, and the woman knew that somewhere? Jimmie led his namesake to a sittin- this story waa true. She told him that g-room. Here the other CapL Ten- Elsie, who had been near to death, nant seated himself, lit a cigarette, and was slowly recovering her healtn in Florida. produced an envelope. He went tiere by the next steam"Do you recognize the handwriting? er, and wltn him traveled Mr. and he laid. Jimmie required no second glance Mn. Tennant the latter most unwillingly, but snsmed now Into subjecIt waa Elsie's. With a How the deuce did this, come into tion to her lord and master. your powsesHion? he demanded, fierce- soldier's strategy the leader of mounted infantry first ctptured Elsies faly. "Hold on! This affair may have ther and made him listen to reason. caused you some trouble, hut not hall Then it was thought advisable tbai tne so much as It has given me. Now, Just dame should be forced to go and 'ell zlt still and listen. My name happens her story to Elsie, end thus prepare to he John Watson Tennant. My wife, her for the coming of her lover. She played her part honestly, but whom I recently married, snd who was a millionaire! widow, happens to be with whimpers. She happened, too. to She collects my hear what Eltle said when Jimmy ttoi extremely Jealous. correspondence. I don't mind, as I her In hie arms. Somehow," sobbed the girl, "I never thought all the letters would he from s, duns. I didn't rount on receiving really doubted you. I read a descrip- and devilish ones tlon of this woman and saw her phoat that, from a young lady named tograph and then I thought that ia'vr Elsie. By Jove! didnt she make 1: or hardship Lad affected your brain. hot for roe? Never a word did she let By succeeding mails from the Philipon, thot.gb, for I should have discov- pines came batches of Jimmy's correered the mistake at once. To her there spondence, retnrned through the dead was only one J. W. Tennant In exist- letter office, and Elsie enjoyed readence, and she did not believe me when ing them, now that they were married, I showed her your name in the nrmv a great deal more than If he were st!U list I must admit that the last letter In the far east appeared to Justify her suspicions. ' The two Tennanta occasionally pity The last letter! bridge together at the same club, but Yes. I am awfully sorry for you, the two Mrs. Tennants will never he old man. but I couldn't help !L Miss real friends, though they meet at Elsie evidently saw an account of my times. marriage In some papers and thought It was yours, as you had not written A Point in Favor. to her for some weeks. Then the fat Si Medders Trolley care are a was In the fire with my wife, I mean, great blessln'. Josh. fines that document reached her sht Josh Kornkrib They be tbeL They a life made has my misery, uumnaueJ be th only things around here thet me to leave the service, pays ail the an automobile Is afraid of. Judge. bills, never gives me a red cent, and me to her apron string alternately ties What the Wild Wavee Say. and threatens divorce proceedings. This Is the story Give me my letters!" gasped The deep ocean telle: Jimmy. Ten yards of board bill-O- re Ths other nan laughed trunk of shells!" Atlanta Constitution. and brother had used tea and coffee for many years until finally we all had stomach troubles more or less. We were all sallow and troubles with pimples, breath bad, disagree able taste in the mouth, and all of us simply so many bundles of nerves. HWe didnt realize that coffee was the cause of the trouble until one day we ran out of coffee and went to borrow some from a neighbor. She gave us some Postum and told us to try that "Although we. started to make It we all felt sure we would be sick If we missed our strong coffee, but we were forced to try Postum and were surprised to find It delicious. "We read the statements on the pkg, got more and In a month and a half you wouldnt have known us. We were all able to digest our food without any trouble, each one's skin became clear, tongues cleaned off and nerves In fine condition. We never aaC. anything now but Postum. There Is nothing like It" Name given by Postum Co, Battle Creek. Mich. Read the little book. "The Road to "There's a reason." WTellville. love-letter- en i!u- - kii-.