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Show Lakeside Review, Tuesday, May 15, 1990 22 vantage ft's easy to find the solution to your wont or need in the Standard Exam-- : n er Ci assified Advertising columns. e k ey to Northern Utah s ; T h.i Si. mo svdiv ersified M ark e tpface. Be sure to read arid use these columns re gula rf y: Y ou If. pro fit; irfsp many vtgrois, ny condition , toys. auHk. Any , :i Standard-Examine- r ways. Make Talking You! Call For Details! to Loan Estate Contracts & 30-Lo- Greetings Found 140-Re- Duplexes Duplexes T rade Essentials Also see Business Services Directory Services & Apts. Buy, Sell, Rental 460-TV'- - - ' 700-Sno- for Rent 467-Offic- Rooms Homes Homes for Rent g e & Coins & e 740-Mot- g Materials 750-Touri- st d to 760-Cycle- s 770-Al- l Buy Rentals BEADLINES- for Trade 81 Managerial Estate 180-Re- -- 400-Lan- Estate Wanted 215-Re220-Farm- 84-Sal- Ranches Property Property & Lots Property Homes Skills e Wanted Care Care d 105-Elder- 4 540-Goo- 260-Mobi- Trees, Shrubs Trees 900-Aut- Top Soil Grain & Feed 910-Heav- y & 930-Class- & 580-Ha- 430-Auctio435-Odd- Supplies & Poultry & Ranch Supplies Implements 600-Pets 620-Far- & Ends & Crafts s 438-Art- s 630-Far- for Rent Equipment 940-Van- 445-Garag- & Property BUSINESSISEBYJCES for Rent per Ine Automobiles 960-- 4 Vicinity 990-A- great 6. Lost: Large grey and white long haired female cat. ll THE STANDARD-EXAMINEMIDWEEK,' PROLAKESIDE REVIEW COMBINATION HOUSEHOLD VIDES YOD WITH TOTAL COVERAGE IN NORTHERN UTAH' Cars Makes 1 -- Classified Advertising Department Standard- Examiner Full-S- Happily married couple wishes to give child all the advantages of a loving home and family. All expenses paid. Call collect, us & out!- - $300 Fill-I- Standard-Examine- $200 WEDDING ESSENTIALS Pays To Advertise Your It ) m TankrDptcy LEGAL Free Consultation Rov M. Schank The Bankruptcy Lawyer 3856 Wash. Blvd. information 1 394-167- Models, Extras. 100's of openings available! Act Now! To $400day. No 7. experience! Lots of Values Are All Over TRY IT TODAY 1 ; Airlines tendants, chanics, customer toservice. S105K. Listings. Salaries Entry level positions. A 91 15. Fee. Ext -- Are You Worth $60hr.? Talent needed for movies, TV, fashion, extra. No exp. EARN MONEY READING BOOKS $32,000 per year Income potential. Ext. Details. (1) Bk9690. Small refundable fee. ATTN: EARN MONEY HOME! AT TYPING S32,000vr. income potential. Ext. Details, T -- 9690. Small refundable fee. MONEY EARN ATTN: WATCHING TV! $32,000 per Deyear income potential. Ext. tails. (1) the Classified ATTN; EASY WORK, EXCELLENT PAY! Assemble Details, products at home. Ext. (1) Small refundable fee. ATTN: POSTAL JOBS! Start 11.41hr! For application info, Ext. call 6 a.m.-1- 0 p.m. 7 days. Small fee. You! Free, Instant Automotive Mechanics Information needed immediately for David Early Aufo Service Centers. Excellent earning potential and benefits. 100 company paid profit sharing plan. Must have at least 2 years general mechanical experience and have own tools. Slate inspection and emissions license preferred. Apply now in Roy at 1900 W. 5702 S., and ask for Steve or Mike. A New Way to Get More Bather needed in Call EARN MONEY Reading books! $30,000yr. income n. r fm ir-w- 1? Hours a Day vrs. experi- ence, pull tankers in Western Slates. Work in warehouse when not driving. Good driving record and drug-screfor appt. required. Wanted: Single adults or married couples to provide a home for a teenager. $415 1. Call per month. JOBS SALES ) Automobile Sales Person . Needed. Growing company. Apply in person at: DUSTY'S buy Avon at a Discount! Call Catherine at or Const., Look vour best. Resumes anytime at the Write Place. 