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Show J . dried Mild COxTallleiJ. I hell SPECIAL NOTICE. Ci.lil rihuie calile-dfeeling Which ll.Ur.i-SALT LAX A MERCUR RAIROAg all th.it 'hey have .Imlile of G.illl ti : it! e.,i.riiia.ii We Will hlhg wit.) If this la marked with a of Ked.aslv. --itoekner it:paragraph CO. TIME TABLE. llsrdy. of - 5 i the liiingry iiiiiabi'uu's (Continued fnnn Pag.red crors It Indicates that your sub' u:'h alogles lor a siignt change: at Well, when g'it iop to this paper has been set!.ti I to tired of earthly things. It script f Hi? uiirly all f os tiriuk op tin- - lone: vltathn fMin ilit uiaintgi-NM'ii- t Effectiv December 10, 1909 tled for three months from that date ero-sepains 1 and toll, .My lion tile lies over tin oee.in. to ateii-- l Tli rtenins "Hwli" theatre If marked off with a " shuttle a black tbia Am! nit' rroes it haa change. I My breakfast lies ilowii m 'he .(-anil We ai-tperfortnar.r,-- . EastbounS Westbound. ouly two weka to run, but unleaa mortal coil. After partaking of a rplendid 'tinapent au enjoyable evening otherwise I With feeble, faltering faith, at notified we knock 1 No. No. I shall some continue tlionius could eu'. that ner. of a. in., the SatunUy. May 19. at lu to forward the paper. Holden Hate, VIA Loaves Arrives. Stations. committee attain waited iipnn in and of ua took a trip iu the glaxshuttofii Very respectfully, siihina-rinTo tiu I alas! my usual fate, I'm jot took um on a trip over the Iarlfic boats, viewing the woinb-itu- l 1:45 p.m Mercur 11:15 a. m a I, rile late! THE PUBLISHERS. went hunting Electric Rallrimd lo beauilful 1aaaile-na- . ganleiis. other 1:55 pm m a. 11:00 Summit . wbtle And :f I'cters got the portala cloic-lThe ruiiin.ltti-- wan headed liy Mr. tins to tones and got ni'iomnin'-and the pulled lnsul-- . CHEAP RATES EAST VIA COLORA19:20 a. u Manning ....2:25 pm. A. W. Skinner, wlm wax untiring in honie sal down on a alone muttering DO MIDLAND RAILWAY. '( II Mi mill s round and coins right bark. Now a word to themselves: "I wish I wa. 10:05a.m.... Fairfield ....2:12pm explaining everything. " altho' I vi- - gone and died, Catalina Well. over that ixuid again about tin railroad. The ear Arrives Leaves. this earthly bo'irnt On May 19UG, rate June, are tine, run a very incut h and at an Is an Ideal slimmer resort U.ih for An-- Hhie me to and shade bowers. one e of fare two rest as lor plus dollars for round average xpeed of hImiui 50 rnllea an wind some apoit, as (he I rip to Chicago, This Include i Hi - f At 7:13 t hi. we wi re all sab- ami 'Mm eucaiyptus, palms and Memhour. Tbit xyxtern la alxiut &no ihIIi-Minneapolis, nnd Iiowera orange groves phis and west thereof. Limit October Angeles In iei(-'and wax Inaugii rated ov Mr ou ml back again III OVERLAND LIMi California! Of t 31st, stopovers allowed, weat Missouri Miiiulav. Muv 21. was lie- beginning II K. Iluntintrtdn, who has and th- u w niHiiy music; " It began We lft I os Angeles for home Tuf- - river. For further information write LOS ANGELES CHICAC, million of dollura In liiuhllng railroailx f "La Cic-t- a it- - las r clm-o PIANOS, k Paik. Ascot ad at L. H. at Mav v!Hi l2. p. m., llrewi time rks In Southern ('allfornia. On our way Harding, General Agent, Salt Strictly Twentieth C n ry, Veatl-bnledWe will arrange all details of we pa.-eElectric Light? - cam HeatKart I.ake Park, a most I ii'cliiek p III. One who never r'l-- jnrnvi-- 1 in Sail lathe City. Thuraiav Organa Aad AO wotnb-LUO will , ed Trains opera tin ; IV an Palace our trip. log. beautiful place covering aliotti 40 acres Mil- kind i.f , dole-I Musical Inslrumaot i c express our sincere thtks We ami ruiiUinli: lagtonx. paliua and a how it can be done: lull ii was Bleeper.a; Incompurul)!? O' ervation was lull to ii1 management of the Salt S' We i nl C.n- wonderful profusion of fli.w lii. Tlii air and Library f BIG SHOW the Dining AT SALT very LAKE. for this g.isl Ar Isis Allgole- latest manufacture. next arrived at St. Gabriel Mission, of IbiHimg figures, men on burse-hacknever to lie forgotten tip. built 135 years ago. The keeper of clowiiii. animal. etc. "here wereI a For three weeks the New Grand : Ins and to everyone of our hosts lu 44 South Main StraaC the old rl lircti would not let us In for Il'He.t 5 olio MS. pie Wllliessilir, theatre has been crowded to the ONLY 42 Horn 8, SAL-- LAKE TO CHICAGO for tlu-:generosity and kind-i- doors by the Ethel Tucker Stock comleas than u rents per bead, with or grand spectacle. wSalt Laka City, viewed the elect s. Au In the evening City Ticket Office. 