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Show DISFICURING UPTON SINCLAIR STRIKES BACK CZABOWITZ OF RUSSIA DEVELOPING SPLENDIDLY. SKIN HUMOR. Impossible to Get Employment, aa Faca and Body Were Covered with Sorea Cared by Cutlcura. THE BECOMINC COLORS, What la Artistic for Blonde and Brunette, and for Her That Xa N either One. Since the year 194 I have been Blue for the blonde and red for tbi troubled with a very bad case of brunette, with, to use un expression, U which 1 have spent hundreds ot Rlangy phrase, any old color for tin dollar trying to cure, and I went to woman who is neither the one nor Hit Contrary to Stories Circulated Boa Time Ago That He Was Def tha hospital, but they failed to curt other, but a xort of iioudi-w-ripteeiu me, and it was getting worse all tha to be ihe tive, He Manifests Great only bard and foal rule time. Five weeks ago my wile bought Never mind if the blonde haa Precocity. pink auu a box of Cutlcura Ointment and ou white akin, with gray-gree- n eyes, in A short time ago the story galstd cake of Cutlcura Soap, and I am which tin hlui of blue may he noted wide circulation that the czaraaxt, pleased to say that I am now comblue is selected for her. and wear it the only son of the czar of Russia tf-pletely cured and well. It waa imshe must, ironical!)- - comments a wrliet heir to the throne, and over abate possible for me to get employment, in the tit. LouU l. At advent such rejoicing took plate in as my face, head and body were cova matter of taste, she ahouiil instead Russia two ytars ago, was 'delcbnl ered with It The eczema first apwear pule green, deep brown, cerise the ury peared on the top of my head, and It blue, pink and black, with any blue menially and phyliu-ally- ; had worked all the way around down that is selected at all, either a navy going on in say that the child, now over two years old, the tack of my neck and around to my or a bright turquoise. Yellow foi uot talked or walked and aeeim-d'io- l throat, down my body and around tha such a type niukes an ideal gown foi to as be but deaf well, dumb, only hips. It itched ao I would he obliged evening, and so will white over green At the time this report was g tug to scratch It, and the flesh was raw. There is a with pink lights the rounds of the newspapers, a' i i'- I am now all well, and I will ba that hecun.esuiuuve, this complexion also. ll! re of the child was printed wcli If the eyes of such a blond are blut pleased to recommend the Cutlcura told another story, and made It .ri1 Remedies to all persons who wish a or violet, still she will not look her to that ho bright and beautfu! speedy and permanent cure of akin best in the pule blues; let her instead looking a baby could actually lie Irk- diseases." Thomas M. Itosslter, 290 wear heliotrope, pluk, purple, green tr ing In physique and mentality. ,A Prospect Street, East Orange, N. J. the lightest shades; white or black far as one coul-- l Judge from the criiniion and mauve. A dark Mar. 30, 1905. which was said lo be oar of will also be very becoming anc the latest taken of the young PADEREWSKI'S one shade of gray. BELLBOY. and from which the splendid line drivThe real brunette, with dark eyet ing herewith produced was made, the Mnaical Youth Made a Hit with ths and hair and plenty of color, has f sou of the Russian ruler possess'd a Great Pianist by Playing In black, whirl choice, large except Willy, a pretty head, polled Is rarely becoming. Hia Minuet. Cream, yellow shoulders a nu anc gracefully sturdy Indian red, ivory tints, deep and pale face on which was stamped lntdll Rosamond Johnson, of Cole ft Johnblues, cardlnul red, all the tans, coral gcru-and amiability. son, composers of that once popular pink, fawn color, putty and the terra And now In harmony with the Under the Bamboo Tree, once cottas; old rose and rose pink; all of the picture another sDry song, held a position as bellboy In Young's are becoming with pale blue, white is being told of the precocity of the j hotel in Boston. This place, says Sucand pule green, for evening wear. little czarawiiz. At the age of It cess he once nearly lost, What 1b called a fair brunette,' Magazine, mini Ihx. It Is said, he could alretdy through taking the liberty of playing where the skin Is delicate and thd sn-nurses hls name, by distinguish Paderewski's Minuet for the great; eyes violet or dark blue and the hall now begin to spout Muscovite now pianist. Paderewski, who waa staydark brown, must be careful id select of 2fi consonants, koks preferred. at that bellhad for a hotel, ing rung Ing strong colors that will kill