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Show and ih. y have made no mistake. When THE FUTURE TOLD BY MAIL. we felt like endorshi- - ji lt lletl land To be assured of a pleasant .rip I will answer all questions you wish A'illiaiu ii MrKinUy ing NEWEST HOTEL IN SALT LAKE visited be when this a advice nordh. in know; business give you east, purchase your tickets vli 'Be liar'ing h. Hml. which were aa .fairs or affairs of the heart aa easily .FURNINEW .NEW lhif Mav BUILDING, the pleasure j V mail as at personal Bitting. (Jive "May I cxore Railtin- - drive today about yunr w a trial. 1. TURE, NEW EVERYTHING. Terms. bad in Madame banof Suiv Land Utah Press Association's Trip to California, the and avenuaa, gbnleder, 4S West Third South. Salt c.iy. ttin.'igl! its parka RATES REASONABLE. and in my admirailon of your beaut! ake City. shine, Flowers, Palm Trees, Orange Groves, Et?. I' is hardly conceivable tul hum'-- ' NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, that all Hint has neon dune in a per!; City of Mtxico and Return, $69J10. We will carry way i f iwilvv years. ORPHEUM THEATRE BLDG. of yuur flowers April 25th to (Written for the lira) a Jakeman At II o'clock a. rn. the commit'. c tis.k mill u., Hie 6th the COLOMay i we 138 will SOUTH STATE ST- - SALT bn us on car. slgb-the ugh ami more than that, carry RADO MlDfND will sell round cliig Syndicate by Ota. V. trip ia-t'- i W most bcHiniful country. with us the memory of this beau , lekets Halt away to LAKE CITY. City of Mexico Through the courtesy of the man- thri.iigh graves of pcrKiiiiuii.iin. tuful riicpiioii and heart touch we, nd return for $69.80. Good for stop-iver, agement of the "San f'etlm, lam Angegrapes, figs, oranges. i.Iiv.-hH. E. have bail trom the gisid people of thbJ BARTLETT, PROPRIETOR. up to sixty days. Your choice les and Salt Lake Railroad," built by etc. At Highland, in the nildsi of mi romnniniiy. 1 don't wonder the people! 'f three excellent routes. Illustrated that thorough Anu ilcan bunlncs man. immense orange grove we stopped uml of iHllamls are proud of their city.' M,CO free' 0,llep Senator ('lark, of Montana, the State partook of sandwiches and oiangci o'clock p m we returned u At from Omaha to Chicago. left Salt of Aiouiciaihin If whose such Oh. such oranges! I'reai thrift oraiig.-Sax IPfiiardino. liar Write II. General L Harding, First-clas- s Agent, I'liltmun Kdcn. their also between service la Lake City had grown In the garden of private and generosity, shall never hi Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago car. the "Macedonia. " Saturday May dear Mother Eve would anreiy have fiirgni'eii by Hie I 'lab I'reaa aaaucit tall Lake, for further inforinatlon. pppppppppppppppppppppppppp THE MIDIJkND ROUTE la the line aa well aa all points in and St. 12th. lime, at 12 o'clock, midnight. taken an orange instead n an apple. lieu. that ha that through obaervatioa car. J DON'T MISS THE LARGE HTO- - the SouthLouis, of the Mjiook After this we were piloted lo the we and Southeast. It was at the 8:20 loo at iiiurniiig MOBILE to lllversld hour, and In a ft a ininutea everyone Stewart Hotel, where a splendid lie San I vdro local For full information call on nr writa looked like ejiookn, even If we didn't was served. President .Unniilmn wln ic we arrived thirty miuutea late: Dr. French Tansy Tablets. rune to all point! of interest, A (hat see any: lint. by the way. the MMiok made an elegant address of welcome lb ri- - wi- wi re met by a committee i An acquaintance with these tablet 2 with a good guide. Fare $1.00. g J. A. FOLEY, In a I'liilman are alwuya the ojiHsiie In behalf of the eiii.