2o! Main Bt without hair. Here we saw the largest pany who came to Halt Lake for three SALT CITY. IJ4KE and oldest vine In the world. Its fo- rlial parade which was the iuot art ,TAIL Utah. months engagement two nnd piigeani of the HER feet, and liage covers rtmi) f(narePRAYER FOR MAMMA. new plays each weekpresenting with special There Const. on tin sei-It ever kind yields two tons of grap- annually. ;iude)ille features between each act. was iibnted hy the mission fathers were Kixteeli gorgeous lloulS. Ttl'-- I Clausa in Tot's Supplicator. The New Grand will be open every J. 'B Special III line , as lu all were llfieeti hundred Shinier over Ilo years ago. with of a Fear night by SaturPrompted Wednesday Tw.i and, It whs nearly two miles long. of Southern grows California, CUB. KEELEY parla THE s day sourvetilr matinee for the entire the eucalyptus tree, valuable for Its hundred thousniul lasiple saw it. in. 50c, presenting the best plays ou-3DrunKcnnaas Cured, cost fl2.ooo medical used fur Is puroil. which 55c, presenting the beat plays oba force few mother Walbrook Is A the of go A The days luarvi positive and permanent rare M poses. tainable. drunkenness and the opium diseases. Our next stopping puare was at the of nil age- s- i led rietiy were bronchi Ix'fore start lug on a trip to Atlaitic L out of town patrons neats will There la no publicity, no sickness. famous llaldwin's rancho, or farm, lo tiatn-- never before equaled. Thu City told her two little daughter Is For reserved and held by uddresaing craft ami skill of the exhibition were whom circumstances forced her to dies treated aa privately ai t thsii wnieh covers an area of 64.0IMI aerr-Track Marks the request to the New Grand theaof It own home. The Keeley InstitntA W Designs and Is worth about teu million dol- consummate. The i ffectivein-sleuve at home, of the speed with which CoevRIGHTS Ac. W. So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah There are fourteen artesian was not merely astonishing, hot start- the great engines would hurry her tre, Halt Iaike City, Utah. lars. ISIKS (ktO-ind dMCTtpUrai KIT World's fairs, of the at Not iiiiv water of bund red miles one ling. nnr niHnuxi traa whubM wells, over Eileklr uwuin train to the resort by tho ocean and wp.wvablypiifiijnif a. I'omniiin mains and Irrigation ditches, one hun- including the lati-s- t and greatest, si of miles and miles of glistening rails rrrrrrrrrrrr.waaaws!rraisJiit HAtiDJOOK i uu MwwitrMtli conSil:ii was I mils two Hi. anything years ago. dred miles of beautifully laid out would travel she before which over of WITHOUT atn-i-lHUDDART FLORAL CO. REMOVED roads and drives, miles upon limngl.t out In the way PILES I miles of eucalyptus, palm and popper effecis to equal whet was seen In Tthe reaching her destination, relates tbe KNIFE. I 6 E. 2nd So. trees There are 700 acres of oranges, si reel a of I os Angeles I lint night. lie Baltimore Herald. DR. JOHNSON, -That afternoon, after kissing the 100 aerea of lemons, loo aeres of beauty of tbe display. Its gissl taste r ot imaiaN s ulaUoK S a were without bewlli-lilninf mruil, 123814 ikrai. rennd asked of she them to olives. South Main street Salt Xkejj (Opposite Grand Theatre.) hlldren good-b(grapefruit), loo acres II. S3a 0, all nwanlm. Mfif t V"?' f flaw. Much was expected, but tin member her In their evening devotion City. S00 seres of grapes. GtMi seres of deCut flowers and floral work forj ciduous fruits: apples, apricots, peach- realization fnr outran the mosl extrav- to