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Show ( i - V - ' - r THE ALTA INDEPENDENT Successor to the Utah Pioneer. Vol. X. Bingham Junction. Utah, Wednesday, June 13, 1906. EDtered a second cUs mailer at the carefully consider the results of saving of 95 per cent of the cost, you poet office at Alta, Utah. must admit that it is the greatest money earning power In tbe world. let us send you by mall, testimonials and statements in proof of the success of wireless telegraph from the most reliable authority in the country. let our agent when he calls at your tow n. H. E. liiKiih, a lawyer of this city. Is Interview you. (let some of our stock appointed IT. 8. attorney for the dis- in the original parent company and trict of l.'tah. Mr. Booth .did not enjoy your share of the great profits make an enviable record In a govern- to be derived from tbe future operament position held by hint some years tion of wireless. , ago, but personally he is a very agreeFor further information, call on or able man. Is conservative lu his so- write to cial v lews and utterances, and we wish H. A. TREXHOLM. (Jen. Agent. him the best of success. 17 West Second South. o Salt Lake City. The string Is run out now. The national administration has no more AT THE SHOWS AND RESORTS. plums to distribute in Utah. Everybody worth recognizing has been recThe Theatres. ognized. The Utah patriots are. one The chilly weather of the past week way or another, all sungly tucked under the patronage blanket and made has caused the theatres to be crowdsecure against wintry blasts for some ed In a manner never known in Salt Lake during the month of June. All time to come. Now, plerse, can we we places of amusement have been literwe renegades, traitors," turn our bauds to some- ally packed during each performance. thing resourceful without incurring The Ethel Tucker company, which more majestic wrath? which has been holding the boards o at the New Grand, is still earning L. 11. Uray, manager, and J. T.Jake-man- , new friends as well as keeping those managing editor, of this paper, it gained before. At this theatre the took their departure Saturday evening bill Is changed twice every week. The for lndlanaiNilis to attend the editorial latter portion of the past week East convention to be held there the latter Lynne was presented, and the old pait of this week. The latter will re- play was never handled better on the turn in nbout ten days, the former local stage. will be gone some time longer. Moving pictures of the great San o Francisco fire, are given between the There will be no fusion between the acta. These alone are worth the price Democratic and Republican parties in of admlslson. this county next fall, as much as the At the Orpheum, the old play of Alchief supporters of the paper which stands fur straight Republicanism abama, has been running. The play desire such a consummation. Those Is the masterpiece of Its author, Mr. who are such mouthy sticklers for Augustus Thomas. The story is one principle as to brand any one who of the sweetest ever told, and the manfails to see any such thing in their ner the Btock company presented the plans or purposes, as a traitor, Bhow play left nothing to be desired. how utterly false their pretensions are The Lyric has been presenting The when they suggest such a thing. American Girl, during the week. This o Main street house is growing in popuThe last Issue of this paper conas the weeks go by.-- The mantained an article on the Republican larity agement is up to date, and its pacongressional nomination, concerning trons are never disappointed when which Interest Is daily growing. This enter the doors. Is proper, because the subject is one they utmost of the importance. That the The Casino Park theatre has been Democrats are due to gain largely in in the hands of the ZInn Travesty the representative elections next fall company. Whenever the weather is is at least probable, and Utahs mem- kind, this company Is giving the peober might be the factor needed to ple a taste of light opera. The aggremake a majority. Much more unlikely gation has many fine singers in its and the music goes with a things have occurred, and in this con- make-u- p nection it is proper to call attention dash which leaves nothing to be deto the fact that a president has been sired. If it ever becomes summer, this elected since.. the wer bl a majority place will be one of the most popular of one vote. We need the Utah con- In the city. gressman in our business, and will have him if the great body of the The Bon Ton on Main street is doing party is permitted to speak with un- a fine business. It is here that retrammeled voice. A new man, a fined vaudeville is always