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Show felt evo clmgly footxh, I returned. can assure you. When she li.nie luck slu- waa tarryELOPED She placet ing u sin ul v milieu Inix. ihe bird in this and insisted that I should gn out into ihe garden with tier .md O'liy It. 1 was esclally busy t h;n d.iy, .uul eiery minute ra By MARGARET FAWCETT ihe child has (he most valuable, it in ImpuiSKible to reniai liable lyt-flit, bp JuMi'b II Uuwim ihciii when resist they plead. We Harriet: My My lh-a- r iiiiiri-ht-uii! liitn the garden, I carrybaa arranged evi'iyihiiu EIUuImMIi, mid Paulino the box ing a tire moat xaiisf.ii-iorilfur tin with the i it under a and of Joseph Downs' da:ightrr Give tr unyUiJj bad wi'uv. wivpinu elf no uutasiness. my dear us. I Imiild huve felt much dis-- i She will uul lie permitted l iiuer- - reused fere lu tho least with my work. Humu glil Mm enjoyed Ihe book. As ll as a sitting-rooand a lie. I mum hi v l ist uMule iipiieuru in the h u part of Ihe bouse quite remote I rum si ii us in Mn-ii- l will lei you have It. BeI'u In my workroom, so if lie proves to liial 1 Millie your lii'er-e.lieve, plea will no; Ina flighty young female ami very btgltly-Kiii- i nppi'cei.iiinu Iter presence. annoyed by Marrhaiid. yoi-rsJ.itm lifiilly me My eyes l.uve been troubling lately, so 11 this young woman lias Dear Hi.iiiei: When I decided anything of a mind 1 Intend to til ' My M.uii-.rin l her for ihe position of anianiieitsis. iinry would be a suit- 1 To tell the truth. Harriet, the young able htis.i.i'H lor Pauliue Downs, female has Invariably Irritated me j diil so in iiuupleie ignorance ot the u so delicately constituted chanced to innil in ueeessii whenever 1 contact wi:h her. I recognize liei tie- - an organism as the young female, i becessity in 'he general scheme, but j am siitfei'iii.; ml ihe more keenly, to hare fallen in am inclined to believe our modern liv- - cause Paulin Ilizatkin lias made a mistake in ulml- - with my plan, though she la really IgIxhing the barem. I can say this quite j norant of i. 1 owe it to cousin, for you know frankly to you, Joseph Downs to see how 1 adnu.-- e your mind. Faithfully that his ilmigliier's happiness is . hut 1 t'euhi very much whether yours, John Maurice (Jerry is the individual to My Dear Harriet: My secretary das whom it inn lie safely intrusted. He been here just two days, bm I am bus begun to reveal a frivolous side to that 1 did not believs already confident, that he will prove his eharact-capable. He Is a young mun, a Har- he JMissessed. vard graduate, unobtrusive and orLabi night she told me that she met derly. Maurice lle.-r-y at a dunce, and that The plan J had of Instructing Jo- he hud ask'd her fur her hand, and seph Downs daughter in the duties' of hud insinuated that she had given amanuensis I abandoned the tnsunt him every leusou to believe that sho I laid eyes upon her. In manner mil was in love ith him. ter disposition the must resemble I am to anger, but I confers 1 Italian mo'her; she is dark, too, and was in slog a terrible rage at the young her father, you know, was fair. It who is not fit to touch ihe coxcomb has been many years now since I hnve Bui worst Pauline's drew-- . had occdstua to examine the young hem of folio v. said it was not at was She to Do they all female at close ranee. ail remarkable that he should lancy talk incessantly and very fust she was coivsunied with love for him, nothing in particular? That is what since I had insisted upon throwing aer Joseph Dow us' daughter ikies. I was at the young fellow's head. Can you in my workroom when she arrived more painful, nil Imagine with Elizabeth, who had driveu down Harriet? And the most unpleasant part to the station for her. not denv 1L of it was '.hat I Bite hud tin absurd dog under ,ur slie iaid that she was in love Then arm. which she insisted on my shakwith some other man! This cams ing hands with. She told me that 1 as a great shock to me, and I begged was ten years younger looking than me the name of the to find nte, and that her to tell she bad exiiei-tetrifled with her ailec-tlon- s. man had who 1 I would i.sik even younger if did She wouldn't tell, but she asnot stoop. She said that she intendMia he hadn't been trifling me sured ed to call me J. M., as her father had just been fooldid. and '.hen she began to cry. Can with her; that she in love with him nnd lalleu ish hid 1 was the stale of mind you imagine And then, without encouragement. any in? bite said the most extraorHarriet, to Fortunately Ellxalieth hurried thing. She had been ponderthe rescue t.tifc the young person was dinarywhat my secretary had said all removed from the workroom. Bui 1 ing she declared, and had come evening, was greatly distressed and did not go to conclusion that she would haft) the down to dinner. The very next day 1 to elope. 