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Show T 2 Lakeside Review, Tuesday, May 8, 1990 A Lakeside South Weber City Council From page 1 drains. He said changes in the soil came about when the land above it was leveled and prepared for irrigation. Water from surface ditches, artesian wells and the beginning of irrigation on the benchlands above brought about the raising of the water table at or near the surface, he said. McBride said the toxic effects of the salty water in the root zone, without proper drainage, limits the use of property to only plants of low nutritional value and little or no crops, and much surface of salty crust due to evaporation from the high water table. The natural drains that existed have long since been obliterated, and there are not adequate drainage outlets to handle the increasing amounts of storm and drain waters coming from the developing areas above, he said. The purpose behind preserving wetlands is to protect declining populations of waterfowl and other migratory birds which rely on the atmosphere created by wetlands to survive. Wetlands also provide a means of purifying waters through vegetation as the water runs its natural course. Wetlands are also considered to be a form of insurance against drought. McBride said the concept of the groundwaters there is inapplicable, because any storm or drain waters entering this area will not only carry pollutants including dissolved salts to mix with the salts already there, but due to the Davis County sheriff's report Report from county planner Barry Burton on Hill Air Force Base compatible land use study Selection of contractor for side- walk project on 1250 East City office buildings Garbage fees . Discuss climate and poor drainage, the bulk of the water will escape through evaporation, leaving the salts on the surface. The result will be not a wetland, but a wasteland, he said. Carter said that in his eyes and the courts eyes, the Army Corps of Engineers is not in violation of the Constitution by placing constraints on the use of private property that could render it useless for its intended purpose. But, he said, it is. In Joes eyes He said, Weve been sued by many people before and the courts have ruled that we are not. I wear a black hat, Carter said. While I am sensitive to his situation and other situations like his, and I try to do what I can for people, I still have to wear the black hat. Howard Rigtrup, state administrative assistant to Congressman Jim Hansen, said Hansens administration has been deeply involved with Jensens issue because its not only Joe Bond From page 1 progress. Some are but far too many get lost in the cracks. These kids are going to be our politicians, leaders and scientists so we need to make the decision that is best for them. You cant pay teachers (as little as) you pay them and handicap them with big class loads. There is no question we need another high school, said Clearfield High School Principal Tamara Lowe. Between Clearfield and Layton we are going to have over 6,000 kids in the next year, but (Clearfield and Layton) can hold just over 2,200 apiece and we are to the maximum right now. Split sessions would mean holding two schools in the same building causing double the wear and nobody gets the treatment d, service and Year-roun- they should. school is totally im d maintenance e Jeanette Wood, presentation of treasurer and city building budget Tony Onofrietti, presentation of recreation budget Lynn Vinzant, presentation community development budget Lloyd Brown, presentation of fire department budget LeRoy Webb, presentation of police department budget Mel Wood, presentation of public works department budget Approval of check list, payment of bills Clearfield Court items City Council Fireworks, Country Fair Days No Parking sign Request for contribution, Kim Oand Lisa Pattillo, Clearfield High School Health Occupation Students of lsen West Point America City Council State road discussion HOSA presentation by John salt-tolera- nt semi-dese- rt part-tim- help summary of the agendas for city council meetings to be held Tuesday, May 8, 1990 ner Determination and clarification of ordinance Chapter Chapter width and length of lots, old ordinance reference Thurgood Farms subdivision final plat approval Richard Craythorne, 800 North sewer proposed extension Stop sign needs, corner of 4550 West and 550 North tentative budget proposal 5-- 9; 1, Robert land is wetlands and therefore not suitable for farming. Joe Jensen is waging a battle against the Army Corps of Engineers, which says his Jensen's, its a whole raft of people across the state. We think that the Corps