found. The clean man, one with native as well as very best talent to be obtained in the acquired ability, is wanted, and we country stops oft for a week at this have many such in our midst. It is ob- little house. servable that County Attorney Christensen grows in favor as the daye roll The Resorts. by, and with judicious work rightly While the week has been one of to a he chance stands good placed profit to the theatres. It has been one gather the plum. There will be more of disappointment for the resorts. The to say of him as time advances. weather has been such that no one has o cared to go out of doors for amuseThe I. M. Rep, while trying to score ment. The bookings for Sallair go the Herald 'for arguing that the Ore- merrily on, and wben the clouds break gon legislature to be elected next away, which In the course of time fall would, if Democratic, choose a they must, this popular place will be man of that persuasion, notwithstand- thronged. In the meantime the maning the popular choice at that states agement is putting everything to right. election on the 4th was decidedly Re- When the season really does open publican. The 1. M. Rep. shows or there will be nothing left undone. tries to show the fallacy of this, while The Lagoon Is growing greener as adopting the Heralds blunder about the election next fall, the legislature the days go by. Bookings here are well having been chosen with the other under way. The shoots have been state officers. Democrats need no completed, as is also the new dance more bolstering than some of the im- hall. Nothing is wanted but sunshine to make the pretty recort more popuRepublicans. ported o lar than ever. WIRELESS. Calder's Park is this year under a new management. Shoots have This is a new system of telegraph- been erected here as well as at the between a connection the without ing The whole park has been stations by wires. Have you heard Lagoon. remodeled and improved, and It is about it? Have you read about it? now one of the finest of resort Do you believe that this can be done? in the state. It will beplaces the main place If not, it is to your interest to investi- during this summer for the outings of gate it. Remember that there has the Sunday Schools, as it will be unbeen wonderful things done in the der a strict temperance rule. scientific world within the past few years. A certain number of people MILFORD BRIEFS, have always said it cant be done, and with that assurance in their minds, have allowed great opportunities to The wedding bells were ringing and pass by, and felt very foolish later, the boys with their tin pans were beatthat they did not investigate at the ing and the band was playing Dixie time, as stocks bought in the promo- land, and I was humming Home, Sweet tion days of the great inventions, Home at the Simpkins and Copp wedhave, almost without exception made ding last Monday. Daniel Williams of Harrlngton-Hlckorfortunes for the holders. Only a few was a visitor yesterday, of these cases are, Bell Telephone, the commercial success of which was Wednesday. Shepard David Barton was1 In town laughed at by apparently wise people, the Westinghouse Air Brake, which yesterday. was ridiculed by the great VanderPat Martin left this morning for bilt. the Morse system of telegraphy Pioche, Nevada. that had a very bard time selling Superintendent Engols and wife enough of its stock to put up an ex- were visitors yesterday, the 6th, Charand perimental line, the Electric Light ley Baxter and wife were in town numerous other great and grand Wednesday. Mr. Baxter and daughter achievements, all of which had a hard were Milford visitors the other evenhave ing. struggle In getting started, yet were made fortunes for the ones who Angus Buchanan is in Beaver for a wise enough to assist in the promo- few days. tion. by buying a little of their stock. Mamie Lindsay left for Beaver MonWireless telegraph may be very day. all like mysterious to the reader, but Mrs. G. H. Fennlmore and daughter ethers it bas its schientiOc principle, arrived from Beaver Wednesday. is easily wWch upon investigation, Dr. Fennemore was at Kephl the best however, The proof, understood. s that we are doing it. Over land and other day. George Williams, a machinist, met sea, the Deforest Wireless Telegraph with quite a painful accident Monday; Company have their stations established. and are dally transacting sue-In- while running a lathe it caught and successful commercial business, the drill went through Mr. Williams' of whirh we have abundant proof. If hand. He is at the Holy Cross hospital. ycu will think what the telegraph Mr. Hanchett. of the Newhouse staff of the world means, and then -- e; EDITORIALS -- y, g s I passed through Milford the other THj LAWN AND LAWN MOWER te Keep the Mower in Good Or-Better to Mow Twice Than OBITUARY. Once Minersville. Utah, lost one of her old and highly respected ritlsens on the Hst of May. 1906. at his home in Minersville. in the death of James Barrett. Mr. Barrett was born June 6. 