1 Implored her to do nothreto a look for and secretary, began so and naked her wnom moved my workroom to the top floor. ing In rash, mind. But she answered, no had Faithfully yours, John Marchand. one; that ! wculd have to help her ses lect aomebody. My Dear Harriet: You are disturbed, was She said, r.nd her argument you say, lest the young creature we when a that eloped sound, Harriet, girl have In the house will annoy me, but do not alarm yourself. My secretary with one man, nobody could accuse acr and 1 are quite secluded here on the of being In love with another. But I top floor; wo are only reminded of didn't like the Idea, and I told her s6. her presence In the house when a door She admitted that she didnt, either, slams and she laughs. Her laughter but that it had to be done, tnd the is not exactly loud, but it carries very sooner the better. So we went over far. She seems to know a number of the list if men that Pauline knows, people in Boston, and is always either a very long list it waa, but there ai some great c bjectlon to each one. Perjust coming home or going out. 1 One thing cannot prevent her do- haps you have had occasion to reon thq rapid degeneraafternoon Just before din- mark, Harriet, ing; every man. Paulina dethe tion of young ner she insists upon coming into the she clared had that frequently reworkroom for five minutes. She says that it is a duty she owes me. I nave marked it When we had exhausted endeavored to reason her out of it, the list, my ward stared into the lira but she is a most obstinate young while I racked my brain to find same creature. Since our last conversation means of solving an awkward tangle. I have thought much of marrlago for Suddenly an idea came to me that her, and it has occurred to me that quite took an ay my breath, but .he it would not be a bad idea 11 she more I considered it the more fa abVery awkwardly, should marry my secretary, wno, as ide it appeared. Im afraid, I explained to Pauline that I think 1 have told you. Is a young man. Her coming to Inasmuch as I, in my blundering, had the workroom every afternoon shnvs brought this humiliation upon her, it that she is not uninterested In him, waa only right that I should sacrifice and he appears to listen kindly to her myself for her. She asked, very shyly, if I meant that I would elope with d. chatter. FaitMully yours, John her, and, though I confess to you that It cost me of an effort, Hars I said riet, 1 yes, very firmly, I think. am really not My Dear Harriet: the Methuselah you would make me The child was silent for awhile, and out. I can n i n, of course, pretend to then she sal-- that perhaps that would understand so unusual a young crea- be the best arrangement, that wnat ture as Ia.illne Downs, but in doing became of her didnt matter very much, my I vest to encourage a union with my but that with the protection of my secretary 1 mn nut aware that I am name she vould live her own life and playing with fire, as you suggest. would never disturb me. The story Maurice Garry Is well born, has excel- of the eloiiemcnt will leak out, of lent pmsiiccis, and Is a neat and meth- course, and It may affect my reputaodical young man. Such an absurd tion in the scientific world. Hut 1 deliumlli-itM-I thing happened the other morning. 