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Show 14 Lakeside Review, Tuesday, May 8, 1990 t Lakeside a a Mothers Day gifts treasured a a a a treasure box in my cellar that I look through occasionally. It contains papers written in childish scrawl with Happy Mother's Day. I love you. inside rainbow ciayon pictuies of family and bugs, from sons: and family and flowers from daughter. handprints from a thin hand, a stubby fingered, wide hand: and vanutions of the two. deposited in aluminum pie plates with a nbbon on top. another gift in honor of the day. Gieeting cards coled from pi inted messages on school paper to fully woiks of art with onginal poetiy as our children giew to adulthood. On one occasion, the children pooled their resources and purchased guppies, which managed to jump out of the dish they placed them in one day while the Plaster-of-parlong-fingere- a 8 a a a 4 a BiaraEaEisaisgBassasnsarsEsiaranaEJEa so much for us. our aiea In Memoriesc mMy a box -- one who was the center of our woi Id and who was always doing 6LT1DKNCW 1 is 1 (Comer of Main & Antelope) V d, bowl was being cleaned. We never had guppies again. When was a child. Mother's Day was a special day in our home, a day when we could show oui appieciation and lose for the 773-059- 5 1981 N. Main, Layton a Lakeside Review columnist hae Call us today for a free personal rate quotation. a 0 By MARGE SILVESTER I IT PAYS TO SHOP FOR AUTO INSURANCE of floral patterned handker- chiefs four in a box for 79 cents. If we were short of funds, our e older sister, who had a job, would fill in with the needed funds so we could find something LAKESIDE LANES 381 So. State Clearfield 825-053- Bowling Is Fun For All Ages nice." the flo-escalated to As we got a little older, ral handkerchiefs A d more expensive varieties. which went for about $1 a lace-edge- custom to wcai a carnation: pink if your mother was alive. white if she had passed on. g was on a much smaller scale than it is now. The country had entered World War H and was recovering from the Depiession. which meant limited funds for us. We would go in search of THE pci feci gift horn store to store. No matter what we shopped for. it seemed like the end result was Gift-givin- box. SYRACUSE A Thurgood er I Come Join Us For A Birthday Party Scouts Function Ward Party-Bo- y g Shower Together-WeddinFamily Get Company Party WE HAVE BUMPER Roy High School and area senior citizens are invited to a senior-seniprom" May 15 at 8 p.m. at the Golden Hours Multipurpose Senior Citizen Center. 650 25th Street. OgROY is BOWLING FOR THE KIDS In SCHEDULES: SSfe MONDAY: OPEN BOWLING NOON TO 5 P.M. & 9.00 PM TO MIDNIGHT f:00 P.M. ADULTJUNIOR LEAGUE (I Adult-- 1 junior) TUESDAY: OPEN BOWLING NOON TO 6.00 P.M. 7:00 P.M, MIXED DOUBLES LEAGUE (1 Men 1 Women Teams) WEDNESDAY: OPEN BOWLING ALL DAY NOON TO MIDNIGHT THURSDAY: 12:30 P.M. LADIES DAY LEAGUE-(Women Teams) RED PIN BOWLING 7:00 P.M. TO A.M. FRIDAY: SENIORS MONTE CARLO IKK) P.M. TO 3:00 P.M. OPEN BOWLING 300 P.M. TO 1:00 A.M. SATURDAYS: OPEN BOWLING NOON TO 6 30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. MIXED DOUBLES LEAGUE (2 Hen-- 1 Women Teams) IStandard-Examine- r i in 1797 and 1810 respectively. Four sons of this couple joined the LDS Church and came to this area of Davis county in 1866. the Weber State Singers and Chamber Choir. Refreshments will be served. Photos will be taken for $1 per couple. The prom is community ser-- v ice project sponsored by the reigning Miss Roy, Lisa Curie. She will be competing in the Miss Utah Pageant in Salt Lake Citv June 5-- 9. sends congratulat- SpringSummer registered bridal couples are: JUNE 2 JULY 21 Kathleen O Harra Johnson SEPT. 14 Michelle Peters Lloyd Patti Olsen