1844. in the Emerald Isle and came to this country when a small bay. At the age of 17 he eullated in the civil war as a Confederate soldier and served lo ihe end of the war when he was discharged with honor. Although he had lived In the state of Vermont prior to the war he enlisted with the weaker aide, firmly believing in the right of the cause. Forty years ago he came weat and located in Shauiith, Star district, Beaver county, Utah, where he became one of the most ardent worker in the development of the riches of that district. When nearly all others abandoned the district, Jim. with one or two others remained and kept on with hla work with the view of making hla stake out of his mines. During all the time he lived in this county he has been held In the highest esteem for his sterling qualities, his lutegrity and his perseverance and love of tight. In Ilia early days In thla county he married Mattie Ilcvoe and has raised a family of one girl and four boys, who all mourn hla loss. He has been a kind and loving father and huaband, a good citizen, a faithful friend and a noble man. The funeral waa held at hla residence in Minersville on Friday, the 1st lay of June, and a large number of friends were present. Mrs. Barrett will probably make her home in Beaver, as her daughter, Mrs. U B. Bohn, now resides there. IN BOTTLES. COCA-COL- have established a plant for bottling this most popular drink and we want an agent in every town in Utah to handle it. Good profits. Write us at once for prices, etc. Salt Lake Bottling Co. P. O. Box 3. Salt Lake City. We Coca-Col- a NOTICE. Anyone receiving this paper with this paragraph marked with a red cross will understand that they are entitled to a subscription to the paper for three months from date, and they can retain thla aa a receipt. THE PUBLISHERS. STOCKTON NOTES ' a kr Week. No. 45. Silly Raptures of Poet. Oood Start .The pocte have said many pretty That married woman who made t things about the octopus. Byron balloon ascension with her husband wrote: Temlc. nautilus who steers will now know how it feels to be blown his prow, tbe seaborn sailor of the up. shell canoe. J attic Montgomery peaks of the native pilot of this in. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. tlw bark who put out a tier of oars on M. A. No. 4100. . either side, spread t.i the wafting May , 1906. breeze a two-folsail." while Pope Notice is hereby given that the J v a hair's breadth turn of tbe would hava ua 'Tara of (he little Mining and Milling Company, Mating screw or bolt and no one nautilus to sail, spread the thin oar a ooriKiration, through Its authorized Old be allowed to meddle with and oalrh the drifting gale. agent, c. S. Price, whose postoffice ad00 Paris unless he fully under-them- . dress is Salt lathe City. Utah, has The blades of the lawn made application for a Untied States Relief for Earache. atrike the etittiug 'ar la such for the Utah No. 1, Utah No. 2 patent g.Pknaer s to bt- - largely Earache la one of the most distress- anil Utah No. 4. Mineral Survey No. and no ntarhine. if well oiled ing ailments of childhood. Heat, per- 54u8, kale claims consolidated, mining mueli relief as any adjusted, will need sharpening haps. gives as situate in the Liitle Cottonwood MinI It i run into stones or other The ear may be gently ing District. County of Suit Lake. State liardiabstHiiecs that may dull or bend filled with water as hot as can be of Utah, and described in tbe field tM hive. borne, poured In with a teaspoon. notes and plat on file In thla office, ordinary machine oil used upon Thd child ahould Be with the affected with magnetic varioliun at 17 degrees IffW aiarhlnes than the lawn mower, ear uppermost and after a short time east, as follows: ons. etc.. Is too heavy for thd turn on that aide and let the water Commencing at corner No. 1 of the ltf Bower except lu very hot weath-rfj- d run out. Hometimea a email mill- Utah No. 1 kale claim, whence quarter should be thinned with an iard plaster behind tha ear stops the section corner on southern boundary p No MjjjaJ amount of kerosene. pain. It should he left on only a few of section 32. township 2 south, range 3 east, S. L. M., bears north 36 dein perfect working op minutes. grees 60 minutes east 6,028.8 feet, a great length of time with-oa- t thence south 29 degrees 8 minutes Often the Way. (kaning and the lawn mower east 600 feet tu corner No. 2 of said la run