hei battlefield Near the of Lobovitz, In boy, and young Johnson answered the delicate complexion. No such choice Bohemia, they have a brook that lows call. -- ' -- tV ' as bright yellow or vivid red, but rath along for a couple of yards without eo hind of music, he made er the leas pronounced Being shades oi any vowela at all. The Brotlenka, or bold to ask the composer and both, and all maize, golden browns great of all the but belr worse, something to play tha Minuet for him. gold tana, pale coral, salmon pink anc the Russlas would probably manage to planlat could not understand EngPaderewski silvery blue. pronounce It. He ran also facsimile lish then, and the boy thought from And the glTl who la decidedly kitten mewls and Imitate caterwauls hls gesticulations that he wished him "brown, like the nut, must use cerWagnerian efforts perhaps excepted. to play it. So he sat down at the tain colors that will bring out hei When brigadier generals strut lnt hit piano and commenced playing. PadWarm grays, like the with coloring beat. them he a scrutinizes presence erewski's manager happened to enter puce; red browns, rose red, nastursort of zoological Interest, and after the room Just then, and, enraged at tium, ecru, , apricot color, pearh handling their sabers will walk the threw him bellboys presumption, tones and anther Its In If nature haa devebied around to see tawny out of the room and went directly to Ivory white are all good for her. brass tackle on With sides. I tha management and had him disWhere the hair Is neither light not Two years Is a little early for as escharged. the eyes sometimes hazel, more dark, cort of pedagogues; but this l!le As soon as he learned what had times blue, and again gray or blue Muscovite has already four of ttyn, been done, Paderewski, who had been gray, great attention must be paid tc Including a aiiiervlsor of nil pleased with the lads playing, sent the coloring of the skin; if th- -t is cleai nastlc amusements. The rest are for tba manager of the hotel and had and white, all the shades oi In pink various rudlirajitM experts Johnson reinstated In hls position. mauve and purple are good, and also of science, and the one for "elemnia the blues with green In them, and the of construction Is kept busy strsdt- Willing to Oblige. On the othei Give me the city hall, please, said greens with blue lights. enlng out the building blocks the lady to tha conductor of the street hand, If the akin la sallow, such colon the descendant of the Rurlks Is pi are not becoming. car. to realize hls palatial Ideals. Th I should he glad to do so, madam, lapse of hls Kremlins does not courage him at all. He routs replied the condnetor, who wee a new EMBROIDERY DESIGN. t ruder In the shape of a se man and had been greatly Impressed French poodle, and then rlej by the rules of the company, which Intended far Working on a HandkerInsisted upon employes being oourte-ou- s ground for the work of reconstl In Batin Stitch and Work chief, I and obliging. But there seems to be one should. Indeed, Border In Buttonhole. be glad to do ao, but the lady oveq cloud on the horizon, and that ll ominous predictions of Prof. Henrlg, there with the green feather In hen This design is Intended for working of historical omen studies, and odtrs, hat asked for the city hall before yon on The work who say that the czar'a klngdw la got on the car. Is there any other is In satin-stitcwith the exceptloz would as suit that doomed and that only trouble ant that building yon Just of the border, which la In buttonhole; Detroit Free Press. of the most distressing kind mlts well? all should be raised by running out the young heir. Prof. HertwIgUda Time to Get Busy. several times before the satin-stitc- h that the wunderklnd's (Voider Her Husband I thought you were Is done. Fine, soft, embroidery cot Kid's") chances for domination nrall. going to visit your mother. The Russian empire, he predlctkwIU Hls Wife And so I am. be split up Into a wilderness of wpab-lli-Well, you had better begin to pack wllh a great probability tint the your trunk at once. The train leaves work of disintegration will begiivlth In 48 hours. Chicago Dally News. a com acinus revolt. Somewhere In Finland, Polsat or Feet. an Insurrection dll the raui-nsi- i Teas Isn't that Chicago girl tall? make headway, and a world She must be nearly six fret to arms, will fly ffun Jess Yea; and if she stood on tip toes she'd be seven feet. Philadelphia ec-se- Author of "The Jungle facts Trince of Packers With Array or Pacts Calcu sled to D. stray the Infamous Industry. Awful dls-mak- hi-a- , - i "'" t