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Show THE ALTA INDEPENDENT. Successor to ihe Utah Pioneer. Vol. XL Alta. Utah. Wedr ssday, August 29. 1906. The Alta Independent MINOR MERCUR MENTIONS. Hon. George H. Dern made allying Published Every Wednesday. Publishers. Offloe of Publication Poslofflce at Alta, Salt Lake Co., Utah trip to Salt Lake this week. Jl Jl Mr. Thomas K. Peck and Joseph Pinkerton have accepted positions with the Union Mercantile Co. Entered as second-clasmatter at w Mr. Jacob Spencer has returned the postoffice at Alta, Utah. from England, where he has been on Subscription: a visit during the peat year. One year, 11.00; six months, 75 cts; ji Jl three months. 50 cts. The Con. Mercur la In flourishing The above prices are cash in advance shape, mine and mill working fine, and do not apply to subscription and everything points to a prosperous due prior to July 14, 1906. year. CRAY A JAKEMAN, r s Jl JAS. T. JAKEMAN, Managing Editor, jl with appendicitis Tuesday and taken to 8L Marks hospital, where she was operated on Wednesday. The CD. C. DESPAIN,. . .LOCAL MANAGES. operation proved successful, and we to see Mias Janney recover Students, Attention! The Brigham hope Young University at Provo opens quickly. jl Jl Monday, September 10, 1906. 8end The Overland mine shut down very 'for catalogue. unexpectedly this week, but we do not think it permanent, na we underMETAL MARKET. management. The Overland properly handled is without doubt n producer. Monday, the 20th, four cars of ore We hope to see It on the active list from Alta, two from American Fork soon. and one from Milford were released from the samplers. Mr. J. C. Bryant and family will Tuesday, four cars from Alta and leave the latter part of the week for two from Stockton were released. Illinois,-theiold borne, after having Wednesday, two care from Stock-to- n sojourned in Mercur for the past and one from Milford were re- eight years. Mr. Bryant and family leased. have made many friends In Mercur, Thursday, Aug. 23 Silver, 66 who regret to see them leave, and lead, $5.75; copper, 18. wish them well wherever they go. lead, Jl Jl Friday, 24 Silver, 66 $5.75; copper, 18. With which to transport Its ores lead, from the mines at Ophir to the reSaturday, 25 Silver, 66 $5.75; copper, 18. ceiving station at a point near the Clark mill In Ophir canyon, the manAMONG THE ALPS OF UTAH. agement of the Cliff Mining company, owner of the Illustrious Buck-hor- n Never Prosperity reigns at Alta. mines in that old camp, has before have things looked brighter. placed an order for a Blelchert tramway. Saturday 600 shares of South CoJl Jl lumbus sold at 68 cents a share, 450 Miss Pauline Janney, sister of W. T. shares of Columbus Con. at $7.40 and Janney, the eminent metallurgist of 100 at $7.50. the Con. Mercur, was taken suddenly . . be well again. Mr. Jacobson reports developments ji Jl progressing steadily on both the CoMr. William Goodman, Roy Hall and lumbus Extension and South Colum- Sidney Vowlea have resigned their pobus, with the condition nt each favor- sitions at the Union Mercantile store able to early results. and accepted positions with the Con. tltf Jl Mercur Mines Co. William J. Craig and Alex Colbnth Jl Jl have made another payment on the AlMr. George Shafer, for many years In southern California, and associated with Mercur, left recently pha group on which they are carrying forward for California to visit his slater. an energetic campaign of Georg expects to locate in Goldfield, Vneftt." -.irww,! lif-t111 j j r 3-- 7-- 7-- Oooe-tacky-G- v'-'i 200 jl shares jof Columbus Ji Jl l'1 Mrs. Reuben Augustine presented Friday sold nt $7.35 a share, 800 at 7.40, 100 her husband with a baby girl Thursat f7.45 and 100 nt $7.50. 3500 shares day, Aug. 16. Mother and baby doing of 8outh Columbua sold at 67 cents well. Reuben la wearing smiles and and 200 at 68. 