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Show E EDITORIALS Thlt pupt-- r la on Ble at tba Americas Mining Congress, Denver, Colorado. THE SUPREME JUDGESHIP. On (hr I'nth of September, the Re- uiMirn '( convention will conVM la Salt Lake City for the purpose u. .....ins a taudldaiv for the Supreme court at ilia fluff find a member of nmurni. Of the two. the former l IniporMnt u Hie mat. Hu-uio- of three null to vhimi a fltul nrll tore must come all l"tl question They an the flnvl Intel prefers of the law. aa well aa the aworn defenders of the constitution of the (omiiionweHl'h The man who occupies this position ahould he one of sound Judgment and unaiMitied Intearlty. aa well aa a lawyer Of the proflHindest letmilli. lie ahould le a man who In hia position la superior to all partisanship: in a of all. word, a m ail who Is the aa upright Judae. Two namea have ao far been prominent iv nielit toned for the supreme These are .Judae Morse of jndtcship the Third Judicial district bench and the Judge Krlck. the senior meirilier orof Salt law linn of Krlck ft Edward enilenien lake City. Iloi It of themhonor to the are men who would lend I kith nre lawyers of proposition. found lenrnlnx. With nre of the Judl rial turn or mind, both are Krand specimens of American' cltlaenshlp. both are men of rlte Judgment. Klthnr of them would make a siiimtIi Inal Ice of the Supreme court. Jude Morse haa still two veara of hla terni cm the district bench to All out. and ,h" thoiiKh hla friends unto him higher position, there la nd wanlln on many who urge that lila place la elected. waa 1 tench he which to the He haa Ailed the position with credit to himself and to the stale, and thoiirh hla place no doubt could be Ailed, vet as was aald Itefnre. ninny would like him to complete Ills term. Aa for Judge Krlck. I here Is no question aa to hla quallAcatlon for the full poaillnn. He la a man In the ar-at.- -st fr -- gaunt speftre of defeat beckoned the the Utah department of the grant ortattered remnant on to ita laal rally. ganization could be unified, or at least than Not even the stimulation afforded by Ita entitles be less antagonized words reached the ears of waa the cnee. These efforts attracted what was still entitled to be contld-ere- attention and received notice; one a wing of the grand army. Ab, element, realising the correctness and . well, it Is different now. How differ-hiu- aptness of our position, were rejoiced we don't know, but It certainly that even In this humble and reis the difference between the execu- stricted way the true political gospel tion of a sentence and the granting of found a voice; the other and controlla new trial the difference between a ing element had no vie for such chatchance fur life and the certainty of ter." and no words but those of condeathItepend upon It that the most tempt for the medium which gave It ill be made of the opportunity, that expression. Even that, adding ns it i he vantage ground gained will Ixw j did the discouragement of shrunken held and no steps backward will be patronage to the discomfiture of alightahc.i ing treatment from those who persona proer thing to introduce ally bad alwaya been regarded and It Is a skeleton at a banquet, or dwell upon treated aa friends, did not crush the retrospection when a change struggling production nor squeeze Its iTorgloomy heiti-r has taken place. Still, audacious conductpra out of the field. the CHAIRMAN. HAMMOND. a word hy way of review at this They stayed. They nre here yet, doeffect, even ing business at the old stand. But the pom' may have aa good effect even other people have moved at laat and Tin Republican Stale committee 1 good isiiiii have his James Tuesday last chose lion it may here and there praise to Allah! moved in the though 'O Hammond as chnirinan wnh istwer unwilling eye. FYmu right direction. Those responsible for H a year ago this the imported Journal conducted at a aelect hla own secretary. wish, its inception nearly -of frleadlt ruinous loss, brought on to obscure and a in a really against the entlemans spirit tier not com- btt but on learning that he was s and with an unselfish dealra to i set aside all local talent In allowing that accept ami e denizens of the wild and woolly promised In any way promote the welfare of the Repabli-thn:ce would Involve no change he de- ran partv urged that atepa be taken. wilderness how Republican newgpa-tha- l i Unde or views oil hi part, concessions be made, that means pert ahould be conducted, have met up rided to accept. be adopted, whereby with a Jostle like unto the collision of conciliation of A m ire Judicious, diplomatic protaken ceeding could not have been Inde ROMNEV ft RYAN, There la not a morn upright. RepubLINOTYPERS. pendent, earnest man In thethan Mr. lican party, or nny other, of Linotype Composition