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Show 6 Lakeside Review. Tuesday, May 8, 1990 eatio& Lakeside the area attended a public ing last Tuesday to voice concerns about the new facility. Only two staled they were against the proposal, but all of those attending were concerned about an increase in traffic on an already By RUTH MALAN Standard Examiner correspondent If everything KAVSVILLE goes according to plans. Kavsville will soon have a new $4 million intermediate care center for senior citizens The city council recently gave appioval for a conditional use d care center pci mil for the to be built by Gardens Develop- busy street. Mill Hanks, of Gardens Develbuildy opment. said the ing would have a low profile and people would probably not even nonce it from the road "Traffic in the area will be basically staff." he said. one-stor- 77-be- ment Company of Ogden. The centei will be built in a commercial one on 3': acres at 600 North across the street from Bowman's Market. About two dozen residents of Residents of the unit would ijnge in age from 70 to 90 with an average age of 80. so they don't do much driving, he said. He told the group that the rock and stuepo building would be much the same color as the municipal building. There will be no parking on the north side next to the residential area. The building will have private rooms and bathrooms for the residents, who may use their own furniture in their rooms. There will be an activity area, a laundry, a main dining room and even a small store. An exercise area will be provided along with an enclosed atrium so told the city council recently that he could get Independent Paper, a Salt Lake City company, to furnish bins for collection of paper, plastics and glass at no cost to the city. He asked the council for permission to place those bins in a central location and to encourage the residents to use them. He said people need to learn how to reduce, reuse and recvcle WEST POINT Dustin kerhoff says he is concerned about the environment and he wants the residents of West Point to help do something about it. To Bi in get that plan in motion, he wants to stait a recycling system in the v e High student The Clearfield pioducts. We can't help them to reduce of reuse but we can help them to iccycle. said Dustin. He also said that each resident in West Point produces 1.500 pounds of waste a year. By recycling paper products 500.000 trees a week could be saved, he said. The collection bins are large ss and dence. community life. The meeting will be held at Junior High at p.m. ent some of the services available to special education students. This meeting is designed to give both parents and teachers some guidelines in how education should go about integrating special education students into the community. This conference will also pres- - Participating agencies include: Division of Services to the Handicapped. Pioneer Adult Rehabilitation Center, Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Legal Center for the Handicapped. Farmington Seminar set ? 7 CHILDREN r Rand Webb, pool program manager and coordinator of the piogram. said the intent of the seminar is to train pool operators and associated staff in the safeguarding of pool conditions. "Water quality, the safe handling of chemicals, and the adequate installment of fencing are some of the major issues that we address." said Webb. Our overall goal is to assist pool operators in fulfilling their obligation to the health and safety of their The Fence Of The Future The fence that adds beauty and value to your home or estate. Residential Agricultural Privacy Maintenance-fre- enough to be emptied just once a month, he said. The city will not make any money on the collection process. W w 3kc Emdtagft&te, 527 N. Market Kaysville 546-180- 0 These are FREE seminars for the Genera Public THURS., MAY 10, 1990 P.M. 0 7:00-8:3- Roy City Senior Citizen Center 5051 S. 1900 W,, Roy f will be David Ray Carver has participated in seminars throughout Utah, as well as in Colorado and Arizona. CANYON OFFICE PRODUCTS For further information about these or future seminars, please call 547-926- Layton, Utah 84041 5 SEED GERANIUMS V. Grows OTTO LUYKEN LAUREL TAMS, PFITZERS & SEA GREEN JUNIPERS 3-- 1 5 Gal. Size Evergreen shrubs e Grow 8.88 9.88 350.00 BLUE SPRUCE OR AUSTRIAN PINE 4-- 34.88 Hearts Country 200 46 N. E. 547-90- KAYSVILLE LJ PECSALS Mothers Day Booklet Hansen Classics - All Kinds of Mother's by Ardeth Green Kapp Off - A Mother's Prayer by Jean D. Crowther As Women of Faith