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Show J UNFURNISHED 4 Heat Paid. )H APTS. DUPLEXES bedroom apt. 2 OK. NEAR WSC 2 bdrm., $259.1 . New paint, clean, coin wash, 2. , 3070 Eccles, Residential Property Man-- 1 ager wanted for small apartment community in Davis I and Weber Counties. Send . resume to: C.C.C., 4)85 S. 300 W 13, Ogden. Utah 84405. ROY; Nice large 2 bdrm apt., S200 plus utilities. Ph. 168 S. 5767 Maplewood Drive ' So. Ogden, Utah (Go So. on Wash. Blvd., past Browning Armory, past Manor Care, turn So. on Crestwood Road then onto Oakwood Dr., across from the Ogden Athletic Club then follow the signs). I Our client is having to settle an estate, so we are selling his antiques, tools, and misc. items. Partial list of antiques includes: Etching by LOUIS ICART (La Lettre). Round dining table with claw feet, bedroom set, stands, lamps, rockers library table, double pedesta secretary witti Queen Anne legs. Victorian Chevel mir ror, crocks, churns, gun Winchester model 97 II gauge, coin, oriental rugs trunk, oak stand with large glass claw ball feet, dressers, wash stands, pictures, primitives. Ornate parlor stove. So mucti we cannot FURNISHED DUPLEXES AAA Furnished Apartments. I Block to So. Gate I HAFB, S99 weekly, paid util-- 1 ities, no deposit. Cable TV, I ' covered parking or $229 monthly. Studios and 1 bdrm. I SOUTH GATE LODGE, 2901 0. N. 400 W Layton. syiwwM HOUSES FOR RENT 2 and 3 ' bdrm. houses, $250 and $280mo. $100 deposit.! 2. i list it all. Bdrm., full bsmt., cooler, washer, dryer. 2862 Porter. S275. No deposit. Clearfield home: 2 bedroom I apt. upstairs with garage and ; nice yard, $300 per month, I part utilities paid and $1501 cleaning fee. 1 bedroom fur-- 1 nished bachelor apt., private I parking, utilities paid, $1851 per month 8. $100 cleaning fee. House 1 mile from Hill I AFB. Adults, no pets or wa-- 1 ter beds. Will rent separate or both for $430. Call Moun-- 1 tain Green. East side Ogden home, 3 bdrm., formal dining room, fireplace, garage, very nice, immaculate, . Misc. decorative items, misc. games, rowing machine, DP weight bench, dog carriers, HO scale train set, Schwinn bike, 35 lb Wilson Bow, Brothers electric typewriter, Ingersoll Rand air compressor, Bostwich air staple gun, Vz" Craftsman- 10" radial " drill, cordless drill saw, boxes of nails, bolts, nuts, washers. 1" roofing nails. Impossible to list if all. hardwood,, leaded glass, no pets, $4501 mo. plus deposit. Call Jeff after 3, area, Nice Layton 7 Soft, looks new. $300best Must sell. Moving must sell! Gold crushed velvet couch and love seal. Coffee table and malching end tables. S500 leave message. PCS Must Sell! 3 waterbeds. 1 king, $250; 2, super singles, S125each. Complete. Cali Debbv, Queensize waterbed, bookcase headboard, pedestal with drawers, like new, S400best offer. waterbed, almost new, liner, heater, mirrored headboard, padded sides, eves. $125offer. after 7 p.m. Bountiful. Sofa Sleeper 72", pillow back, excellent condition, Queen S200. 2 Reasonable!!! Extremely Samo-ve- d Adorable Jan. while fluffy Puppies! Hurry while they last!!! Free cute healthy kittens, litter trained. Hotpoint Electric Range, while, excell. cond. $150. or Kenmore, washer and dryer stacked combination for apt. Brand new Call S450. FREE KITTENS, 10 weeks old males, grey striped, 6 after P.m. Free 7 mo. dog. Spayed fe male Shitzu mix. Brown with some black. Had all shots. Refrigeratorfreezer. Newer model works great. S250-be- st offer. Brelt. Refrigerator, white 19 cu.ft. frost Kelvmator, free, S350. eves. Rentals WasherDrver Set $35. TV's $10, S25. Fridges, stoves, etc. Used Kenmore Davis School District Birdview 10' Stereo Satellite TV svstem. $1300offer VIDEO, very affectionate, 479-65ask for Cindy. Great Dane Puppies Purebred. Harlequin 4V4 weeks. SI 50 ea. (3) Adult female $40. Console TV, with stereo, 8- track, turntable, S300best offer. Himalayan Kittens, CFA. Grand champion lines. (4) Professional Stereo Cassette Deck. Great specs. Cost Japanese $349, sell for SI 50 ea. S200. 1 damage deposit. Rov, 3 bdrm., unfurnished, slove, fridge, carpets, drapes, no pets. $400. 1884 W. Call 5075 So. mattress $75. 36" bench top lathe with 1 ft. extension table, motor not included. $60. Chain link dog run, )4'x6'x4', $150. 825-62- Call MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT 200 channel MOBILE HOME PARKS IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF MOVING COME DOWN TO.. SUNDOWN We promise to make it worth your while to move to our quiet, peaceful park. We have a few choice locations available for you. BUT HURRY Contact our friendly manag-- 1 er now to find out details. Sundown Mobile Home Park ' Collectables: Comic books, quilts, books, marbles, iew-elr- y, toys, bottles. Also Sharp typewriter, nine drawer dresser. Will trade for video equipment, small color TV or refrigerator. Call long train, hand beaded, size 5 to 7, eves. We tools, TV. etc.. 4 person Fully Jacuzzi, 1 yr. old. Redwood with ozonator. siding Asking 2. Jan. $1900offer. G.E. Dishwasher, new, $250. Twin electric bed, $350. Call after 4 p.m. Graco duet stroller, holds 2 children, excell, cond., paid $139. asking $89. 