cornea so to much dust Opportunity through every man, but Utah No. 1 hide, thence eouth 61 de1 Hit should be taken apart once generally when it doea ha is too busy grees 01 minuies West 294.2 feet to corevery season, each part care-fl- y earning bread anil butter for hla fam- ner No. 1, Utah No. 4 lode, whence cleaned and wiped and then ily to be able to take It N. T. Press. aerlkm corner on eouth bounquarter flinty oiled. The machines with dary aeetion 32, township 2 south, Poor Material. laM heels and ball bearings run range 3 eaat, S. 1a M.. bears N. 33 deYou may make a good man out ol rtlaaslly than many or the older grees 06 ininuleM K. 6,555.3 feel, thence patting but the latter. If kept In a bad boy, hut the chances are that S. 29 degrees 08 minutes E. 490.3 feet par'fct order, will run with rompara-tla good boy will furnlah better ma- to corner No. 2 said Utah No. 4 lode, aue and will do good service for terial. thence 8. 61 degrees 17 minutes W. man years. 1499.6 feet to corner No. 3 said Utah the ltwn clippings are fcliort, No. 4 hide, thence N. 29 degrees 08 not. Mr an Inch in minutes W. 481.6 feet tu comer No. 4 length, they will Mttl down among the grass stems aid Utah No. 4 lode, thence 8. 60 deWhen In want of help, call upk 52 minutes W. 614.4 feet to coragd licay, but If they are too long grees or write Strocke Employment! ner No. 3 Utah No. 2 lode, thence N. r wet they will bunch and In Agency, 45 West Second So.y' 29 degrees 08 minutea W. 597 feet to very warm weather will smother the Phonec 464. corner No. 4 said Utah No. 2 lode, gnaaitalks and roots under them. la thence N 61 degrees 38 minutea E. moat cuea It will leas time require 1306.7 feet to corner No. 1 maid Utah aid fort to mow twice a week ffiid No. 2 lode Identical with corner No. 4 let fit dippings drop on the ground Utah No. 1 lode, whence quarter secad s in there than to cut blit once NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tion corner on south boundary of secA vtfc and rake No. 5764. up the clippings, at tion range 3 east, of mast often be done. Chicago Chron the Interior, Land S. L.32. township 2 south, Department 21 min-ute- a 40 N. heart M., degrees Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, March 59 deN. 7055.2 thence E. feet; 29, 1906. (M 57 minutea E. 1101.7 feet to cor grees folloNotice le that the hereby given AAURIUM HATCHERY WORK wing-named settler haa filed notice ner No. 1 of said Utah No. 1 lode, the J:1 a Million Young of hla intention to make final proof In place of beginning, located on unaur Turned Hlif Fry support of hla claim, and that said veyed part of township 3 south, range Out This Season in Mew M containing an proof will be made before the Regis- 6 eaat, 1. L B. : . York Hatchery, ter and Receiver U. S. Land Office at area of 44.431 aerea, exclusive of coo Salt City, on June 6, 19QC, vis: filets with Mineral Survey No. 5136, rly 100,000 little fishes their Charles E. Ellis, H. E. 13735, tor tbe Native Copper No. 2 lode claim; ad- lawn mower Is generally much uf those who "'hi-nicely adjusted and la working order it may he kept 111 Alta-Icnivla- n l,r self-shar- ma-kee- e t 4. W w been hatched out in the model hatchery thus far in the last to be turned season, Stockton (From the Sentinel.) date being a big lot of yellow oiiyb Mrs. Roy Gundry has gone to Boise, pent, some of these from eggs of specIdaho, to visit her mother. imen in tbe Aquarium, and some from Capt. W. T. Me Far lane of St. John, eggs ircelved from the state fish hatchwas a fltocktoa visitor Sunday. ery it Cold Spring Harbor, says the Mrs. C. Jones and daughter. Alice, New fork Bun. have gone to Eureka to reside. Thme yellow perch will be used for Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Fralley of Too- restocking with thla species the waters ele, were Stockton visitors Sunday. In tht city parks, and many have alThe sister and aunt of bln. H. ready keen placed in the lake in ProsThomas came out from Salt Lake City pect Firk. last week to see her. Next before the yellow perch hatched J. P. Mitchener came out from Salt out Eve in tbe present season, were a Lake City Monday. Mr. M. has a con- large bt of salt water smelts, these also tract on the Katherine mine. from eggs received from Ihe Cold The home of Mrs. Annie Iloilo Sprint hatchery. The salt water smelt and John Hollow are quarantined on goes tp into Inlets in the spawning sea account of diphtheria, John and Mabel son, nil like the shad, for Instance, up Hollow being afflicted with the distresns to spawn. The young smelts ease. batched out In the Aquariums hatchMrs. James Brown was a passenger ery were put over tbe Battery sea wall on the outgoing train to Salt Lake Immediately back