Skilfully and Promptly Dono. Kinds All linn nil denlren. and H Hammond 3117. P. O. Bos 1141.241 S. W. Temple St Salt Lake City selfish Bell, all Phone, merely nleive along desired, Reof furihernnee consideration, the publican prlnclplen and the prosperity in of the Republican organisation, Is so In which Important resM-ctvarlanct with those who at much have lnen In contnil for siane lino1 that II waa hardlv believed so seni hie so proper a thing as hi appoint14 ment was possible If even probable and It fell upon uh like the proverbial shaft of light ning tail of the tradition al unclouded sky. No mutter; It came ESTABLISHED 1893. and is Just as welcome a If It hail A. L. Brattain, Manager. hiH-expected. Have you ever thought of getting into business? For Instance, a Hammond's appointment, mentis to the great mass of Il good paying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, restaumeans In turn which rant, or, in fact, any bualnei enterprise? If you contemplate such a pulilicHiia du and corps of from esprit move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be change which the ranks have long unknown money makers. Corraapondenee solicited. her Business Opportunity Department. A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. on. withering, had poised drooping wings for Right and the power of life, with axe enoiifth l ripen hlM Judgment. The Republican party would make no mlatake by making him Us candidate. He also la a ntulwart Itepublicao, and richly the honor of the nomination. He la a Republican of no faction a of the paaty man that every win any could aupport without caualn blckerlna or atrlfe. He la auperlor to any rln and la not nor cannot le made amenable to any machine. Iluth Rfiillemen mentioned are aafe men. aa wan aald before. Roth would make miperb Supreme Barring the fact that Ju'JkJ Judaea, Mor" blieiidy Ta position In whleli would It" hur l a rboif-h j , to lltUM.. d i . in-s- A. Richter estate. West First South, s Salt Lake City, Utah. i ssrrvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ........... a freight train with a sand bank. And thla is enough on that subject. Sow lor a long pull, a strong pull aud a pull altogether In which perfor-rnane- e this paper will be on band to contribute Ita mite, aa It has ever done. THE COMING CONTEST. Registration for the coming election has already begun and will be continued Intermittently until Just before the voting time arrivea. If the number registered were taken as an Indication of the political trend, it would not be a very encouraging for most of the registrars on the opening day Monday laat bad little to do, some nothing at all. But such a state of things la by no means a criterion, as the time when registration will be made effective la some distance ahead, and it is quite Impossible to work up much Interest in contests so remote aa that of November next. Those who are entitled to have their namea on the voting Usr and have not yet availed themselves of the privilege can and In nearly every case will do ao before the fate ful time arrivea. The proportion, as to new arrivals here and those in our midst who have Just reached their majority is not known, but there will probably not be a great deal of difference, and unleaa they or much the gre&tef part of them should go one way In the matter of voting wholly Improbable proposition ity of the election, bring a mixed one. Well, worse things than that might happen. The choice of supreme court Judge, representative to congress and the legislature are the only features of the contest in which the state at large participates, and undoubtedly then will be a lively scrimmage over, all. these, with the chances favoring the foe outside of Salt Lak Republican County the splitting propersity la not engaged In so extensively, in must counties nut at all They have near ly half the state senate to begin. with, and thla la a pretty guod start for a majority of the legislative body; but thla is by no means conclurive. Strange things may happen between, now and the Idea of November. JUDGE BARTCH. On October 1 Chief Justice George-WBartch will sever hla connection with the bench which he has occupied In Utah for fourteen consecutive years, and will return to practice at the bar. He will have aa a partner General Bagley of Mata and the firm will be a strong one. In parting company with Judge Bartch as an official we do but voice the feelings of of those who know him when we any that, in the midst of a more or lees tortuous condition of things, hie way has been straight, hia actions regular and hla achievements replete with wise and . nine-tenth- s the general lasting provisions. result will not be much changed from what It would have been without them. Both the great parties here are divided against themselves, the Republicans being