-ii-- i of San I'buinbi-- r of Coniuiereie and Mr. J J will result in a pleasant surprise to A Seeing Halt Lake" Car and Autos., to white anyhow. and President It. P. Fell re ll'ii nii-i'- , t i passenger agent, at live, suffering women. Commercial So. 2nd 40 B The ladles safeAgent. cil of the following sK(hdeil. The party In cases of painful or supsi, I,, but who since then has bm-- i guard. No. 75 Want Second South Street. It. of the Ciuh After luncheon uiio'lu r car waa in trau-ti-rrlo the Salt lake officu pressed menstruation THEY SUCr. Kelt and daughter. Iiavla Countyl readiness, and the party tool; pnv,.n;o wln-r- In- now the posit bin i, CEED. Irice, $2.00 per box. At all fur (olton, In Hie meantime James and at om drug stores or by mail, securely sealed. Argus; J T. Jakeman and wife. A. Knglnnrl and Fleming. .1 It. Neff. W. M. Park, r and v.i arii-'Keimlilicnn; on a trolley ride through on DouII Drug Co., 328 Main, Salt Lake atauWK6tftatftPpr.PP.PPPPPPPPPPPP.PPPPPP : II. II. Fleer. to HiemselM-iluac ji.l ihe niiim beautiful st,retchi-dauKhter. Imgan Journal others had added i Utah. NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. Miss Agnes who Jumped into the breach tarlier in liimincupc Hi.it human eyes ever Li City, Suite Journal. Ogden; AdNins, the day. among them Mayor liarloii. held. Hnilly Disc or Cylinder records taken as part paymaat 6aa broken Old er Campbell and Mrs. , New Ones. Young allies' Journal; J. A. Hurt, E It. Robert a. President .Moiiabiiii. K vet side has no saloons, no slum AND BOYS WE PAY CASH. GIRLS, and Miss .leeperitiin. Juvenile Instruct- John llmwn and others, und Ho- - par'y Die parks, fifteen public school bnth AND EASY PAYMENTS. TRIAL FREE for ('oltoii. or; Parley I. Jenson, lllkuheti: C. V. mgs. a iHipulBtlon of 12.UD0. Twent 1606 of new model the COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONNB The ami mukand of arc I 'olton lias a imputation boys girls Aiiilcrson and wife. TrICity Times; Twenty Many bright embody all of th. latest Improvement lit the talking machlM C. O RliiHiuisi, Salt Imko Itlade; Jte Is growing very rapidly. San llernar tiihiii-anacres of mange and lemon log $ weekly after school working for vorld and are the standard of perfection. eepli Hull and wife. Kurreaisimleiiten: difia Valley has 7i.nno acres in munge thirty miles of paved streets. Two ua. If you want the same chance, aend ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT drivi-a- . L II. Gray and wife. Merrtir Minor: graves, and the growers own their own huii'ln'd miles shaded and name and address and we will 'j'dElectric u- - yl)ur W. A. fUddon and mother. Park ( ity packing bouse, thus lining away with Ti'ii tlioiicaml acres of In exchange for the latest types, and don't forget that , and wife, JidilH-rJro" 2 worth of our quick-sellin- g Korun! ; Fred Jorgenson and obtaining better prices. light This place is Hie home of A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Kpbraltn Kenterprlse; C. A. Wilkinson. Thcv have branch bouses in New York. kciiII'-sWhen sold, planted In California 'Household Specialties. nruiige visited St. We Backed by the Larbirt flVllfing Mai-hiuCedar City Keeord; lir. Middleton, Company in tha Werld Philadelphia and lloatnn. or send u $1 and keep $1 for ahuiit years ago. grape-frui. Cue With the yourself. and Hite establishment and It was a sight I'iiiuhIii.thirty Gonrgo Advocate; II. C. is grown here lo a You can do this In one day. We will k' ts nod ber. Milford Tlmea; A. W. Casey, never to la1 forgotten. Five car loads Tills fruit is grafting of orange COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., GENL. Hnrl have and Misses furnish they are Ilitys every day. Farmer; you permanent work. shipped and Is generally twice aa lemon, ami machine Johnluix ft Johnson automatic Bo. Wasatch making Main SL. Both Phones. Wave; SALT LAKE CITY. ari Ituys, largo as a large orange. It aeema like Address N. H. Groesbeck ft Co, ar son. photographer. W. W. Klvcr of that makes almut 5, non Isixcs per day. grafting always pays big. no matter aaaaaoaaakiOMIIfim VMM Salt 1.4k Tribune, and baby Teddy The number of orangi-- ablpis-i- l from whether it Is In fruit growing, polity-.