ton-nev- e o rrv Giobe-lieuiocra- ,18-- red-braw- r, -- blus-aom- Press i KNIFED. , Coffee Knifed an Old Soldier, ts-c- 1 'i o a n'.e-.ulc- , h-- rn tle, ;u-al- n - lt . i A Stone Barometer. In northern Finland, so a native paper Informs ih, i a large stone which serves the lnhnldiantz as an Infallible barometer. At the approach of rain, this alone turns black or blackish gray, while la fine weather It Is nf a light color and covered with white spots, rrobahly It Is a fosstl mliei with rlny. and containing rook salt, niter, or immonU, wlileh accorddegree of ing to a greater or 1e dampness In the atmosphere, attracts It or otherwise. Sunday Magaslna. J -- mi-- : Yii The Many Vfitues of Salt. Salt puts out a tire In the chimney. Salt In the oven under baking tin on the bottom. will prevent Salt and vinegar will remove stalne Salt and from dloolored tracup. soda are excellent for bee stings and spider bites. Salt thrown on soot which has fallen on the carpet will prevent stains. Salt put on Ink when freshly spilled on a carpet will remove the apet. Salt thrown on a coal fire which Is low will revive it. Salt used In sweeping carpets keeps out motha. yfto tiu: in:ir. : TliltuM-:- r- l- An old soldier, released from cofst 72, recovered hls health end toils about it ns follows: "1 stuck to coffee for years, although It knifed me again aud again. About eight years ago (as a result of coffee drinking which congested my liver), 1 was taken with a very severe attack of malarial fever. recover and I would apparently tart shout my usual work only to sufAfter this had been relapse. fer times several during the year repeated I was again taken violently ill. The Doctor said he had carefully studied my case, uud it was either 'quit coffee or die, advising me to take Dostum In Its place. I had always thought coffee oue of my dearest friends, and especially when sick, and 1 was very much taken back by the Doctor's decision, for 1 hadn't FUMperleil the coffee I drank could possibly cause my troufee 1 f- Dangers and Pain of This Critical Parted Avoided by the Uie of Lydia g. Pink-ham- 's Vegetable Compound. Ilow many women realize that the must critical period in a woman's existence the change oi life, and that the anxiety felt by women as this time draws near ia not without reason? If her system is in a deranged condition, or she is predisposed to apoplexy or congestion of any organ, it is at this time likely to become active and, with a host of nervous irritations, make life a burden. At this time, also, cancersand tumors are more liable to begin their destructive work. Such warning symptoms as a sense of suffocation, hot flashes, dizI d of impending ziness, hcadtu-he- , evil, sounds in the earn, timidity, of the heart, sparks before tha eyes, irregularities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness end inquietude are promptly heeded by intelligent women who are a pp Touching the period of life when woman's great change may be expected. We believe Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is the world's great- -' est remedy for women at this trying period. Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound invigorates and strengthens the female organism, and builds up the weakened nervous system as no other medicine can. Mrs. A, E. G, Ilyland, of Chester-towMd., in a letter to Mrs. Fink-hadi-cu- pal-pitati- n, says; Dear Mr. Pinkham: I bad been suffering ursjAX . RMiuther.il p:irli will ris- - In invff,,,. and the throne of thR, jd.i'.e munoffs will muse down wl:i more solemn And even wallg from l'r iol. Maurice Q, mm ocr. "the hli (. call l!m, h:n no tlui Ut siro numii- day-- of But the piv.ihti.-- of a lea rued Bls j. l.ih of Urn un. a son or dnine. who ha I. it is mid. foroioU ( rail ef Im: Arthur, ha jj,t inir-l- . tv.nr tin grc.ii.-sWhfg Hli ll-locked ue-former plctw 0i the curowi'. lie s.il.l: "H.. r l I! has. u ilocniel chIM. lu-Ill'll!' h. h..iuy. IntelliiJj,.. f w hen- u r :l menu nil-- i fli-i-.- vi-i- ' rau-jii.'- s . ea-.i- ig, - gother. It n w vcr foil." It I PoiHiide. . "Do yon thirl;.'' she ., nny m.in can really two girls at the cime tliuo?" Oh. yes. I? he luippi-n0 doubt as to wbi.-l- one's father richer." Chicago llccord - Ty i 011 dl.-ral- No Hurry. Mrs Newlyrleh gle old master" John. Mr. ewlyrl-- they will all years.