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Show BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA. (Continued from Page 4.) After inspecting (he splendid exhibit of bat Is produced In San Diego county, the reception committee and the mayor of San Diego, Mr. J. L. took us aboard the sight-seein- g car. The first place we visited was lb-n- t ley's Ostrich farm, consisting of 87 birds. It was indeed a novel sight for us to see these giants of the Arabian desert. They are beautiful birds and some measured over six feet In height. Their chief defense Is a forward stroke with the leg, and is so powerful that only one blow Is sufficient to kill a man. The keeper said that the only objection he had to birds were that they kick about four times as hard as a mule, and three times as fast. The male is black and white, and the fe-ale. is of a grayish brown color. The eggs are hatched in Incubators, weigh pounds, and it takes 42 days to hatch them. The birds are plucked every ninth month, and the feathers sell for front Sib to $20i per pound. The birds are fed on small oranges mostly; they don't chew them, they swallow them whole, and you can see the orange travel down ibat yard-lonneck. The ostrich lives to be altout Se-hor- olives in bulk. 20.000 gallons finest olive oil, 150. (mil gallons wine. 4o,(nhi boxes apples. 75 carloads honey. 40 carloads dried fruit. l.SOQ.ooo centals grain, besides cattle, sheep, hogs, butter. eggs etc. Thursday. May 17, after a good nights rest at Hotel New York, we were invited by Manager E. A. Horn-berof the National City and Olay railroad, to take a trip to Tia Juana in Old Mexico, and, of course, we didn't say no. At 1 x m.. we met at Fifth street station and boarded the tram. On this trip we were piloted by Senator M. L. Ward, It. J. Walsh. James A. Jasper and other prominent citizens. By the way here is what Mr. Jasper said in an interview with a representative of The San Diego Union, and which was printed in that k paper: "These Mormons, as you newspaper chaps call them, are the brainiest set of people that have been in towu rived at 10:43 a. m, and stayed actly an hour. ex- l1 lie Hussey, which Woodward, commander at r',r kosecraus. lmd ai our disposal 'e visited ilm quarantine station tnd then went to Hu- - fort. Here we much of the bethe sight b Major Yowl-waring d liia lieutenants. l The Itatcgraphcr. of course, left his hohtml. having been previously adow-khethat Uncle S.un did not ,,k TL111' 1 his Picture taken. At ,,arlv 5:1La harked and Id the The fort is situated 8 tSuS from San Diego across the bay. IP0 leaving Fort Kosccran wharf thn fusing cheers wt-rgiven MsJor w d,id and the coast artillery, OS r return we passed Point lamia wh.se the tatnoiis lighthouse Htid the govsriineiii w irele:, telegraph tlon is located. We didnt experience seask'biess on ibis trip. That noapeakutle feeling was left for some of us 1 enjoy mi nut- trip to Catalina Oeiu-ra- l wblro Here we bought curios, donned aud blankets. Inspected mescal and were again "officially In these robes we felt and looked like a bunch of hot tomales. Tla Juana Is only a little hamlet consisting of about a dozen frame houses, aud situated 17 miles from San Diego. The flood of 1884 swept away many houses, thus destroying many relics of Me past whieh would have been appreciated loday. The town has been rebuilt and I here are now curio stores fine Indian where can be etc. pottery, Mexican drawn-work- , We visited the Custom House, where we were officially examined, not pbo- On uttr tographed. thank gtsslucas. return to the train we stopped at one of the largest of the many monuments marks the boundary line be-tween the United States and Mexico, where we bad picture taken, "of- tieially" of course, with one foot in Mexico, and the other in the United Statcs. Uhu returning to San Diego, 12:2u p. oi.. we partook of luncheon aud at 'J o'clock went down to tile gama Fe wharf and boarded the U. 8. som- brero- photo-graphed.