-- ! to n-- even tints ami Lr'vr man olLer uu ,!ki nf just a hat , f i rather nm-furr- " li'i lli.,1 i !li - lli: i"Ir ic the n. are , f J'r i mrl I .i:,. r it- Localise a.-- .-i uiln: the -. rd ray, r.i. t in c.i.l fno cmi.vriK ii. In i hr Lot "' liruw a i ,,r ... i For Infanta and Children. it The Kind Yon Have aud the warm tonra poor, so i VI. c LcKn.ii, g lr iur luiiiae, nelect i' Ml.! olivra, winch. Adriatic Preparationror As- - will similating theFoodandBcif the Stomachs and Down of 1 :.iv- -. j. Always Ceught ula-lin- g I" v.iiimi. tuiic- - then tuila will vuf a w nit- - mute from Whl'!: to iLoOx'. Ac. i.i l,.,r-- !i tint. Mirh as cold !.,. yellav ,oM anens (like etc. iiikI I. grae vifi',;. tlir olum. uiu-- t uii,li-rioii Imt nu virtue I, . i Inn, id fur I i,: e u i Lcikm'Ivc- -, of ;Le ini, in.,! lin'd in the P1!!4 Any colur will t.nlo, ;uul I he paint wul o'l. if .olultci.ite.l white Lad or mimed ui.t i but if one it 10 u1 be Ihm while Icad-ao- uir 1,1 wel-knoLriind of a r liable maniifae-tjin- r i;.l i niiiiic lin-cnil, the wanu tinti mu,:,. tied i.lmve will outwear the fame nuicr,.,l t.iiu-with the cold color. c1?.4' i KAN1S OT XAHCOTIC. Mve SmJ- - irm Bears tho Signature of - dHxSmma p In Ami 0 Anar ApcrTcrl Remedy Tor Cons . Sour Worms nnd bemis Letters" appearing In his pa per, the Maehias Union. In the course of conversation. Gov. Cobh Kuiarked to Mr. Pattangall: I don't tee why you and Llwellyn Powers should be ao extremely antagonistic to each other. Neither of you ever faila to give the other a rap whei there la opportunity." At this point an Interested listener la tks car leaned toward their chairs and uked : "la It really true that Powers Is of Indian descent?" Mr. "Yell, the Indians deny It, Pattangall answered. In his inimitable tnaaiar. Use lipa-lio- n StouucIUIiarrtkfca .Feverish-nrs- s For Over Loss or SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of C&ff6&Gat NEW YORK. Thirty Years BALEMMEK DOCTOR CURED OF ECZEMA. "By face was afflicted with eczema In ths year 1897. I used the Cuticura Remedies, and was entirely cured. I mU you am s practicing physician, and very oftea prescribe Cuticura Resolvent and Cuticura Soap In cases of eczema, and they have cured where other formulas have failed. I am not in the habl of endoralng patent medicines, but vhcu I find remedies possessing true merit, such aa the Cuticura Remedial do, I am broad-minde- d enough to poclalm their virtues to the world. I has been practicing medicine for slxten years, and muat lay I find yotr Remedies A No. 1. You are at to publish this letter. G. M. 1 LM. IX. Big Pool. MtL, May 24, kvig In England. fled ParehtUn S Wtuto.'iKrflrai Soothing th teathlnc, We waste Has, saliva aad thatoagfely c elaanee la ihta Icaellif with aaBcieat i of ear I hleint mocib'e wUwtr npplfWlreS Iillcily law rreeaura A euluy earned la avaty iters e bums aud fully eon.lvlog irlie laaereecwmlfe. V each e nee we wltratve sedative euae ftaaaea to nfaea Burner if suede cut euld tel aureniae dare. Verl bar uen, , art on ruqur.1. TeaSiaBdatl oiuau use z. Uaitim il, ctu uiu VwNelnwea. BaduaaepertHB w mr auulb. Venueie' euet. aieOMiu eed tltree melarnd. diudard easel Uu, Ileataa Oijr. Ma MIANTED-llor- e csoh-Oot- e. dw Lihhy , McNeill Libby, Chlcaje MiaCMLLAMKOVB. mm l Hpaetawn prlnre: UeM. Sllvur.Lead.lti UuM. Uotd.IUriZ-iieorUouiier.iCfaelde Mala. Mallliia aiirduiaa and fall unm lit, amt oo appllaa-uu- ii. Conirul aud tlwirire work aulleitud. Laed-vill- a, Colo. Ualeraeow LAND SCRIP Approved Poraat Roaorvo and Bailraad Scrip tot aorvarad. kiiaarvoyed, timbered or w atria laadt t'nnad Sidea Miliiarr Boualv Lanl tonal HAMILTON, Tho Portland, Porllaod. SILVER FLEECE DIP Wheat Per Acre Winter 60 Bus. Um ml talaavB YUd h SSeebottla the average man does you a favor he never lete you forget 1L When Th6ti map Hybrid Wimor WliPBl, mullr tn Ptonifi fnr frNMnpMnf him m BtM FBlfilffiiB of Wjktvr WhiBii, Kyo, tartar, (nmra, for fall phuiriiur Tim'Hhv, Ora'P. KnINh Bm UK El Ctbmb, WU, ALSU la naquratioiiably tho beat ahaepdipea the bt, It caret the vrurat caace of SCAB wl out injurtaz the wooL Instantly aoluliloiu fe. XI nt any temperature. Non potaonona your dealer hasn't ft in stm-k- . write the CARBOLIO SOAP CO.. NSW YORK CITY. Troov. IU C.l.U INVENTORS proMtd rlaht. team the fmf A akm yanr Invautlua kkn applrloa fnr p.ir.1 it awy lava yen taanev aa dlHMipiiliiiiNmt. Wrtfelurpai-ttcalarTKK raTUT vatnia is., auaiwiug, p, a. Tboaipsofl's Eyt Water W. N. Uh Balt Lake City, No. 34. 