5 H.P. Lawnflight Roto-tille- r. Reverse Direction, Rear Tines. 3 years old. $350. tires on chrome Jeep wheels, marginal, $50. Small utility trailer. $90. Kingsize Water Bed-$15Interior and Closet Doors $10. Enamel Kitchen Sink $15. Ceiling Light Shades-$- 2. Double Bed Bedspread-Sl14" Pontiac rims with 4 lockFischer ing hub caps-$10- 0. 170 Skis-$1Call Al or Marge at anytime. 3. SPRING SPECIAL Thinking About Moving? Come to Circle L Mobile Home Park in Layton. Walking distance to schools and most businesses. We accept older homes In good cond. Call today for details on Spring move-i- n special. Ladies Wedding Set and Man ring. Paid $2000. Make after 4 p.m. offer. MOVING? We sell moving boxes CJ's Emporium, Lay-to- Davis and Weber County. FREE moving allowance, free rent. Minutes from Hillfield and cable TV. Additional crystal and silver le pieces available. $550 or offer bookQueensize waterbed, plus stemware and flatware, case headboard, pedestal with drawers, like new, PARK S400best offer. 11 OFFICE SPACE, Layton, r Hill Field Road. 200 sq.ft. S30best offer. printer, $1000. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CB700 with high hat and stands. $450 or 6. best. Call Must sell, Kimball Xanadu Organ, full size, best offer. Drums, Remote control Typhoon Hover Craft, includes pack. S98. Rossignol 170 Skiis, size 9 Caber boots and poles. $50. Steel guitar and case bat-te- rv $40. 10 CLASSIC STORAGE 2087 N. Mam, Sunset. Lowest prices. See on site manager or call 1. All sizes available. PARROTS; Senagols $65. Ringnecks $60. Call Three spd dishwasher, good shape, asking S75. Call Cory or come to 2953 W. 4850 S.. Roy. Used carpet, short brown shag. 1 piece 17'xl3', 1 piece 20'x3'. Good cond. SI sq. yd. You haul. Available May 12. WANTED: to buy used Levi's, 701's, 501'$ and tackels. Call STORAGE puppies, 6 weeks, 1st shots. S100 each. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT after 5:30. Siamese Kittens (3). Do you need a better renter? Wardiey Better Homes & Gardens is turning away great renters. Give us a call al 8x12 S600. Advertise Your Whurlitzer Concert Organ, D172 digital system, 3 keyboards, full foot pedal, like new, paid S7000 sell for ACRES OF PASTURE For Rent in North Ogden. Call Corral panels, 5x9 ft., ANTIQUES PRIVATE RIDING LESSONS English, Western, 6. Your horse or ours Indoor stalls S500 ea. Call SADDLE HORSES paint and quarter, S900 544-35after 6 p.m. Team Roping Horse. 11 yr. Gelding. Heads or heels. 6, Mike. m looking for old wind-urecord players 8, parts. Boom Trailer, 15' Boom, lood gear box, pullieshoc' S395. feavy duty. 8N FORD TRACTOR p Pressed back rocker. Si 25. Antique collectors prints; Maude Humphrey, Ida Waugh and Frances S100 ea. Large hooked 9. rug, make offer. Stain glass windows, 2, asking $300 per window. Call AND ' CRAFTS information MISCELLANEOUS DIAMOND 13 Ct. Color G., Clarity SI2. 0. Exquisite Diamond Wedding and Engagement Sel. Only 3 months old. S1000 or best offer. 1.05 Carats. Unique Flo--r0 for Design. Call Details. Ask for Michelle. I I fan, outdoor lights, elect, blankets, dishes, ice cream freezer, car seal, new lould vered doors, chests, bar stools, fireplace screen, new and almost new clothes for everyone, formats, coals, moving boxes, 200 Books, lots of misc. Fri. noon-- 7 p.m. and Sat. 4 p.m. 1388 No. Child Dr. Lavlon, West of 89, off Cherry Ln. Curio, gas log, bike, scooters, etc. 1881 E. Genlile, Layton. Sat.. 512. Farmington; 3 MovFamily1700 ing Sale. Sommerset N. Main and follow signs. Sat. May 12, 9 a m. to 3 P.m. Yard sale. Baby clothes, car seals, crib. May 12 & 19, 2 935 E. 3000 N. 130, Layton. YARD SALE! Sat May 12. 9 a.m.-- 3 p.m. 2855 Washington Blvd.(Parking Lot) Skis, Snowmobiles, Motorcycle, Color TV, Tables, Tires and Wheels, Tile, Copiers, Appliances and MORE! 4. 9Vz', stove, Camper fridge, sleeps 6, very good cond., S650. Dodge Truck and Camper, V2 Ion, top cond. 74 St 200 or offer. Call ft., cabover camper, healer, stove refrigerator, with oven, dbl. sink, hydraulic jacks, excell. cond. S750 firm. 1972 8 Ft. Camper: icebox, bunk healer, porfa-potfbed, good cond. S700. after 4. 81 Six Pac full cabover camper. 8', top rack with icebox, stairs, porta-pott- i, stove, oven. Excell. cond. S2000offer. eves, 13 (2) 1984 ownerships. Mooney 231, full IFR, Ogden $26,500. Call days based, 2. 7, eves. AAAA Great family boat, 23.5', Sunrunner, 350 Merc Drive, low hrs., sleeps 7, many extras, Marine radio, trim tabs. Teak Wood, all accessories slay $13,500. lo see call '74 Arrowglass, ft. Open bow. 135 hp Johnson. New upholstery. Full covers. TO BUY THINGS considered. '79 Bayliner: SHRUBS TOMATO PLANTS by the Dozen. Hundred or Thousand. 