2500 shares of Sacra- passing cigars among the boys. Conmento at 10 2 cents. gratulations of the Miner. J Con. Jl Jl Ji Mr. William Goodman and sister, 23fd, 600 shares of South Columbus sold at 63 cents a Miss Jessie Hall and John Paterson hare, 1,000 at 66, 100 at 60, 100 at 62 returned from a months fishing trip and 100 at 63. 100 Columbua Con. at up the Provo, end report a great $7.30, 100 at $7.45, 2200 at $7.50, 400 Jl Jl at $7.55, and 200 nt $7.60. Mr. Herman Ludwig has moved hia On Thursday, the Jt Jl The mill of the Columbua Consolidated at Alta la now operating with r two shifts and putting out nearly a carload of concentrates dally. The primary officers of the First ward of Lehl will give an Ice cream festival at the city pavilion Tuesday, August 28. The proceeds are for the benefit of ward expenses. family from Sunshine to Mercur and baa taken a position at the Con. Mercur mill. jl Jl ten-hou- Jl S . The management of tbe Columbus Consolidated of Alta will undoubtedly close tbe month upon an output of ore tbe valuation of which will be not less than $75,000, aald President Tony Jacobson on his reappearance at the general offices, after a sojourn in the diggings, and that It la not permitted to exceed this la simply that present facilities for transporting the ores will not permit Jl Jl Tuesday, 21, 2,000 shares of Sacra a share; mento stock sold at 10 600 shares of South Columbus at 66c 100 at 67c, 2,000 at 68c and 300 at 69; 1.00 shares of Ingot sold at 1 12c; Tuesday 1,00 shares of Ingot sold nt 1 a share: 200 shares of South Columbus at 69c; Wednesday Con. Mercur stock scold nt 55c, BOO shares changing hands; 800 chares of South Columbus sold at 65c a share, 200 at 66c, 2100 at 67, 1,00 at 68 and 300 tt 69; 20 shares of Columbua Con, c l-- sold 200 St at 87.10 a share. at $7.25 and 50 nt 100 $.30. at 17.20, Utah State News Eyeology" la the favorite fad in Newport and other resorts. The favoreye. ite brand la' the "goo-goo- " Wonder what the verdict of the Jury be on the Thaw esse as conducted by the press agents? will If be doesn't watch out, those Russian revolutionists will get after stoly-piwith a rolling-pin- . Moat all the tributes summed up resolve themselves Into the fact that Lady Cunon was a lady. n . The London tallora who criticised the fit of Mr. Bryane clothes, ought and to accompany him on tho atump see him give the octopus fits. The anarchists Insist that they took General Rostov for General Trepoff, and assassinated him. . Still, all generals look alike to the Russians. Senator Tillman should Immediately SO CLEAN Beginning at corner Na 1. when NE. cor. of Sec. 10. T. I S.. R. 1 K, ft granulated L. B. ft M bears N. 7$ deg. 1$ min. sweeping compound (hit absorbs all dust on nil kinds of 3915.2 ft. Thence N. 74 deg. 07 min. W. 461 Arm. Business men, painters and howekeepera that dislike tbe dust that ft. to corner No. 2. 1m from sweeping should give this Thence 8. 15 deg. 63 min. W, 466 hoqe product ft. to corner Na 8. trial. It Is guaranteed' k Clean Mfg. Co.. 261 South Wait Thence 8. 74 deg. 07 min. E. 466 ft. to corner No. 4. Tmpla. Ind phone 783. Thence N. 15 deg. 53 min. E. 466 toft ft. to place of beginning; contalnln ten and woman to learn barber trade 4.998 acrea. U weeks. Wages paid every night Said mill site or claim la located the unsurveyed part of T. I 8, 8. Ohduatea earn $16 to $25 per week. E.. of 8. L. B. ft M. free. Write ua. Mohler System There are no adjoining or conflict 62 E. First Bouth SL, Salt otyolfeges, ing claims shown upon the amid plat, and the applicant knows of no dalrna 4e City, Utah. adjoining or conflicting with the aald The Pierpont School located at mill site. 1 East North Temple, Salt Lake. I hereby direct that tbe foregoing Its fifth year, September 17, notice be published in The Alta Inde- "Jopens n9u6. This school offers as thorpendent, at Alta, Utah, tor a period ough and excellent work In Its lines nine consecutive weeks. tas can be bad in the finest east--pr- o FRANK D. HOBBS, colleges. It courses Include Register. (Elocution. Voice and Physical CulYoung ft Snow, Attorneys for Ap- ture. Public Speaking. Theatrical. plicants. Write 'English and Shakespeare. First publication, July 11, 1906. L tor circulars. 