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Show ENEMY TO CRASS AND CORN. JWitamiutawaiiwatKitamWMiiW ALL HALLOWS COLLEGE, Tha Haw 3 Salt Lake City. Under the Direction of the MarUt Fathers. Boarding and day school for boys. Situated in the heart of the Rocky Mountain district, nearly one mile above sea level. It enjoys an unsur- ' passed climate. Buildings modern, steam heated and electrie lighted, Hot and cold baths. The Institution claims to give most thorough courses In classical, Scientific and Commercial blanches, conferring degrees in the same. Inspection of Chemical and Physical Laboratories Invited. A line Museum and Mineralogy department. Separate care of little boys by competent master. Gymnasium of tbbe best. Indoor games during the winter season. Compulsory military drill under the direction of an army officer. Music of every kind, ihe band and orchestra being special features of the College. Private training of desirable students, outside of regular school hours, in higher Mathematics, Chemistry, Assaying, and in Commercial 'subjects. Terms moderate. Apply for full Year Bonk and other particulars to THE REV. PRESIDENT. ja ! q g g gV 5 3 S4SSSS4SS4S'SS444SS44SSiliiSSS4SSSilSS4S4SSSSSSiM4 44444444444444444 Reputation. On no railroad In America is white-marke- d caterpillars aliout half au inch lung. They live In retreats at or just beneath the surface of the toil, and a little Investigation in Infcated grass lands or about bills of corn troubled by this insect should result iu uncovering the X They work on corn in Z depredators. various ways, sometimes tunneling the Pa-'- ' Union or the via Denver to Two trains Chicago every Ogden 4 eifle and St. Paul day stalks, occasionally 'eating boles In line. Through sleepers and free reclining chair the sides of the stems or feeding to cars. some extent on the leaves. There were some Injuries of this For tickets and Information rail on kind last year, and aa a rule trouble of this nature may be prevented by -- e C. S- - Williams, Commercial Agent, early fall plowing, since this deSalt Lake Gty. prives the web worms of their accustomed provender before they have an opportunity to go into hibernation, and 44 we should expect s considerable number of them to perish before any ' - wrwWAWMWRWWAWtWlWI green food such as young corn is M(SJrti3sJssiisliliisii'isli3sisVi3ss5SAAaaA ASUMMMWsMWsMiaJaMMliWiWsWiMi available in the spring. Another preventive measure would be to delay planting aa late as possible, In the hope that a considerable number of the web worms would succumb before the corn came up. Another precauwhich might be taken In plant tion and for a school A thorough preparatory boarding day pupils. sod landa would be to put in Ing ot course An academic course for four years, with a preparatory about twice the uaual amount of need, one year, corresponding to the eighth grade. arg In the hojie that a fair stand would be 5 Music department, with pianos for practice. In spite of web-worsecured. injuExcellent boarding department, with Christian home Influences. jj M ries. Thla would necessitate some when from teachers Small classes, with personal help necessary.g 3 thinning on areas where web worms Expenses very moderate. were not abundant, but In any event For catalogue and particulars address a this would be preferable to replanting. GEORGE B. SWEAZET. Principal. There la no practical method of checking outbreaks of thla character In culCITY. tivated fields, owing to the expense InTtswswstswstsiltswststswststsuwatatatstweKStrwwttiWtWMMMlWIMWMMlWt volved. About the only thing that iwrawwststststmmMWMWta8ststststststst MwwwwfMwwswisasasywwiswwiggs can be done following severe injury is d Chicago, Milwaukee&St. Paul : Railway $44 n SALT LAKE CDLLEEI f ATE INSTITUTE. If j f SALT LAKE to replant Here is a chanoe for yon farmers who have been fighting over farm In South Cottonwood; fenced and your water. A 1 twenty-acr-e of water in Big Cottonwood and twen-- t shares perfectly level; twenty y shares in little Cottonwood. We have a standing offer of 11,000 of this right of this water right You can sell one-hal- f for one-hal- f takes It to which 15,000 and have an abundance left with irrigate It; form over the river; all fenced and under Another A 1 SOft-acr- e house; flowing well; thirty shares cultivation. Brand new four-rooof water In the North Point Consolidated Irrigation Co.; team, war cash; you gon, harness, farm implements, crops, etc.; may suit yourself as te when mnd how you pay the balance; $5,000. BUCKWALTER ft SERMON, 4- - GRINDSTONE WITH PEDAL. Bicycle la Used to Tranemlt the Power from the Foot to the Stone. Atlas Block. 8 Bell 'Phone 3565-X- alter MAXFIELD vinegar CO.. I Manufacturers of PURE FOOD VINEGAR. ttrtory: South Second Telephone 973-- t riAmerican Plan, $1.25 to $2.50. rt" I5 New mtiwtri Good Meals. HALLS. That Is tha happy trinity thatl makes happy travelers en Reck lei- and through train. Through Standard! Steeper dally Salt Laks and Ogdsn tel Chicago without change. Arrives Ini Chicago In the morning. We aloe run! through tourist cars to Chicago and! St Louis. Steamship tickets on salsj to all points In tha Old Country. Let ua know whore you want to go. Wo will do tha rsst "Nothing finer' than tha Rock Island Dinar." Manager. Corner Third South and State Streets. Balt Lake City. Utah. ioCA-COLIN BOTTLES. ) have established a plant for hot-tlbthis moat popular drink and we ' an agent In every town In Utah to kindle It Good profits Write ns t ce for prices, etc. Jt Lake Coca-Col- a Bottling Co. P- 0. Box 3. Salt Lake City. Vfc g - BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CA8H. Both phonos Miny bright boys and girls are making $5 weekly after school working for us. If you want the same chance, send us ywr name and address and we will nl you $2 worth of our quick-sellin- g Howehold Specialties. When sold, senl ns $1 and keep $1 for yourself. Yoican do this In one day. We will furriih you permanent work. Aidreas N. H. Groesbeck ft Co, SpifagvIUe, Utah. . The Best Line to Southern California Water Colon stitchers. u or Oil. Picures sent by mall sre as safe as If - ORPHEUM h of a bicycle Is used to transmit the power from the foot to the stone. This device, says Prairie Farmer, Is said to work satisfactorily when properly adjusted. A more steady power is sey cured for the stone than when one-wafoot lever is used. ordl-narl- d SHOES. im. MBiwnuBS a a coat. DlSOOVaaT fob WUBDEBFUX Itor aia MaoleS ta aara moor mIMor n avaa lha old aad oferoola Imai maol mam la a vary taw Wfer laSwOoaOataiTfe whoa yoa aaa uaaaarbaaaiadforllA. taCUKBD for II a IrOBIianU Too am lorlM4 to IIBST TKST IT Asply today. aad Mania Dbaana of Moa, OomlteMon mat Adrtaa Wtm aad VaaUaauS aoavlBOod. aU oaiaMa Mwtaaa, ChfoaM A Special Department for Men THEATRE BLDG. o.nl aad aid at all oi ho i. who aaad lla Tlatlw at Blood Poll to xpHlmaMl aad Uadly pferrialaaa aa tawllally lorllad vitad lUABoa la aU Mrate Unum, IBM to aaia la tka aaia aadar DBt SBOUnr MODSaS MBTBOUS tka aara la Maall vaokly ar MQalkly laMallmaai aa yoa mi anaasaM pay iko ter tor a raa wkat roar iioabia la. or aka kaa B" maliar WIIKK CUKKU tom ad akaiya- aad laaia kow yaa aaa yat ka SlISdInMranByna.ooMaltikaiaMMiarBpaMallBla. aaiad. CALL on WBITB. . rout or Home Cures by Mall aVkikksm adrlaa rasa. OFFICE H. E. BARTLETT, PROPRIETOR. CUOICS ailiilididiitOiaiiliiliiliilidi Eradi- With reference to a method of