- , Springville, Utah. here every day amounts to aland Jakeman, the official mascot. or anything else. The name of grape And they were a polly, Orange lands with water sell fruit for i'oinulus derices from the fact trststatstststv intelligent and respectable company. from 1200 to ;:tt0 per acre, and ten Hint they grow in hunches just like A California palter raid we had min- year old groves from $600 lo $l.nuo Just think of a tree laden grais'K. Music 10c J 4 ister. doctor, lawyer, ud a capital- iwr acre. wlili thin fruit and the banna tree will lit the 310 eoultl tlaya The sun shine about easily ist In the company. We 1 Riverside 44 into fall Insignificance. the warm w how locate the three former; but It year, but no matter 44 averages the shipment of over twenty rather dllTIcult to locate the capitalist; day, blankets are welcome at night. earbuids of fruit fur every working 4 but at last we found him In the genial One hundred and four trains nrrive 44 day in the year. The returns from tie HernarHan 1. like or the L. treaurer Colton, Mr. every day. Cray, person alone give S Cal- orange and lemon groves o! the association, who was alwuya dlno and other cltlea In Houllii-ri- i an average of 8250 a year to every 44 both water It and rheeka ifornia. receive supply, ready to cash drafts and In anil rhlld the woman man. place. 4 assist the nienibcra of the asoselatlon for culinary ua well as Irrigation located the governHere la aim, 44 In every way. from artesian wells, of which ment Indian school, called Shermin 39 Main St., Salt Lake City. 44 Now for the journey; 12; 30 a. m. some are loon feet deep. and aend Institute." Five nundred and forty waA of 44 volume What Immense pure an forth blimp. Saturday night bnmpety Arc A of the between children ages 44 are you trying lo do crawling through ter. No water la allowed to go to and eighteen are here given a common Pianos, Organs, Talking Machines,; 4 the window? Please don't snore no waste; every drop la being utilized for Kclmnl education, hCHldea this the Kills k' Free. Catalogue 44 loudly, give ua a rest. Porter tell them some purpose. ika and science domestic are The Immensity of the growing of iMiys taught not lo shake the train so awfully. 49 VT receive manual training. h 4palatlal Vestlbnled Trains leava Salt Lake City 8:30 p. m. dally. Ob-- 6 Please don't use iny head for a step orangea. leinona, olives, grains and visited aonie of the classes in acsslai unladder. I wonder If our lit tin dog other fruit will perhaps be lietter 4ervation, Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist and44 and were astonished at the order, K Fldo will mis ua. and similar reniarka derstood by the statement that the tent ion and 44 Dining Car. WE ARE BALT LAKERS. 44 of the chid brightness reCalifornia In fell Southern we were beard until asleep, grnwera finally 44 All 44 l' bright milto over on a tPU,t youP trea,ured pictures twenty ceived In clear profit not earing whether we slipped 4 like Indian laiy waa our guide, f ,why 44 banana peel or struck an earthquake. lion dollara this season. strangers? name was Billy Brown of the PtuJ 1 Ask nearest agent for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or TT After visiting the Harlem Hot At 4 o'clock Sunday morning we arand born at Newf ira is a Utah firm, managed by Utah Tfrite to J. U Moore, Diet Pas. Agent, Ban Pedro, Los Angeles ft Balt? rived at lloultcr. (iOtiO feet alsive sea Springs, famous for their curative tribe, 4 constats of ala; school loo. This f men. leveTTso'we hid in WtiP