which request the youngsters tear es. plums, figs, almonds, English wal- agant anticipations When the usual bed ball occasions, We cannot let this pas without fully acquiesced. nuts. etc: SOtxi am-- of vegetable and the servant, aftci We make a specialty of shipping J around, ratne time ex25,000 acres devoted to corn, hay and saying a word of praise for the for their crlba, told b them crowdNo preparing that cellent onler are prevailed. funeral designs 80,000 sheep, amall grain. There Write , telephone them to kneel down and say their Sot s) rattle, fioo word iniiles. Sot) ing. no slioiillng. no drunks, no bur of tota the telegraph. and J vat The younger msn. woman, liny j prayers. every draught ami carriage horses and 250 In her devotions than hei and ladles like gentlemen. behaved much longer IOC. thoroughbreds. gin Phones o. J p. Box 443.1 eviIn elder sister, and Insisted on making In the midst of a Iwaiiilful orange Of course the little hoy was maker: appeal for each member ol grove the committee served sand- dence. hut not as a mischief to separate tired wiches and orangea. and after having they were selling soap lsixes tbe household. Toward the end ol otflclal." spectators to alt on: prices ranging her prayer her niirsa was much sur again lined up before our CRAGER WIRE AND IRON WORKS, etc., we went to Oakwisnl Hotel and from 10c to 25 cents. child say: "And, Manufacturers of o'clock the prised to hear the at II delicious llahlwln'a of some morning Tuesday sampled Iron fences, Bank, Office nnd Counwere Dear Lord, above all else, dont let There took floral railed as somtsme place. or ''Uralnoll. parade wine, off the track. ter Railings, Flower SUnda, Etc. All It. llaldwin's winery Is the oldest and 50 magnificent floats, all he(ated mother run kinds of fancy wire and Iron work. and Time flowers. spare natural and wines with bis In and aCllforaln. flnont ov Your Italian We do Electro Plating In Nickel nnd Armjr Tailoring. east ask Into ua details; not to will at go permit brandies have won the gold medals In hive in the Officials Italian nil Imthe army Copper Latest the Finishes. of an TO idea to HAVE TOUR TICKET READ VIA hut so as get Bevels eposltlons. Write for Prices. At 1:30 we arrived st Pasadena, mensity of the decorations we will been troubled over a question of tall State St Salt Lake City where the billowing gentlemen of the mention a few of them. One carriage orlng. It ia not a matter of tunks or Mosee W. Taylor Commercial Club received ua: D. M. was decorated with more than 30.000 headdress, hut of officers t route a. of Frank T. Taylor. X Couleldg, Thomas Earley, C. E. Bar marguerites; another with 50.000 car- which It la said that their Inflnltt varrrififwtjwBBewataWBemunw exhausts all the colors o( the gent. J. O. McCamrtil and II. C. nations. this one was from Pasadena; riety 2 was of Company Ilotellund. We at once stepped Into the hosp wagon MAXFIELD VINEGAR CO., spectrum. A limited scale of appx irl handsome automobiles and were taken decorated with 20,000 roues, and so on. ate ehadee( la being submitted to ote TWO TRAINS DAILY TO CHICAGO '4 Ism Angeles Is a very busy city. In tl la Indeed a all around Pasadena, Manufacturers of on the result will be baaed -- OGDEN TO CHICAGO OR DENVER 4 beautiful plare. tl Is a verltaule fact It Is booming and has been boom- and CHICAGO. ANOTHER GOOD TO PURE FOOD" VINEGAR. .4 heaven on earth. It Is Impossible to ing for the last ten years. Today it lection which will simplify arm; ROUTE TO THE EAST IS VIA KANdescribe Its beauty In worda. Here has a population of nearly 300.000. orlng. 