1 serve to suffer for the relate it m you to show what a kind have brought upon Pauline, and 1 heart the child has, and also what really welcmo this chance of proving disintere-itednesof my alfectlcn. extremely queer Ideas she holds in the 1 shall write you upon our return. regard to the scheme of life. I nail . gone down to breakfast rather late, Faithfully vu.rs John Mr. at work Gerry leaving upstairs. Elizabeth wa. engaged In some houseMy Dear Harriet: Our steamer sails hold duty, so Pauline poured my cof- In two hours, so 1 have but a brut time in which to Inform you of ihe fee. Just as we had finished breakfast a sequel to what will prove, I am servant announced abruptly that tbs the happiest venture In my life 1 rechild's can try was acting strangely. fer to my elopement with Pauline Pauline rushed up to her room, and Downs. in an Incrciihly short time was down What do you think? I quite lost again. She was holding the'dead bird my head last evening, and told her in her haul, and waa weeping vio- that I loved her, and had always loved It waa most extraordinary! her. And then, Harriet, a great Joy lently. She stood 'nere sobbing so long that I came to me. She said that she, loo, had to remind her that the bird waa loved me, but that she had always f I considered her a slllv, la tie dead, and that she nad better give it I esnnot imagine how she to one of the servants to dispose of. thing. It quite took my breath away when could have entertained auch an idea, she turnei cn me and called me "a for I have always considered her stupid, musty, silly, very superior to most women. heathenish scientist" These were her I have decided to take a vaexact words. I remember them dis- cation, and during that timeyear's we shall tinctly, because the adjectives repre- travel. Pauline says I will have to sented such a heterogeneous collection. regain my youth before I settle down Then, before I could protest, she to work again. Wishing you good lurk thrust the dead canary into n.v hand and a prosperous summer, I am faithand commanded me to bold it until Abe fully yours, John Man-han- Tlie use of hand eream sep-- ! arators is very rapidly growing: among farmers who milk cows for profit. Dairy men prefer to purchase the eream and be relieved of the work of separating, and it is much more profitable for the fanner to do his own separating, for he saves the skim milk on which he can raise his calves, in addition to which he saves the hauling of his milk, which alone amounts in many cases to the monthly payments required to buy a cream separator. The best time to separate the cream from the milk is while it is fresh and wann. The cream separates easier and a greater percentage is obtained, and the skim milk is left sweet and fresh to be fed to the calves. The II. S. Cream Separator, sold by the Consolidated "Wagon & Machine Company, has geatest capacity, skims the cleanest, works the easiest, and lasts the Agents longest. everywhere. WONDERS OFNEXT CENTURY XxEfrcveinirts Which Will Do Awaj with Much Trouble of tho Iineiit Generation. The bath of the nest century," aaye T. Huron RukscII In his book "A Hundred Years Hence, " "will lave the body sjiei'dily with oxygenated water delivered with a force that will render rubbing unu essary, and beside it will stand the drying cupboard, lined with some quickly moving arrangement of soft brushes, and fed with a Highly ties! real ed air, from which almost in a moment, the bather will emerge, dried, and with a skin gently stimulated, and perhaps electrified, to clothe himself quickly and pass down the lift tu his breakfast, which he will eat to the accompaniment of a summary of the morning's news read out for the benefit of the family, or whispered into his ear by a talking machine. Dishwashing will be easy in that day. Dirty plates and dishes, for example, will be simply dropped one by one into an automatic receptacle; swilled clean by water delivered with force and charged with nascent oxygen; dried by electric heat, and polished by electric force, being finally as a superfluous act of oxygen-bathe- d sanitary cleanliness before being sent to table again. And all that haa come off the piatee will drop through the scullery floor into the destructor beneath to be oxygenated and made away with. There will be many other Improvements. Trains will gather speed more rapidly; moving platforms will do away with the need of stopping trains at every station. People will have more accident! to avoid, an they will be cleverer in avoiding them. On' small flying machines they will visit mountain tops on Saturday afternoons "for (nonalcoholic) picnics." Actors will only play once in one part; for their performances will be reproduced by a perfected klnetoscope and