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Show f I 6ALT LAKE A LOS ANGELES RAILWAY TIME TABLE. In Effect May 31, IMS. Ar. Balt Lake. 1:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:80 p.m. T:S0 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 0:30 p.m. 10:80 p.m. 11:30 p.m. ff t H. WHITLOCK, Dealer In HARNESS AND HORSE NISHINGS. S'Maryevale f FUR-- g Utahj XsXsXsfeXtlsfefefeiswsu SALT LAKE A MERCUR RAIROAD CO. TIME TABLE. Effective December INS. 10, "THE LAGOON ROAD." Salt Laka and Ogden Railway. Time Table in Effect May 30, 1906. Balt 1 .tike Leave 6:00, 9:00, 11:00 a. m.; 2:00. 4:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 p. m. First six tralLa run through to Kays-vllle. Extra Lagoon to Kaysvlllo. 10:00 p. tn. (Sunday, 8:30 p. m.) i Lagoon Leave 7:00, 10:00, 13:00 a. m.; 3:00,5:00, 7:00, 9:00, 10:30 p. m. (Sunday, 9:30.) Sundays and holidays special through tralna to Lagoon at 8:00 and 5:00 p. m. 6IMON BAMBERGER, President and General Manager. iKRawajrRiUMaww WIRELESS! L. H. GRAY, Land Attorney. Attend to all buaineas before United States Land Offlce, U. S. Surveyor General, State Land Board, State Engineer. Land scrip bought and sold. 300-30-1 D. F. Walker Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. -- -- DAILY A S This is a new system of tele nphing without a connection between the stations by wires. Havp jou heard about it ? Do you believe that this can be done? If not, it is to your interest to investigate it Remember that there hisbeen wonderful things done in the scientific world within the past few years. A certain number of people have always said it an't be done, and with that assurance in their minds, have allowci great opportunities to pass by, and felt very foolish later, that thy did not investigate at the time, as stocks bought in the promoton days of the great inventions, have, almost without exceptbn made fortunes for the holders. Only a few of these cases ae, Bell Telephone, the commercial success of which was laughei at by apparently wise peo-plthe Westinghouse Air Brake, vhicii was ridiculed by the great Vanderbilt, the Morse system d ti egraphy that had a time selling enough of its stocl to put up an experimental Electric Light and numeron ether great and grand the line, achievements, all of which had a hart struggle in getting started, yet have made fortunes for the omi who were wise enough to assist in the promotion, by buying a hie of their stock. Wireless telegraphy may be ver mysterious to the reader, but like all others it has its scientific pinciple, which upon investigation, is easily understood. The bei proof, however, is that we are doing it. Over land and sea, the JeForest Wireless Telegraph Company have their stations establiied, and are daily transacting successful commercial business, I which we have abundant business of the world proof. If you will think what the telp-apconsider thrcsults of saving 95 per cent then carefully means, and of the cost, you must admit that it ishe greatest money earning power in the world. Let us send yi by mail, testimonials and statements in proof of the success olvircless telegraph from the most reliable authority in the countr. Let our agent when he calls at your town, interview' you. 6t some of our stock in the original parent company and enjoy yur share of the great profits to be derived from the future opertof wireless. For further information, cay lr write to WtiWMWRawe This Includes the famous OVERLAND LIMITED and the new LOB ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED Strictly Twentieth Century, Vest Electric Lighted Steam Heated Trains operating Pullman Palace 81eepera; Incomparable Observation Library and Dining Cara of the very latest manufacture. very-har- jg 5 S Land Attorney, Auerbach Building, Salt Lake Clty.J WMMMMsMMMammMaMWMriM LABftf ort ncrwy Miw JL M. Marsha ma,-1"- f1iflau Week or Month. iva easts to 1J0 par tap, Rales, Special rates by the day, week m SO Month. R. H. Officer & Co., and Chain leta. W. Temple Et Aseayers- I. ISO - OMy. H- - A- - Write for Mailing ONLY music: HOURS, SALT LAKE TO CHICAGO. Murrey Lr Bingham jUwrtoi dl 6 TMNHOLM, A marl can Provo . SyrlniprUlo Banka n Ar. Silver CNF "TSteOe" fantL Lv. llehSeld f arrivals. UN Aw n& 1 mauas vosThtotls . West Second South Street, .. vee Provo SALT SAKE