546-18- 5. Teachers Aides. Work with Infants. PM Hours. Call ask for Cheryl. SCHOOLS AND GU 8. rates. Layton. 0. L 6. S18month GUITAR LESSONS. Rock, iazz, blues, country. Beginners to advanced. 6. Sewing Instruction Ages 8 thru 88. Innovative approach to Basic Techniques using "Machine Art" skills. Classes taught Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. Cost S20 per week. Love 4. teaching youth. Summer tutoring, all ages, many subjects. Experienced 2. certified teacher Kavsville. nance, street repairs, applications must be submitted on or before May 24, 1990 at 5 p.m. at Ihe South Weber City Offices, 1600 E. South Weber Drive, South Weber, if you UT 84405. Call have any questions. Mechanic Mechanic Experienced needed. Must have own tools, know alignment, brakes and tuneup. Good commission and' benefits. or Apply 399-37- at Master Muffler Shop 2017 Washington Blvd. Ogden. Nail Technician Wanted. Phazes Needed. Babysitter in mv home. Must be reliable and flexible. Call Heather, m A ii ym Seven Days a Week FOR 825-008- ge 547-090- S POSTAL SERVICE Jobs. Salary to S65K. EntryCalllevel (1) positions. Your area. Sewing Machine Repair Part or position available. appt. Some experience Will train. Cali for 392-50- Telemarketing. . Clearfield area. Layton, Exp. only. Permanent. Salary and bonus. Make appts. only. Utah's oldest hearing aid company. Littlefield's, 1. Telephone sales for portrait packages for Olan Mills. 9 to 1, Mon. - Sat. $4 hr. or v, Light Industrial Production Work Clean-u- p Movers Certified Welders Forklift Operators Commercial Laundry Drycleaners If you are over 18. have a phone and car call ADIA today! No Fee Adia Personnel S.M.F. Seward Motor Freight Inc. Earn up to 27 per mile 2 vrs. OTR experience required. Load and unload pay ' 8331 8333 Solo, no -- VANTAGE ... Late model equipment Tammy 479-84,439.84 weeklylaTy, emoyabie home assembly exp- - necessary. FREE recording reveals low-co- st listing. Dept. Food Service Earn Food Operation Mgr. Needed at up and coming hotel in Ogden area. Responsible for fofal food operation including food food costs and servicequality, personnel. Excellent opportunity. Send resume t Box 9973, Ogden, Ur. 84401. GOVERNMENT r. Standard-Examine- r Another Service from Northern Utahs Information Source Salary to S65K. Nationwide. Entry level positions. Call (1) Ext. temporaryfull-tim- insurance knowledge helpful. Pick up application at 360 S. St. Suite A, Clearfield. No phone calls please. 8327 L 9 POSTAL SERVICE Jobs. PIZZA and then any of these Classified Category numbers: Auto Line Real Estate Line Rent Line EXT. UT-10- 7, days. Fee. 7 Now hiring Delivery Drivers. Must be 18 or older, have own car with insurance and good driving record. Earn S3.80hr. plus tips and mileage. Apply at the following locations: 140 N. Main, Clearfield 425 E. 1500 N. Layton. 2088 Harrison, Ogden 5582 S. 1750 E. Ogden DRIVERS 547-090- 0 Boat Line 8321 8323 Job Line Child Care 8325 p.m., 8 Immediate openings, e. DOMINOS , 1. 1 State Classifieds and in the Standard-Examine- r an System to help you sell item, call a.m.