4117 W. 1975 No. Plain City. Trellises, Arbors, Gazebos Jovco Metal Creations 777 W. 12th, Ogden. Call Alfalfa grass hay mix, barn stored. S3bale. Call after 5 P.m. In barn dairy or grass hay for sale. Bv ton or bale. Call 2. or 5 liter, 19', Cuddy. Make offer. or 782-69- Chaparral, 18 ft. 7 in., great cond., low hrs., must 1984 sell. Asking S8500. '77 Fiberform ft. cuddy, 21 low hrs. Excell, like new. $6800 IO, low, cond. Just or offer. '81 Fiberform 2575, Loaded, $17,000. Call 14' Fishing and skiing 4boat, moStarcraft, 55 and HP tors, tilt frailer, S1225. 1987 Ft. Baviiner: Open 19 125 cond. H.P. Outboard, S8000. 4. Deep Fisherman with trailer, $1200. 3. Call 12 ft. Fiberglass boat with trailer and Minnkota electric motor AND FEED Cuddy, 3. Baviiner, 16ft. GOOD SOIL Fair prices, prompt delivery. or Call 2150 trim Volvo outdrive, tabs and stereo, S6900. Also 14 Ft. Hobie Cat, SHOO. 1988 PLANTS-TR- EES cond. 5. S3500best offer. 1984 Baviiner 2750 Ciera, Volvo. Sleeps 6. Shower, marine radio, accessories stay1. Price reduced lo sell. All rs TO EAT HONEY Top Quality 121b. gallon bottle S9.50, 1 case of 4, $36. Bulk prices available. 1162 N. Main Farmington. 17 excell. Clean, Buying fine condition books, CD's, records, tapes and comics. The Bookshelf. 2456 Wash. Blvd. Ogden Wanted to buy Airline tickets to Orlando, Fla. Call or Greg S225. Gregor Welded River boat with hp Mercury motors with ief pumps and frailer. S5500 call Bud Toliver days 14 ft. 6 in. aluminum boat, IS hp Johnson motor and Irail-e- r, 20 ft. after 4. ft., SK. 454, Jet needs $975. 18 5 work, $3200 or offer. FIREWOOD Roy. '75 Concord, 25 ft.. Class A, Ford chasis, 390 engine, sleeps 8, 54,000 mi., excell. 6. cond.. S9500. '81 Dodge 23 ft., porta-pott- i, no electricity, excell. cond. kingsize, $300 Call best offer. SLAB BUNDLES to 1 cord $35. STOCK UP NOW AND SAVE, firewood cut and split, you pick up. $50 per or cord. PETS & SUPPLIES Adorable Female Kitten: FREE to good home. Call and '77 Cornel parts. Ford and Chev or 1970 Maverick, or 1972 VW, complete, your choice S100. modified 351 Spoke Chrome Wheels. mount. Sef of 4, Ford S125. SS Hood 9 Thunderbird, 175 hp Johnson outboard. Well taken care of. Stereo. S5000. Call 17' Gulf Stream, 100 HP Johnson, 5 HP Johnson, full covers, excell, cond., ski equipment, S2700, Hvdroswift 19' open bow, 6 cyl, 175 HP, great boat, grayblue, SI 1,800offer. Outboard motor, 72 HP Scott Oulwaler. $400. Call fishski Strafos: 19 Ft., fish and ski. Evinrude 200, built for speed. Electric motor and anchor. $12,495. and Trunk lid for Chevelle. '57 Chev or doors. 392-84- Shaun. Call Midas 23 ft. excell. cond. low miles. $9500. after 4. '65 Motorhome, V-fridge, furnace, potty. $1800 or offer. Seili '72 Pace Arrow Motorhome. 4915 good cond. S3800 cash. 0. S. 3100 W. Roy. 1983 Rockwood, 25 Ft. mini. 460 engine. Sleeps 6. All new Ex-ce- pink and grey interior. 7. cond. $18,500. 1978 Southwind, 29', Chevy e, micro-wavroof 454, dual air, awning, 7 beds, excell. low mi.. eves, cond. 1988 Winnebago Class A, 22 ft. Sleeps S. Like new. Less than 3000 ml. $29,500. 1986 Winnebago Chieftan 27' motor home. 14,000 miles. Lots of extras. Like new. $29,500. a ssat ) AA Honda 550 Nighthawk. Only 2700 miles. Yamaha IT 400. Only 1000 miles. MUST-SELL- ! 6. Best offer. BMW, 1973, R755, full dress, near mini cond., lots of extras. Must see. S2,000offer. 1976 Goldwing, 29,000 mi., excell. cond. fairing, bags, 4. cover, $1200. Honda 1500cc, showroom cond. 4000 mi. Extras. 80 $7800. after 3, 4. Honda 650, excellent condition, low miles. Asking Call $500. 83 Honda V45 Magna, low miles, excellent 750cc, cond. SI 150. 1982 Honda 3 Wheeler. Looks Good. $500. Call 1989 Kawasaki Ninja 600, under 2200 mi., $3200 or Offer. 1986 KX 80, excell. cond. $475. call eves. Must sell fast. '88 YZ 250, excell. cond. Extras included. $1600. 1973 Harley Davidson, 175. Needs battery. $150. Rare or trade for camper for small pickup. Call 1987 TRX250X Great shape. S1995. Call Robert. 77 XT 500 Yamaha Enduro. Street Legal, Engine Totally Rebuilt, New Pistons, Rings, Valves, Cam Cham and MORE! S550 Call Yamaha 250, $550 Excell. Cond. Lots of Values Are All Over the Classified FOR SALE AUTOS ) CLASSIC AUTOS 1961 Corvair. Beaut, cond. 61,000 mi. A steal at $975. '65 Ford Mustang Convertible, $5800. Serious inquiries only. Call 1958 Ford Truck, 400 M motor, competition cams, Edel-bromanifold. Holly carburetor, Erson, clean bodv, no rust. S1500. Mike eves. days. 1968 Lincoln Continental, excell. restorable cond drives good. S900. Lincoln 1938 I SALE' loaded. Runs excell. Must VANS Astro custom van, PSPB, air, amfm cassette, captains seats, rear bench 88 4 seat folds down, maroon and silver, 22,000 miles, immacu-lat- e 2. cond., $15,800. 86 Astro Van: ps, pb, air, amfm cass.