1906. Last publication. Sept 5. WINDSOR. APPLICATION FOR PATENT, EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt take City. (Notice Na 4121. ..Located In the heart of the city. United Stntea Land Office, '' Rates Reasonable. Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 14, 1906. . f Notice la hereby given that Charles airy, clean rooms, First-clas- s Jin every respect. Steam, heat. Elec-Tyng and Francis C. Tyng of American Fork, Utah County, Utab, have ttric Lights. made application for a United 8tates GLADSTONE HOTEL. patent for the Esmeralda lode mining j Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. claim, situate In the American Fork Ill 8outb Main St., 8alt take City. mining district, Utah County, Utah, Neatly furnished moms by the day, consisting of 1500 linear feet of tbe Week or Mouth. lode and surface ground 600 feet wide Rates. 60 cents to $1.50 per day. being mineral survey No. 5421, and Special rates by the day, week or described In the field notes and plat ' of the official survey on file In this imonth. hroffice with magnetic variation at 17 ; TILES REMOVED WITHOUT deg. 00 min. east as follows, Commencing at post Na 1, a corner KNIFE of the claim from which U. S. M. M. DR. JOHNSON, Na 1 bears S. 27 deg. 25 min. W. 1220.5 feet, thence running from corSpecialist In all Rectal Diseases, ner No. 1 N. 11 deg. 00 min. E. 615 feet to corner No. 2, thence S. 66 deg. 15SVi South Main street. Salt Lake 00 min. E. 1500 feet to corner No. 8, City. thence S. 11 deg. 00 min. W. 615 feet THE KEELEY CURE. to corner Na 4, thence N. 66 dfg. 00 Drunkenness Cured. min. W. 1500 feet to corner Na 1, be( A positive and permanent cure ing the piece of beginning. Jbr drunkenness and the opium die-Said claim being located In ansur-veyetosses. There la no publicity, no pert of township 3 south, rang! d sickness. Ladies treated aa 3 eaat, 8ait take Base and Meridian, their own homes. The containing a total area of 20.SI5Vr,t,y leeley Institute. 334 W. Bo. Tam-dacres, excluding, however, tbe: Salt take City, Utah. Wi with tbe conflict In ares tbe A in' Rhein lot 62 and LaBeTle-totof 10.238 acres. Net area applied being 10.897 acrea. TRUNKS, TRUNKS. Bald Esmeralda mining claim being of record in the office of the county R. recorder at Provo, Utah County, Utah. The nearest known locations or mining claims being the aforesaid conflicting claims and Kalamazoo lot 103 155 Main St, Salt taka and Bredemeyer No. 2, lot 49. I direct that thia notice be published in tbe Alta Independent, at Alta, county of Salt Lake, Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. Ulet KOON6nre cob FRANK D. HOBB8, Register. G. W. Parks, Attorney for Applicant First publication dated August 22, 1906. taat publication, October 17, . r No. 5. BIG HORN THE OWL DRUG (The buyers friend) la located next door north of the poetofflee. In the city of opportunities, and we do Owl drug business. J. M. THOMAS SALT LAKE ft MERCUR RAIROAD CO. TIME TABLE. Attorney-at-La- Salt take City, Utah. Effective December 10, 1905. Offices, 11 and 12 Eagle Block. Inventions Trade Westbound. patented. marks secured direct with WashNo. 1 ington. Arrives. 11:15 a.m 10:05 a.m.... of a pleasant .rft 11:00 a. m 10:30 am east, purchase your tickets via 'A To be assured Illinois Central Rail- way Eastbound. No. 8 Stations. Mercur Summit Manning Fairfield Leaves. Leaves. 1:45 p.m. 1:66 p.m. ....2:86p.m. ....3:13p.m. Arrives. CHEAP EXCURSIONS Te Eastern Canada and New England. Cheap excursions from Kansas City and Omaha vis Detroit and the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY at ONE PARE PLU8 $2.00, good for thirty days. h to-wi-t: BASIN EXCURSION. 