by far the greater sufferers from that condition, and this circumstance seta aside the means by which computations have previously been made. Besides, the Socialists are a factor to be reckoned with, especially If the trades unions should make common cause with them. In such latter event their vote in thla county should be 5000 and might possibly reach 6000, which would likely take them from the foot of the class and make them at least third In tho race; and thla suggest a the possibil No more Incorruptible, Impartial or Industrious Judge ever occupied the beuch anywhere, and hla departure from it here, while It will no doubt be a gain to him, will not be one to the state. Personally he Is one of the moat unassuming and approachable of men; not gifted with much of the worlds goods, hia purse haa ever been open to the call of meritorious need, and, without being a candidate or In a position where he could Justly be levied upon, haa unfailingly responded to calls for aid by the Republican party, to which he has ever given an unselfish allegiance. It has remained for a few small souls to place him in a position where he seemed to be opposed to a mere faction, but in reality WWW DEAR. READER! . ... Lake City in Will You Assist the Business Men of Sa.lt A for Boosting Help to BuildGreater Utah? is up SALT LAKE CITY! DONT USE Imported Goods Unless Bought From a; UTAH DEALER! UTAH. UP A TO BUILD GREATER. THIS IS THE WAY If, in this List of Bnsiness Houses, You fail to find What is Wanted, Wait until Our Next Issue, and Perhaps You Will Find It There. HMtilata?itwrwwwwwrws.ttawwww,tww.w.wjwwrww.rwFRFr-"5- . ijMMMMMauaiMSMaaMiMaaaliaaiiniiMMaaaaaaa'aitMaa MEEKS A LYNCH, 319 ft 316 Atlas Block, Balt Lake City, Utah, and Vacant lota, modern home guineas Investments. Money to Lean. Nineteen years In Real Estate Bullies In Sat: Lake City. aJ tj: a a; vVo: ; fO 4 gj. 0 iS2 s! 0( - fa Iq, zys ; a BOOST! S OUR MOTTO: 1 thin waa purely Imaginary, even In the midst of the moat unscrupulous In Estate. Real Quick Salta m tare presentation. 1 If you want to buy or sell Real Aa a citlsen. Judge llartcha record ua for blemish. with a without Hat and standing are Estate, your property 'h? In private life as In public he will quick sales. Wo have the buyers. the "on and fouud upright le alwaya Real Eatata Investment Co. square." and we are glad to have him Anderaon In our midst. THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. EDITORIAL NOTES. Homes on Installment Plan a Specialty. Farms and homes for sale or trade. Bven if the Tammany tiger refuses Buffalo following. Horace, Buggies, Etc., Hbught or big Exrhanged, Scientists now assert that whisky Room 8 O'Meara Block. Sun will kill the typhoid germ. No. 63 V4 W. Second South Street kill any Salt lake City. Whisky properly applied, will thing alive. Moses W. Taylor, Frank Y. Taylor. TAYLOR BROS. So far as Mr. Bryan is aware, then REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. la no unwritten law against a man be Tel. 171., Utah National Bank Salt Ing a candidate fur the presidency lake City, Utah. any number of times. Halt lake Real Estate the beat InChicaIn vestment In the world. Utah ComThat Job of bank Usd Ing go could only have lien made more mercial and Mining Stocks the aafest complete by gelling away with the In the world. Manufactured John by Members Salt lake Stork and Min- THE HISTORIC WORCESbuilding and office fixtures. Reeves Salt and Co., TER. Lake, Exchange. man who fasted fortv ing The Indorsed by the M. ft M. ALL OF QUEEN SAUCE before Bl1 Y a I A)T or a HOME nine days to Improve his health See the Assn of Utah. Ash your Wo advise you ra just got to the point where he timid price advance. On Grocer. the labels. make died. and your aardlng localities live without eating when he ours. diffleuii understand to why It la MAKING EH INVESTMENT CO.. President Stensland of that Chleago 40 East Second South. 91. Salt lake City NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. hint, fatnl to take that last Manager Swing tills .found In the bank OO0 which wa CaraOM er brokvn Pise at CXlladar record taken aa part Raw One. ThU I the last week those Piiitreln to will have a ehance polith-lauFREE TRIAL and payments. will have a ehance to throw miner men believe every candidate the harpoon good and deep into Tom pke Tba COLUMBIA ORAPHO iki malili tha af a Is Bur and In state the off! Ill (tic Vie tta talking ! hla tainted embed zlt o( tha hum improvem" Taggart by returning rid an when he sends in a dollar for the tusdard af parfeWn- the rampalgn fund. ANY U:.D MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT What a large anil Imprealve thing 1m. before Id dant forget that ihi Bryan Itooni hmkcil to i hr the latest typaa. Another eminent tluaneler who waa lt sponsors had begun ashing the virtually