Show awt '1 TIIE GARLAND TIMES GARLAND The Garland ubished Every Boxelder Thursday County Times T at Garland Utah ! - ROY WAIILEN and Manager Publisher 'iibscrlijtloa Advertiilng "i DU ART Their Opening in New Bank Their Customers to Call and See Them There and Inspect There New Stock Mrs Jessie Bingham of Ogden was a guest Wednesday the evening at home of Mr and Mrs C L Winters —— tsj-Mrs George B Hughes was visiting in Salt Lake Thursday with relatives and friends Mrs Oeo Curtis and Mrs Frank Riser were business visitors In Balt Lake city on Saturday last ' Mr ed trll and Mrs C M Peterson returnbusiness Tuesday evening from to Balt Lake 1 JT t r n vW " v II M I t 11 Vi 1 H I II I 1 I il H 1 1 " Also Hairdressing PIVNO call Hunington Peck's Service Station I WISE and WOOD At Adv Mr and Mrs John Slddaway and children returned to their home in after visiting for the Vernal Monday past few days at the home of Mr M Fetsted Quarters Formerly the Garland BE PREPARED $1000 LOCAL NEWS (Myrtle Holmgren I Factory Street Bell Phone Garland J Mayor ored to in honor of Miss Sarah Shumway It being her tenth birthday During th evening games were played followPresent were 20 ed by refreshments guests Friday evening November 9 at the home of Mr and Mrs J J Shumway Miss Hazel Manning- and Miss Vennt Rirkham entertained at a surprise given Avcry luncheon was serve were presentw4fi MrT and Mrs bald Stokes of Oakland' Cali of town guests A Marriott j en j Mr and Mrs D E Manning had as their guest over Saturday atuf Sunday Mrs Elise B Alder of the General Board of the Relief Society who came to attend the general conference of tills Stokes of Oakland California Make — in Mr and Mrs A M Porter and Miss company with Miss Julia Manning who Idonna Porter motored to Ogden on spent the week end at her parents home returned to their homes In Salt Saturday last Lake Mrs Naomi Grover and family had as their guests during the week end Mrs Charles Last and Miss Myrintha Mrs Meade Gleason Mrs R T Coe of entertained the members Burningham Salt Lake and M j Meada Rasor of of theWomen’s Faculty Club Thursday San Fransico Cali Sunday they Were afternoon at the home of Mrs Last Mrs Horace Joined by Mr and made attractive with iThe tame two-and— daughters Ien- a- and bowls holding various shades of chr- Donna Doris Darton and Frank Parke The program for the ysanthemums all of Salt Lake- - In the afternoon all A discussion afternoon was as follows motored to Fielding where they were of the Political Parties was given by dinner uiests at the home of Mr and Miss Margaret Woodslde Song by Mrs David Wood Luncheon followed the Miss Cleo Nye A color scheme of black and program Mr and Mrs W H Barnard and orange was carded out In luncheon Mss Dahrl Llllywhite of Ogden and Nineteen members were present Dr and Mrs H Y Richards of Salt Lake were visiting at the home of Mr Mr! nod Mrs George Hernle returnand Mrs Lewis Llllywhite during Sun- ed during the latter part of the week day and Monday from a visit with friends and relatives In Prpvo Salt Lake and Ogden Mr and Mrs Otto Joltff of Patricia ramtaa'MKf ntecr afur nephew of Mr Mr and Mrs H P Swlnyard entertand Mrs few Llllywhite passed a ained as their guests Sunday Mr and days visiting at the Llllywhite home Mrs William Swlnyard and sons Alfred Mr and Mrs Joliff were on their way and Ewart of Logan Mr and Mrs A to spend the winter in California J Swlnyard of Salt Lake Mr and Mrs J P Jensen and family of Ogden Mr and Mrs Brigham Marriott entertained as their dinner guests MonOn Tuesday morning a fine son ar- - day Sherdian Ferrin and son Allen E rived at the home of Mr and Mrs The father Is aTI smiles Wallace Wise and