1st and 3rd. Limit, 39 September days. Rate from R. G. W. main points, $30.00 round trip. From branch lines add one fare for round trip to nearest Junction point. Route: Rio Grande Western, Colorado Midland, and Burlington. For further Information address L. IL Harding, Salt take City. To Canadian points dally to Sept. 30th; to New England points, feJuly 18th, August 8th and 22nd, Sept 5th and 19th. from Omaha to Chicago. First-clas- s service also betweea Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago Trip through the Thousand Islands and St. Louta. as well mi all polats in and Rapids of the 8L Lawrence at tbe 8outh and Southeast. alight additional ooat For full Information call ea or writs Further particulars born J. A. FOLEY, A. C. SHAW, Cemmarclal Agent No. 75 West Second 8outh 8treet. General Agent Canadian Pacific Ry CHICAGO. . d prl-an- y, liver Meredith. Trunk Manufactur-- j er. Mr. Ray Hall has accepted a position with A. Swenson ft Co. Ray has 1906. many friends In Mercur and la a valuable acquisition to athst company. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Jl Jl M. A. Na ESS Far PHm. Burns, Salve This storm has made good whisky weather. Bend In your orders to , RIEGER ft LINDLBY. "The Whiskey Merchants." Salt take City. 4120.) Dr. Berry has left Mercur for Ta- United States Land Office, coma, Wash., where he baa gone to Salt take City, Utah, Aug. 13, 1906. secure a bride. We expect to welNotice la hereby given that Charles come the doctor back In September. Tyng and Francis C. Tyng of AmerJl ican Fork, Utah County, Utah, have A DINING CAR made application for a United States conla one of the many things you patent for the Lone Star lode mining sider when you are trying to figure claim, situate In tbe American Fork out the beat route East. The dining mining district Utah County, Utah, car service recently established on consisting of 1500 linear feet of the the Colorado Midland, is of the very lode and surface ground 600 feet wide, in latest modern cars, and mineral survey No. 5420 and debeing every respect. The line runs through scribed in tbe field notea and plat of tbe mountains all tbe way, therefore the official survey on file In this office cool, and with the Pullman Observe with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 45 tlon cars, wbat more can you desire? min. to 16 deg. 55 min. east aa folLeave Salt In tbe evening, spend the lows, t: next day in tbe Rockies. Commencing nt post Na 1. n corner of the claim from which U. S. M. M. PETERSONS DETECTIVE SERVICE No. 1 bears 8. 83 deg. 58 min. W. 915.5 feet thence running from aald cornerto COMPANY, No. 1 8. 86 deg. 05 min. E. 600 feet 9 D. F. Walker Bldg., corner No. 2, thence S. 8 deg. 55 mtn-W- . 1500 feet to corner Na 3, thence Salt Lake City, Utah. N. 86 deg. 05 min. W. 600 feet to owWe are prepared to undertake all ner Na 4, thence N. 8 deg. 65 min. K. proper detective business intrusted to 1500 feet to corner No. 1, being the us for corporations and Individuals place of beginning. Said claim being Consultation and advice free. Call or located unsunreyed part of township write. 'Phones: Ind. 3988, Bell 1316-south, range 3 east. Salt Lake Bas and Meridian, and containing a total FOR and net area of 20.661 acres. NOTICE OF APPLICATION UNITED STATES PATENT. Said Lone Star lode mining claim the being of record In the office ofCounUtah at Provo, recorder county (M. A. No. 4113.) In the United States Land Office, at ty, Utah. Tbe nearest known location or minSalt Lake City, Salt Lake County, k ing claims being the Kalamazoo Utah. June 29, 1906. 