-Topkg, custom wheels. Excell. shape. Charcoal gray. 61,000 mi $6,600 firm. 86 Chevy Astro CL, 8 pas senger, air, till, cruise, power, running boards, $7300, 479-70or 393-28ask for Tim '88 Chevy Sprint, blue, auto, stereo, new tires, air cond., excellent cond., S4500. or $8988. mi.. Sacrifice. S6500best after 6 P.m. cond., excellent gas mileage. S4495best offer. Chew Spectrum, 2- door, auto., air, cassette, cruise. Low mi. excell. cond. $3500 best offer Chevy van, clean, self contained, toilet, kitchen, couch-be- d and table, new engine, carburetor, air, 77 $9500. Call 71 Chev Window Van20, Long wheel base, V8, auto. S1250. Call 988 E150 Custom Van, loaded, liked new, 9100 actual miles. Call Brigham City. 1988 Ford Exclusive Coach Custom Van. Top of the Line. Mauve Tones with Oak InfeAll rior. AMFM-Cassett- e. Power Options. Low Miles. Immaculate Con dilion. $16,500. 79 Ford Custom Van, new engine, tires-- , trans. PSPB cruise, S4500offer. 83 GMC 8 passenger Safari Van. fully loaded, Power everything. Dual air. Must sell. 1 after 5 P.m $10,500. Grandpa's New" 1981 Dodge Ram 150 Custom Van. Driven only a few miles since 83. Slant 6 egine, 20 plus overmpg. Manual drive transmission, 7 1986 Plymouth Voyager, passenger. Excell. cond. New tires. Low miles. AMFM cassette. 1971 VW Van, engine runs AUTOS Call '85 Chrysler Lebaron GTS Turbo, immaculate, loaded, extra set of rims and tires. 7. S4500 or best offer. '78 Corolla 2 dr. hatchback, good cond., S99S. Ps, pb, many extras. Asking S8500. after 5:30. 1987 Nissan Pathfinder, 47,500 mi., sun roof, amfm eves. tape. S9500. '85 Nissan Pick-u- p 4x4 Ex- Cal! 1977 Landcruiser Hz ton, with Pick-U- p B2000 Cab Plus, fiberglass r shell, bed liner. Recent deal-e4 45,000 mi service. 82 Mazda B2000 with shell, looks good, runs great. Air, amfm cassette, new tires, after 5. S2350offer. 1987 LX Mazda TOra AUTOS bljlJf FDR WHEEL SALEl DRIVES J 1984 Bronco II 4x4: 58,000 mi. r. Below low book $5890 or Must see Bronco, rebuilt 302, electronic ignition. Carter 4 barrel, Edlebrock performer trans, manifold, rebuilt besl offer. 1984 Chev. Scottsdale, 6 fon, low mi great cond., S8200 offer. 70 I v 773-630- 4 dr., No Past Credit Problems? First Time Ford Escort, excellent condition, must see. S6000 firm. 1987 FORD EXT 5 spd, low mi., amfm stereo, $6,500. Buyer? WE CAN HELP! GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles from $100. Corvettes, Chews, Porsches, and other confiscated properties. For Buyers Guide Call Now! Ask for Mr. Roman Ext. 1444. Also open eveningsweekends. 1976 Lincoln Mark IV Leather, nice car. $1500best offer. Days $31,500. New and used cars, credit or bad credit. We can help. Call (dir) 24 hrs $6500. Call '80 Datsun 280ZX, needs paint. $2100offer. 621-19- 10 Se Habla Espanol K (o) (e) L Corvette convertible 825-40- No Business Directory Call '78 Formula Firebird, 403 Cu. In. Auto, stereo, passed inspection. $2000. 1984 Mazda RX7, loaded, or best offer. $4400. Call '89 Mustang GT, clean. 1986 Nissan 300ZX, leather, p, loaded, sharp. Low book 86 Nissan 300ZX Turbo: Fully loaded, low mi. Very nice car. Must sell. $10,000. eves days. '90 Plymouth Lazer, low miles. Red, asking $11,000. Call 1986 Pontiac TransAm. Fully Must see fo loaded. appreciate. S8900best. Call or work after 6 782-24- ( 79 Backhoe '76 Prosche 912E, excell. cond., $9900. ( leveling, Carpet Cleaning ) Carpet Cleaning. $14.95 per room. 504 per stair. Steam or 0. dryclean. Carpet Installation ) Carpet installation, repairs and sales. Buy at wholesale. 0. Cali Andy anytime, Call Loaded, crossfire 1983 work, grading, trenching. Reasonable. J & M Const. ( zing Call In and tear-u- p specialil, raplace-men- patios, driveways, walls. We are equipped block to get the iob done fast! 392-11- DAYTON FREE ESTIMATES CONSTRUCTION Electrical Work TAS GOODYEAR WisiMgtM. BM. ) ELECTRICIAN Licensed Electrical Contractor. 20 yrs. experience. 14 C FOR 3 1 Si. roof. Loaded. Grey, ) Water Damage Cleanup 24 HR. SERVICE. ( Immaculate. mileage. $7495best offer. '87 Honda Accord LXi, 4 dr, 5 spd., sun roof, low mi., platinum1 beige, excell. cond., loaded, owner. 86 HONDA CRX Blue, S430Qbesf Liz. '85 Honda CRX HF, red, S sod., air, amfm cassette, 63K mi. $3750. 89 Isuzu Impulse Turbo: Loaded, going to college, must sell. 1979 Mazda GLC hatchback, excell. cond. ( Handyman Renault Alliance, sunroof, silver, 58,000 miles. $7400 1987 SENTRA WGN 52,000 mi., S5100 or make offer. 