Show V- - '' ' - -— J i — — V r THE GARLAND V rT GENERAL MERCHANDISE t C PETERSON WINTER Manager HERE IS Line OF GOLOSHES NEW Rubber Goloshes Nude and Brown $325 Brownand Grey Cloth Goloshes" TTTTT 'Z $225 All Sizes in childrens ranging from $195 and up CALL IN OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Bell Phone 60 Garland -- Utah — MEATS and GROCERIES Heme Quality Merchandise OUR MEATS AN DGROCERIES ARE THE BEST THAT CAN BE BOUGHT AND WHEN THE )UR PRICES-A- RE QUALITVTSG0NS1DERED An Armistice Day program was given The school sang Friday in assembly America by the band accompanied Bro Jensen of the Seminary' offered the invocation after which Mr Arbon of the faculty sany two songs - Joe Kirkham gave a cornet solo and Mayor James Walton of Tremonton gave an For the closing Armistice Day talk number the schooi sang "The Star IN LINE 4 25c all Pork Sausage per 25c Hamberger per lb 20c WE DELIVER IN THE BUYING IS EVERYBODY 30c 30c CITY Bell Phone 26 Utah Garland Eanner Spangled Our football team went to Brigham Thursday to play the Box Elder High School many of the students and a number of the teachers accompanied the team We are sorry to state how ever that we were defeated by a score of 52 to 0 The Juniors held a class meeting and new officers were chosen We are informed that this class is honored by having a lady president Miss Alta Hansen Miss Jennie Peck was elected secretary and treasurer The faculty ladies of the B R H S are entertaining the teachers of the Garland and Tremonton schools at luncheon Paturuday afternoon at the home of Mrs John Benson The Agenda Club girls are having their Arnual Vaudeville next Frida v night November 16th m the H eh 20c 35c Sir Loin Steaks per lb 40c T Bone Steaks per lb “Oh I’ll Me Care of II TOMORROW “Utah’s Favorite’’ Flour and Bran Shorts Wheat for taken on deposit Bran and Mill Products Mil Cleaned of thing ean' happen between and “tomorrow” Fires don't aron schedule Getting today depen table Fire Insor ante proteition for yonr home or bus tness prop Tty takes aU the worry out what may happen "tomorrow” I c i suggest an Insurance plan for von that will be complete and ec on mual Lets now rive it for Ask your dealer Wheat Perhaps you will Then again you may not In the meantime — FLQUR Chopping ' SEE Tremorrlon Milling James Brough Garland Utah Company Tremonton Utah BeU Telephone I I'NDFR NEW MVNYGEMENT AUTO REPAIRMAN General Auto ing Rooms ( $100 European HIGH CLASS IN “piE M Up Plan DINNING ROOM Specializing in Ignition and- Generator Repairing CONNECTION BEST OF PRICLS J and Repair- SFItYKE RfASONUlIE FRASER Manager PHONE n: I J FDR NIGHT or SERVICE rilONE 50 at PECKS SEE VICE STATION All work guaranteed LUMBER CO :— : Garland Utah PAINT LUMBER truth closed with singing “Song of the Rejeeemed ” and benediction by Bishop C B Gunnell Sunday afternoon session of conference oiiened wh h the choir singing "Daughter of Zion” and prayer by Elder Jovnh A Frirksnn and then the Severnes Chorus sang “Redeemer of Phone 18 Dealers in - OIL - GLASS - HARDWARE MeeMng GARLAND Israel Tht mectnc was turned over to the Seven) i and Raymond G quorum Brt— u wte iff tlte presidents' of '153 d was appointed to take chii’ minute address on the II tjr of the Seventies was made S Culderwood by R “pportunit-iesOoK a'lo’is of a Foreign uv a ten minute talk by J Delos rn ps n ’"Htake Missionary Work Our Ob’ gat ions to these within our Gatei bv H C Butler A S Cook and Lavon Stokes sang a GARAGE i'ii ffen That’s What We have just installed Counts BORING The ROTTLER BAR that does in Ask your whole job the L FLOUR - Call and see it also the KWIK-WA- Grocer for — PRIDE a few Minutes Y Valve FACING Machine EXPERTAUTO RE I Wheat acceptedTor stor- age to be drawn out in mill products wanted PAIRING 33 lbs I Dran W e carry a good line of Automobile Oils at Flour 14 as lbs per bushel Grease GarlandJlilling ‘IfAvefix it' it will Have Your Harness Oiled $125 Per Set Company At All Mc’s HARNESS Work Garland Utah Guaranteed AND SHOE SHOP The XSteUsr i I i J GARLAND I 'i This club is workSchool Auditorium ing hard to uphold the sehol and j st recently they presented the school with the stars and stripes The officers of the club a’ong with those taking part are working diligently to Let us as make to a gicat event students of B It if S and the community in general use every effort to make this a great success Last Wednesday a special