hnnrt traveled giwnrr'tg Ttieumatlstneyopsy- and and occupies a large f 4 Lake R. R- - Salt Lake City. 44 78 miles and 1JI00 feet up In the air other ailments, we went to beautiful buildings, en- g- In India Ink. ctures Indian These of boys ground. waa Joined our 4.260 Here Redlands. party mounted (8a!t Lake City's elevation being Sapla, lean1 4$ football 44 S. been the champion 444444444-a-444444444444444444444444l.Water Colors cardboard or feet). At 1 o'clock p. m. we came to by Mayor J. J. Hues and Edward litthe Tactile coast. Oil. or atretchera. Uvada, the last station In Utah. Be- Graham. who took us through this k of Victoria head avtnl At the ing Sunday we had religious services, tle Paradise and up to the glurloua M Pictures sent by mall are aa safe aa U Redlands had In stands a gigantic palmtree alioiit because newspaper tnen as a rule, are Smiley Heights. feet high called the Rumsey Palm It now is brought in person. 8.CI1 and sevof We bad a 1804, know. population very religious, you was moved there by Mr. C. K. Riiidk?, naW'hst lA.OOt). over at In the estimated eral excellent singer company FRAMING A SPECIALTY. and was planted In the present phee and they opened and closed with sacred ture lias net done here money and lavisit on his Roosevelt President UTAH ART CO. by some nre drugstores, to Riverside songs. Te hspeakers were Pastor A. bor has. There May 7, 1903. Tha eFleer of the Herman Kvangellcal but no saloons It 1 a slrlct temper- nclosure I of cement aud shafM'd ii the Church in Ogden, and Rider C. A. Eng- ance town. When the thermometer in form of a V in honor of Queen ViTHOMAS F. ASHWORTH. land of laigsn, who lmlh spoke on the the east. Is hovering about and below ctoria for her constant Attorney-at-Latotbn fidelity At 3 zero, unil snow ami; lee cover the observance of the Sabbath. Practice in both state and federal same Mr. Ban-hThe American people. nre Redlands of residents o'clock p. m. we nrlrvcd at Caliente. ground, was the gentleman who took our courts. Special attention given to Nevada, and at 7:30 at Laa Vegas, basking in sunshine, surrounded everymining and mining law. Communicathrough lieautlful Riverside. party of wlieer we nil of a sudden waa made where by flowers and grove THE T0URI8T8 FAVORITE POUTS tions solicited, and answered promptat the we At arrived o'clock unit one hour younger, changing time ftom nningp t reea loaded with the golden-rip- Glen wood, where luncheon was seiml ly. Bell 'phone 690-Y- . 312 Dooly frith. The lemiierature seldom Mountain to Pacific, we didn't look It Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. In the refectory. CharacUTistleilly FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN though. (Hut on our return, although rises above 97 or fall below 54 de- good was the service and menu. Vhen WHEN continued a is almost five there so we looked we were an hour older, grees. Hr. was coffees small reached. the no OGDEN AND DENVER" are mosquitoes years younger the ladles especially.) summer, and there behalf of the Chamber of your earthly happi- Rumsey on welcomed Again we threw ourselves Into the or flees, to the guests ud arm of Morpheus and awoke at 6:30 ness nnd pleasant dreams. Men with Ciunnierce Introduced Secret a ly Charles to tell CllOICE OF ROCTBS. a. m. Monday 14(h. In San Hernardlno, capital have come hero to build homes He ua some facts alamt the (or San llrnls," aa some call It for In which to pass life's remaining days. made a eoneise statement ofcity. some of THROUGH shell). We had traveled through the PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPER dlHtinctiws the features, ad Pnmptly oMiiiifd wbo 6(. Writ for our dreary desert of Southern Utah and REFUND CLAIMS ON LAND EN- whs city's A. F. Clark, whotrel-cornefollowed by beta. LETTER CONFIDENTIAL