- - Judge. In haien't our art d -- Never mind he In a few huadZj h ble. I thought it over for a few minutes, and finally told the Doctor I would make the change. Isiuiu was procured for me the same day aud made tCTnramg to directions; well, I liked 1 It and stuck to It, aud since then have been a new man. Tho change in health began In a few days and surI am prised me, and now, although years of age, I do lots of seventy-tw- o bard work, and for the past month hare been teaming, driving sixteen miles a day besides loading and unloading the wagon. That's what Fo tom In the place of coffee has done for me-- 1 now like the Fostum as well i did coffee. "I hare known people who did not ears for Fostum at first, hut after harto make It properly accord-la- g ing learned to directions they have come to like It aa well as coffee. I never miss Name given chance to praise it. ay puetum do., Battle Creek. Mlrh. Look for the little book, The Road Wellrille," la pkgsi u tORNKR AND BORDER. ton. or one of the beautiful mercer Ized cotton, should be used for tht work. The size of the handkerchief should be decided on. then a piece, oi paper cut to size, allowing a margin should hsve the design arranged upon it. Tracings must be taken of the piece shown: the border could be con tinued all round handkerchief, and the corner, of rourse, in all four eor ners; the whole ran then lie trans f erred to the handkerchief by meant nf tilne triii'iiig paper. Light Colors of Summer. It Is only very recently that I a diet have gone out upon the street afoot Is gowns of light colored cloili. But tnli f ish io ii prevailed hint season, and wtl' he Miil more popular this year. i'nl Ilnk. light Idiie. soft yeilow brown! and tuns un ere. mis will nil lie wars oil the street, by elde, witn sll ver. lobster, erxili red and sulniim. They make up very loxely suits, which d not soil easily, after all, for one krept them for nice not fur marketing unc wiih a little rare they last all the sea-to1 New Auto Coats. Quite the opposite to the favored bolero Is the new design In asto coats These are expected to cover up ths gown effectively, to have full length sleeves approaching a rape size In fullness and to lie o loose and easy of 111 as to be almost buggy all over. It Flesh Reducing. to said that Vichy and Klssliigea tablets will reduce the weight, that tha combination arts directly on the fatty tissues. The best and sanest way oi flenh-rs- d t'tog to found in diet and - with a displacement for Tear and was pawing through the change fife. of I hail a good deal of soreness, dizzy pells, headaches, and was very nervous I wrote you for advice and ronunenced treatment with Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound a you directed, and I am happy to say that all those distressing symptoms left me, and 1 have panned safely through ths change of life a well woman. - - For special advice regarding this important period women are Invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass She is daughter-in-laof Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-fiv- e years bee been advising sick women free of charge. Her advice ia free and alwaye helpful to ailing women. PERHAPS IT CURED HIM. Maybe the Wife Had Been Out, Maybe Not, the Effect Waa the Same. Cfept. Mark Caato waa being congratulated on hie gift of 1,500 from the Carnegie here fund for bravery In the wreck of the Cherokee, relates the New York Tribune. "The gift was unexpected, laid Capt Caato with a modest smlla. It waa as unexpected, though by no means ae unpleasant, aa the retort tnat a wife made to her husband when he came home at three o'clock In the , morning. The man came home very quietly. Iu fact, he took off hie shoes on the front doorstep. Then he unlocked the door and went cautiously and slowly upstairs on hls tiptoe, holding hls breath. But light was streaming through tha kephole of the door of the bed room. With a sigh he paused. Then he opened the door and entered. "Hls wife stood by the bureau fully dressed. I didnt expect you'd be fitting up for me, my dear, he said. 'I havent been, ehe said. T Just came In myself.' otaal-i-iinienl- s ku-n- PERIOD INTELLIGENTWOMEN PREPARE t, cant In a recent issue of th- - Saturday room mi trucks. sue forthwith m Millers and Evening Fust Mr, J. Ogden Armour - Into the hissing the assertion that the goV'iii- appear. "Il-the mnilenim-i- l steer due not nu tit Insistiion of the beef trust In the tank any lunger than the slaughter fouihe is an Impregnable etny nail protecting th puhlie from liu Mine iq,mel for liia remains to drop of through the holler down to the Roar pure meat, and that not an atom diseased meat ftn.ls lt way luto the Is luw. where In Is caught on a truek Mr. t and hauled hack again to the cutllng-toproduct of the Armour. was Sinclair, author of Th- Jitnglu" room. The hottom of Hie tank through ( a terrific