CITY. PIANOS, Organa And All 43 City Ticket Offlce, 201 Main SL SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. GENERAL AG3NT. 17 1 VIA f, GEO. W. PARKS, 4 nr TRAINS naMSINej . .. Loaves LaM JMT a. m. Loaves Btagham JunoUoa mm 111 p. aa. Arvtvoe Ball Lake City S m. CoovaC" BIHfllHAM MiJUW. Axridad IS Musical Instruments, Beesley Music Co., 41 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Mil I II III IIHI Hh H-M-H THIS BEAUTIFUL 0R6AN j: Through Service stTloiiis AND THE 3 EAST 0-- 3 VIA Missouri Pacific Wo havo lost completed ar rangemonta with tha largeot manufacturer of Organa la tha world, wheroby wo can now offor to our many patrons hare an Instrument delivered at your own station for what hna ordinarily boon known aa FACTORY COST. Thla lo an arrangement that should bo Investigated thoroughly before you look elao whore, as wo era euro It will appeal to you. REMEMBER wo aavo you from IN to 97L00 on on a organ. Thla la eertalnly worth saving. ' EASY TERMS. You can send na (Lit to IMt per month, to suit your convenience. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. Wo will deliver one of those organa at any R. R. station In Utah or Idaho without any additional charge to yon whatever. Do not Imagine that It Is Impossible for na to do aa wo aay. Our system of handling our outside boainom la oo perfect that wo can writ bout any trouble whatever make delivery to the am a Itoat town to this western oocUoa. WB BUY IN CARLOAD LOTS and are thna enabled to make the rtdtanlouoly low nrfaea that we ADVANda YOU GT TAGE OP THU, Writ ns ad moo tf taterastod. If not, aoo that pour Meads hoar af this great money saving RAILWAY THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO KANSAS and MISSOURI ranblaaPirrn. OBSERVATION DINING CARS. SaaaftrJm Electric lights. Electric Fans. ICwh BwHaTIcWt, L: M. C. TOWNSEND, "ot STm In of 91 nntU CUBED, aU 1111- - WOSDXBPDL XXW today Forvaoa, Chreala aad PHvata aod 3 wotl dallaata or abanatilBg rMteMnTa.d ,.?? TKYJAMDOTNHDESTIALfUhr oatray by bad YEARS EXPERIENCE bam lad am wha ftaathJa victim! ef Mead PiHaaa and UtiSlv TIM or duuunr S3 aa tha Ullmenta, your trantala who Obama and Am Mams Jr Trade Desmnb fflv CorrmoHTS Ac. ItH WBilMF SB Anyone mMHna s birteh anleklv aanaftAin Mf OPllllM aSSs N'SKTSSfiVe Is toe boat (ns Scientific American. eMbir. ASMiaMUniwnrt MtaUiin of WT UMnjiag.ftWML Jg"S JWo by oil SM.aMi.iJ. month fnur iw: L 3 Trains Daily 3 Ad- - A Special Depsrtmsnt for Mm. Dra. Shataa have trmtatoet aad aura af an Private Dlaaaiaa a , vVI.UlT17 taT azeauaa ar aaotaatai. Tam V m tUag wlU be 60 SantaFe MWj TXXAT- - tll4 to faro maay mUd or raaaat aua caw ehrwj, vraan yva flSetnfA1!. i.7 ,uff,r tnm Optorrk and to ,l day coaches. Fdfira, tft, iUrm :We Make Travel Easy;il 1UBTHIB XOTICB for the low toT ,1 t.avVT.tT?. chair cars Reclining (sieve rasa).. te Farther Notice $ Vo prove lo the aflietod the unparalleled naan ef Dr. Norm Paw Treatment, Dra Shoraa will torn! SO Chtanhil Ntoua fadadlag Daatnaaa. Aathma, Bay Pavw and Lug PULLM AN SLEEPING CARS. Nr Until SI FERTILE -.- CHICAGO GALVESTON M'o - WhiM'i?!!! yH SSjSSVJSSSr BY MAIL. a spioxausts. K0DET0S BLOOR, Bit ALT CUT, UTAH. loon Ask Ms About Reduced Rates, ;C.F.Warren, G.A.A.TwAS.F.J MAW BTUIT, BUBER wuhavf Men In haelnaoa hare for PETTY YEARS She oldest house to the State. OUR GUARANTEE on aa Instrument la absolutely good. Wo fully warrant everything we oeO. If you doubt our fWtancial rat-la- g look us up. Wo refor you to aay Banker or OommeroJal ages-e- y la this Statu RailwaLy. w Drs. Shores & Shores, it HI EL PASO, CITY OF MEXICO. to aanault thla dapartaeat oad ba advHad wo toVHtg?S!,.0DB,U,.T,?0M T or monthlr lo- 5,'ilL " CUXID. No matUr what Tn issi at!-un vitk ,Tr- - ,a"TJ1 k" oontraetad dlmw th anlif?iiwy?Kat"i the aeaninl and aid of esparlmtad viod TO ST. JOE, wha bare wha have gem to excawe-e- ld HOME CURE Id man COLORADO KANSAS CITY tNt .JO.OOOOOO O O.O.O.O.O.O.O.Q KEELS? CURL Drunkenness Cured. positive end permanent erne M Rmkanneee and the oplom dliee J. D. REDFORD, A as publicity, no aleknew. 1 treated aa privately ae at 0 hemes. The KasUy InstHatw 5M iff (tn Is W 1ROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Maryavals, Utah. : Clayton Music Co., Loading Muato Dealers. U S. Mala Street, Salt Lake CKy, Utah. 199-U-- 1 |