Nevada, and to be thus suddenly the Utah Press association on FROM OG DEB OR BALT LAKE TRIES. thrown into a garden of Palm trees, local of behalf newspapers. mad help inventor, to Mr. Fred W. Lake, the land agent orange und lemon groves, roses and Kelt thinks the President nr we Rkrtch. and Send model, riiota mid expressed flowers of every description, seemed and attorney of Han Francisco, reTO ST. LQUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OP IMMCDIATI FRBK REPORT ON Hie association, and a vote of thuks (fAUf 10 you1 practice. Regii-terrto bo a foivtasle or the resurrection quest all bis clients In Halt Ijike of was extended to the Chamber of Con. nr Write Patent to Lawyers mat from the dead. County and vicinity, for whom he ha meree. the Glenwuud and the . Free 7th St.. WISHINGT0N. 0. G. na at Reoilalag Choir Oars. Dining Car San Hernardlno has a population of undertaken claims for recovery of for roiirtesli'M extended, jfr, U fh wolna. 12.000 and is the capital nr San Hernnr-din- money paid on land entries, to For MdA OtenlM Booklets, ua. as did also others briefly, spoke Carey a on ta gensituated and with at him once a and send County iddreaa of the asoselatlon. ,. tle slope. Just before the mouth full pnrtlciiluni aa possible of their No set program was followed dnring of Cajon Pass, the ('.ales'' through eases. Ad ot Mr. laikes records were Hie aderuooii. so L A BENTON, 0. BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH inspected the which enters the Santa Fe railroad, destroyed by the Han Francisco fire, court bouse nnd library, ptkl and also the route of the Salt Lake ami Information is desired from clients hotel, i olHi-evisits to Hie ud read. It la therefore on the direct line In order Hist no time need bo lost In White Park andnewspaper wandered about torn of railway i ravel (be proserutlnn of the rases, anil to at will. To I lot.-- l hilly over those two great systems, while save the delay rendered necessary by HOMES PROTECTED It iiiiisi lie teen Is iniK-sibl- e, the south to the passes three mlUs making up new records from the land to be uppreeta'i-d- . The archiicetnre a with Suuthenr Pacific railroad. oilier. As some of these rases have is wmiewha: of lie old Mission atyh. By Life Insurance are alwaye happy brunch connecting this city with Col-te- been in litigation for a Minilier ot boaiuilul The Inami characteristic. Remember that the homes. The city Is regularly laid mil. year, but are nearly rendy now to be side is tnugniliceiii Isith in lii 'lgnind with brood, clean, streets, well paved smvessfiilly concluded, nil claimants fiirnishitiK. No two are suites alike, hi the densest part of the city, with who have placed such claims In Mr. INSURANCE LIFE BENEFICIAL and none are like any oilier you ever giH.il cement sidewalks, and shaded by Ijike's hands at any time In the past saw. It is Hie most UTAH OF COMPANY created uniquely San are requested to eeiiiniunieale with si inUropieal trees and shrubbery. hostelry in Hie werld. It orr'.ipict over Hernardlno has a magnificent court him. Address Fred W. Lake, No. 909 two acres of eroiind and Is sMinninded Is purely a home company and worthy bouse, constructed entirely of material Linden Street, Onklaud. Cal. by palms and flowers. President Roo. found within the limits of the county. of your patronage. a velt spent night here during hi riiit The source or water supply is the Isauea modern forme Life Contracts in Califoriiiu. and in the m:i:u com-melted snow of Hie rugged mountain at the loweat possible rates. the of al! parent replanted of the water Wusliinpo,, Home Office. Beneficial Life Insurpeaks and the Infiltrated Navel orange trees. of Deseret News ance Co- anitun well, lteyond theofrauge 4:.'iU we At bade rebielaiitljr the city fame;) mountains lying Just north Lake Salt City. Building, title tills to and parailis' arrivJ te a vast mineral region, rich In pree-hiu- k actly two li'iui-- kner in lss Angcie. metals and ores and other minWhere we at mice prorcedod to Hob--j 11 has an excellent eral product. lamkershtiii. one of tin' llm-shotel cajul street ear service. The first car at the Wastbosnd. 