statement of packing house open, and the steer passej conditional, stud it I the meat Industry the aperture. "I hate witnessed the far I many for two yearn, Including mm-- time as a times. I have seen the beef dropped In stockyards the Uhlcago pent pipe workman; he Is the lest equipped Into the vat In which a steam so outside authority on stockyard rundl was eihausilng with a great mdse tlons. In Everybody's Magaxlne for tnat the thud of the beef striking the lie heard, and May Mr. Sinclair makra a startling truck below could not and convincing anr.wer lo Mr. Ar- In a short time I have witnessed I; back to he propiour's assertion. Commencing wllh Nicholas bringing file statement that J. Ogden Armour pared for the market. I have even marked beef wllh my Is the absolute and nut the nominal In- so as to distinguish It. and knife houso brad of the great packing Bin- - Watched It return tu the olnt where dnstry which I tears hls name Mr. clalr aays; I know that In the state- It started. . . . Of all the evils of the mints quoted. Mr. Armour willfully and deliberately stales what he ahsu- Hie canning department Is iierhaps the cattle lutely and positively known to he worst. It Is there that the from all parts of the United States falsehoods." No matter That fe might h properly equipped are prepared fur canning canncra dchllltated r ' to dee r 's conditions In Tacking of their town'" Mr. Sinclair worked for a rP- - they must go the route at the Ar-- , brothers and arrive ultimately period at a laborer in the plant of !" vats, where they are mour A Co., and he tells of Mights of Rn-.tilth and horror such as he hopes , farned until they are reasonably to see again, but the strongest dnr. nundles of gristle and bone melt coincidence of the truth of ths claim Into pulpy masse and are stirred up that mt-a-t unlit for human food Is put for Ithe canning department. have seen catttle come Into on the market coma from a man for A stockyards so weak and exArmour at years superintendent hausted that they expired In the porF. Dolan, CTo.s Chicago plant, Thomas of Ronton. Mr. Sinclair In hls article tals. where they lay for an hour or two. dead, until they were afterward aaya; hauled In, skinned, and put on the At ths time of the embalmed bwf for beef or Into tba canning market scandal at the conclusion of tba Spanfor ran. department ish war. when the whole country waa "In other words, the Armour estabconvulsed with fury over the reveln-tlon- e waa selling carrion. male by soldier and officers lishment "Thera are hundreds of other men President Gen. Miles and (Including In the of Mr. Armour who Room-veiconcerning the quality of rould employ line I have writevery verify meat which Armour A Co. had fur ten. They have known of these nlshed to Ihe troops, and concerning ever since packing haa been an which It bad caused, things the death-ratHut I do not ask them to Industry. Ihe enormity of the condemned-mea- t come to the front In this matter. I to became dear suddenly Industry' on my outh, word for word, senne man who had formerly super- stand tence for sentence, and statement for vised It. Mr. Thomas K. Dolan, then statement. to a short residing h Boston, had, up "I write this story of my own free time pri lous, b en a superintendent one is reat Ario :r A Co.'s, and one of Mr. will and volition,hutand no for It is the it sponsible myself. Philip D Armour's most capable and product of ten years of experience. trusted rnen. When he read of the and death-raiIn the army, he made an It Is the truth, the whole truth, me so but the help truth, nothing affidavit concerning the things which God. were dune In the establishment of olan. amdaVU he lobV Sworn to and subscribed before me to the New York Journal, which published it on March 4, 1899. Here are this Brat day of March, 1899. "ORVILLE F. rURDT, ome sxtraeta from It: There were ninny ways of getting Notary Public, Kings County, N. Y. "Certlflcate Bled In New York counaround the Inspectors no many. In ty.1 fsi-t- . that not more than two or three The significance of this statement, rattle out of 1.000 were condemned. I know exactly wliat I am writing as Mr. Sinclair notes. Is heightened of In this connection, as my imrtieular by tho fact that, published as It was Instructions from Mr. W. K. Pierce, In a newspaper of prominence, whose Superintendent of the beef houses for proprietor Is a man of Immense wealth Armour A Co., were very explicit and and could be reached by the courts, Mr. Armour made no move to instidrflnlta. tute suit for libel, practically admit"Whenever a beef got past the yard that the statement