4 Factory: 720 South Second West 14 SAS CITY AND THE FAMOUS milllunairee and wealthy men from all while 25 years ago It didnt have 979-Enough. ) s Telephone 4 SOUTHWEST LIMITED. NO EXCESS 4 parts of the United Slates hare built cried do think! What you cortheir summer residences; many of On one street corner alone, the FARE. 4 maid hi man. "Mrs. Cranks them live here permanently. One of ner of First and Main, 5.000 street 4 TICKETS OF ALL AGENTS, OR OF hours. The lted $50,000! the moat beautiful streets In the world cara pass every twenty-fou- r M 4 TAYLOR BROS. the for banka mu with Is of lined the deserved she avenue. It it, city clearings la Marengo Well, 4 REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. to 1904 an amounted $335,000,000, archway year husband. pepper trees which form C & Williams, Commercial Agent, 4 Tel. 171., Utah National Bank Salt over the asphalted street. The resiHow do you know? You new saw Lake City, Utah. Considering that twenty years ago 4 Salt Lake City. dences are elegant beyoud description, there was not a single paved street the girl. Salt Lake Real Estate the beat In4 and nearly all of them have some of In the city. Ism Angeles has made vestment In the world. Utah Com4"No, but Ive seen Mrs. Crot! 444444444-----4-al 4 etnlmdled 4 4 4 old mission 44 taivtcrul 4 In street style the Improveprogress mercial and Mining Stocks the safest Detroit Free Press. In their architecture. We Tinted Ho- ments. There are now nlauit 350 In the world. on ttnymond miles of gratled and graveled streets, tel ltny round, situated DELINQUENT NOTICE Members Salt Lake Stock and Min25 miles of paved streets, and 200 miles Hill, overlimklng the beautiful Han Copper (ilanre Consolidated Killing. ing Exchange. valley. Of this plare It hna been of sewer. Ism Angeles has a complete ipMutwwwmw whwhr . mwtsuwui imtmtwtin Milling nnd Smelting Company, cor!wmimwiisira4R4aAWrtitmmnmia MiHMiwni said, that It Is a picture for tho gnda' sewer system. American Plan, $1.25 to $2.50. poration; location of principal place Pasadena has a population of 25.. At nlRht Ism Angeles presents of business. Halt Lake City. lUL 000. There are no salcons. Has two brilliant appearance. It was the first European Plan, 50c up There are dclinquett lpon lieaiillful parks, line streets, U0 miles elty iu the United Stales to entirely theNotice. acstockoa described i HOTEL HALLS. remenled sidewalks, gas and electric abandon gas for street lighting, and countfollowing I has moved Iron Main Street to our own premises on State cent of assessment of one-foustreet was finest sys which railway plants, the replace It hy electricity, 24th on of the levied ky 8. M. RltJDLE, Manager. We like the change, tem In the Untied Slates, ami a til done over twenty years ago. It Is now per share Our trade is growing very j Street 19iui. the several amoan act Corner Third South and State mato that has no rival. The average one of the heat lighted dill's In the April. of names the the opposite fit! mprtlve Our Lard b degrees, Union. nicely, end we give you better service, Many of the lamps are on share holders us follows: temperature In winter Is Streets, Salt Lake City, Utah. and in summer G8. living In Pasa- high masts. Seen from one of the No. Amt. Share. g guaranteed absolu ely pure. dena implies that you rsn pluck fresh surrounding hills, the vicSv of the 1 Halverson .. 20D0 $ LOO ORDER OF US. fruit and vegetables and beaut Iful elty at night Is most beautiful and 2:::: John 1000 W. T. Jones 130 e BotK year. The striking. flowers every day llruHdwny Is now lighted 184 C. I). Stewart 2100 1.25 profusion and beauty of her flowers for Its entire length by clusters of 2:tl Mayme Parker ... 2500 125 and trees cannoi be set out In worda. electric lights on handsome Iron elec 272 'C Goods delivered at your home at j. Cynthia W. Isaac.. 1750 Li7tt Is without question one of Hollers, paid for by the property owners. pasadi-nSalt Laka prices. 258 Lena 1erkitis .... 2500 425 Suramitawrawvwpr-residence rarrvRRitawitaiitiMtatatatawitatitiwwWR the Juice." the best the city supplying 25 II. F. Clark loo 450 liiMslaMiMBIiliWYA'xliBlalaMBiiBRZrkWaMniAliliViUWaMMim cities in the world. our Mail Order Department and Ism Angeles la. and will, remain Try 10 Margaret Clark .. 1000 450 be satisfied. We next visited Canton Ostrich Ihe commercial metropolis of South 218 J. T. & 751 llilnney .... 