5 RBM CONSTRUCTION Qualtiy Home Improvements Remodeling All Trades Established 1937 6, Resume Services Kaysville. C Roofing ALL TYPES OF ROOFING, 35 YRS. ROOFING EXPERIENCE, REPAIRS. RON CLARK c ROOFING Roto-Tllli- T.R.'S Custom Tilling Rear Tine Tiller C Sheetrock SHEETROCKING, TAPING, Finishing, and Texturing. Quality but affordable c Work 479-49- 0. D Yard Care Chad's Yard Care. Weekly mowing, edging, trimming, weeding. Competitive rates, 7 vrs. experience. SatisfacHome and office. Remodeltion guaranteed, free estiing, fence, drywall, paper, mates. Servicing Layton, floor covering. Kaysville, Fruit Heights. Call Chad Hauling Mow, trim and hoe. Lot more. Clean and Haul Yard Junk, Call Kelly clean garages, bsmts, etc., reasonable rales. SCHENCK BROS. COMPLETE YARD CARE ' Household Cleaning Yard Caro Services Quite possibly the world's Call for details and estimate. most intelligent argument for or not cleaning your own house, for free estimates call To 476-18Michelle place your ad call referrals upon request. Classified 394-167- 1 We Do Housekeeping, fiat rate; $25. good quality and CUSTOM TILLING dependable work. JIM'S HANDYMAN ) LANDSCAPING Lawn Mowing S850 86 ) Remodeling ASK FOR RAY work! Paul sun- $9900. 1987 Celica GTS. Loaded, low miles. Ex. condition. after 5. 1988 Colt hatchback, air, low mi. $4,250. Call 89 Honda Civic, excellent cond., low miles, great gas 5 Flood Extraction ( 1980 Audi 5000$, $1000. '85 BMW industrial. Specializing, inphone, TV Cable additions and service calls. No iob too 1. small. SALE IMPORTS Plumbing No iob to big or small, reasonable rales, plumbing and handyman. commercial, AUTOS fixup. paintup, Look your best. Resumes anytime at the Write Place. CUSTOM CONCRETE 30 Yrs. experience, Painting 7. Bob's Painting Free estimates, guaranteed. Small Jobs Painting, exterior interior. 6. Reasonable. C Cement iniecfion. Must see. $5000. Robert 280 ZX 1982 Excellent Condition. Low miles. $4800 C Cleanup, Backhoe Work ( Pontiac Firebird, auto, air cond., cruise, Kenwood stereo. Must sell. $1700 or best offer. Appraisal Real Estate") Too High Property Taxes? Start now, don't wait! Tax appeals, state certified, low rates. Davis County only. ask for Duane. offer. 0 mmm Credit? air, 88 '79 Corvette: 60,000 mi. Excellent condition. 84 GMC auto, tape, cruise, 7000 miles. Convertible '88 Pontiac Sun' bird: Turbo, low mi. Bra, high performance tires, custom wheels, white car and top, amfm cass. $12,600. 72 CHEVY CHEYENNE Runs great. Body needs or work. S600. after 4. low aa Ford Ranger, miles. Blue and Stiver, S5600. stake bed and dump, 248 6 cvl., 4 spd. trans, with 4 spd. brownie. Runs good., $1000. V8 '89 Escort GT, SALE '85 Camaro, 399-33- 1953 Cutlass, very good cond. $750. UHJJJJJJJ TRUCKS 69 GMC 12 ton, 350 engine, 400 aulo. trans., S1500. N. Main LAYTON CREDIT PROBLEMS? Cars: New-use- d models. CALL 5 Kandv or Rav, M-pm (Call anytime) YES Finance and Young Chevrolet can help. FJ40 Looks and runs good, extras. Call 1698 Ford, F250 XLT, 460, auto, air, malching shell, trailer ready. Low mi., Nice truck. S6800. 77 Ford 1 Ton Wrecker Good cond. S4000best offer 1573 CREDIT PROBLEMS? Cars: New-use- d models. CALL 5 Kandv or Rav, M-pm (Call anytime) YES Finance and Young Chevrolet can help. tra Cab: Excell. cond. many extras. $5850, best offer. Kevin, days. Eves, weekends. 89 Toyota 4x4: V-- 6, air, amfm cass, cloth seats 0, Value pkg. Low mi. '88 Toyota FoteRunner: Excell. cond. 53,000 highway mi. All the extras. $11,000 or best offer. Bart, '88 Toyota 4x4, $9700 or $1500 down and take over pvmts. FOR SALE Day ASK FOR PLAN A-- 1 '79 Chew Malibu Classic, S700 or offer. offer. 1989 Nissan 4X4, low miles. good needs some work. S395. after 4 p.m. $2695 Per 5 spd., air, excell. 8. cond. Call 82 Chev Cavalier: good cond. $1600 or best offer. Call Kelly. cassette, Brandy Must sell, 1979 Chew Blazer. Good condition. $3500 or air. Beautiful custom interior. Kitchenette and couch bed. Chrome wheels with Michel-in- s. or $4800. Chew Cavalier, amfm 85 S8700best offer. r. DAILY RENTAL 86 4x4, loaded. Make offer. Call Call 1983 Chev Van, custom, with new engine, less than 3000 AFFORDABLE '87 Chew Nova, excellent Must sell '86 GMC Blazer Call 1989 Super LAYTON '89 Chew Beretta, 5 spd., less than Ilk mi. Like new, S5000 87 Mitsubishi Montero Sport. Air, AMFM cassette. 70,000 mi., S4500best offer. Call 1978 Camaro, V-good cond., new paint, low mi. 4. Call 1975 Camaro. Very good condition. V-- 8, aulo, sunroof, stereo. $2500 or best offer. Volkswagon Beetle, excell. cond.. Call sell. S1600best SPORTS CARS FOR 1973 '82 Caprice Classic Wagon, '66 AUTOS Call '77 Toyota SR5 Pick-u- p. 5 speed, runs good, shell and carpel kif included.L $800 or best offer. Call S2500 3 Ton 4- soeed, runs great. Must sell. S2000best offer. '86 Jeep Comanche, ps, pb. AMFM cassette, fiberglass 7, top, carpet kit. Ask for John. '73 Jeep CJ5, 304, V8, runs good, looks good, new top and new paint, $2400 or make offer. 1986 Mazda Pick-UExcell. cond. Low mi. amfm more. cass, camper shell, FOR Fleetwood 1980 Camaro Rally Sport: V6, stereo, clean. $1900. Call cond. $7800. 1975 GMC 4X4 AUTOS Leather, Camaro, Iroc Z, red, loaded, auto trans with overdrive, 32,000 mi. Very clean, must see. 1981 CAMARO Z28 limited edition, loaded has straight body, runs S1750 firm. 1984 GMC Jimmy: Pwr. evloaded. Excell, erything, cond., 6.2 diesel. Asking S8.000. Robert 1984 GMC 4X4, shortbed. Rebuilt 350. Excell. Toyota Call Red 1974 Audi Auto, amfm cassette, 2 new tires, new battery. Good shape. 