- pun-base- the must elegant hotels in the world. The hotel covers nearly five acres in its lift acres of ground. There are a parlors, a nuntebr of dining rooms, the main one having a floor area of lu.PPii square feel. There Is a ball room even larger than the dining room, aud the tropical garden in the inner court more than an acre. Hen- - we were Joined by our 8an Diego friends, and afier a delightful repast the- party adjiiineil to the ballroom where an Informal program was given. The sieakera for the association were Messrs. England. Middleton and Illvers, and Messrs. Ward, Cringle, and Walsh of San Diego responded. After listening to a musical programme aud indulging in dancing for awhile, we bade our Sun Diego , friends went to our elegant lied room and were sisin asleep, dreaming of the beauties of Paradise. After breakfast the next morning, Friday, May 18, we wen- - again "officially" persecuted by onr official We said good-by- e to beautiful Uomnado and lerried back to San Diego, where we at 9 a. m, hoarded Hie Hunts Fe train back to Isis Angeles, after a Journey of alxiul 150 miles south. We arrived at M-Angeles at 1:10 p. m., and were met at Hie siatiuu by a delegation from Ihe Chamber of Ma.uir ufit-rnoo- otfl-cia- n-"i- fan-well- for some time. They have had good times ever since they started on this Islawtrip, but from what they told me, Imssdinitly upon our at rival we this was the climax. I never saw peoenibiried on a f,.rry Unronado, t and ple enjoy their pleasures as these the evening and night at I tab people did. me del told Hold they They Coroiiado. wliieb is one of had had no warmer welcome than in San Diego." The railroad rtuiR along the beautiful coast of San Diego bay and A 4aSJSSSS4SSSMSSSS4S4444a4l844MSMSSSS41Sasa4S,i 2 65 years old. Then on we went through a most through immense lemon and (dive When we arrived ai the CEO. M. McCONAUGHY, delightful landscape, up to University groves. of old Mexico. wt look Park. From here we had a beautiful boundary line arwe Tla to where the Juana, stage Real Estate and Loans, view of Falls Mission bay. Mission valley and the oldest Mission In CaliforInvestment. Securities. Trades and nia. founded ill 17C9 by Father Junl-per- o Niee homes on easy payments. b I Business41 Chances. Ind. lhune 1101. Sena. There, are the oldest 19 West First A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE, South St., Salt West Second So. St., q olive trees In ihe state, slips for which Cheap lots any part of city. Farm J J 9 Lake City. Salt Lake City, Utah. , g 2 were brought from Spain. bums. a want home A q A 2 in 8alt Lake City. Be sure and rail on me If you Every olive tree in California Is a $ mod- 2 2 Have them from $700 up. For 30 days I brand new C. J. BOWMAN, descendant trom these trees. FOR REAL E8TATE a q ern 2 story light pressed brick residents on Eighth East near A q Second Room 5, Eagle Blk South, $0,250. See Peterson Hoal Estate Invest-nie. Salt Lake City, Utah. a J A. RICHTER, 19 Weit First South St, Phenes 641. SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. Co. Largo list bargains for t 3 9 whieh we are exclusive ageuts. SpeWe have all kinds of Investments In wi'eeeeeerirwrrerrrrrrrrrrr4444444444444444444449 M cial attention to property of estates Now Is the time to Invest. A rapid aud estate and we write all kinds of real Old reliable advance is certain. Choice building insurance. agency. Correspoua or call. 330 So. lots all parts of city, $100 to $500, Main St, Salt Lake City, Utah. YOUNG & YOUNG, $12.50 cash, $7.50 per month, 7 per General Insurance, Real Eetate and cent. Loans, 202 Whitingham Blk., Balt HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., MEEK8 A LYNCH, Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. 78 West 2d So. St 315 A 316 Atlas Block, OUR MOTTO: Balt Lake City, Utah, HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. in Real Vacant Sales Estate. Quick lota, modern homea and malneaa investments. If you want to buy or sell Heal Homes for rent and sale, lowest Estate, list your property with us for Money to Loan. prices. Easiest terms., 251 Main St., quick sales. We have the buyers. Nineteen years in Real Kstat Busl-les- s Salt Lake City. Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. in Sst Lake City. - - fr s g A. Richter, : REAL ESTATE. u i nl Cnmnu-rre- We . at once went to Hotel lankershlin. and promptly ta 2 o'clock the committee Oik us for a nip on the llalloon route. For fifteen miles we rode through most beautiful stretches of country and arrived at Venire on the Pacific coast. At Venice there la n Immense pleasure resort, built very much In the style of the Portland Fair. Here we were served refreshments In what Is called the Ship Hotel. It Is built on poles way out In the water. It Is absolutely stationary; but if you want to feel It rock you can do so by taking something stronger than water. Mr. David Evans, formerly of Utah, made a glowing address of welcome, and Mr. C. A, England of the lagan Journal'1 made an excellent reply in behalf of the association. Mr. C. E. Brown, the Los Angeles "Mark Twain. niad-.