Show maimed - r 7 4 A 'V L - — ’28 To Be Best "Ss Utah Agricultural © College News Utah Aggies meet the Montana State Bobcats tn one of the feature grid tilts of the Rocky Mountain Conference on Saturday November 17 In the new Utah Both teams have acor-- l Aggie Stadium el Impressive victories in previous games and appear to be equal favorites to win th game A stirring battle should results King and Kinghts Spring Canyon Utah’s Best Coal Alfred Micliaelis Coal Yard DlclTRomney's Aggies still outside chance to a in the conftitle if they are able to bowl over the Bobcats this week and then through with a win over Utah University on Thanksgiving Day The Agone conference gies have lost only game this season being nosed out 6 by Colorado Aggies the most powerful Warn on the other side of the moun dorado g tames tarns The clrclal begin next week and if bo h Colorado Aggms and Colorado Colleg feated and Utah Aggies beat Montana and Utah the pennant' will' 07 leaa one of the Colorado Coach have an erence Utah Garland Bell Phone 23 J BLUE BELL gAt F A DRIGGS Manager teams SPECIAL PACKAGE ICE CREAM FOR THANKS- GIVlNGrPrepaTe fory5tir Big- Dinner N owl LET US HELP YOU ' 9 e very best farm the have Tint ”c iF“eMxcT the supply of money for farm applies to City of repayment the same ent plan That you these lines before jects can Tose ant of your pro- of Insurance e by contracts are definite AND THAT we dependable can tackles Jensen and and Clark Smart ends Call quarterback halfbacks and Gill- - I Blowing assyears in the business may be of theadviee we may be able to give you cost will notb'ng lines you 18 bind Hot and Cold Doctor Slosson says that beat Is onlv as time Is measured measured When you blow through by Its loss nenrly closed Ups the breath la ex over polled so rapidly that passing the hand It cools it by evaporating from the skin where the perspiration as when you breathe upon It more genth from the open month the nnd hv the warm Sir is surrounded u - and clear-c- and do Insur- phone would find tlint the effect In the two cases Is the Rame or often the re has the thermometer verse because no nioht skin and registers the n tual of instead merely temperature Washii'-'changes of temperature— Star Bank Building Utah Garland Bear River Phones: Bell 129 2 rind Inscribed Tablets s ff Garland Business Directory ”7 T W T E BETENSON D D S Physlcan Dentist Both Phones Residence Bell 64 J — Fanners 5 p 9 a m t Office Office Hours Bank GEO O Bank n Paper B D Surgeon UTAH SPECIALIZE rihtts insirlhed Twelve thousand in an uneiiriheif 'em found tecently pie In eastern Arabia hy the Iiairchid ftesearih School of Oriental itove that there was a reading puldic 3o centuries ngo According to liiii in- - r tied In the Marsh Arnli the names of Nehu bricks bearing 'I11 ami Uniammu nr chadnez7ar of picked up in the Iraq Arnlda and nre so common in places that they pan many a onrt j aril --In toilIra the' houses ot tenet Post Washington setin MONDAY PLASTERING ON LADIES UTAn J CHAS TRIBE THE BARBER Mc’s II ARNESS AND SHOE SHOP T N McIntosh Prop its leather 'I'm In the game? Harnesses repaired with neatness and dispatch ORIAN PETERSON WAVING By Appointment !y n x’ 'V h L its 0mir by ( 0hrulrt f 'tafcpr Fuhc-stmf- Ycatil Find Tsyjonrauce Ncy hiGioring Thrilk ‘hort jmi jmirslf trj tar (!a thii tlirilla S(t rhrrf Peck and Gunderson te High School The tained Saturday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs A J Taylor In Bear was River City A delicious dinner system of highserved after which the evening was exists such a by VaLoy Johnson Reported Mr Cannon that Mr in games way marking all over the country spent nTcZoIsL m’iss Naoma Rich and Miss Wednes- it detracts greatly from the pleasuies At a special aZZZly held of touring was Ruth Johnson won prizes body student the aftornonn Th Faculty Ladies Club met this Millions of motorists are sick an Bobble Price traffic re- - enterUtaed by Mark and week at the home of Mrs Last Miss tired of the Utah Hyrum Iron youthM hostess ninB rs Euralmttom was assistant n0 hlcli they run h 1 hoy Woodstde gave a talk nd stte to ntt omOT- - Miss Margaret gr ma- - of age gave a short p reads the reiKrt and we believe a touring The report discloses “sore spots” chief among them the complaint of motorists that motorist News Notes many being there IWk Tin® WEEK DAILY BUSS TO DEWEY DAILY BUSS SERVICE AT ANY TIME TO ANY PLACE PRICES Call REASONABLE 60 and Res Bell Phone ' ft RSWP crle clristmas Spirill a Good OF EACH 77 t ' htor Fop :XV IO i 'm 7 "is I r ' “ ’'1 L Encourage it— That jeniiment maq j xr i C Iwo t mth± i r it (greeting Cards keep sentiment aliue and enable qou to send greetings to gour friends rela ti?es and acquaintances HAIRCUTTING PERMANENT 2 'v 1 ltllITs: Mr Tnity V(re the string1 K uy it vpm!v arid It tr wes for t he entlre year I urnitig r up v t - ’’J't Last e 0j 1327 voe 192000 cars tin? v! n iiV rerllv ev rti were ‘rs' wever perho suits 1' forty hour In H 10 to C inil-fr per 1926 when the A'! bi'trr than-I::v I! v— min cut non of the Pontiac EIx’hrougliT’ w r ' t ( In ms Ihyii for th Oakland Motor Car Company A ! tiuw whete 1 Grotird t"’ He fhst time nto the volume field all ojw U in itd it Where you enu On the strength of present de- A (marl j1 irious jMiformaneu of this yiar we will