horrified at the raaeally doGUARANTEE A WRITTEN thla jMitlde to wend In money to boost Backed tr the UiLt ifelKlnff kUchlnc Ccwptny In tk ing of Banker Ikntgherty of Peoria, good thing along. waa Banker Htenaland of Chicago. (ton Wltli (ki J4tchn. only got 975.000 when Charley Towne la willing to be the Dougherty CO., GENL COLI MBIA PHONOGRAPH candi- Stensland got 9?.'kk.00rt. I M7-SALT LAK8 CTffT. he Main date on either a conservative or rad at ko, fbonaa. A New York newataier points out y cal platform. Just as the convention that a balhMn cannot land without may happen to think at the time, being a trespasser. Still, most far With the two baseball teams clingWhen Mr. nryan nys that "there era would be willing to have thelr nla a man lu jim :l)st on pntato patch mussed up for the local Silver nimit.iain, are other things in life besides lhe ing to the bottom of their respective he runs the risk of getting fame it would give them. is ns if Hears!' lead, he still haa a party ( who men is Into an argument with the gsttitg read? to accept . A I In the National leagues, and the wan woman waa drowned to go to piivr baev grown gray at the public erlb. hats The Democratic congressional ram laat week in Silver lake: In Callfor- alive Issue. two Chicago team at the top, it really a-- '&&? if wzssssssssmsa in-tro- -- a fr . bast a, - ei-i- ik.! ... offlee-hohllng.- " e III,,-,- t 4? W. J. HALLORAN, Real Estate and Loans. If you want to Insure, sell, buy. Established 1887. Telephone 823. 14 W. Third South Street, or build, borrow, let ua know. Salt Lake City, Utah. 8350.00 buys very choice Main 8L 49 S. Main St., Hooper-Eldredg- e Lota. EGAN, REAL ESTATE. Nice homes on easy payments. Form Cheap lots any part of city. loans. C. J. BOWMAN ft CO Rooms 11 and 12 Eagle Blit Balt Lake City, Utah. GEO. M. McCONAUGHY, Real Estate and Loana. scope himself against the ramparts of Inevitable fate. The pictures of Mr. Bryan wearing a allk hat, we are assured, have not affected his popularity one way or his popularity one way or the other. Hla managers ought to try the effect of a picture of Mr. Bryan wearing a muzzle. We fall to see the reason for the Investment, Securities, Trades and Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. dispute between the N. Y. lawyers, as to who shall defend Harry Thaw. 41 West Second So. St Certainly there are enough of the Salt Lake City, Utah. Thaw millions to satisfy several sets of legal counsel, even at New Yerk HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. rates. The rule of "who saw It first' rot to be applied to the pluckHomes for rent and sale. Lowest oughtof the Thaw estate. ing prices. Easiest terms 251 Main St, TO REPUBLICANS. 8alt Lake City. We are anxious to have every Republican In close touch, and working We have all kinds of Investments In In harmony with the Republican nareal estate and we write all kinds of tional congressional committee In faInsurance. vor of the election of a Republican YOUNG ft YOUNG, congress. The congressional campaign must General Insurance, Real Eatata and he based on the administrative and Loana. 202 Whltlngham Blk Salt legislative record of the party, and, Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. that being so, Theodore Roosevelts personality must be a central figure FOR REAL ESTATE and hla achievements a central See Peterson Real Estate Invest- thought In the campaign. ment Co. Large Hat bargains for We desire to maintain the work of which we are exclusive agents. Spe- this campaign with popular subscripcial attention to property of estates tions of One Dollar each from Repuband Old reliable lican. To each subscriber we will agency. Correspond or call. 330 So. send the Republican National Cam-naig- n Text Bonk and all documents Main St Salt Lake City, Utah. Issued by the committee. Help us achieve & great victory. JAMES S. SHERMAN. -looks as though Wentward ho. Chairman. makes Its way. P. O. Box 20C3. New York. Richard Croker has summoned AnCLIFT HOUSE. drew Fred man to visit him in Ireland and lays plans for the defeat of Wm. Third South and Main Streets, Salt Laka City. R. Hearet. A conference, a meeting All New But the Name. of twin statesmen of majestic mold. Thla located and well centrally The empire state halts breathless, known hotel haa been thoroughly rewhile Its fate la decided by these novated and refurnished throughout master craftsmen. Under thS new management reasonable rates and first class accommodaWinston Churchill, the novelist. Is running for officefllfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl; tions will prevalL Can be reached by street cars from Is running for office lu New Hampshire on a strong plat- all depots form. I -- iter on, no doubt Winston MRS. A. L. MASON, will strike an open switch and tele-Prop. clr-ixati- anti-railroa- d |