exterminating milk weed and morning glory, will say that If It Is the milk weed that grows from the root as well as from seed, and which has the seed attached to down that scatters when the wind blows, I can give the experience we had several years ago. My father had a field badly Infested Do You Yant Workf WORK FOR EVERYBODY. with such milk weeds and pea vines, says a writer In Prairie Farmer, and he sowed It to oats, cutting the oats before the milk weed was ripe enough for the seed to scatter. He plowed the ground In August, when the ground was dry, going just deep enough to turn the runners and roots on thi These the sun soon dried o that they could not sprout again. He then sowed the field with wheat and repeated the operation next August The pea vines were exterminated and what milk weed was left we pulled up by hand. There was only an occasional one or two and these we believe came from seed blown from other fields. "jl DRS. SHORES & SHORES EXPERT BPSOIALISTB BOUBTOX BLOCK, BALT BAB SOUTH MAUI ST BUT, UTAH UXI CITT, Insect 8pecfes. According to Folsoms Entomology-thnumber of Insect species already known Is about 300,000, and It Is safe to estimate the total number of existing species as at least '1,000,000. Conservative observers bold, remarks Rural New Yorker, that s majority 4 these species can be found in attend ance at any Sunday school plcnlo. 07 3 ROUTES. AND TOURIST SIFFPgfl FROM OODEN OR SALT LAKE TO ST. U0U1S WITHOUT . CIIANGE OP CAM Free Itaellalag Chair Cars. Dining Oar Bervloe a la carte oa all through train For Poitiers, Illustrated Booklet., ta, addiwas L 'VJ'nMI PULLMAN THROUGH A BENTON. O. A P. XL CALT LAKE CtTY, Try This Route East obtained or no fte. Write for onr nr "ketch, and we "end ATilFItEI REPORT ON PAT-- . SO practice. Regia. I I,1"J,AITV. yean'Write Imm or come to M407. 7th at., WASHINGTON. 0. C. I OX TOUR NEXT TRIP EAST ASK TO HAVE YOUR TICKET READ VIA Chicago, M i 1 wau kee & St. Paul Railway TWO TRAINS DAILY TO CHICAGO OGDEN TO CHICAGO OR DENVER ANOTHER GOOD CHICAGO. TO ROUTE TO THE EAST IS VIA KANFAMOUS AND THE SAS CITY FOUTHWKST LIMITED. NO EXCESS FARE. TICKETS OF ALL AGENTS, OR OF SM HOUllJa L R. R. Salt Lake City, Utah. S. FAST FLYERS DALLY BETWEEN OODEN AND DENTERs 9 svr-fac- ooatnowddi . THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTS Teamsters, Laborers, Always Wanted. We Furnish' All Kinds of Help. DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. (7 East First South, Salt Lake City. Bell 'Phone 1872-Ind. 'Phone 923. KILLING THE MILK WEED. How One Farmer Succeesfully cated It from Hie Field lurrin ruu. tbsatusht raaa at tusib office will omioiia CATAKBHAL IHSBAXmL INCLUIHHO IiBAFHBNB. astSma. bat rsvss AMD loso tbooblu. ddbimu this parlor awrlia eftto MOSrH Om,Y. After pea tore MM (te wlllonraro" VUE lib iinlanl fror oss hollar rsaMoraa' oa au THS LOW tbsatmimt, raas. ar ssoiaa' of raSK, ma4 te H, BURTNER, D. P. A. sfflhw STATE ST, SALT LAKE CITY. Geared Grlndstons. ONE TREATMENT FREE WaBraand'ckUJiaaofsva aaia aaiMudaalan. lot aay dliaaoa. QUIanlM. a S. P. L. A. IM SOUTH iS444S4444SS44SS4SiMSliim3 a . J. NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, y of tha law TiauanV IU8. SUOKWI . F. ASHWORTH. RATES REASONABLE. S s tfea - WHEN Hot and cold running water and steam heat, electrie lights ands S3 Rooms under direct charge of Mrs. Cand-hKg bell service In every room. land. Hotel centrally located at CITY. UTAH 51S NO 144 WEST FIR8T 80UTH STREET, SALT P.LAKE ff H. CANDLAND. J naar-mllala- Only direct line Salt Lake to Los ftiylis Most Modem' Palatial Trains with Standard and Tourist Sleeping (qjpptu CSis, Diners 1.111 Free Reclining Chair Cars. All trains vis Salt Lake City and Nevada's .Mineral