Irave t!int yru'rc -- urc to udmlrt colorful thal by ftm luly confldpnt after jotiSc Inn! it ui’t ' l!' s 0f 270000 Oaklandand Ilere’t reul pul't slii ug perioi inani p ae cars Mr Tracy stated “This! an ban'll iinJ New wuiad b tier byforty per cent our per- Just try that it offer brand m imitoring f'iniam e in 1927 which was the most e imvrTve yFSf-'I llrdraul' A the rate orders for the new Oak Tricv (ill! n u tnrs t (rv mprtnm Are piling up sales for November ht rtnt ftri k ar lender gmrrdm l' JII r iniludr inurul Mutur- - ? HMIfXi hamlhni dnu'd establish a new high figure for uy miiiiMtutrt rats ! I’aymsnt 'tari the mon-Orders now booked assure Oakland a on for long ptak production Pontalc wUjIe maintaining k cull intently high sales pace it has Distributor si sme its production and striking N0 mc're significant deiUllltatlon mark prevails today on than the red Indian a)ly automobile juad which the man who trails be- motorists around this localSix pasi hind sees when the Pontiac the aummer wm heartily agree with him — Tlie Pontlac will matntalnahlgh one's Dlfftculty of speed with remarkable clt- - school Wednesday' degree 0ur larger towns and d irance up hiU and down and at the ta the report to be ures lMn be none the worse h end of the journey froni tourlsU The cast lor the school plajr “Under subfor the test to which it has been JSerstand why if a road Twenty" has been chosen by Competjeeted accordmg It its many supporters itive tryouts Work wlU begin immedbe— — iately and the play will be staged w town or etty so that any fore Christmas holidays Buvrrs wh0 deslre all the swank and through can find q following is the chosen cast: gport type automobUa can drlver of ordinary intelligence Th Helen Harvey Jt lQ ft iowprlcei car Bix hs wfty without having to stop and Pecka comer — Cores Keller wheels the two spares mounted Diane "Z mqulre at every street LaVera Manning fl'ont fender wells with a folding wllh all 0ur boasted progress It Qr&ce Roirfk Tubbs one place Mrs Famum rack for the decs seem that here Is Melba Hamaoa - Rannle (the maid) s Pontiac sportive appearance on today whereln we have a lot of room forimKleth Rhodes Riv in keeping with Pontiac s high provemenf a uniform system of high pon Duane Archibald set of way marking and a standard Darwin Jensen are chrome plated to in every Famum w0Uld wheel mountings apply Mrs that traffc rues Marion Clark and prevent would go far to- - Bill Boyd give bright appearance fity and town aUke tour corrosion The girls of the school are working ward solving the worst problem on the girls Annual along enthusiastically Something tsts now encounter to Vaudeville This Is one of the Importhis line will have to be done and thinkA National Need tant events of the school year It will the average motorist's way of the better be presented in the near future In the ing the sooner it is started school Auditorium More than the usual Interest at by the The latest official count at school tachcs to a report just made of Association shows an enrollment of 590 students American Automobile during the re now registered conditions encountered B R H S faculty were enterseason by the average ceent Guaranteed The Best Plan for a True Garland Boy to DolTUp fr ON the Six i If GENTS m3 2rI 7 i th buSld end of it n and Kalsomlning GARLAND UTAH Haircut WE Pontiac Mich Nov 15 —Indications are that the Oakland Motor Car s m 1923 would top the best jear In Its history by approximate 75000 cars or forty p ereent V R vre seen line today when' In charge of T’tcy It' announced that October volume Unified 17232 units Ihs figure for October compares u h 15 618 Oallands and Pcntaic iKXes h G LEN N EXPERT Barber Shop for All-America- PAINTER Louis Petersen A Good Place N OF aU All Work GARLAND VOLUME PREDICTS 270000 OAKLANDS PONTIACS Farmers W and M Building Bell 14 of Plano Band Instruments PIANO TUNING A SPECIALTY For Appointment CaU Instructor 1 R VCY Telephones: NYE Vocal and GARLAND Utah Garland Building 75000 Cars hndunk John J Shumway 1NNES Year-- By —t hrtr- - c't has defeate a team The Montana this year and held Idaho University I Nebraska Big Six champions to a low B Y U I score They also downed the margitsr by a two touchdown differ- in by investigating going ahead with the financing nature and that and similar our fire absolutely a IWCW play the Worthington espie fullback unlimited Is property on “nothing to you in these That and the market whatever of That our experience istance loans and Town to of frength against Montana State Smart brilliant Ae- C iptan Theron back has been out of a suit hall gie for two weeks but will be In condition Dav loan there as they closing game ho!e Dahle That That That the Smart was not for the Bobcat game I in the game when the Ageics lost to All of the other men Colorado Aggies I anH wdLhma racfleredlrom lnjur I Romney's lneup against the Bozeman be Gardner at cent- 1 team will probably er Bergeson and Vanderhoof guards Do You Know on be defeated year J Is will eaeli oilier in - Oakland Come and Nou? make tjouf le It the A new dining room suite will be appreciated by from whole family Many different new styles which to choose' Eight piece suite at h A in- JK ?''£ U c d: $9500 to $19500 ' Hyrum Jensen Furniture GARLAND The Garlnnd Times 1 and UTAH Hardware Co M |