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Show wiNbsdlt EUROPEAN HOTEU Salt Lake City. Located in tba heart of the city. Rate Reasonable, light, ally, dean rooms. Flrst-cla- e ta every reapecL Steam heat, hUoctrlo Lights. Tha Lend Distance Record. THE "SCOTTY a I 9 Bertalsen Bros, i Utah. Marysvale, Over L26S Miles Mountain and Plains In less than 45 hours, demonstrating that "Santa Fe" track, equip, bient and employee are of tho do- - BLACKSMITHS, I SPECIAL. pandablo kind. mooes &raaMa3eEMraKM a CYRUS Attorney A Counselor. dll f. r. Walker BuUdln, D. Probably YOU wouldnt car to ride so fait You prefer tha luxury of 1 Regular Train from Utah and Colo, rado to Everywhere East and 8outh west. GATRELL y Balt Lake City. Ask mo Ticket Ratee and Lit- - arature. S Land Attorney, Auerbach Building, as a! A ' 8a It Lake CIty.J a Miami 1 e Utah. Marysvale. Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. J. f D. REDFORD, S GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. JS. Marysvale, Utah. 5 f I L. H. GRAY, 5 5 Land Attorney. Attend to all business before United States Land Office, as 5 U. S. i Surveyor-Genera- l, State Land Board, State Engineer. Land scrip bought and sold. 1 D. F. Walker Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. V 300-30- J The Atchison, Tepska 6 8anta Ft Railway Company. 411 Dooly Block. Salt Laka City, Utah i repprstprpmrrrsPPPBtt'stJ I-- ILADSfONE Mre, A. M. Marbhal, Prap 119 Booth Main Street. Balt Laka OBI Beatty tarnished Rooms by the Day; Weak or Month. Rates, 60 cants to fl.50 par day. Special rates by the day, waak of month. H- - A- - Aasayere and Chemists. 17 St, Salt TJ L MATHEWS A FLEGAL. Paychologipta and Phrenologlats. Coniult Prof. B. N. Matthews. He gives you name end tells yoq what you nqed and wtjh to know. Hg sskg so quesuoBi s&d ctnifihA hlna elf to the truth, trof. Vfslnrewi holds tee secret of power and pen on si Influence. He reveals your post slblliUes and enables you to reallsa teem. Everybody he reads for la aw ured of success. His advice on love. marriage and business la sound and reliable. He settles all disputes and helps you to get ths money or prop. IH0LM- - to.yon...lU.. tells you when to make Investmaata sad what to Invest In. If It la not convenient for you to see him. It win pay you to write. This gentleman M truly gifted and tee wonders ha has accomplished form tea topic of conversation In every city ha has visited. Tba sceptics and the helpless are es- feral agsnt. West Second South Yreet, SALT SAKE CITY. City. Write tar Mailing SSSSt et R. H. Officer & Co., 1M 8. W. Tampte NOTHING IS CONCEALED. r g)S5)6gS)5Sg5Xe6X55))&a)gX5XS)gS, 2 , ! JOHN HAWES, 1 General Agent. This is a new system of tele raphin); witliout a eomuctioii between the stations by wires. Ifai you heard alxuit it ? l)o you that this can be done? If It.it is to your interest to it. Reim-mlietliat there in tlie scientific world within the ld for years. A certain num-Ik- t of people have always said ittCan't be lune, and with that assurance in their minds, liave allowed great opportunities to ass by, and felt very foolish later, that they did not investigate at the time, as stocks bought in the promotion days of the great inventions, have, almost without exception made fortunes for the liolders. Only a few of these cases art, Bell Telephone, the commercial success of which was lauglvd at by apparently wise people. the Westinghoitsc Air Brake, which was ridiculed bv the great Vanderbilt, the Morse system of telegraphy that had a very hard lime selling enough of its stock to put up an exKTimcntal line, the Electric Light and numeral other great and grand achievements, all of which had a hard struggle in getting started, yet have made fortunes for the ones who were wise enough to assist in the promotion, by buying a little of their stock. Wireless telegraphy may he very mysterious to the reader. Init like all others it has its scientific principle, which upon investigation, is easily understood. The best proof, however, is tliat we arc doing it. Over land and sea, the DtForcst Wireless Telegraph Company liave their stations established, and arc daily transacting successful commercial business, of which wc have abundant proof. If you will think what the telegraph business of the world means, and then carefully consider the results of saving 95 per cent of the cost, you must admit that it is the greatest money earning us send yen by mail, testimonials and power in the world. statements in proof of the success of wireless telegraph from the most reliable authority in the country Let our agent when he calls at your town, interview you. Cid some of our slock in the original parent company and enjoy yurr share of the great profits to le derived from the future operatita of wireless. For further information, calLp V write to SaXS I C. F. WARREN, WIRE ESS! 3 GEO. W. PARKS, Saak pecially invited. He locates friends and relative and anything lost