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Show 8A Lakeside Review, Wednesday, December 17, 1986 Roy reviews business fees ROY The Roy City Council will review the citys business license fees after an area bar owner approached the council, saying his license fee rates were too high. Lew Lutz, owner and manager of Pegs Lew Monicos Bar and Lounge located at 5300 S. 1900 W., approached the council last week asking for an explanation of the $1,200 business license fee he is being charged for 1986. Lutz said 10 years ago he paid $192. Another ten years Ill be out of business paying these license fees, he said. In defense of the citys business license rates, City Manager Richard Kirkwood told Lutz the fees are increased according to the consumer price index. Kirkwood said the original business license fees were established approximately 10 years ago by a committee comprised of area businessmen. Since that time the fees have only been brought in line with the CPI. However, after the explanation Lutz said he still felt the fee he was paying was too high. He said doctors dentists and for Christmas Perfect for local church leaders, home teaching families, neighbors, or other special friends. If it is a prejudice you have against bars you should come out and say it and not treat us like second-clas- s citizens," Lutz said. Dora D. Flack, Parable, A, Boyd K. Packer., Readings for the IDS Family, Bickerstaff... ( Dont Forget the Star (paperbound), George D. Durrant.. Dont Forget the Star (1 audio cassette), George D Durrant. ,,......i.,,...,m,.m..,...., o Light of Christmas, The, Barbara B. Smith.......-- .. ( Miracle, The (book), Blaine & Brenton Miracle, The (1 audio cassette), Blaine & Brenton Yorgason., . M NMH)HNNNNHINNN(I M Real Story of Christmas, The (1 audio cassette), W. Cleon Skousen. Stranger for Christmas, A, Carol Lynn Pearson.......... Christmas Christmas Christmas H. George Recently the Roy City Council revoked the business license of the Rusty Nail Saloon, located at 5600 S. 1965 W., when two employees of the tavern were charged with possessing and distributing drugs. Kirkwood said Lutz's business license cost may be higher than other businesses because of his beer license fee and the fees that are attached to pool tables within his establishment. Lutz said he cannot understand why he is being charged for video games and a pool table, when doctors are not charged for machines. A bar cannot operate without a pool table, just like a doctors office cannot operate without an machine, he said. Its a bad wash and unjustified. The Roy City Council made a motion to review the license fees levied against video machines for next year, and extended an invitation to the area bar owner to serve on one of the citys future business committees. Magic, Yorgason.... t By Ted C. Hindenmarsh Cracked Wheat for Christmas Who was Jolly Holiday ret. 4.95 JORGENSENS Book and Gift Shop 1900 W. 5075 S., Roy state-of-the-a- rt Service. Hill is one of 20 Air Force in- - -- stallations around the world Clearfield power outage leaves residents in dark CLEARFIELD Cold weath- er was named as the culprit that caused a power outage for ap- proximately 2,000 Utah Power & ; Light Co. customers last Wednes- day morning. The problem occurred at 200 , E. Main St., about 3 a.m. accord-- 1 ing to Lynn Ellis, Utah Power & ; Light Co. dispatcher, leaving some residents in the dark for up to five hours. Mike Jones, foreman of the : crew who repaired the lines, said - there are usually outage problems during the first cold spell. People overload the lines when the power in the home is turned on because of the cold, he said. The cold weather causes expanded wires to tighten up, and they will usually wear at the point of connection." The majority of residents had power within an hour. However, 120 customers had to wait for four hours before their power was restored. scheduled to receive the new ra- dar as part of the Operational dar Replacement Program. . Since the new radar is Ra- tremely sensitive to precipitation, it will be easier to pick up thunderstorms and snowstorms, explained Maj. Mike W. Kowa, Det. 6 commander. The radqr is so