9. S500 or best offer. '89 Toyota Van, 12,000 mi,, fully loaded, asking $18,700 or reasonable offer. '79 Toyota Supra, good cond., $2495. 86 barrel headers, LE. air, AMFM. 0. '77 Pontiac Bonneville: Runs good. $500. S4450. after 1972 Ford, 34 ton, 4x4, re- 1980 S3200. Brougham. Loaded, redwood color, excell. cond. S2800best. S2000best. 1953 Lincoln 2 door, S3000best, '59 Cadillac coupe, S6000best. r. 1959 Lloyd Best sell. st Cadillac 82 '74 Ford 34 Ton, in good cond., extra tires and rims, 5. it 84 Pontiac 6000 3, digitals, highway miles. leave message. '81 Ford Bronco: Good cond. S3500. motor with 400 trans., still in car, can hear run and drive, runs excell., S500 or best offer. 5. - 22 Ft. Class C 440 Dodge. Rear bain, awning, air. 45,000 ml. S8600. 1972 18 Ft. Dodge 318, air, asking $5000. 1980 Suzuki GS 250T. S350 18 ft. Earth woodburning stove, or 7. Call cell. cond. New carpet, upholstery, drapes. Roof top air conditioning, luggage rack and ladder. $6,995. Call Dick at or 1982 Chevy chassis, 22 ft. long, excell, cond., awning, furnace. Can be seen at 4300 S. 1900 W Roy or call after 5. '86 Cobra, 24 ft. 8,000 mi., rear bed, dinnette. 2 vr. war-rant- v. Divorce-mu- Clearfield. Easy restoration, best offer. 4. WANTED $800. Chevy small block heads. Camel back 194's, 68cc's with bolt holes. $100 ea. 2 Edelbrook performer manifolds, S95 ea. Chevy rebuilt 350 engine; low miles, $750. A 1972 Excell 19 Ft. Motor- home: 38,700 actual mi. Ex- 1979 ) Chevrolet 454 engine, excellent condition, hear it run, HOMES W. 4335 S PARTS SERVICES casselte, aulo. trans., cruise. Asking S7200best offer. '87 Cadillac Seville, like new. '85 Ford Bronco full size, very clean, 40,000 original miles. See at 1325 W. 750 S., built 390, 4 S1350. Pontiac Grand Am, tilt steering, AMFM stereo 8pm. Ford Bronco 351, bencn seal, auto trans. good cond., Tractor AUTO AND truck Cabover camper, stove, Ice box, heater, sleeps t adults, S600make offer, 79 460 with lined loader. International TD-- 6 Trawler, with 2 hydraulic blade. ' $6995. ) AVIATION 2. New 40x50x14 all steel building, would consider mechanical work, or F10 Blazer on trade. Rail Road Ties, Rough 2X6 and 2X4 bundles, 8 and 6 ft. fencing slabs. Call International new snow tires included, 1988 after 4. '84 Buick Century, good family car, 4 dr. aufo, low mi., extras. S4300. ,'90 Cadillac DeVille Sedan, New, 160 actual miles. Reconstruct title, $23,000. Call for details after S6500. 8. '80 Plymouth TC3, amfm cassette, aluminum wheels, V-- 48,000 mi. Air, while, Runs excell. S4800. miles are right! S7500. Century, Plymouth Sundance, Assume payments. Call after 6 pm. cassette. Loaded. S7450. 1985 ) EQUIPMENT CAMPERS Must set, couch, rockers, kitchen set, tables, chairs, antique chairs, bench press, rower, barbecue grill, new ceiling 394-167- 1 5 ) BIG MOVING SALE 2 roll lop desks, living room ' DAVIS COUNTY'S LARGEST NEW 8, USED STORE FOR ADULT 8. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, BOOKS. FURNITURE, JEWELRY, LAMPS, PIC, AQUARIUMS, TURES, HOUSEHOLD DISHE!, GOODS. We also fake used compulers on consignment. CJ'S EMPORIUM, 166 S. FORT LANE. LAYTON Diamond andor Sapphire rings. Like new, must sell now. $100 & up. Sizes vary. Excell, graduation gift. SALES 4. 1976- ASK FOR MONTIE bow, GARAGE $400. Call 1986 FARM IMPLEMENTS Call 2. Heavy duly S475. Call Brandy New Factory 16 Ft. Utility Flatbed. Tandem, electric brakes, ramps. $1300. (2) ft. Trailer Axles, complete $100 ea. 829-64or see at 6)5 7th St. Ogden. 4x8 utility trailer, great for ATV's with fold down ramp, MOTOR CALL Antique Table, 65x30, 5150. 4 chairs, S50. Brass headboard for dbl. bed, excell, cond., asking TRAILERS trans., AMFM DLR. II, 4x4, Ford Bronco XLT package, 1989 ATTN: GOVERNMENT SEIZED VECH1CLES from S100. Fords, Mercedes, Corveffes, Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide. Ext. 1988 Beretta GT, V-auto. or offer. '86 Ford 4x4, Loaded. or Ask for Montie. 34 ton 4x4, '88 Ford diesel XLT Lariet, auto, shaft 429 Ford Motor, $150. Two 302 motors, S200 each. '79 MISCELLANEOUS V-- Call 3 INCH black and buckskin, 5. 9. '76 AMC Matador, 360 8 engine, runs good, nearly new water pump and exhaust system, S500best offer. '86 Buick rebuilt engine. Excell. cond. S2550. Also 1972 Buick Ltd. hardtop. 1980 Pinto, new brakes, new exhaust, runs good, $675. A 379. 78 CJ5 Jeep, 1986 Cond. $5600. 1980 Olds Torondo, under $100, Local and Nationwide. Ext. S2600 low mi.. ) GOVERNMENT SEIZED: Cars, leeps, 4x4, engine, new paint, new tires and wheels. Will sell or trade for motorhome. Chevy Luv 4x4, Runs but needs TLC, 5800best offer. 4 or '73 Chev 3 Ton, 4X4. 350, air, low miles. Good cond. S1900offer. 225 HEAVY Call Quarterhorse mares, 4115 PA Speaker Cabinets. Excell. Cond. S425. Call IRRIGATION PIPE Wurlitzer Piano Console. SI 50. Call $35 each. Stud Corral 6 x24 ft., S850. 