-- commission. computer knowledge required. Some category. To place your ad POSTAL JOBS Start si 1.41hr. For exam and application info, call Temporary Work BLUE JEAN JOBS Wanted: Chiropractic Assistant for busy Clearfield office. Must be sharp, mature, d. career-orienteType 60 wpm, 5th S. Bountiful. NOW is the time for YOU to sell Avon! Ask me why? preferred. Chiropractic toll-fre- -- full-ti- . "DECOR & MORE!" Free Now accepting applications Auction Drivers. for Auto Part-tim- e. Apply in person. Tue. and Fri. 1650 W. Mon., J JOBS- - Now hir- ing. Call (1) Ext. for current federal list. Fee. GOVERNMENT JOBS- r. Call Now hir- ing (1) Ext. for current federal list. Fee Ogden Board ' Million Dollar Club P.M. OPEN HOUSE Saturday, May 19th 533 N. View Drive, Layton -4 View G.C.) ( 980 E. off Gentile lust Below Valiev ar-e- a, Beautiful setting-fantasti- c pool and entertaining 6 bedrooms, rambler, large super view, privpte, t j 4 baths, free tour. CALL KARON TANNER 546-286- 0 f , Maintenance helper needed for South Weber City. Must be 18 years of age. Duties will include reading meters, parks and buildings mainteetc. All Call Arlo 1 INSTRUCTION Guitar Lessons. CARE Dependable mom will tend two infants, $40week: child 2 children $35week; Clearfield area. $50week. Bill Clfd. 0. CHILD jKT gate. Any age. 244 W. 750 N., NURSING LPN, Part time Weekends. Day or graveyard shift, for nursing home in Bounfiful, S9.50 Hr. Real Estate Sales Person wanted for new construction home sales. East Layton Model. Call Mark Classic d AVON-Woui- Ken Colovich, Dairy Bldg. 3, 500 N. Sugar St., Layton, Utah 84041. Experienced medical assistant for evening shift. Call Karma al Tanner Clinic you like to Ask for londay Syracuse Day Care. Needs Medical Assistant Childcare mv Ogden home 24 hrs. Lots of love. area. Clean home, fenced yard, meals and snacks, reason-abl- e 1149 W. Riverdale Rd. Or Call trician, welders, pipe fitters, refrigeration5 technicians, vrs. plus expemechanics, rience, submit resume to: 0. I - Friday. Clearfield, Freeport area. 2 Openings. Close to west . Ext. Work from your home No Investment Free Training, Paper Supplies and Samples. New 500 Item Catalog. Have Fun Working With can get more details on any item listed in the Classifieds that next to it. has this phone symbol tele0 from any touch-ton- e call To Use just e area. phone. This a free call within the local When your call is answered, youll be asked to enter a four-dig-it then gives you the information from that category number. ft x'ZWt'v Opening for Full time position for someone experienced in central supply work and purchasing. Call Karma at Tanner Clinic Repair Person PERFECT PART-TIM- E You r Dial (1) AMBITIOUS ACHIEVERS m 394-167- Details Ext. potential. Classifieds use the 9. s Ad-Vanta- at The Clearfield. Groomette Information About Items Listed in the 24 "-"- 5. mechanics Experience Service Standard-Examiner- 3 Industrial Maintenance, elec- now hiring, flight attravel agents, me- 0. It's For TRUCK DRIVER WANTED Industrial ATTN: AAA Earnings with AVON. To sell or buy call Shirley, Actors, r JOBS 8. in The Classifieds. Call today for 394-167- EVERYDAY! SERVICES $200 plus filing fee. WEDDING SERVICE FAMILY WANT ADS PHONE ......