interpretation (of the law) really goes beyond the intent of Congress. We believe there is an absolute exclusion for agriculture written right into the law. And so we are in the process of gathering and documenting the cases and doing a lot of investigative work in terms of the law and its application to this state, he said. Theyve gone too far. We dont agree with their interpretation of the statute. Rigtrup said Hansen is gathering Utah cases including Jensen's which will be compiled and reviewed with President George Bushs Chief of Staff John Sinu-nRigtrup said Sinunu has pledged to review those cases with the President. u. This is diverting literally millions nationally in highly questionable enforcement activities when we so desperately need those resources, those dollars, to improve what is truly extending millions to harras farmers and private property owners on stuff that we dont think in any way Congress ever intended to be defined as wetlands. The implications of it are just absolutely horrendous, Rigtrup said. Meanwhile, in order to protect his property from water damage Jensen said he has spent 350 hours on a rented backhoe digging deep drainage ditches around his property. ' Ive cleaned these ditches so much and taken care of the Syracuse water so long they just expect it, Jensen said. Theyre practical on the high school level. People in the education community understand (the need for a new school) and I would hope the parents understand as well. There are some who believe doing so is not in taxpayers best interests. I think it will pass only because most people wont vote, said Laren Livingston, chairman of the Davis County Libertarian Party. If this same election was held in November when it should be, it would be a lot closer. Every state goes through population cycles. I agree schools are overcrowded, but pressure should be put on the Mormon Church to build private schools like all the other religions. Mormons need to take responsibility for their own people. And Im not I am a Mormon. School board officials said that one new high school may not be enough at the rate the county is growing, and that is why a second lot of land is being sought af-- . anti-Mormo- n. Water runs downhill, hell, waters run Jensens problem but, downhill for as long as Ive been alive. Thurgood said although the city was under no obligation to do so, it offered to fund a $13,000 project to pipe excess water across Jensens property from Bluff Road to Gentile into a county-owne- d ditch if Jensen would give the city the Jensen said the citys offer is not a practical solution. He did not allow the city to install the pipe. The city instead obtained a y from the property owner directly to the east of Jensens property and recently completed the piping project. He wants me to drain his right-of-wa-y. I cant justify using public funds to drain an individuals farm. Joe wants his cake and wants to eat it also, Thurgood said. In 1987 Davis County officials e master-draidesigned a tb system help drain excess water into the Great Salt Lakey County Public Works Director Sid Smith said the drain is projected to go from the area of 700 South straight south on a 1500 West alignment to the lake. Phase one of the project would begin at the lake and end at Bluff Road. Phase two would take the drain to 2700 South. Smith said the projected cost of phase one and two is about $500,000. Jensen and three other entities owning property each sold a to the counwith a contract contingency ty n three-phas- 100-fo- ot right-of-w- deep. The Water Quality Indicators Guide to Surface Waters, published by the Soil Conservation Service says ...Salt pollution is even more likely to occur in these regions when drainage is inadequate or if water tables are perched close to the surface, 5 feet or less. After spending nearly $6,000 to file for a permit with the Corps of Engineers once the contract was signed, the county learned the Corps would not permit the drain because it would destroy wetlands. Upon the advice of Carter, the county withdrew the application for revision. The law states in essence that before any new construction can begin on wetlands all other practical alternatives must be considered. If there is no alternative, wetlands of equal value to those being destroyed must be created. Carter said the Corps would more likely issue a permit for the drain if it were only about 5 feet deep. Jensen said, That wont do , any good. I might as well donate my property to someone, he said. Clinton City Council Jason Miller, request for council to sponsor him to 1990 Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge Joy Hansen