44 444444-a-4444e4e4444eee44--eee-fHtatluna. Culb A eoinniiiiee h id keen in the city Ar. P. m. , 64 depot was a fine one. and her name P- - A- - M. Lv. to us. hci :00 It reivne Balt Lake City appeinted Vlt M was Mnnd; but we didn't take 1:11 :U Murray Lv : were to leave the loltuwlng innrnigg we waited for ihe next one: not that l: a n lUngtiam Junction 6:61 for Han Diego, all arrangementi bf we wort superxtitltlous, oh no! We l: l:M Riverton our entertainment were deferred flu :M 1:11 Iichl located at the Hotel Sunset. Shortly l:M 1:67 American Fork our return from there. tM after nur arrival at the hotel, the 44 :M 6:11 Provo 4:B 44 Early Wednesday morning we boom:a 8:10 Bprtngvllla gentlemen, having boon ap36 4 Sun 44 Hie ed for train GERMAN AND MASSAGES. VIBRATION over Diego ELECTRIC, SWEDISH, the rna IkiRkv pointed a committee on reception, 44 44 Scientific and best apparatus In City. Santa Fe road, to whose nianngeaant Ar. rawer City waited upon ns: E. IX Roberts. Pres, 4 we are Inilehtml for the intcrcstlni mn 44 of San Hernsrdlna National Hank; C. sm If you are SUFFERING from any AILMENT or DISEASE givo ua a 4 4 ' of south Iss Mantl. Angeles. Lv. ollard 44 of the W. Monahan, president call. We GUARANTEE A PERFECT CURE OR REFUND THE MONEY. Richfield 4 4 di We arrived at Han Diego at ) : 44 of Trade; W. M. Parker, president of Mary vale. Ar. CONSULTATION and 4 4 Long (landing and chronic diseases our specialt. were met at the m.. and James depot by 44 the Hoard of Education, and UA 1 TktiL'fltf TRAIN. ADVICE FREE. 4 reception committee of memben of 44 Flemming, a wealthy orange grower. l4avco Thlatla ,,,,,,M,,Jt!l the Chamber of Commerce. 4 Leaves Provo 4 After 44 m. 9 a. After partaking of a splendid break- Leavea 12 Office noon, till hours, American Fork OOOO8aaaU40 luncheon we met 3 o'clock p. ni. at the 44 fast we sauntered around town for Leave Lehl m. till 6 p. m. Sundays 9 a. m. 44 2 p. n Chamber of Commerce where Dottor 4 a while. The city and minty court Laavaa Blncham Junction .... y1:11 44 till 11 a. m. Geoves of San Diego welcomed the 1:M Cltv 4 4 house and hall of record Is a fine two Arriveo Balt 1. 44 base- Loaves. RiNGUAM' bftlHdHT pencil pushers from Utah in a speech 4 Mory building. The Jail Is In the 44 which showed him to be an orator of ment and fronting out to the street, 1:16 69 talt Lake 4 44 llti City Messrs mean no 1 Felt ai ability. peeped through l:H 1:9 Bingham Junetlaa 10:61 and costa $300,000. 4 44 association SIS 8outh State St- - Salt Lake City. Fleer of the 6:41 Revere resimnded n ;4I one of the window, but waa seared l: 4 4 44 l:PT l:6T Lead Min l:M vety n4at speeches. away by the following sign written I.M 4:11 Blnaham 44 44 mlschevlous some window on the by 1. A. RRN1 44 44 4v.' tt'ontinuiMt on Page 5.) street urchin. It Is your turn next." - . Qaa. Aak, Paa. CALIFORNIA BEAUTIFUL Pre.-niei- Andt-raon- - Illinois Central - .) a I?' s Tui-.-'la- - ln-i- -- Ire; Itu-ra- di-ir- ict agi-nl- I . i I ! i (.. s s Mui-liine- t, IsH-brl- i $27-1- s 25n,-(Ht- t'tff good-nature- TO CALIFORNIA FERGUS COALTER pur-pose- ; 44 music company,; 44aaaai'aaaaaa4a4a4a8 4 44444444444444444444444444444444 it e 3 mmm d 606-60- om-piipe- rs o JLF.a ..... trans-continent- n t 214-16-1- 8 s nn t 4.444444444444444 la :l T 0 All Suffers of Disease i LWiflr The Natural Cure System Hydro. 44444 4444444444 44444444444444 44444444444 4444 44444444444444 44444! 444444 4e4444k44444444 4444 |