phonograph. Baro Church Treasure. The little Roman church of Conques, lost in the mountains of Aveyron, Is possessed of a treasure which was on view at the exhibition of 1900. It was of such marvelous beauty that a syndicate of art dealers offered for it the sum of 32,000,000 francs (36,400,000). It contains the finest enamels In the world, reliquaries given by the early kings of France and Roman statues in gold and sliver. Fortunately for France the art syndicate did not buy it Gold In HeytL The premium on gold in Hayt! now varies between 400 and 500 per cent. a1 s sim n r AiouoO Gold Piece is. tbeSzeof a Silver Dollar-B- ut tba Geld Goes ' so Times as Fan 'About- - WHO WITH PAULINE? - BSSSBSSSSS s kouM-ketqit-- ; : oel i.-- 1 m i -i - 1 yii-i'- . j it-- ; 1 ! j Mart-hand- r wcll-behuv- ed Mar-chan- si-- Your Written Request u when Places a grave reepoasIMlitr ea the beeefit of ear loag experleace sad oar aaqaallfied gaaraatca. we ship yea goods. Yoa get hard-hearte- MUM H Lake Ctty. VtaK Union Assay Office U4R M. a. Va NARAUIR lARkRR. ALT IARR OlTVg UTAH Only Wanted a Square Deal. "Prlsoaer." said the Judge, "stand was about to Neighbor--- 1 say what's SPELLS FAINTING t ? that terrible racket np. Have you anything to say why Is siiinetHi.ly having a IB? of the court should not he judgment . Hen-jam- No. Thai's pronounced agHlnat you?" He inbearsing the speech he la going I'd like to sny, your honor," anto ildlver before the fui-ver- swered the primmer, "that I hope you . Peace soiji-iy('hlcago Tri- will not allow your mind to be prebune judiced ugiilnst me by the poor defense my lawyer put up for me. 111 One Luxury at a Time. PlftmuB I'm glad It is good form take It as a great favor If your honor ni.lWear H wa,lh wi,h a dress suit. will just give me the sentence I'd have Dlukes-Wh- y? got If I had pleaded gnllty In the first Ike use i never have Chicago Tribune. both at the place. earn time." American Spectator. Experience Makes Us Wisa hi. iiiNhm'i NwiHiur Kyrup. Teacher Cun anyone tell me what a MfihiM.RrfiMii tip kuhik. Nurw Id IJilSJ1 palmist la? mnwMt, aUihy rures rud mile. StesboUi. "I know, teacner. It'a a woman who It ban old man's weakness to boast uses her bund instead of a slipper. of hb youthful depravity. Judy. s al Jy . Cured by Or. Williams Pink Pills Mi Remedy Which Actually Makes I New Blood. AnmmU makes the jiaticnt short ot breath so that there is of leu a sense of suffocaiiou, sometimes there is a cough nnd the sufferer aceuis to be going into consumption, at others there is a murmur of the heart and heart disease is feared, lu the following case severe fainting spells were au alarming symptom resulting from " too little hluod.' Mrs. (ieurgo Forrester, of 7 Curtin "Sum K f cold and it Ileft mu ill a very weak coiitliliou. I worse nail worse until finally X luul miu'iiiiiv. 1 lost and appetite, hud iio color nnd wus subject to fainting Sjiclls, Sometimes they would attack me suddenly and I would full to the flour with hardly nny warning. " I had one of our best physicians, but after ho hud attcuuiug me about a iniuiih without any improveiu ment my condition, I decided to see whnt Dr. Williams' lmk l'ills would do "The pills wero well known to ins for, elsiut two before, moiubers of my family had taken them with the best results. I soon found that the pills were j list wliat 1 needed for I soon n to iiuiicti au improvement. After I Lad tukeu them awliilo longer I was entirely cured, and we all lwlieve in Dr. Williams1 mk Fills and reuoinineud them highly." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make now Mood. They do that one thmg and they do it well. Impoverished blood U deficient in redoorptiNulea. Dr. Williams Pink Pills increase the uumlmr of these red corpnselea and in this way send health and strength to every tlssne. All druggists Bell Dr. Williams Fink Pills or they will be sent by mail, poet-on receipt of prioe, 60 orate pev Kid, six boxes for 93.60, by the Dr. Wil-- '' hc-uv- ie fli.