M stolen. Reading, 61.00, " 1M f Through 142 S. .Vain St., Salt Lake City. Service - TO- ST. LOLIS EAST mini AND THE THIS --W 1 1 n iiimminih BEAUTIFUL ORGAN !i -- P VIA Missouri Pacific RAILWAY THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTI LE MISSOURI PULLMAN KANSAS Wg have Just completed arwith the ley root rangements manufacturer of Organa In the world, whereby we can new offer to our many patrons here aa instrument delivered at your own station for what has ordinarily been known aa FACTORY COST. This Ip an arrangement that should he Investigated thoroughly before you look elsewhere, ae we are sure It will appeal to you. REMEMBER we save you from U to I7S.M on one organ. This Is certainly worth saving. EAST TERMS. You can send us ILEO to I5.SD per month, to suit your convenience. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. We will deliver one of three organ at any R. R. station In Utah er Idaho without any additional charge to you whatever. Do not Imagine that It le Impeeslble fer ue to do as we eay. Our system of handling our eutalde business Is so perfect that we ran without any trouble whatever make delivery to the smelleat town la this western section. WE BUT IN CARLOAD LOTS and arc thus enabled te make the ridiculously lew prices that wo do. YOU GET THE ADVAN- TAGS OF THIS. Write ua at once if Interested. If not, gee that your Mends bear f this great money saving opportunity. REMEMBER wo have bfea In business here for FIFTY YEARS the oldest house In the State. OUR GUARANTEE on an Instrument Is absolutely good. Wo fully warrant everything wo sell. If you doubt our financial rating look us up. Ws refer you to any Banker or Commercial agency la thia State- - SLEEPING CARS, OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric Lights, electric Fans. chair cars Reclining -(scats race). REMEMBER. IN FIGURING TOUR TOP EAST THAT day Coaches. Fir Berths, THI Oregon Short Line Tlrtitt, Faldsrs, atc.,iMrns THE DOCTORS WHO CURE riTHDH RAILROAD fl ShL "I- H. C.T0WN8END. WMBI MB 1NMT AGtffT, BT. MMB. fc E. 1M DUCT BVRLEY, CONNECTION TOM I H. WHITLOCK, Dealer In HARNESS AND HORSE 5, NISHINGS. -. -. .- -. .- -. -- . -. S Marysvale .- Cs .- .- .- 1 SPENCER. A.G.P.GT.A. Drjn. 1W VMR3I m nruAi toun to all.. raona iav CnmiMNO- "- Utah NAIM IT. TTNION PACIFIC UNEXCELLED X ROGRBSSYE SALT LABI OTT. I THE OVERLAND ROOT!) VTM. Trade Marks Dcbionb CopvmaHTa Ac. mt flea (fMK uncr fur unnifMinM. Moots taken tbruueh Munn Alu. reeelve ipreial artic, without eh.nra, is tbs Scientific Jlmcricatt. THt KELEY CURL Drunkenness Cured. A positive and pennanent aura tat drunkenness and tea opium dltaaata. Thar la no publicity, no sickness. treated as privately at at theli own homes. The Keeley Institute. 114 W. Bo. Temple. Salt Lake City, Utah- Dr. P. J, Lyon, PHYSICIAN AND 8URQE0N, La-dla- a s Marysvale, Utah. W. SHORES. O. In paraee er bp lattw free le all. Call r wrlta. benauee you live at a dletanea BY MAIL Da Ht11,,dnpalr Dr. ninW MV ayetam .1 S mabw It aW HUS J CURES WWiTREATlIEWr M Wssk Men if,? hum any nlhr eaueed by ?" JWMltaa of the weebneeeve Igaeraam Toil ARB THE VERT PKR-W- R WANT TO TAUC Ttt aw ebtll In proven IInmm br pub Mill ftnff bBhmtuy UBtlmodlLlB tmm glvliw Maaa pletaree and Hfhava ca ptmuea com fWwT irr DCIKAIKO cures in aonMenee. Beam wenlA to Rwe betray etw akin la thin alaee war. tbb k " eymptan. llet and Curtd Pay When and aak a thn yea Bret FEE when you am eured. Tea aa depend apen anr ward, theaaaada at patleala have ludereel an NOW WS WANT TO CURB TOO with tba dlatlnat net demand a gnderetandlag that wa w yen until we cure yen. TMa appUae te Leal Meabeel. Sealnal Weebneea, I IMaaaaee at Varlreoele. me tori he .a, Oi preatate Olaad. Uu natural s man lean starwVN.ca5r3 OCMiillatlea and advtoe tea laa-ulaa- Pleob.se aa. We ear s.mduri f t N Eaadayt and RaMayn l DB8. SHORES & SHORE3. Expert Speclhllatg, u er laka traaUMnt kdvamage at tha FREE aXAMlMATIOH. dvlaa MU yue aotblag. -- Anrone Bendlnir ft Bketrb end rtMCrtpttnn mT aulrfclr urerrmn our ofHnton free whether as fltaitrstM waekly. Lancet nf an, ertenUSe Journal. Toni. SS four numbs, L Bold brail Mwed-talar- bw ha euhb OUR MOTTO: cum mild and palalwa traatmvnt DR ffi. COMFORT BAFBTY Gnrcmiim 201 . BPBED -'i YEAR8 EXPERIENCE bsnSsnmsI hilka TQX OYEBLA1.D ROUTE 60 A l; UNION PACIFIC FUR-- 3 Unr B ComplalBU, Chronic I'Ihmm of end CbOiircc, Rfcbda, Skin DImcch, Trouble!. d law Trou-bl- u.Actbma. Bronrhld RcuRheumatics. Rwr c end .iar ralirla. Hyctcrla. Varlooccla eaeen Ooltrc lur big Ixwt Mcnhccd. Me.. Blimd Prlvetc lunveree. end Chronlo Pie-ene(nrm at Hervoue cur (that ara eumkl.) erWe ao pay. the liquor babti la I dayc G.P.GT.A. R O"D1 tn Neee Names IM, Dtaeaewa BUAlw KI4ny Trsubtaa Haart Dlwun. Dlemwa ri- oftb aiomaeb and Bow.u. tula sad Racul PImimm. and mention this p&per. a a h II : Clayton Music Co., Leading Mnslo Deal era. S. Main Street. Salt Lake City, Utah. I i M lii iI I I !6 10S-U-- 1I HtWK " |