was true. Inspectors with a case of lumpy Jaw ting Sinclair makes the assertion, Mr. and earns Into the slaughterhouse or abundant proof, that the the 'klllnglMd,' I was authorized by and gives to the "embalmed Incidental worry Mr. Pierce to take hls head off. thu the war with scandal beef" during rcmovln the evidences of lumpy Jsw. caused the death of Philip D. htpaln smitten the and after casting portion and that millions of dullara finto Ihe tank whre refuse goes, to Armour, Interests on Its i were spent by the packing the rest of the can-as- s effort to keep conn nlnl the In the ,way to market. truth about the matter. The awful ! "I have seen as much a (0 pounds mortality from disease nmong the sol rf flesh sR1!ctd with gangrene cat .jjlira thnt few weeks campaign In order wnq iHttut-tIFrom the carcass of a attributable to the ment that the rest of the animal might be supplied to the army. There utilized in trade. ninll reason xi doubt Mint meat . "One cf the moBt Important regtila-- ns little flt for human food Is still How tlur.s cf the bureau of animal Indus- - Jx-inplaced on the market. try Is that no rows In ralf are to bo much disease and death has been the Out of a outcome mny he Imagined. I'luced on the market. Slaughter of 2,000 cows, or a day's Summing tip the entire facts of the hilling, perhnis one hair are with uituntlon. Mr. Sinclair concludes; ralves. My Instructions from Mr.! Writing In a magazine of large Fierce were to dispute of U.o calv.s HrculaHcn and Influence, and having ll-- r.i tin:!', ti .ht. or until the floor all lo himself. Mr. Armour by the In"; retort hit off duly. The litserenely nn-- boastfully of the .'run and tie enreass s ir; Mum of hls meat products, in : .v rn.l skinned e'mlhnged the world to linpench hls all over the for integrity. but when h was brought v't l t . by hoys. Tl.e removing each charged with crime by ths wre'jpj0 h f.i kll e.iovn commonwealth of Pennsylvania, old for -t c.nt t hi TM to a and In tone, a different spoke rrn at t'lil- - .ufforent purport; he stU 'guilty, ci nlcht nt Dr. Arm'-ir'l caco. or afi- -r et h ki'!:--cf cows. this to a erFeinnl Indict jic riln-'ot. a'a'e here rxS.-tI new propu!-for 'pr ervi-.T f'V.n; njeut n::-- l In imm In pi'-- l the flnr !f Inve wlt!ie--e- d ly ahal I . - will: He p- - i led guilt an 1 p o l.ie--Philip D. caLH ! th; t lime !n r Mi te'ih. Pi. oil .on iv: ii. mil by in the itim'T.u-'ii- t .Hi. V.t'i.i. to tV cr!,:ii-':- l r'arge ol ! and ited a i!er A workman, one Nie..ol.:s New-o- n jelling and he piid I he flue of infuri-Ho during my off for !': WTiv sh uld Mr- Armour be that the tank are vno-tha- t of leu which :i'o finis I with i f the n.nlinnd nn recei-tlerattle to him than tlu price of a Ills presence I required to mo ii'iiuu-Mr. postaae id .imp to you or me. instead t!ie lnTf c2-- t Into the atom-tankat on to the plaee of going to j;ill Bis- other eonvleted proef'-dIndicated, and the eon 'em nod eattiv. erlmln.il.-- who do not happen to ba having txen brought up to tin lank- - riliilon.iiros?" v.-- jj CRITICAL Catarrh Cannot Be Cured u they eauot rwusfe tha Mai ot tho dtMaw. Catarrh la m bloud or eooM8 taitaoal dlatiM. aad is ontrr to core It pua muat taka toiaraal remedlea. llall'a Catarrh Core la takrs lo-t- e really, and acta dliwlly on tho bloud aad sicoai wrfaeea. Uall'a Catarrh Cura la not a quack medv daw It waa proscribed by ooa of tha boat physician ta thla country fur yrara and la a regular preaerlptlos. It la composed of tba lim tonics knows, combined with tha boat bluod purl dors, actlas directly ou tho Btaenea surface!. The perfect combination of tha two (Bxiedlents la what produces aucb wonderful Is curlns catarrh. Send for tMtlmoolala, free. VI. OIK VET A CO., Props., Toledo, (A Sold hr Drarirliu. price TVs. Tuko Hall's family PlUa fur conatlpatloo. Witz LOCAL APPLICATIONS, Ethics. "Do you think we will ever be able to communicate with Man? "My dear sir," answered the astronomer, you surely do not think I would spoil pages of magazine articles yet to be written by endeavoring to prove the contrary. It would be verr unprofessional. Washington Star. Real Merit. Skimkins How do you like your new boarding house? Mr. Jobklns Oh! the rooms are fair, the table I only tolerable, hut the gossip Is excellent. Hotel Life. Mrs. 'I see the tan Franciscans made a brave fight to save tlielr mint. "Yea, sah; yes. Pah. responded tho gentleman front the eonth; "thd Julep season approaches, sah.'' Cleveland Leader. "It la a faux pas, remarks an urban philosopher, "to ask a lady what a faux paa la who never heard of a faux paa. |