5000 1450 no ihe of admits doubt, best era and the Is oldest California, which the farm, 219 It. E. Miller ....lOnOO S.IN) Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware the greut natural ad 259 In America. It Is n veritable tropical city poMKcsac Ellen Haynes .... 200 350 Everything. .1. Gardner garden. (Here, by the way. we met vantage of being located on the short 1 300 275 W. too and shook hands with Ilattlllng Nel- esl route, by the easiest grades, be- 220 T. 31 Mu nford We Can loono S.0A BARNES GROCERY CO son. who was staying hero training (or tween tho Parlflc and the Atlantic 227 T. M. Mnnford.... 20100 You Money. 00 Ists Angehla fight with Herrera, who on tho day oceans. The merchants of 143 North First Weet Street. 48 J. It. lliizo 10100 3.00 oT battle got cold feet and wouldu'l les do a large business with a sec8' 1). W. Gamble. . . . 5)00 1450 tion of country extending from the 388 8 ALT LAKE CITY. light Nelson.) .. 3700 425 Aiielhert Anlt-Co., 234 on to Fresno of Arizona limits Is eastern spathe Tho entrance through 92 A. S. MrCurtain .. loqft 450 l Th Moat Reliable mirth. and .iwvM&ew&WMsws tnr cious salesrooms. To the right g 'itliti In the City. 90 A. S. MfCtirtiiiii. . . 500 1450 Teeth ntmeted wliliout pain by our adaaUOa Tho ativot railway system of Ism 112 A. H. McCtirlain. . .10000 I LAPALOMA CIGARS! left are the most beautiful pluno-- and SMOKE BMthoda. Free with other work. boas produced in the world. One la Angeles is very complde. There Is 117 A. H. MeCurlaili. . .20000 5.00 Theyre High Grade and Union$ BOO OUR SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. In the size of no the wllb city not ihtir probably $ beauty, Made. only Impressed 240 A. S. McCnrtain. . . 1230 4074 a modern So such of teoth that red rubber), 4 Gold crown has The United States luxuriance. and size with their M. MARCU8, Manufacturer. but .. 398 E. K. Ith-7300 1175 B.I0 to 15.00. Frida work, beat, B.H to B.01 feathers are innnurarturod and sold nnd well equipped street car system, 339 W. W. Tavlnr 1 and up. Other fllilnxa, iOo Gold Third South 155 O0Q East filling. Street to 71a BOO here at producers prices and direct to the total mileage of single track being 182 Eiusell TWELVE TEARS PROTECTIVE GUARANTEE LAKE CITY. SALT 230 5244 J 2IIM electric. all over A feather that you in miles, consumers. 5X2 L. A. Marks.. BOO Opra tUl 8 p. m., Sunday 10 to S. Phnne. ind BN; BU, 17B-After all Is said, the chief attraction 151 Salt loike pay $5.00 for, you ran here J nines .lens n .... 7.00 lies new to arrivals, EXAMINATION FREE. deIsis 834 of n Ms DR. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. have Angeles Me mr 11.25. St alrendy get The ran 152 F. G. Ialmer .... 400 scribed an Ostrich farm, hut will here In Its beautiful homes. 151 Thmnn ... tiemer Do You Work? Yant the 400 say. that tho Harlem gout Is discount- Iieanly of the grounds surrounding 11. linden 450 honmes of ls Angeles. 137 ed by the feathered creatures that WORK FOR EVERYBODY. L. 174 E. .hil'Msoii 1450 wwa..i.aaKeaaTOiyvp.rrrwi;emBmKgIWiW with a sly twinkle of the eye shout Pasadena, and other Isis Angeles 225 K. t Jnhtisiin of 1450 Teamsters, Laborers. Always Wanted. tlielr long necks over the fence and coiintv cities Is a constant theme visService-Goo181 F. A. All of Kinds Furnish We 1.25 of Eastern Help grab a lighted pipe from the mouth admiration on the part 370 H. J. Stewart .... 400 ot some Inquisitive visitor who has iters. Other cities can show grander 191 A. H Ol.la.1 DIXON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. It comes to 1.50 approached ton closely. " 'TIs good- business blocks, but when 239 U II Gs Is facile $2 East First South, Salt Lake City. 1.25 bye pipe when an ostrich takes to gardens. Ism Angeles A E. 348 H.irtensteiii Ind. 'Phone 923. Bell Phone 1872-X- . 1.25 The mildness of the climate, Their methods Is not apsmoking. 