-s- h ls-c- vi-nr- s be-ga- uli-iu- t Mart-hand- CROWN most complete Lithographic Size JiL'xjrii of that part uf the Wind River or Shoshone Indian Reservation in Wyoming to be opened for yeitli-uicut- . Compiled under direction of John T. Wert, Former United Stales Special Allotting Agent for tnta Reservation -- from C. S. Gov't Surveys showing Townships, Fractional TownIziIh, ships, Sections. Mountains, Rivers, Creek and Streams. Allotments to Indians, Promised Railroads, Proposed Irrigation Diirhe. Wagon (toads. Trails. Fords. Ferries, Bridges, Big Hull). Hot Springs, Military Post, Agency, and principal towns near Reservation. Every lloiueaeeker, Prospector and Engineer should have this map, its wiilt It he can make his own select Uni of land, and know Just where be Is nL The above maps cun be secured of 8. 1). Childs a Company. 200 Clark Street, Chicago, 111., at rate of $1.00 each. NOTE. For Information as to char-acte- r of hind apply to John T. Wertt, lender or Shoshone, Wyoming. Map Kothinrr Alarming. St Done . s THREE Fot-Mllbur- 1 Just What You Want. The the Kidneys Well and the Kid-ke- y e Will Keep You Well, suffering, languid women are learuhg the true pause of bad backs and how to cure them. Mrs W. G. Davis, of G roe beck, Texas, says: Backaches hurt me so I could hardly stand. Spells of dlzxlnes and rick headache were frequent and the action of the kidneys was Irregular. Boon after I began taking Dossl Kidney Pills I passed several grawl atones I got well and the trouble hae not returned. My back le Rod and strong nnd my general health better." tWl bv nil dealers, r.n rents a box. u Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. 1 j WOMEN. AILING IXVKSTltl ATINO. (3s W0IIT1I d, ANcgctnblcPrcparationrorAs-similalin- Tho Kind Toil Ilavo Always Bought, and which lias been In uso for over 80 yean, has borno the signature of and lias been made under his personal Buperviaion since it Infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in (Mr All Counterfeits, Imitations and baft Experiments that trifle with anil endanger tlie health of Infants and Children Experience against IXpciimeiiU g ibcRodamlRctuIa-li- $ the Stomachs and Bowels of Jiist-UM-good- lNFANtsrcmi'0k Promotes DigcsIioiYChwrfiiN ness and RcsLConlalns ncillier Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. What is CASTOR1A Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor On Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant, Ift contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kareotlo substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, It relieves Teething Troubles, cares Constipatkm ' and Flatulency, It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleeps The Children's Panacea Tlie Mother's Friend- - Not Narcotic. Avmtadjtsvaxumm JW- Ptmk MvHkUtm JbtutmMi - gisM- Apcriccl Remedy forGonsiipa-UoSour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions .Feverish- ness andLoss nre GENUINE n. CASTORIA ALWAY8 Bean the Signature of of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought EXACT COPY OF WRAPPCR 30HV!Years In Use For Over INI RMTMil RftimRT, TV BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Bums, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. MRMf RTHKT, all inflamed, ulcerated nnd catarrhal condition of the mucous membrane such as nasal catarrh, uterinecatarrti caused by feminine Ills, sore throst, sore mouth or inf lamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surely can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Paxtlne Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease germs .checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxline represents the most successful local treatment for feminine Ills ever pmdiicc-d- . Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists,. Send for Free Trial Box THE R- - PAXTON CO. Boston. Mean. Sold by all Druggists. e, FREE everything yor 15S PAGE 1LLVSTRATED every SrORT EVERT CATALOGVE r REE ON m season REQUEST THE O LD RE LIABLE BROWnTncb RO s."co . , Ogden, Utah WEITS ktus!n Cur nsADKiw FOOT-EAS- hr T1rd E Hot, Aching FeeL EOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. n,U enemy ben or nil rorn IHBUHIMU TO BUT AXTTU1MO ADVKRTIKED 1M ITS COLUMNS SHOULD lSMST OPO HAVING WHAT THEY ASK FOB, BNFinUNO ALL BU BUTITUTSS OK IMITATIONS. for PROFIT PATENTS nnt Dmk fall CouH-nlMllo- n. Mm,. IbtmuIot. HiskMt kicnr rnen. UuaBd.nUal. prowe HmwIcS A n Unm, Booklet WmUmVm, B. Bf- c- PENSIONS I It, VutotM, Writ. Httoa HtoJbrt. Sit LxKey.JL. NEW LAW ENT FUCK, 9, a W. N. V., Sait Lake City, No. 23, 1900 |