$500 i (10 & under) classified you're tuned into your community OFF Adult Cuts (Reg. $8.00) of Nails When you're tuned into1 OFF .Si 1(D) Central Supply Work for an appt. HAIR STYLIST Hair Stylists and Nail technicians. New salon opening downtown. Envy Leave name and number. SuperviHouse Cleaning sors - mornings. S5 hr. to start if experienced. Must be over 25 & have a car. Will 9. train. Sharon HOUSEKEEPING houseWwekend Part time keeper, small nursing 25in hr. Bountiful, $4.35 per differential. receive these specials: (Cut Extra) 0FF CHILDREN ADOPTION: Warm, loving, stable couple wishes to adopt infant. Expenses paid in legal manner. and confidential Please call Debbie and Ronald collect OVERWEIGHTS A KILLER. We guarantee you to lose 10 to 29 pounds per month, SAFETlY! Money back policy. 6.9 million have have mainlost weight. 90 tained that weight loss. Phone Wanted to buy Airline tickCall ets to Orlando, Fla. 5. or Greg Daily hours: 8 a.m. till S p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. till 12 noon Sal 778-397- 3 , 3 GENERAL 825-42- All Redken Perms PERSONALS $500 1 ROY off $700 A classified and JOB- S- 1 "Great opportunity Would you like to be part of a Inc. 500 company? For a very minimal investment, and a part time commitment, you can! Elderly, retired welcome. Call you 2654 W. 6000 S. to come in Bring in this coupon REWARD. Count . Styling stomach shaved. West PointSyracuse area. deals,.. 394-167- SreqW er n We invite SunselRov. fitRoy. Monday Standard-Examinters are packaged into the Midweek at no extra charge (opttonai) and in- - RV RECREATIONAL , The Midweek Shopper is delivered weekly to 25,000 newspaper households in Weber, Box Efder and Morgan Counties; along with the lakeside Review which is delivered to 42,000 (total) households in No, Davis County end propnate pickup rate. Wheel Drives JOB- S- For , er ;:i;idiyi;: s GENERAL Lost: Golden Dark Retriever, looks like Irish Setter. Male. Red collar with tags. iiryiip IiiQ;riil!f 980-Impor- Carpet Wanted Opportunities :ij2i'Fiihi Niyieris! SUPER TUESDAY! 950-Truc- Supplies Sales e & o 970-Spor- ts 442-Medic- Ibdf bri 1 n di CLASSIFIED RATES Services, Parts Accessories 920-Aut- d MERCHANDISE 1 tf Things to Eat d 550-Plant- exceed, com mfe r qtat: aiy in 0 - IpMi id a & s e 100-Chil- d AyoM A $Tfi M atj rniist: before publican on.m splay, ads ,4 30 ii3: days before publi cation. (Sunday and Monday deadlines are one day d rher); Privat e:: Par p lac 6 pu bhcat fonilMx to Rent for Rent for Rent 390-Wante- d tS 1 ancb'- or CHAHGE! ;aC-p- til Agencies Management 380-Rent- a cbunii: Opp Homes & Trailer Parks & Supplies Terrain $410 LinesDays 723-536- 1 363-391- E PARTY ADS . xetis Ogden Area Brigham City Bountiful, Salt Lake City 370-Stora160-Are- i. Instruments 480-Music- Home Parks Business 350-Mobil- e 360-Offic- 710-Trav- Equipment & Clothing e 470-Sho- 340-Mobil- 690-Skiin- g rs 310-Housg g Video, Stereos s, Marine Goods Equipment Vehicles Trailers Trailers & 670-Boa- & Apts. PEOPLE-TO-PEOPL- , 8 a.m. til 5 p.m. (Phone calls till 6 p.m.) Sat. 8 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. .Mon.-Fry SPECIAL PRIVATE CLASSIFIED HOURS & PHONE NUMBERS: Classifieds Work For Ogden Board Million Dollar Club P.M. OPEN HOUSE 19th Saturday, May 833 No. 450 E. Kaysville -4 (Off Mutton Hollow Rd.) 3 new beautiful models to choose from or build to suit. We have a super sweat equity program to work out your down payment. SEE YOU THERE! STEVE BROUGH S46-I72- 9 |