1908. a. Ihe Laxative Known Quality There are two claaacg of remedies; those of known qualify and which are permanently beneficial In effect, acting gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assistance; snd another class, componed of preparations of unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting temporarily, bnt injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural One of the most exceptional of functions unnecessarily. the remedies of known quality and excellence lg the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of plants, known to act most beneficially, In a pleasant syrup, in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to their rich, yet delicate, frnity flavor. It is the remedy of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming constipation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active principles and quality are known to physicians generally, and the remedy lias therefore met with their approval, as well as with the favor of many millions of well informed persona who know of their own personal knowledge and from artnal experience that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim that It will euro ail manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really represents, a laxative remedy of known quality aiul excellence, containing nothing of an objectionable or Injurious character. There are two classes of purchaser; those who are informed as to the quality of what they buy aud the reasons fur the excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known article; hat. unfortunately, there are some jieople who do not know, and who allow themselves to ho Imposed upon. They cannot expect its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. To the eredit of the druggists of the United States be it said that nearly all of them value tlicir reputation for professional integrity and the good will of their mstumers too highly to offer imitations of the eon-tribu- ! rs Ora BUCHANS from Kyrep. mnu, ruuo mum, lllj yin, c.rw wlad eotlu. yew wmli widiert ipead half yew lane kwwme Se aejov caching i dees in Ukhys kadim a kectmi a mi mat a. ymm own, and than aadiieg far yea debut die Is remit aeiejr ljbbyi Pwducti eta ejected Beak, ceoked by seek whs knew kew, sad eely die good paiw packed. Fet e quick aad dJiasm lunch any roe. ui at nut. by LAby'a Md. Use PaB widi Libby Caaip Sauce. Parts to England, where he hasn't been tathuaiaatlcally received, once an delivered In the French senate elaborate perch on the feasibility of Invading England. SSn. So Food Products a hot 4nAflera die llt Mercier WAMWEB. ku caulahi Maryland Physician Cures Himself- Dr, Fisher 8ays: "Cuticura Remedies Possess True Merit" Gea. Mercier, who baa $ HttuRloNl Promolca DigcslionJGFerluh ness and Resi .Contains neither Ojhuni.Morpliiiie nor Mineral Anciher Dg at Powers. A few dui of u,;u Gov. Cobb, Maine. t::id Hon. W. K. l'attangall, prominent in politics iu the sunte state, Were toed her mi a train. Mr. Patungail is a lawyer and an editor, the Writer of ihe humorous "Muddy eived well-writt- ni!.iig -- liappy-o-iuck- Pe-ru-- na '.i. ir not I!11 nt n k.,ii win 1,111,1, r on p.inits, in a recent book, tu how that .;iei inm.u or turn bark mull 1,'di i,n t ;: will ,( m.ii, protect a IiOUiC - w 1,1.1, ailow i t It. tlirae tl.e tilni. BY LOUIS TRACY. sun-tanne- run-dow- -- hr. U A liuiiKuiu Lied-erkrsn- z, I bo". linn THE OTHER CAPTAIN TENNANT Colors for Houses. kn.'un -- not t ir tour iCoyriElit. Joseph l. RICK A LEOPOLD. 187 Main MISS 1,1 street, Mentu-ha- , Wis., Sec'y writes : Three wars ago my system was in S terrible condition and I was broken out all over my body. 1 began to be worried about my condition and 1 was glud to try anything which would relieve me. Peruna was recommended to me as a fine blood remedy and tonic, and I loon found that it was worthy of praise. A few bottles Changed my condition materially and in a short time I was all over my trouble. I own to l'eruna my restoration to health spd strength. I am glad to endorse it i Genuine Syrup of Figs ... $ manufactnred by the California Fig Syrnp Co., and In order to huy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package. Trice, BOc. per Lottie. One size only. te |