Belt. ' Ask nearest agent about California sions or write to ontrdboardor Practice in both state and federal A reader of one of our exchanges has devised a simple means of turn- courts Special attention given to ing the grindstone by foot power. As mining and mining law. Communicashown In the Illustration, tha gearing tion! solicited, and answered prompt312 Dooly ly. Bdl phone 690-Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. S DURING JULY, AS A TEST Wm te tte iSMN TaasavlMthsitaptlaalBaSWsrovs Wsst Second South St Salt Lake City, Utah. The New Road men. Plckrea en- jf In India Ink. larpd, mounted Sapla, THOMAS 100 A HYWWWWtoHHHlrtv WE ARE SALT LAKERS. brought In person. A SPECIALTY. UTAH ART CO Second South, Salt Lake City. Mail Orders Solicited. E. DRAKE, Diet Poor Agent G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt, or . trust your treasured pictures to strangers T Oun Is a Utah firm, managed by Utah - Hi N. L. DREW, General Agent, 109 17th Street, Denver, Colo, Wly 0- VADIM Good Service - Good Company S. M. RIDDLE, t S Southern Hotel. lit, European Plan, 50c up. HOTEL mk. SB-- a, 720 Money, OUR SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. Bat of tooth (teat Nd rotter), q. Gold crowns. M M to MSB. Bride, wor. test, MAS to (MB (told Billnsn. P sad ap. Othsr iluiaan, Ms te He TWELVE YEARS PROTECTIVE GUARANTEE Opaw till 6 p. MS Belt THAT. Sunday 10 to 9. 'Phonas, EXAMINATION FREE. 884 Ma a St DR. EXMMRRXAV, Mgr. BUILDING, .NEW .FURNITURE, NEW EVERYTHING. Hotel Yoaa The Moot BaHablo Daattete te Oa City. eNaatlSa NEWEST HOTEL IN 8ALT LAKE ss Wa Csars T"th oatiactod wltboat pate hf ear mi hod" Woo with . For bl Nice Room in a First-clago to the SALT LAKE CITY Utah Dental Co., 234 Main NEW s5 laifewms Why Pay More? Attomey-at-La- one-quart- er 327-32- WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Hfo fences. Bank. Office and Counter Sailings, Flower Stands, Ktc. All MM of fancy wire and iron work, e do Electro i Plating In Nickel and ropier in all the 1 attest Finishes. B'rite for Prices State St. Salt lAke City . web-line- v P"!ER I, d, brown-heade- JMJMBJNHStril EUROPEAN HOTIU aK lathe ORy. Grass web worms, it will be remembered. were somewhat destructive last year in portions of Rensselaer, Columbia and Albany counties. New York, says the Country Gentleman, The Ip-Juries were In must esses confined to grass lands, particularly tha drier knolls, and the damage waa emphasised by the prevailing dry weather. The large amount of rain the present season has prevented depredations of this character from being noticeable, though grasa web woruis appear to be abundant in aome fields, since a report has Just come to us of rather severe Injury In Columbia county to corn planted oa recently plowed sod land. Grass web worms, sometimes known as corn web worms, come from minute white eggs deposited by the moths so frequently observed flying in large numbers lu late afternoon and early evening In grass fields and Invariably alighting with the wings wrapped closely aliout the body, the latter parallel with the grass stem upon which the Insect rests. The web worms sparsely-hairethemselves are light-brow- An Enviable the system of discipline among employes and watchfulness for the safety of passengers developed to a higher degree than on the IS p.Rpp.ppppppppw.pp.p.strrr.P.w.RRRR DON'T MISS THE LARGE IITO- MOBILE that runs to all points of Interest. boated la the heart at the Mty. a with s good guide. Fare $1.00. a Rates Raaaaiteblat ht, airy, risen rosins. rtteUclaas k Seeing Salt Lake" Car and Autos, K 5 40 E 2nd Bo. err respect Steam heat Uaetria WtNDSdl. Grass Wsb Worm, ana May Ba Combated. e , 0 C s. Williams, Commercial Agent Salt Lake City. |