Paperback Gift Set for Women Deluxe Scripture Quads (Grey or Teal only), Discount FREE Imprinting For Mother's Day Gifts by Grace Jessen Women of Devotion by Barbara B. Smith Wonderous Power of by Gordon B. and Marjorie P. Hinckley Ea. STRAWBERRY PLANTS Easy to grow Like lots of sun 5 varieties to choose 25 Quart concentrate can Ortho quality & Reg. $17.99 6.97 CCTS cubic foot bale 5890 total fflrtowni 9.97 Men, ladies sizes & Sale price begins at thru 51390 O FERTILIZER Mixes with water easily 5 lb. box Beg. UNION 10 6.97 EFFECTIVE DATE MIRACLE-GR- ALL PURPOSE After 2.00 rebate Compressed Gives you greenhouse results Reg. $8.99 Ortho not the grass. I& Fertalizes grass Kills weed seeds Kill weed plants SUNSHINE PROFESSIONAL Mother & PAX TOTAL 3 IN. 1 LAWN CARE ORTHO SYSTEMIC ROSE & FLOWER CARE 1 the weeds Reg. 9.99 Quart concentrate 19.97 1 riOO Reg. $5.99 24 oz. ready to use Reg. $26.99 5 lb. A Cl Q Treat sq. ft. weed killer. 0 5,000-10,00- Kills GROWING MIX A 8-- ORTHO WEED B GON ROUNDUP GRASS & WEED KILLER Feeds roses kills bugs - Divine Dividends - N 106.99 A OTHER'S DAY 435.00 34.88 e Choose from candy or hertiage e Like sun & well drained soil e June bearing or everbearing. 65 tall 8' well branched e Excellent shade trees e Hardy. Reg. $69.99. e Ea. RASPBERRY PLANTS 2-- CLUMP WHITE BIRCH, EMERALD QUEEN, LONDON PLANE TREE e 5 tall & full e Hardy evergreen trees for our climate. Reg. $69.99. 75$ Statues, 20 tali 3 e Broadleaf evergreen shrub e Dwarf 4 shrub Loves partial sun to full shade Reg. $24.99 Optional 6. 2-- Ea. 88 GALLON TAMS Evergreen shrub 1 fee schedules are available for those wishing to audit the seminar. Individuals seek- 88 4 in. pot. Pink, red, white, orange, coral and salmon. While supply lasts nation. ing additional information may contact the Davis County Health Department at 2. lAfjgjifrfin 544-485- exami- ar Carver and Laura B. Dupaix, attorneys in the law firm CARVER & DUPAIX. Their practice concentrates in estate and business planning. Mr. Issuance of the certification successful com- 10 e white vinyl products. Never needs paint. One councilman said the idea probably has some merit and most of them agreed that the age of recycling is coming but said that they want some literature on the company and recycling. Cost for the registration is $30. - $8 00) S500 (10 8 under) in city The mandatory licensing procedure for public swimming pool operators went into effect in November of 1986. CJ A OFF Cam-mac- Speakers the program is valid for three years after its initial issuance. ? $200 Adult Cuts (Reg. SPEAKERS by C7JS0 OFF Fill-I- and lax headaches Is Mor o axSd tie Expense. Oe'ay and Publicity ol Probate - Wh Eay St.i Agreements am essential - When a Corporals should be u&h) - Ho limned Partnerships Protect Assets - When irrevocable Trusts are best - Mo Children shil cao Save Ysu Taxes two-da- y 451-329- $300 - ironmental Health and LaboraDivision is accepting tory for annual certiits legislations fied pool operator seminar to be conducted on May 10 and 11 at the Davis County Courthouse. The seminar is part of the mandatory licensing procedure required of all public pool owners in the county. The requisite certification and licensing of- post-semin- receive these specials: of Nails Full-S- it The Davis FARMINGTON ounty Health Department's En-- v will be based on pletion of a & - Why living Trusts are replacing wills - Has Jo ft ancy creates asset exposure OFFICE SUPPLIES operators fered coupon OFF All Redken Perms (Cut Extra) $500 OFF LEARN ABOUT: for pool C in this We invite you to come in and try us out, $700 Special education topic of May 8 meeting The Davis FARMINGTON County School District Special Education Department has scheduled an awareness meeting May 8 lb i parents and teachers to dis-uifuture planning, indepen- Saln I Youth proposes recycling system By RUTH MALAN V3ndard Examiner correspondent Stylus Bring tenants may sit or walk in the sunshine. Our intention is to be the best neighbor we can. Hanks said. The venture will bring some tax into the city. Mayor Brit Howard said. The planning commission had recommended approval of the permit with the stipulation that there be up to 'h parking spaces per unit, said city engineer Lee Cammack. We prefer not to have that k much if it isn't needed. said. Landscaping looks better than blacktop. for-prof- ROY 776-397- 6 Kavsville OKs senior care center meet- 8 2656 W. 6000 S 9.97 SHOVEL SALE 8 junior styles sizes Roundpoint 3.99 KAYSVILLE 1700 S. Frontage Rd. (50 W.) W W WWW NURSERY & SALT LAKE SANDY 2k |