- t some very witty remarks. After this we had a trip on the mlnature railroad, arriving sufely at the (stint of beginning. We next visited the "Midway and. after having once lined up for our official pho- EGAN, REAL ESTATE. If yon want to Insure, sell, buy, build, or borrow, let ua know. 4H S. Main St., Hoop.-r-Kblr- lge e BUY a LOT or a HOME before prices advance. We advise you re carding localities and make your Interests ours. MAHlNGEll INVESTMENT CO, 40 Eaat Second South. Manager Seeing Salt ljtke City Cara." W. J. HALLORAN, Real Eetate and Loans. Established 1887. Telephone 823. 14 W. Third South 8 1 reef. Salt Lake City, Utah. $350.00 buys very choice Main St. Lots. THOMPSON REAL E8TATE CO. Plan a SpeHomes on Installment cialty. Why pay from $7.50 to $26.00 in rent per mouth when you can buy a home at the same rate of meT Farms and homea for tale or trade. Horses, Buggies, Etc., Bought or Exchanged. lloom S O' M para Block. No. C3Vi W. Second South StreeL Salt Lake City. 3 itawiwwatrrrrRatJtawitatmatRitatRatRRiemBRR4iJWJr.BratBwit lrtrtrtflrtr4VrtS4444'4.rt1SWrtira4il44y44'4444'44'44'4.4'4a4;444'444'4a4a Boost, I'boostF jQea r j' bqqsti' iRead e t !""o"irj RoosiH Help to Bu d up Bi GREATER 5ALY LAKE CITY! THE WAY TO BUILD UP A GREATER. UTAH IS THIS: a UTAH DON'T USE Imported Goods Unless Bought From If, in this List of Business Houses. You fail to find What is Wanted, Wait until Our Next Issue, and Perhaps You Will Find It There. grrrrvrvrrsrrrrvvvitrrrrjtV. rawrrrirrrevvri 4'4S'4444UMU'(Mr4W44444MM(A44444444444444SM: -- 9uUMMMW4'4r4Mr4W4'4'4'4'4ir4'4l1a1lla4'44'4la4'4ir4rarMil'4M Before again boarding the car, the ladies were all given a large bouquet carnations, which filled their hearts with delight, and they all said: Oh, if we only had such flowers at home! San Diego is the oldest municipality in California, and what was a sheep pasture In 1867 is now the homes of more than 25,000 contented people, the cactus and sage brush like the Indians, has gone and the hand of man has replaced them with the orange, lemon, beautiful flowers and shrubbery. The situation is not only sanitary and attractive with its hills and slopes following the curves of the beautiful bay. but is also admirably adapted for a large ocean commerce. Numerous wharves extend Into deep water, and in their neighborhood may be found lumber yards, planing mills, warehouses. foundries, etc. San Diego Is thrown Into special prominence at this lime as being the first port of rail on the Pacific Coast of the United States north of Panama. and it is confidently expected that the magnificent bay, around whose shores the city Is built. wiH soon heroine an important naval rendezvous. The government nas, In fact, already concluded arrangements for the erecting of a large coaling station here, and is fast completing the building up of a modern military post at Fort Roseerans, whose big guns command to the bay. the The people of San Diego are kind, behaved. thrifty, hospitable andIswell a principality San Diego county unto Itself, having an area of 8500 square miles, being somewhat larger than the State of Massachusetts, and has a population of about 50,000. On by the north the county ts bounded on the Orange and Riverside counties: esst by the Colorado river, which here divides Arizona from California; on a territhe south by Baja California, the Pawest on the of Mexico; tory cific ocean washes the shores of the The county for a stretch of 75 miles. land rises gently from the ocean aa distance of from 3u to 60 miles to chain of mountain peaks, forming the backbone of the county. The silk Industry promises lntbe near future to become an Important development of part of the Industrial The climate is San Diego county. adapted to worm, and mulberry foliage the may be had practically during whole year. about The county produces annually, nd lemons. 