sensitive it can detect as small as .01 inch of precipitation per hour. Another advantage of the radar is the advanced monitor which displays a color enhanced readout of the weather. The monitor allows weathermen to find the different levels of precipitation intensities within a storm by displaying varied degrees of color. For example, the heaviest precipitation in a storm may be red on the monitor and the lightest, yellow. Weather radars find storms by electromagnetic transmitting radiation into the airwaves with a rotating antenna disc. 825-825- Toyota of ogden 825-908- 9 3 LUGE, OIL When the electromagnetic waves hit an object an echo return is sent back and storm images are projected on the screen, but because of Utahs surroundings, mountains can fool the inexperienced eyes, said Kowa. The new radar will help solve the mountain problem with a computerized map of Utah, which includes the mountains, Includes up to Toyota filter. 5 Available. YOOU Mm LEIBEOOIi tcuch mi and FILTER quarts of oil and genuine siS95 WINTERIZATION SERVICE fill up Flush, constantly displayed on the screen. Also, the monitors color enhancement can make mountains easier to distinguish from ex- Since 1961 Phone Gift Certificates radar only one in state C, Sale Also: X-r- ay HILL AIR FORCE BASE Hill AFB will soon have the only weather radar in Utah. The new radar, will belong to Dethe WSR-74tachment 6 of the 17th Weather $399 Stocking Stuffer Suggestions Gift Certificates Available Open Until 9 p.m. with weather radar state-of-a- rt 3.95 BLESSINGS 1.2S CHRISTMAS GIFTS, CHRISTMAS Thomas S. Monson Base right on target Hill's 6.95 8.95 S.9S ..,..6,95 t X-r- ay pay approximately $58 a year. Books and Tapes gallons to 2 e, flush comound, plus inspect all hoses, B fa Q O fa jj MINOR All TUNE-U- P 4 cylinder or models, 6 cylinder slightly higher. Includes makes C I $3395 plugs. belts, etc. storms. k Once a storm is detected, the rotating disc can be stopped to keep an eye on it for further developments. With the radar, weathermen can calculate the intensity and location of the storm as well as how hard and how long its going to rain or snow. With the color separation they can often tell if there is hail or a tornado in the thunderstorm system. The radar is scheduled to be completely installed and ready for operation today. But even this advanced radar system is not the creme de la creme of weather radars, according to Kowa. TOYOTA TOYOTA QUAUTYSERVICE GENUME'flMCTS OYOTA of 1000 OGDEN W. RIVERDALE RD. SERVICE - DEPARTMENT ye'vegat 627-12- 34 tie, tuck YOU JUST CANT BEAT CLASSIFIED ADS Lakeside Review WE'RE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE American Heart Association DIE EUHJiaEe? HOME FURNISHINGS SNOW THROWERS THAT PUT WINTER IN ITS PLACE "N4f EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE SUPERIOR VALUE c. i. Discover the distinctive wrappings that make gift-givin- g a joy! -- y FREE SET OF AUTO JUMPER BEASLEY, CABLES YOURE EARLY. JUST FOR COMING IN FOR DEMO! TAKE THIS MESSAGE TO HEART. CHECK YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. High blood pressure is a disease. And a lot of adults have it. Almost one in four. But because it has virtually no symptoms, there are millions of Americans with a severe disease they don't even know they have. High blood pressure can lead to heart disease and stroke. But is can be checked by a quick and painless test, and usually controlled with your doctor's help. out more about dealing with high blood pressure, contact the American Heart To find I Association. NEW. "AUGER-STYL- E SNOW THROWER THROWS UP TO 30 FEET! i this new auger system will throw snow up to 30 feet Chute swivels to let own where you wont the snow to go. Hoodie mounted rotor control stops spinning ouger. Feotures o Homelite' 2 cycle winterized high engine. USt OUI CRIDIT. C. W.llev', own inslof. Credit Dept con handle you, linanc. need, with tow monthly poyment, to sup any budget STORE HOURS: open Weekdoys 10 om Fri 109, Sot IOA Closed Sundoy to 7 30. MURRAY 861 Ph. E. 6600 S. 1 KEARNSWEST 4739 Ph. S. VALLEY 4000 W. 0 HE HJLSiHeza V HOME FURNISHINGS L SYRACUSE 1693 W. 2700 S. Ph. 0 rKtfc DELIVERY! |