says it sure Is some boy All CITY SHOE doing nicely L E ALLRED Prop Mr and Mrs Kenneth Coombs and to Boots Shoes children of Salt Lake Mr and Mrs order Mayland Hansen and baby of American Pork Mr and Mrs Ernest Bram-weTREMONTON UTAH and children of Logan Mr and were Mrs Ervin Coombs of Fielding Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Alex Hales and Mr and Mrs EarT Bone — Have your sewing machine cleaned and adjusted to prolong Its life and Eye make sewing a pleasure Reliable and Work Guaranteed expert repairing WATCHES DIAMONDS Singer Sewing Machine Co Represent ed by J R Long Oarland Ad JEWELRY and ' sminoffiffl'y r and son Milton all of Ogd- -' Party and Mrs A R Capener motSalt Lake Tuesday morning to attend the funeral services held for Mrs Mary L Parke at 12:30 In the 20th When In need of any extracts or ward chapel Mrs Parke died in Los ta'let preparation cold creams and Kht Cull finturriay niyht A lex- Angeles Call - Mrs ihHlttlirahiu was the mother of R G Parke and Hales Garland for the Best Ad C W Parke former residents of this our was to also a sister city and MayW H Elmer and daughters Miss or Mr Capener Mary and Miss Esther entertained at a social party at their home Thursday Mrs Mark Nichols was in Logan on evening honoring Mr and Mrs Albert Elmer of Oakland Cali who has been Sunday where she attended the initiation of the Phi Upsilon Omlcron visiting here for the passed month and who are leaving during the week sorority to the National Economic Fratheir home The evening was spent for which took place Sunday momternity playing various - games-- - piw M(:i"s tray guests yorty Archi- JC PENNEY C® EAST MAIN STREET : — TREMONTON the Field Topping Pinnacle” Our September Marathon e ' This bHm Fedors ii Hat snap-- 1 well-- 1 named It’s the Pinnacle of Value— and you can go1 just as far ss you like on that statement made Buttonhole-stitc- brim full i ilk taflined ncwsil Autunua color What a Hstl What' Style What Valu! W E GETZ Expert Managers j REPAIR 1 I? Coming Insure your car and radiator againet freezing weather by letting us put Alcohol or Glycerine in it Let us serve your needs Permanent Waving $200 a Year in Advance Rates on Application WANTED TO RENT the club house or Miss Bell Phone 54 Cold Weather The latest and bpst Method in Entered at the Poetoffice at Oarland City Utah as Second Class Matter In August 1923 Knoth Pharmacy UTAH feta Testing - fi iag " i: 2 Cans -- Raisins Mrs Maggie guests visiting and wife Mr ” - 25c sSdir 2 Pligs 15c - 49c S Com Sweet-Potato- - Tremonton :— t Utah if A Belter Meal For Less Money there is high priced food with little food value low priced food with large food value and Bread it your best and cheapest Food Real nice fresh homemade bread like Golden Krust makes a better meal for less money 'High priced food or low priced food the best is the cheapest — Insist on Golden Krust Bread it is best Made by 4 es Grape Fruit We 29c Brand 8tokes has as her her home her son and Mrs Archibald at 3 lbs 25 c for 29c Pay The Highes- t- Cash TREMONTON STEAM BAKERY Style that reflects the young men’s own with ideas triple - stitching newest colors i V- - ( Quality Finish everything to its name emphasize Ace is RIGHTI It The is low priced at— Aywon Shaving Needs Smooth —Cool — Soothing We Buy Cream Butter Eggs Poultry and all kinds of Livestock : ’hones 52 and for September Wear Vacuum Cleaners Price For Eggs 52-A- “The ACE” Leads! A Think of it quality Shaving Men’s Talcum and e Lotion In packages For a cool reg Peck’s Electric Shop The Radio Store -l Finest Cream Phone 50 Garland Utah freshing shave use Aywon Shaving Cream tube Talcum for Men can 23c Lotion 25c g 19c as out t |