297 Frank That la tha happy trinity that . Xivten.. and most delicate K.5 plants proved by polite society been use they permits the 327 F. G Mm'smakea happy travelers on Rook 11- -' 2.50 swallow the smoke, tobacco, pipe, and trees to flourish In the open air all 394 F. G. Morse UTAH PHOTO BUTTON CO. 150 and through trains. Through Standard all. One of these feathered monsters through the winter. At Christmas may 397 F. G. Mer-- e geraof calls lilies, seen be 150 our "official hedges to swallow photogtried N. .1. It. H. Sleapar dally Salt Lake and Ogdsn to 395 Winter, Manager. ... nium bushes ten teot and more In 39. .1. 150 ... rapher' camera and all: but. thank T). the Chicago without chango. Arrives In! Sunand and covering ISO heliotrope height, Campaign, Society, Advertising goodness, he was rescued In time. 378 Harlow Ferguson.. 5ii0fl 14 ' In tho morning. Wo alao run' the order. to Buttons 50 Chicago Photo day morning. May 20. at 9:30. flic side of a house, whitemake Jasmine, pmo the air 385 John Evai-- -. from any size or kind of 1.50 copy We tourfat cara to Chicago and reception committee took us aboard tuberiMe nnd orange through 3S9 Clara Ar.h... iuo 2.60 return same uninjured. Phothe Kloetrir Railroad hound for Snn henvy w'lh their delicious perfume. picture Louis. ncenr-lanct- ' St All1 In Steamship tickets on sale! Kith The development of the horticultural tWliil Pedro where we arrived 30 minutes tos on Cuff Buttons. Brooches. Tins, In tha Old i to ler ef ihe H'-irall the points In lxis trust Country. during etc. In 24 Angeles that miles Why traveled traveling Industry later, having Lockets, 2 HU d.ty of April. the remarkable, been has few choice with time. embarked years Here we your photos past strangers Let ua length of know where shares f r' you went to go. l bo i xriirslcn slower ('abrlllo for The most Important horticultural proil-u- many when permanent residents guarantee Wo will do tho reat "Nothing finer' of the country Is the orange. Other t'H'k a ItnV n lit Island. This steamer Is satisfaction? nt eonntv sold nt i.uld'c Cabinet rhotoa. Stamp Photos, Phoequipped and ran accommodate fruits raised In Ism Angeles than the Rock laland Diner," n. K. th,,' .j A Jolly crowd we in the almond, flg. prune, wal- the Socr.Mt-y950 passengers WtllMj. to But tons. 49. Main street Salt Lake. Sn't l.:k'ot ng. 967-kCity. berries. and Box O. 1301. Ach nut. P. pear their peach, wore. Wc stissl singing Beth phones 24S 20th day of June. CW, at thf.Af Telephone of citrus fruits The shipment do ilcber Augustin." when a'l of the Enlarging, copyins. reducing, etc., tv- 12 M.. to Southern from lemons and nee In Old E. DRAKE, Dial Pais. Agent! iv" photo, sudden the tune changed to "The nny kind or size of picture ments with G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. AgLM Oaken Htirkct ami the buckets came California jxdnls for the past seasonA rf adverMsinc and sepia, pastel, oil. etc. Finest crayon, carloads. rvVne 100 Weat Second South StZ 5 Info me too. They have lots of them amounted to nhintt 2S.('i0 grades consistent with price. Every ' GHAT W-bait Laka City, Utah. of work absolutely permanent ahenrJ this steamer. Yuli know, the large proportion of these shipments 2 K uiililu-.iii.-i- i grade First coun.i.,ne 1(, not fade. Frames and framing btrvMlMlIlWiBW'g will passengers sometimes gi-- possessed of were contributed by Los Angeles fresh. l.aat pu!il:c:itii'ti June are fruits H, Deciduous shipped made to order. up that peculiar, indescribable, generous ty. All sizes and grades BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA. 4 a rat-ilm- ie 4 T DAILY E A S s. e a In-r- e --tra?: 1 efj . e laich-striii- Kli-rtii- c 25-2- 8 w-- fi, - -- h I - Fi-.i- . I r r. k- Bceslcy Music Co. , ftll-fi.rni- r llc "Z-- . lb-re- Tin-Meat- gn-nte- s i s a ruu .HaKEsHSESs a a Scientific AtEerican. 114-11- -- .iir. WUKEtdBft t s howl-lumls- T ry This Route East 4-- next trip Chicago,Milwaukee&St.Paul Railway 1 I 10,-000- I 44 - - (la-brl- SHERWOODS MARKET cn Phones In-lh- Pobert Sherwood. a ear-roun- d 749 State Street, Salt Lake City. Why Pay More? Utah Dental 8av Main B-k- T. Good prln-cepl- s. - .... . Cnw-mao- i Oin-etor- ,2?, Cnt-ilin- y a I , 1 P- -y lliei-.-..n- . v t d Company! Good Meals. |