3 yr. old gelding, $200. 3 2. barrels S2 ea. 2 Geldings for sale. 7 and 2 yrs. old. $3995best offer. Yamaha stove, sink, healer, ice box, sleeps 6, S1450, 8V2 11 S200. Sacrifice Must Sell! Wurlitzer piano, used very little, excell, cond. 2. Starcraft tent tailer, 1977 S25. 546-66- $1650. ARTS in The Classifieds. Call today for - 2. Oxygen Concentrator, Devo MC29 Paid S2500, sell for Pays To wks, 6 Call new. $9000 new, for $6500. Piano for Sale Wanted responsible party to assume small mo. payments on piano. See locally Call Credit manager at Very Good Cond. 12' long Yamaha DXL, drive. S350. '68-'6- S250. Call GOOD excell. dress, included cond., size 5, acces. 2. asking S350. Wood Hutch and Dinette Set, 6 chairs, two 12 in. leaves. Table 54 In. S800. Antique chest 3 drawers, 1 door, S50. 25 in. Magnavox color TV with remote. Paid S782 sell for S300. Wood shed, barn style. 20 yr. shingles, masonite siding, ) 1. $25 EACH CALL ROTTWEILER PUPS AKC, OFA. 6. Excell, bloodlines. Vz Sheltie Puppies, black and white. 2 females, 4 males. 6 8. weeks. $15 ea. Shih Tzu, AKC registered, champion lines, 2 males, Peavev Bandit 65 guitar amp. speaker $140, NADY wireless guitar sys-te- Tent Starcraft-Galaxi- e trailer. Sleeps 6, RED HEELER PUPS Yamaha electronic Organ, HS-- 7 Walnut cabinet, like 6. Wedding 825-28- Purebred Basset Hound 3 Offers. Call Largesmall units, wide driveways for RV's, boats. 3 Call old. SPEED, excell. cond. $80best offer. after 6 p.m. I female, registered, S150. Brun-dag- e, Utility trailer, 4k ton Chev. box, extra heavy duty S100. Aluminium shell for long wide bed needs work S50. Electric slove built in type, green, good cond. $50. - S600. Zenith Laptop 640 K, dual disk drive, with external S't, years 0. STORAGE It Reel Lawnmower, works good $40. Camper icebox, stainless steel front $30. 950X16.5 Tire and rim ) Clearfield, downtown industrial. New office space. 265 So. ft, Studio Includes private bath with shower and kilchl-nelt- e. Concrete parking lot, ell ulilities included. $150mo. eves. days. Commercial building, 1200 Rent or now. available sq. ft., lease. Main street frontage in Clearfield. S550mo. or Limited time special spring pricing, on deluxe profes- sional office space. Call Call new. $650. Tandy TL2.16 3Vz, 5V drive, 20 MHD, color monitor, printer. $1550. Call 393-03anytime. XT Compatible, 512 K, dual floppy, mono, S425offer. Call dr. ning, stereo, microwave, many extras S9,500. '72 Kit Companion, 17 ft., excell, cond., sleeps 6, $2200. after 5. 1977 24' Nomad, $4300. Dou ble Gaucho, 2 tables, bath, equalizer hitch, new battery, pump, faucets, cushions sleeps 8. 1986 23' Prowler, TV anten na, microwave, awning, rear 6. bed, dual batteries, 1982 Road Ranger, 21 Ft. 5th Wheel. good cond. after 4. Must sell trailer 5x9 bed. $10-1- 5. skiet, many extras. Like 23 Ft. 2' bunks, full aw 9. Printers: Espson FX86E,Must Sale Britanv Spanial like new. S250. Also HP DeAKC 7. Largest lots in Call 1984 1973 Mini Lop bunnies for sale. 5 colors. 40 meg drive, color monitor S950 or offer eves. n. Ut. 544-39960 Pieces Noritake china, OFFICE & BUSINESS 800 K Drives. Excel!, cond. $1590 or best 0. offer. Call ALL NEW SMALL QUIET PARK 776-29- Mac SE, Dual Call 166 S. Fort Lane, CAMBRIDGE 7. FREE, PROMPT, haul away appliances, Call Newly upgraded gas and light systems. Now cable TV come to Golden Bell, Single and double wides welcome. Nicely located area. 3 months free rent. Phone now Coleco Swimming Poof 15X33 Above ground model. Exquisite wedding Dress, Dbl or single wide spaces now avail. Family section. Older homes accepted if in good cond. Help to move if needed. Layton Estates, - programmable scanner, 10B mobile or base unit, 1W yrs old, $250. 2 bdrm. Rent or buy, $170 and up a month, Layton ar- ea. Call 1979 14x70 mobile home, lo- -, cated in 55 or older adult , park. 2 bdrm. 2 bath, excell. - cond. S300mo. Call after 6 p.m. 640K IBM XT w101 key- board, color monitor. SHOO. 88 Kit Companion Made-u- p 6. LOVE BIRDS 4 hand fed peach faced, $40. Also limited number of breeders with cages and nests. Loving Cocker Spaniel mix, 8 mos. old. Had shots, loves kids. $15 to good home. MUST SELL MY AT Call d LABRADOR PUPPIES! Females (4) $10 Each. COMPUTERS 731-607- no pets, 5700mo. $400 Akitas-Purebre- With papers. (2) $250. W Roy. 1981 Kit Campanion 24' fifth wheel. S6500. Honda 250R been in storage, like new. 2 sets of paddle tires. S550 or best offer. Call 1987 TRX250X Great shape. $1995. Call Robert, Sell Want to Rodeo-Mu1989 Yamaha Banchee 350. Have used 4 tanks of gas. Excell, shape inside and out low mi. Pwr. everything, S2250 or best offer. Must sell. '83 Mustang. Everything except air. Good cond. $2,000 or best offer. 8 Call after 5 p.m. MUST SELL, '80 Corvette, white, extremely nice. S7995. Call eves. Layton. '65 Mustang, 289 automatic, blue with white interior, clean, S3995. '86 Qlds Calais. V-- 6, Auto, Blue, Loaded, Ex-ce- ALL 1973 Chev 4X4 Blazer, must sell. Runs-neesome work SlOOObesI offer. 