Craig Sanders Steven Dabel JUNE 8 SEPT. 15 Heidi Forsling Dennis Crezee Lisa Fair Vaughan Schmall OCT. 6 Mary Wolski JUNE 16 Kristine Swenson Todd Bone $ relatives from this area whom he has never met. He is a descendant of Samuel Thuigood and Elizabeth Worvill of Hatfield Surry, England, born ions and best wishes to each bridal couple who has registered with The Bon Marche Bridal Computerized Registry, and we sincerely hope your future is full of happiness and good fortune. MAY 12 Mary Rogers Michael Des Jardins can nearly $100.00 worth of coupons in the Sunday... m From swimming and softball to computers and crafts, youll find all the action at La Petite. Its a great way for your child to enjoy a fV A d and j " enriching summer. And now, when you enroll your child for the summer at La Petite, youll receive a $50 tuition credit to spend any way you please! A great summer for your , child. A great deal for you. What more do you need? I iM , Save a space for your child this ' summer. Just bring the attached coupon to the fun-fille- The Bon Marche those savings dont add an average month, readers get-togeth- er or den. The evening will include dancing. complete with dance instruction. and live music provided by the Toe Tappers. Also featured that night will be IlNltl WORTH OF FOOD COUPONS AHD M0HEY SAVINGS OFFERS May 10, 1908. prom set May 15 Senior-senio- r great tine with ( Summer Leagues Are Now' Forming the time we graduated to ming plants; Evening in Paris perfume and powder; the latest in plastic flower arrangements; purses and canaries; Mama had enough handkerchiefs to keep her well into her old age. During the war years, we even managed to pool our money and found a store that sold nylons, a commodity at that time The gifts have gotten grander over the years, but the sentiment iemains the same, to Offer a public expression of reverence for mothers. as President Woodrow Wilson said in his proclamation of May 9. 1914 when the day was recognized nationally. In was Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia who first pursued having a day set aside to honor mothers. It was celebrated in that city on By Thurgoods plan fainilv genealogy will be held at Stoker Park. 1575 S. 100 West in Syracuse on Saturday. May 9 at 11 am. Vcrden O. Thurgood from Bellevue. Wash . will share his of genealogy on the Thurgood line and will visit with rfi fun people hard-to-come-- it was a 6 full-tim- Alex Shanahan :. La . The Parent s Partner Child Care Preschool 325 W. 1550 N. LAYTON 546-41- 15 COTTONWOOD 6955 S. 2300 E. 943-847- 4 SANDY 11347 S. 1000 E. 572-14- 49 Petite nearest WEST JORDAN you. 2857 W. 7800 S. Marche Bridal Registry offers a host of services to make your wedding as pleasurable as possible. We can order your announcements, invitations, personal stationery and thank-yocards, napkins and other personalized printed accessories. We keep a computerized record of your personal gift preferences to provide to family and friends. You can even register your likes in our intimate apparel and sleepwear for up departments, a big help in gift selection Ask showers. your salesperson coming bridal about our computerized Bridal Registry and convenient beginning credit program today. 566-74- The Bon SANDY u IN MARCHE OR AMERICAN BON VISA MASTERCARD, THE CHOICES ARE CHARGE IT ON YOUR EXPRESS ACCOUNT TO ORDER BY PHONE CALL 546-246- WHER 11 2150 E. Alta Canyon Dr. 944-018- Get in on all the action with FREE Pete Bucket Bring this coupon to any participating La Petite, enroll your child for a fun filled summer, and receive a $50 tuition credit1 Thu offer not valid with any ofhr ducount promotion or tpectai offer and ippliri lo nr cnroHfiwnta only Plea on coupon par family 0 t nil |