103. . CoIs Notice hereby given that tbe I direct that this notice be publish lumbua Consolidated Mining company, Alto. a corporation organized and existing In the Alta Independent, atfw the under tbe laws of the state of Utab, County of Salt Lake, Utab, whose principal place of business la at period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Register. Utah, by Its agent and attorn ej O. W. Parka, Attorney for Applies-Firs- t Ashby 8now, of Salt Lake City, I publication dated Aug. Salt Lake County, Utah, baa made ap1906. Last publication, Oct. 10. 1 of the laws under the United plication, States, for s patent for a mill site, which is located ns and known and MEDICINES BY MAIL. called Columbus Mill Site, and which Is situated In Little Cottonwood minMall orders promptly filled. Write ing district. Salt Lake County, Utah, a which haa been surveyed and la known for Information. Rubber gooda curs Seal Golden Compound aa Mineral Survey Na 6444, and which Kidney Cure and O. la described by official plat and catarrh. G. Rheumatlsm are guaranteed. Cnre by the field notea on file In the office We PJJ of the register of the land office at per bottle or 50c per box. Goldthe or charges. express postage Lake Salt City, Utab, as followa, en Seal Medicine Co.. 112 W. 2d Sooth Street, Salt Lake City. te LAKE CITY ALT UTAH. buy fresh Eggs Why not insist on You HEWLETT'S FRESH ROASTED COFFEES to-wi- 328-32- n-fact. spe-clalt- a DsWttts SALT THATS ALL SALT ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND Manufactured only by INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., N. W. Clayton, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. University of Utah. The University of Utah Includes the School of Arte and Sciences, State Normal School, and the State School of Mines. STATE SCHOOL OF MINES. SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. the School The of Mlnea offers The School of Arte and Science ofcourses In: ten couroes In: 1. Mining Engineering. 1. General Science. THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT 2. Electrical Engineering. 2. Liberal Aria. STONE CO. . 3. Civil Engineering. 8. Commerce and Industry. CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MAN4. Mechanical Engineering. Administration. and 4. Government UFACTURERS. a 5. Chemical Engineering. 6. Journalism. SOUS AGENTS FOR 6. Teachers Course. Study mining in a mining country. Concrete Block Machines. Want to 7. Medicine (first two years). PREPARATORY 8CHOOL. establish a plant In every city, town nd village In Utah. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. A Preparatory School la maintained Block machines from $100 upward. Tbe Normal School offers: which gives preparation for the Btart a small plant and become Incourses In General Science, Liberal dependent. Normal Course. 1. A Five-yea- r Correspondence solicited, Arts, Engineering. Medicine, Business, Courses. Normal 2. Advanced P-- O. Box 1121, Sait take City. etc. . 2806-7bid. Phone 3. Kindergarten Courses. One year of high school work la necGraduates from the eight grades ot SMOKE THE BEST. the public schools are admitted to the essary for admission to the PreparaBLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. tory School Normal School. Whitaker and Dallas, Makers, 134 W. of The shops and laboratories ae unsurpassed In the completeness 3rd South 8treet, Salt Lake City. reduction of works of mlnea various The great their equipment proximity kinds, and power houses for the generation of electricity afford excellent WASH IT AWAY. for thorough and practical work In all the engineering coursea Lead and uremic poisoning cured, advantages tills Hot Springe Water doe the Registration of atudenta September 14th and 15th. Instruction begins Rheumatism vanishes at ita 17th. Students are assisted In finding suitable boarding placea For rates apply to C. H. September South worth. Room 222 Tbe Catalog Is sent free upos req uest Manager, jjtomerclal Club building. Salt take Address: UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, 8alt Lake City, Utah. |