1972 Chev. 4x4, Vt ton, new ALL TERRAIN MAKES ALL Chevy Suburban Lawn care and cleaning. Call Val ) spring Free estimates. Classified Sells Autos j '82 Mercury Cougar XR7, '75 VOLVO WAGON with 3rd seat, and luggage rack S500. Call 1970 VW Bus, white, great shape, asking $800. after 7 pm. rrar autos for sale SI 500. S2995. Kaysville. 2, FREE Siberian Husky, female, 8 yrs., spayed, loves kids, doesn't bark, also Pit Bull, 3 vrs Ian female, spaved. STEREOS 7. Alio 23' trailer, 1977, Sleeps 6, self contained, great cond 399-01after 5:30 P.M. Coleman pop-u- p tent trailer, Sleeps 6. Like new. Only used for 3 months. $2,900. after 6 p.m. 1971 Jet 18, self contained $2000 or will trade for sel contained camper. 1964 Jet 15' travel trailer, sleeps 5'2, stove with oven, heater, icebox. Good condition. $700. See at 4525 S. 1600 Comes with health records, leash, license, bed, toys. Gets along with cats. Washer, AUCTION mi., Bldg. 6-- 7 Clearfield, Ut. (North End) or Sat. May 12, 10 a.m 1444 N. 1850 W., Layton. 5 bedroom, 2 baths with Check Wed, Standard Exdin-2 2 1 showers, fireplaces, aminer for detailed listing. ring rooms, kitchen. Stove, Livingston Auction dishwasher, all carpeted. Double garage, yard com- 1 pletely fenced. Saddle, Used once. Ogden, 5 bdrm, 2 j baths, Barrel $295. Dark wood crib and double garage, yr. lease, TRAILERS , S2400 Call , Runs good. Some rust. '83 Yamaha Virago 750cc, 12,000 mi. S1100. after 4. 1985 YZ125, excell, cond., iusl had rebuilt last fall. Call eves, dorolla,' excell. cond. '81 Toyota Celica GT, 5 spd., loaded, 4x4, air, aulo. S2500 or best offer. Call 1974 Chev 4X4 Blazer Call Billy TRAVEL dr 19 FOR SALE ALL MAKES AUTOS S4400 350 Sport pkg, after 6. pi. Gina 1978 '89 Yamaha TW 200 En duro, 600 mi., take over $75. 4 SALE IMPORTS 86 Toyota 1979 Chevy Blazer. Must Sell. Good condition. S3500 or best offer. Call cooled. $495. Call Honeycomb slalom water ski. JJ Blazer: Chevy Cruise, lilt, pw, S4000. '81 Yamaha 650 Maximum: Many extras, S600besl offer, call 1980 Yamaha 400 Special S500best offer 1 Matt Yamaha 850 Special-Sharp- ! Excell. Cond. S895. Yamaha Champ, under 300 miles. $250. Suzuki GS 750. Water 67" Jobe Show quality. Black, female, 7 weeks, dr., no frost GE Refrigerator, while. Looks New $100. 1983 3 SKIING Dachshund, miniature, AKC excell. FOR AUTOS engine. Excell, cono., blue and while. Air, auto., cruise, till. Clarion stereo, AMFM casselte. S6400. after 3. '82 Yamaha 1100 Maxim Low miles. S1000. EQUIPMENT At Stud. AKC. APPLIANCES T.V.s, Vz CM Lakeside Review, Tuesday, May 8, 1990 3 blue book. '83 Chew Blazer with Honda SL70, S100. S175. SALE DRIVES '89 Chev. Silverado Extended Cab, 4X4, A, Ion, low miles, loaded, asking under cond. runs great, new tires, S2500. or 1983 Yamaha IT490, excell. cond., no ridden since engine gone through. $800; 1974 Honda, TL125, $250; 1971 d. Ladies Men's Excell, cond. & Wesson 629 stain Smith less steel 44 Mag., 4 in. bar' rel, all the extras, excell cond. $400. BLUE CHOW BERT COOK AUCTION Freeport Center Schwinn bicycles, 2 (3) $50 ea. 0. Yamaha, FJU00, FOR 4 WHEEL 25" Fugi Contender, 357 Herrite Caliber. Two pounds of powder, box of primers and formed brass. Cost S225. Please call 1. after 5 30 P.m. Alaskan Malamute Pups AUTOS & SUPPLIES '82 Hondd Ascot 500: Runs good, looks good, low mi. 2 matching helmets. S850 or offer. 1981 Yamaha 650, Excell. cond., low miles, S650. Call Gun for sale. Thomason AKC Registered Yellow Lab puppies and one 3 year old female. after 5.30 AKC Springer Spaniel Female. $50. Large kennel $45. CYCLES Brand New Complete Olympic Weight Set with bench. Must sell. Call 50 Cal. Muzzle Loading Rifle. Brass fixtures. Complete with bag, balls and powder. 312-- s 10 speed. Quick release hubs. Toe excell. cond. $150. Call clips, after 5 p.m. or ask for Lynn AKC German Sherpherd Pups: Excell, quality, parents OFA. AKC Maltese. Champion line. Male Puppies (2) 6. S300 ea. Call AKC Miniature Long hair Dachshund. 5 mo. old, male 9. dapple gray color. AKC registered beautiful Boxer puppies, $200 and up, Hurry for a good selection, r. good condition, asking $75. Call after 5. South of HAFB, Large family room, 2 baths, clean. $450. 3 6 ft. H SPORTING GOODS S275. Call Call Dark Brown Couch, 11 A.M. Call 4 FURNITURE ft CARPET I APTS. k dor able quality AKC Cocker Spaniel puppies. Must see! AKC Chow Chow Puppies, Red or Black, 2 Males $250 I Female S300. AKC English Pointer Pups Great Bird Dogs Furniture, dishes, sports equip., misc. 510 E. 405 South. Layton, Sat., May 12, 10 a.m.-- 3 p m Sat., May 12, 1990 Highway 89, N. Salt Lake. Newly remodeled 21 bedroom wair. $285mo. Sunset 2 bdrm., dishwasher, extra nice, $350 mo.. Sale. m SALES GARAGE Yard ANTIQUE AUCTION furnished. Pel Washerdryer ) MISCELLANEOUS and TRACTOR WORK $20 per hour or call for bid. 1 or Larry 5 Bob - 825-824- 825-525- |