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Show Lakeside Review, Tuesday, May 15, 1990 Bee Franklin 7 B Better quality for less Come To Our Annual Spring QUILT WEEK MAY 15 thru MAY 19, 1990 FREE Demonstrations MONDAY TUESDAY Daily At 11 A.M. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY & Help Cosmos 4:30 P.M. FRIDAY te!! e-Loca- SATURDAY Rent Movies Friday, May 18 at the 43 COME SEE OUR DEMONSTRATIONS & YOU WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN $20.00 WORTH OF QUILT SUPPLIES!!! OUR THANKS TO ARLENE OKEY OUR QUILT SPECIALIST AND MARIAN SHERIDAN, LOA OLMSTEAD, WILMA LITTLE, HEATHER GENTRY, SANDI WOOD & CHRIS HER-RAR- A FOR SHARING THEIR TALENTS WITH US!!! 20 - Drawing for a chance to Current Location Return Movies Tuesday, May 22 At Jew Location 270 N. MAIN 5 win $20.00 worth of quilt supplies. Sat., May 19th 5:00 P.M. KAYSVILLE i OFF FABRIC & QUILT SUPPLIES Over 5,500 Movies to Choose From. Children's Scissor. Fiskar Tot Bag, Tiny ssMy scissors in your chore Sac, blue, pink or rad. bag mad ol of Great color. for Quilters YULY Sag Of FIom. 40 strain Dps. 100 conoa ' Rent Several Movies For Your Weekend Entertainment o: par bag. Lily mrcr-Izs- d is 4B4 ' ". - S, : r.gt'.S -; 3.97 Sawing Notion. Tap firattura, scissor, Svmbt, ksnstsf pencil, pm and moral nMl,sMy 3-9- Craft Slides. long wooden stick Tk sdvantag ol Ibis opportune, M slock upt si era.- msss - ON SELECTED 34 E. 200 N. YARNS 2.88 1.97 3F CLOSEOUT Fatntra Doran Faints. Acrykc. Your cholc ol poster 1 fstoric type In many color ssonmots. 35 Kaysville UP TO 50 OFF 544-379F' p 'r'SFSf'r I I r ee Franklin tt 4 9 4 Better quality for Jess 1975 W. 5600 S. Roy, Utah 7 -s v r X "v Vt' AV'-- . V t xH 4h Tw s jr v r--r , -- . VW JL . v "if i N 1 ' I ' T A jiim 'v '1S i - f - 0 1 ,V f nUPf ? VJ fr Its not because theres a lack of information out there. Your child is getting plenty from the kids at school, from friends in the neighbor- hood, from older kids, and from countless other sources. The problem lies in the kind of information your child is getting. What Idas hear too often is that drugs are OK. What they need to hear is the truth. This is where you, as a parent, can help. By talking frankly with your child, you can, first of all, learn where your child stands on drugs what he thinks about them, what he knows, and what he doesnt know. Then, once you understand your childs perspective, youll be in a W uO better position to offer your own. Youll be able to talk about the dan- gers of various drugs. And what your child can do to avoid them. Of course, speaking to your child like this takes a lot of couraga And to do it effectively takes a lot of homework like reading articles, attending meetings, and talking to other parents. This way, your child will see you as a well informed sourca Y)ur child is going to talk to someone about drugs. - V- - ; Whos it going to be? , .r Tb make sure you have the right answers, contact your local agency ondrugabusa PARTNERSHIP FOR A DRUG-FRE- E t ."Association ,.,iT.i jJSU. v. American Diabetes Support the Research of the American Diabetes Association . AMERICA . ' v; |