and Sarah Kulbacki, request for council to sponsor them to national VICA competition in Tulsa, Okla. Chance Bailey, discussion with council on proposed Eagle Scout project to cement park strip at 1930 W. 2300 North Adoption of Clinton City FY 1990-9- 1 tentative budget for all funds Norma Thompson, presentation of judicial budget . ommendations Closed executive session to discuss personnel matters, reconvene in budget work session Syracuse City Council Davis Metro Narcotics Strike Force Engineer's report on culinary water Presentation of tentative budget Contribution policy review Purchase of additional garbage containers Purchase of radar unit Purchase of recreation equipment Community development block grant Layton City Council Thursday,. May 10 Wood lien waiver Country Creek 10 final approval Liljenquist rezone approval Ordinance 885, council to set storm drainage fees Resolution 83, resolution to storm drainage fee Adoption of tentative budget " Poll From page 1 sound education for their children. The poll showed out of the 603 people surveyed, 63 percent were in favor of passing the bond, 29 percent were opposed, and 8 percent did not know. The poll has an error rate of plus or minus 4 percent. For more information on voting locations call the Davis County election clerk at 451-311- All the Trimmings for Mother's Day! Gift wrap, ribbons, bags and more, in Mother's Day designs. . , Even if an agreement can be made for the county to build a shallow master drain, some sort of mitigation will be required. At Jensens request the Nature Conservancy District southwest of his property near the lake agreed that the water from the drain should move, through the conservancy property to help flush the land and restore it to productive wetland status. ay ter in this bond. Glines said that the $1 million going toward the land designated for a second new high school, to possibly be built in five or six years, would be well spent even if a second high school is not needed down the road. Welre not sure that in six years another high school may be necessary, he said. It possibly wouldnt be, but the site would be valuable because we save money getting it now. And if it isnt needed we can resell at a higher price or hang on to it. But we dont think the value would be lost. Livingston, who is single and has no children, said he has heard that before. Im from Minnesota and thats what they did out there. They built all of these schools when the population was up, and now they have all of these empty buildings sitting there, he said. Im tired of it being a war between the teachers and the Drug Kaysville 352 N. Main Kaysville 544-425- April Adams August Miller Editor... Photographers Robert Regan James Nickerson Reporter Janet Larsen Advertising Representatives Donna Merry Kristen Adams Marilyn Child Office Manager Receptionist CORRESPONDENTS Lakeside Review Valerie Phillips Lakeside Review Ruth Malan Ruth Malan Deena Jones CLEARFIELD...., FARMINGTON LAYTON Standard-Examine- r graphic KAYSVILLE, FRUIT HEIGHTS ROY WH NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY " Cut Above The Rest Mon.-Fr- - SP 6 tside Review SOUTH WEBER "A i. 10 to 7 Sat. S to 5 T. SYRACUSE WEST POINT..... SUNSET J. Bird ..Donna Brown Ruth Malan Lakeside Review Cheri Reed CLINTON The Lakeside Review is published weekly and distributed FREE by carrier Tuesday afternoon from Roy through Farmington. The Lakeside Review is a subsidiary of the Standard Corp. I I I i i i I Reg. ONLY 1- - coupon good forth ONLY i i i Includes Free Shampoo With this ad I $8.00 Not to be used with any coupon or special whole family other T J J Reg. $30.00 Long Hair may be extra NEWS DEADLINES: and photos should be submitted no later than 3:30 All news p.m. Wednesday for publication Appointment preferred 2146 N. Main, Antelope Square, Layton Expires May 26 OFFICE HOURS With this ad Not to be used with any other mmmmmmmu pn Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:0- 0 Classified Hours Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:0- 0 PHONE Weekly Drawings In Each Shop JaBiigS 1 the following Tuesday. ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Display advertisements Wednesday at noon. Classified liner ads Friday at 5 p.m. Win A FREE Haircut i set 12-fo- ot right-of-wa- Thurgood said. FY-19- Council report that the drain be at least 12 feet looking for a free ride. Syracuse Mayor DeLore Thur-goo- d said he is sympathetic to property, r ReganStandard-Examine- Tan- Request for promotion of National Flag Day Foundation Set public hearing for final budget Discuss 200 South overpass rec- 776-495- 1 or 298-891- 6 p.m. p.m. 3. |