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Show 1 2C Lakeside Review, Wednesday, December 1 7, 1 986 Roy hosts COUNTRY CUPBOARD party for residents ROY Roy sponsored its Old Fashioned Christmas celebration for all city residents Monday night. The program was led by Kathleen Browning, Lavar Smith and Willard Cragen, " city council members. The event was held behind the fire station on 5100 S. 1900 W. in quarter pound Roy. cldMIcnod CHRISTMAS SALE! ,T' : first annual O. ALL CHRISTMAS A jumbo The festivities included lighting of the Christmas tree and burning of the yule log. Santa Claus made his rounds and handed out candy canes for the children and senior citizens kept everyone toasty with hot cider. Entertainment was provided by the Roy High School Choir, Roy Junior High School Concert Choir and Glee Club, and the Sand Ridge Sandsations. The groups performed such numbers as Carol of the Bells, Twas the Night Before Christmas, and Winter is Here. Philip Wheelwright provided the sound system. BEARS. . hot dog! mm cJDS t 323 H. Main 344 1066 East Gentile p. N. Main What she really wants and needs HOOVE From A SEWING MACHINE MAKE HER LIFE EASIER! of with the SHE'S ALWAYS WANTED - Cleaning System REG. uSVc THE GREATEST TIME SAVER 259.95 SINCE THE SEWING MACHINE WAS INVENTED $19 The Dubutonte Model 6211 00 Free ONLY "Don ' p00 Is SUCKER Price Ranges All Viking models are The Debutante Machine Model 6212 and have non-oilin- g a jam proof Boating shuttle. 1985. built-i- n buttonhole, accessory box and extension ONLY $19800 f3?9 The Viking 150 17 utility and decorative stitches-builtextension tray in one unit INTRODUCING While They Last Deluxe AUTOMATIC RUG SIIAMP00ER -in buttonhole, accessory box and SEWING MACHINE CABINETS. p Scrubs and polishes too ts your NEWSPAPER F4143 From Wheeled nozzle with dial selected edge cleaning Convenient 'Check bag' signal Easy to store, and greo tor quick clean-up- s on SEWING CHAIRS . local news Only 825 4531 your ft WEST POINT OOPflESPONDENT SYRACUSE $7995 USE CUR 90 Days-Sam- e 58 Save on the new Viking 950, the first computerized sewing machine to offer features ot a mid-lin- e The 950 features repeatable bottonholes, a price. Pictogrom stitch to make decorative sewing outomotic. a memory for storing ond repeating intricate stitches... plus, electronic speed control, stop-rigneedle positioning, ond much, much more. Everything on the Viking 950 is Advanced, except the price. top-of-li- Several Different Styles NO COST OR LOW COST FINANCING as Cash Pay V i Down-- 3 Equal Payments No Interest CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 9800 Two speed motor you have a News Tip about Special People or Events calf ARLENE HAMBLIN the New VIKING 950 Special Factory Introductory Price HOOVER 'QS Quiet Series TM Quick-Broo- super tank The LAKESIDE Review If to 573 00 4 quart graduate of Clearfield High School, Clearfield, he joined the Marine Corps in November popular stitchesBuilt-i- vorious fobric thicknessesFree orm for sewing sleeves'Builtin carrying handle model-Wi- th ONLY communications A 1985 11 construction stitches, tray in one unit wheels and Tool Storage Rack ek equipment. 5 bobbinAdjusts "Deluxe" intra-- H. In All The Viking 100 company & Available LITTLE SUNSET Marine Pfc. Paul P. Garcia, son of Julia E. Garcia of 2347 N. 400 W., Sunset has p Swedish Quality POWERFUL Infantry training finished by Marine ond YES! Portapower" Canister Vacuum Houchinss studies included take-u- Buy" until you see this you might be Sorry jj seamanship, close order drill, Naval history and first aid. Personnel who complete this course of instruction are eligible for three hours of college credit in Physical Education and Hygiene. A 1985 graduate of Salt Lake Community High School, Salt Lake City, he joined the Navy in February 1986. .. otur$15800 Model 1077 k training cycle, he studied general military subjects designed to prepare him for further academic and training in one of the Navys 85 basic fields. culls winds with 0 touch of 0 finger3 needle positions to sew olong edges ond make buttonholesBuilt-icarrying handle CLOSE-OUT- S ? Model 4387 sewing lever'Bobbin SUPER LOW PRICES on FACTORY for arm Machine sleeves'Sell-threadin- Model 3109 Diego. . ; favorite v NO PULLING -- 'SERGER' KAYSVILLE Navy Seaman Recruit Jess S. Houchins, son of Steven J. and Eileen M. Houchins of 67 N. Flint, Kaysville has completed recruit training at Recruit Training Command, San six-we- More features Better quality For less money EVERYBODYS , JUST GUIDE IT for- completed the Infantry Combat Training Course at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeunne, NC. During the course, Garcia received classroom instruction and participated in field excersizes involving infantry tactics; the construction and camouflage of fighting positions; and the use of mines, demolitions and Miracle Machines AT NEW LOW AFFORDABLE PRICES CQPiCEPT QhSE NO PUSHING SINGER THE MACHINE Self-propelle- d. completes training eight-wee- Layton- THAT SAVE TIME, WORK ANl Kaysville seaman During Houchinss -- SSS2S mer, Deanna Stone of Syracuse, and they reside in Farmington. The Mayfields have two children, David, 5, and Lisa, 3. . OFF KAYSVILLE LAYTON Staff Sgt. Ryan R. Mayfield of Farmington was recently assigned to the United States Air Force Recruiting Office in Salt Lake ist. Mayfield is married to the OFF 0 20 VILLAGE . Sergeant assigned to recruiting office the Air Force Recruiting School near San Antonio, Texas, where he was trained in various areas of study, including the Airman Classification System, testing and enlistment processing procedures, and public speaking. Mayfield was selected for the. special course and recruiting duty as a volunteer with an outstanding Air Force record. Prior to Mayfield's assignment here, he was stationed with the 366 Transportation Squadron, Mountain Home AFB, Idaho where he was assigned as a goods special- 20-5- 'DICKENS . City. Mayfield is a recent graduate 25 ITEMS.... 20 Down-Jus- t 14.45 Financing Charge - A Big Savings From the 18 Other Stores Charge. Credit Approved Required WDcacaEE's WHERE SERVICE" MEANS SATISFACTION 94 N. Fort Lane IN LAYTON Ph. 546-490- 6 GIFT WRAPPING I |