assembly was called Bobbie and Mark Price of Hyrum Utah entertamed the student body with a musical program They both showed their wonderful ta'ent and to be suie the program was enjoyed by all The Ag Club Is giving its annuual bail Friday night November 23id in the school gynasium This is one of tne important social events of the lixil year t iU t J f' ' from t t - Page one) A smfcence opened with the choir and congregation Einring "Come Come Ye Saints'' Prayer Elder Wm Lee Ander Letthe "son Choir again- - sivng Mountain Shout for Joy' Fraternity in quorum work was treat ed by Wm Lee Anderson Clerk of the fourth quorum of Elders This meeting was turned over to the Presidencies of the elders quorums and Alphales Johnson President of the first tiuorum of Elders was placed in charge of the pi oram by Prcsde nt Welling “Blessings derived from administrato the sick was d scussed for tion five minutes each by the following Hansen Henry Brown The Sixth quorum of Elders rendered a chorus “Have Faith Ye Sairs” A demonstration of via d tea "dung was piun by the second quo’-- m of Elders Lyman Thorp? Henry Manning The and family by Jack Shumway first quorum of Eiders or a chorus therefrom sang “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning ” Bishop Joel Richards addressed the i r Quarterly Conference Largely Atte nded 'Continued I GarlaadJIflifiL j Lee Isaacson up the School NeUs Meat Specials Saturday Regular Regular Regular Regular AVliy Wait? Kalsomine early Brighten home for Winter OVERLAND Elder George F Richards spoke of missionary work especially Home Mis sionary work stated thftt we should orof the ganize for the accomplishment Garland work required He outlined lhe of a home Bishop R T Nish Horton Horace ganration missionary PiersonT and Celia Nish and far villa quorum and pointed out the specific PriVsts made a business trip to Malad Idaho f duties of the Flders High Tuesday gave 'iieeific instructions relative to the Archibald Andrew Nish and Vugil ion of the genealogical-societorg i’T motored to Bngham on business T ’Authorities' Genet dl an I Stake as now constituted !th day weye pre-b Pies C E SnnUUand Monday evening Mr and Mrs Har- were d Su leturncd and Steed Piestcu un per sustained fr m Muysvine Idaho w! "te they have 2nd jc j h maker was sustained s '' "t the Pst months Couti ti Ei hop James II Walton Mis Wallace Lothrop of Pocatello 0t non ward mother! her came to down visit city pf liint wellirg read the Smith Monday jatun Pom the First Presidency re garding Day and made an eli'fjrnt shoit discourse upon that evtmful date Nov 11 1918 High Cliulr sang Richards Market lb Component - Beautiful lin of House Dresses and Aprons — -Hey Prints — New Flannels ALWAYS Nish here that Word has been received ' Mrs Esther Spademan of Lewiston is the tnother of a fine 10 lb baby girl Mrs Spackman was formerly Miss Potter of this place Bishop R T Nish made a business trip to Malad Idaho Friday Friday evening of last week Mrs Leroy Pierson gave a shower at her home in honor of Miss Georgina Smith who's marriage to Merle Hess took place at Pocatello City Monday Miss Smith received many beautiful and useful gifts at an early hour refresh- -i ments were served to 28 guests the hostess Mrs Pierson was assisted in serving by Mrs Thelma Stokes Lira Thelma Elmer Mrs La Vern Nish al- so Erma Orpha and Ruth Pierson Quite s number of our people— at tended Priesthood convention held in with quarteily conference connection at Gailand Sunday A large crowd enjoyed the election dance here Tuesday evening of last week Mr and Mis ' Virgil ' Nth were Brigham visitors Saturday at Mable Piersjn is visiting friends Aberdeen Idaho — Lenin— Marhlejind p“Mr“nmd--Mfamily ppent last week end at and Deweyville Mrs Janett Steed spent Sunday with her son Orson Watson and family of Stores Inc meeting on tht organization SLster Elsie B Alder representing the General Board of Relief Society eon-j vention being held in connection with jthe priesthood convention s'ated that she would take back a good report of the Relief Society of this stake Elder Geo F Richards hoped the suggestions made will be remtrnoeied that we may do the will of the father and thereby gain a testimony of the ' Plymouth News Items Oli Farmers Community TIMES GARLAND urAH itSr TT-T- Vi n t ' i 1 ke c: L - rr A" N jA r ' I u M v r1 " ‘ ‘ - -V r : ' ¥ - ? 7 r J Don’t Fail To See This 0ne Prices: I5c and 35c |