of (he building Into City, Monday, where she will spent) the Hudson. some time visiting relatives and Before the liberation of the young friends. emelti there had been sent out from Mrs. H. Thomas waa stricken June 5th, by hemorrhage of the here for planting In various state brain. Little hope waa entertained at waten, all hatched In the Aquarium's first for her recovery, but she Is now hatchery, young wbltefleh, rainbow convalescent and her many friends trout, lake trout and hump-backe- d hereabouts hope to see her fully re- salmon. stored to good health In the near fuAmong egga yet to be placed in the ture. hatchery in the present season are Thursday, June 7, Thos. R. Keeney, pike perch egga from Vermont, black a former resident of our town and well potted trout egga from South Dakota, known hereabouts was electrocuted and the egga of grayling trout from at Bingham, where he was employed Montana. by the Bell Telephone Co. While enThe Aquariums hatchery, with It gaged at hla employment he came in eggs eeen in hatching troughs and Jars, contact with a live wire, 2000 volts of and it hatched out young fishes In electricity passing through Ills body and killing him instantly. The body various stages of development in was taken to hla home In Kentucky, troughs and banka, in an object of unFriday, June 8th, by hla brother, John fading interest to visitors. Feeney, proprietor of the Eagle lodgPeanut Butter. ing bouse in Salt Lake City. Peanut butter la easily made at We desire to express our heartfelt homa by passing the roasted and thanks to the many kind friends of belled nuts several times through Stockton. Tooele City, Park Cltr. Salt the finest knives of a patent food Lake City, Bingham, the Hnnerine grinder, tha oil in the nut being quite miners and Stockton lodges, for the nffldent to make the butter creamy many beautiful floral offerings and Should more add a little their kindness and thoughtful service pure olive oil. be needed, Salt to taste and pack through the death and burial of Wil- la small Jars. liam S. Reese, our beloved son, brother. grandson and nephew. One Kans Way. MATHEW Ll REESE, Hyksr Ardupp doesnt seem to wor-i- y and Family, about anything. He makes light of MRS. MARGARET DENTON, all his troubles. and Family. Pyker That's right Every time a creditor sends him a bill he cuts It Into Unusual Pallor. trip and usea it for ilgarelte "Jimmys got a great scheme to get Dally News. out o achool on these nice days. How does he work It? He goes Luncheon Balls. out an' washes hla face at recess, sn' Hake a good biscuit dough and roll tha teacher thinks he'a sick an sends It rather thinner than for biscuit. Cut him home. into pieces about three Inches Cleveland Leader. square. Wet the edges with cold water and In tha center of each square Brown Sugar for put a heap-la- g Fighters lableeponnful of rooked meat, well German erray medical officers have learned at a few ounces of brown seasoned and chopped fine. Fold the oppoiite corners together, pinching the augsr to the rations of a that they will not come apart Improve his staying and dlseaso la baking and bake for about 15 minresisting powers. utes in hot oven. lke NWU 8W K Bee. 8 Tp. 4 8, R. 1 K. 8. L. M. He namea the following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence upon ad cultivation of said land, viz: DAVID Ia PRICE, GEORGE W. BROWN, ANDREW ORGILU JAME8 P. JENSON, or Draper, Utah. FRANK D. HOURS, Register. 4SIm shown ' by plat ol survey are Survey No. 6136, being Native Copper No. 2 Lode -- and Survey No. 5315, tbe Mollle Bird Lode. I direct that this notice be published In the Alta Independent at Alta, Utah. HOBBS. . Register. C. S. Price, 8alt Lake City, Utah, Claimant's Attorney. Flint publication. May 16; last July 11, 1906. FRANK D. pub-Ucatk- A Joy that's shared double. Tell your neighbors ine Cigars. Ask your dealers for REIGER Sc Tbe Whiskey ia a Joy made about Joseph- them. LINDLEY, Merchants." Tttea-nigh- fctom Miiiow4 jMokMaaiaaMtoaAiafcfc S; 2 good as new, for juat one-hal- f the amount dealers charge ror new e w Some Elgin and Wsltham Watches good as new for 83.00 each tod Vones. UNCLE SAM'S, THE CUT RATE PAWNBROKER, 30 East 1st E g South Street, 8alt Lake City. to J Sjat Si H 5 I (J to to a S3 All Jewelry, Guna, Musical Instruments, prioo charged by regular dealers. S3 etc, ete, at half tlw ! to! s" If Y ovire Broke Dia-Ej We will loan the moot money at the lowaet rate of Interest on a Tools monda, Watches, Jewelry, Gune, Musical Instruments, Clothing, with If them Pawn aS lose You you etc. dont your goods of all kinds, hold them as long aa you wish. Comer Commercial 8L and First South. Big Electric 8lgn. j a! Uncle Sam! w,l-fil- 33333IS6 I il n |