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Show 5 Lakeside Review, Tuesday. May 8 1990 EBBS 6 - 12 will mark the fifth annual celebration of Public Service Week to honor America's 20 million government employees. Sponsored May Public by Employees Roundtable (PER) and endorsed by the Presidents Council on Management Improvement (PCM), this week is a time to pay tribute to the profession of public service and to the employees who make up the public work force at the federal, state and local level. Activities will be held in all 50 states to say thank you to public employees and to " inform Americans about the range and quality of the vital services provided by public employees. Educators, forest rangers, firemen, police officers, tax examiners, aircraft mechanics, warehousemen and many health care providers are all part of the nations public service. Agency field offices, local and state governments in hundreds of cities across the country are also planning events to observe Public Service Recognition Week. President Bush and governors of each state have been asked to issue proclamations in support of Public Service Recognition Week. Utah Governor Norman Bangerter has proclaimed the second week of May be set aside to recognize and appreciate the dedication, talents and contributions made by public service employees in all government agencies. Local events to mark the week will include a special day at the Weber County Fairgrounds, Saturday, May 12, culminating a special appearance of the s Lipizzaner Stallions in the Golden Spike Coliseum. This weeks events are under the direction of the PSRW Steering Committee made up of members of all local, federal, state, county and city agencies, chaired by Shirley Johnson, EEO officer at the Ogden IRS Center and Carolyn Sant of Defense Depot Ogden. world-famou- ? Saturday At The Weber County Fairgrounds , 10:00 A.M. til 6:00 P.M. 4 o Over 70 Exciting Free Exhibits-Emergenc- y Vehicle Display & Demos o KKAT and WKRP Radio Stations Broadcasting Remote Free Live Entertainment-:- 8:00 9:30 1 0:00 Registration ($7) begins run2 mile Walk Begins Riverdale Pavilion) Agency Volleyball Games required) 1 0:30-- 1 1 :30 Kids Relay Races (Age groups from 3 years and up) 9 11:00 Demonstration by Hill Air Force Base (Cream OUTSIDE STAGE A 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 ' Special Events for 5K Run2 Mile Walk Howard Noels Magic Act Utah Old Time Fiddlers 5K (Pre-registrati- K-- Sound System WSC Jazz Ensemble Tauna Lyn Weber State Singers OWeber Arena) Continuous Kids Sporting Events 12:00-4:0- 0 One-on-o- with Soccer ne Throw-Ca- ke INSIDE STAGE 1 2:00-3:0- 2:00-4:0- Obstacle Shootoff-Softb- all 0 0 Miss Rodeo Ogden Horsemanship 2:00 (Golden Spike Arena) Competition Special Cargo Drop by Forest Service Contest (Cream OWeber Arena) Hill Air Force Base Helicopter Lift-o- 2:30 3:00 4:00 6:00 W Bag Throw Course-Be- an (Pre-registrati- on :00 12:00 Jay Stewart Family 1 :00 Vocal Chords Rainbow Connection 2:00 Wild West Cloggers 3:00 4:00 Tangled Roots Walk-Kil- ler (Riverdale Pavilion): nge required) Agency Softball Games Closest-to-th- e pin Golf (Riverdale Pavilion) Horseshoe Competition (Exercise Arena) Batting Mania Machine (Softball diamond) 12:00 & Goalie-Challe- T ug-O-W- ar ff WORLD FAMOUS LIPIZZANER DANCING STAL LION SHOW (Golden Spike Arena). Tickets-$3.0- 0 (Children under age 5 admitted free) Sat. May 126 p.m. Royal Lipizzaner Dancing White Stallion Show t Admission x -- (250 tickets available at booths located by Exhibit Hall and the Riverdale Pavilion) DUNK TANKS (2 tickets) DRY BOAT RIDE (2 tickets) TROUT FISH POND (4 tickets) $300 Per Person FAN DRIVEN SWING (1 ticket) . HAY RIDES (1 ticket) , PONY RIDES (Pay at gate) ST APPEARANCES BY SMOKEY TUCKETTS PETTING AND BEAR, WOODSY OWL AND WALDO WILDCAT-CLOW- NS BALLOONS SPECIAL DISPLAYS FROM INTERMOUNTAIN MINIATURE HORSE CLUB AND THE OGDEN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY-FREE CREAM OWEBER ICE CREAM ZOO-GUE- For Ticket Information, call the Weber County Fairgrounds at 399-854- 2 v Kids Rids and Activities- - Thanks To These Event Sponsors ASMC Utah Albertsons-So- . Chapter-HAF- Harmons B Ogden & Roy America First Credit Union American Playworld Ben Lomond Golf Course Bob Johnson Auto Sales Coca-Col- a Cool Springs Trout Farm . Cream OWeber Dept, of Leisure Services Dixon Paper - Flying J Hardees i Hostess Bakery Jorgensens Stores Schneiters Riverdale Golf Smiths KKAT Kar Kwik Standard-Examin- Kraft Western Foods Little Caesars Pizza M. Pressum Originals Tucketts Utah Jazz McDonalds Nicolas & Company Ogden High Petersen Motor Co., Inc. Price Savers BRBKnnssBanBse er Sysco WKRP Wasatch Distributing Weber County Fairgrounds Weber State University Western Dairies Wilson Sporting Goods - ' |