700 carload of oranges cans 125 cailnad of raisins, 100.000 25,000 gallons of olives, ripe pickled of beautiful DEALER! sX&(fttXv): M 'Western Goods for Western People!1 tf The Manufacturers and Merchants Association of Utah, aax9 barber trade in 8 weeks. Wages paid every night Graduates earn $15 to $25,per week. (Incorporated) ax f-- BELIEVES IN BEING I IMBusy All the Time In 6 tngrapher, we again boarded the electric car back to Iam Angeles. We visit fourteen dilferent places on this trip; the most Important being Santa Cat. free. Write us. Mohler System Monica. Ocean Park and eVnlce; all situated on the coast. One) would of Colleges, E. First South SI, Salt hardly believe that a number of cities, with elegant houses and gke City, Utah. with an aggregate population of 14,0(10 could possibly have spriung up within AFFLICTED year, but this is a fact. Get the benefit of recent dis- a The committee who received us at . in . . coveries medicine. Venice were Messrs. J. D. French. C. Mon and women to learn Utah! 3 beau-tiii- 1 1 H. Brown. David Evans, Cobb, II. wThe object of the organization is to promote the use of ALL s THE BEST Brown and D. Webster. is none too good. UTAH-MADjj Upon our return we found an GOODS in all lines, in preference to ) Dr. Nerve Orrln Tablets. Powells IS those manufactured outside the State. (Contlnued on Page 8.) The very latest treatment for Nervous E fe ll Its Interest Is State-)- : IfWide. a 9 2 The betterment of industrial conditions hamlet and district write to ff s a 2, is its aim. I! in every city, tewn, village, J For full particulars ll ?THE MANUFACTURERS AND CHANTS ASSOCIATION. fj t: P O. BOX MER-- ! SALT LAKE CITY. 15849 Manhood, Insomnia, ImFailing Memory, paired Energy, Physical and Mental Wearness. A positive cure guaranteed by the manufacturers through their agents, who are under instructions to refund your money if not satisfied with results. Price, $1.00 per box; six lioxcs for $5.0ti. At all drug stores or q Address by mail, securely sealed. Ddiill Drug Co, 338 Main, cor. Market, Stilt Utke City, Debility, Melancliolio, BLUE H trrjtwaiwLrrrrrwi wweirwrr 44444444444444444444444444'f.1 BELLE PHOTO SUPPLY CO. FULL LINE OF KODAKS AND CAMERAS. A CAMERA IS WHAT YOU WANT TO TAKE VIEWS OF YOUR CLAIMS AND LOCATIONS. Developing and Printing. Writa for Catalogue. 21 Eaat Third South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dept. M. A V. in- - Wanted. District Managers to post signs, advertise and distribute sana pies. Salary $18.00 weekly, $3.00 per day for expenses. State age and Ideal Shear present employment Co, 39 Randolph St, Chicago. Wanted: 10 men In each state to travel, post signs, advertise and leave samples of our goods. Salary $75.00 per month. $3.00 per day for expenses. Royal Supply Co, Dept W Atlas DIock, Chicago. MEDIUMS POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. GIVE VERDICT OF JURY In tho case of J K vs the DiaWhitaker and Dallas. Makers. 134 W. mond Coal and Coke company of Wy3rd South Street, Salt Lake City. oming, which was decided in Judge Ritchie's court in favor of the defend-an- t wc predicted the outcome 10 days WASH IT AWAY. before the Jury brought In the verand tiff rule poisoning cured. dict One week before It went on trial we Castilla Hot Springs Water does the were consulted about the outcome and work. HheimtafiMii vanishes at Its touch. For rates apply to C. H. said: "The company will win without 222 a doubt." Then again in our meeting Room Fnitthworlh. Manager. one asked about it and March 4 Salt t'ominmial (Tub building. Ijtke we In thesoine presence of 2(H) people again City. predieted that the defendant would win. On the back page of The Tribune-MarcCLIFT HOUSE. 8, under the heading Not Due Third South and Main Streets, 8alt to Smoke, is an account of the trial nnd verdict in favor of defendant Lake City. Again a lady occupying one of O. All New But the Name. cottages came to us about a. This centrally located and well damage suit with the R. It We told known hotel baa been thoroughly re- her how it would terminate, etc, novated and refurnished throughout. which it did almost to the dollar. No other mediums have such a record Under the new management reason- of fulfilled predictions able rates and first class accommodaArnold-DIcksoBros, 269 East Third South St , Salt Lake City. tions will prevail. Private consultations dally. Can be reached by street can from all depots L-.i- MEDICINES BY MAIL. Mall orders promptly filled. Write for Information. Rubber goods a specially. Golden Seal Compound cure catarrh. G. S. Kidney Cure and G. 8. Rheumatism Cure are guaranteed. $1 per bottle or 5c er liox. We pay the pontage or express charges. Golden Seal Medicine Co, 112 W. 2d South Street, Salt Lake City. SMOKE THE BEST. ! il SO CLEAN I granulated sweeping compound that absorbs all dust on all kinds of floors. Riisineas men. painters and hnusekeeperg that dislike the dust that anw from sweeping should give ibis home product a trial. It ia guaranteed 8,1 Mfg. Co, 2C1 South West Temple, ind phone 783. Kng-dahl- 's Buy Home Made Trinks. Hoggan. L. Q. 21 E. Third South 8t, Salt Lake City. n MRS. A. L MASON, Prop. DeWItts $ For PHot Burn Salve toroo. |