Show TIMES THE GARLAND i OC’ “ f GARLAND UTAIl vvnnnrvwrvsnrvvvvYV'rvvyrvi LAUNDRESS $2inQ®cX£Y Business Training Pays BENEFITED By CRITTENDEN Illustrations by IRWIN Sweeter The Next time a coated tongue fetid brenth or acrid skin gives evidence of sour stomach— try Phillips Milk o Magnesia I 1th this Get acquainted perfect an that helps the system keep sound and sweet That every stomach neefla at times Take It whenever tt henrty meal brings any discomfort Phillips Milk of lagnesla has won medical endorsement And convinced millions of mcn aiid Don’t diet nnd have ‘‘Indigestion’’ don’t suiter jubt remember Phillips Pleasant to take nnd always effective It The name Phillips Is important Identifies the genuine product “Milk has been the U S regisof Magnesia tered trade mark of the Charles II Phillips Chemical Co and Its predecessor Charles II Phillips since 1875 HILLIPS Milk of Magnesia Denver Boy is a Winner INeiy mother realises how Important It Is to tench children good habits of conduct but many of them fall to realise the Importance of chilteaching their dren good bowel hab- 3 its until the poisons from decaying waste held too long In the system have begun to affect the child's health Watch your child and at the first sign of constipation give him a little California Fig Syrup Children love Its rich fruity taste and It quickly drives away those distressing ailments such ns headaches bad breath coated tongue biliousness feverishness fretfulness etc It gives them a regulates their stomhearty appetite ach nnd bowels aud gives tone and strength to these organs so they continue to act normally of their own accord For over fifty years leading physicians have prescribed it for bilious constipated chil- dren More than 4 million bottles used a year shows how mothers depend on It Mrs CL G Wilcox Wolff 3S55 St Denver Colorado says ’My son Jackie Is a prize winner for health now but we had a lot of trouble with him before we found his trouble was and began giving him constipation California Fig Syrup It fixed him up quhk gave him a good appetite made him sleep fine and he’s been gaining In weight right along since the first few days taking It” To avoid Inferior Imitations of California Fig Syrup always look for on the carton the word “California” Drugs Excite the Kidneys Drink Water Taka Salts at First Irritation Backache Bladder Sign or - —15— of The American men and women must guard constantly against kidney trouble because we often eat too much Our blood Is filled with ridb food acids which the kidneys strive to filter out they weaken from over work become sluggish the eliminative tissues clog and the result Is kidbladder weakness and ney trouble a general decline In health feel-- 1 of lead your back hurts or the urine Is cloudy full of sediment or you are relief two or three seek obliged to times during the night If you suffer with sick headache or dizzy nervous spells acid stomach or If you have when the weather Is bad rheumatism C begin drinking lots of good soft water and get from your pharmacist about Take a four ounces of Jad Salts In a glass of water betablespoonful for a few days and - fore breakfast f our kidneys may then act fine This famous salts Is made from the w acid of grapes and lemon Juice combined with lithla and has been used for years to help flush and stimulate to neutralize the clogged kidneys acids In the system so they no longer are a source of Irritation thus often relieving bladder disorders Jad Salts Is Inexpensive cannot Jnre makes a delightful effervescent drink and belongs In every home because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time and evening long afternoon wore away and night came at last was delighted to see It come for would It hoped bring something to pass that would wipe out the memory of my ridiculous blunder In regard to I’erklna and Miss Labert Luckily the da was exciting enough to prevent my brood'ng over my blun dor wus happening all Something In town the time It was happening and not at Dlnsmore but the eews was penetrating to us and keeping us on the anxious bench s W attStTceLfortnstnnce-wnI don't know much about stocks nnd bonds nnd things and I don't But care to learn do know that fortunes change hands when Wull Street bops And fortunes were chang Ing hands on that particular day all About two o'clock a secoud right hutch of newspaper men (reporters for the next day's morning papers) came out and they were all full ol !e fight — They said that Father’s were Interests being slaughtered and that by night be wouldn’t have any Interests left They refused to believe that he would have given In and let hliuself be ruiued tills way If he were In town and they Insisted that be alust really be the man on the steam er They were so positive about It that began to wonder whether I had been hud recognized mistaken In thinking Father's voice on the telephone Any way from all accounts It seemed that Father wns ruined Which was a very pleasant state of affulrs — not Late In the afternoon the papers came out and for the first time got a dim Idea of wliul bal been bap pening The’ ABC railroad as I knew had been practically In Father’s pos for a good many years The session X ¥ Z people had been anxious to get It to complete their system but Futher had alwuys refused to purl with the control und had been able to prevent them ftom forcing him to to the sell Very recently according they had succeeded Id newspapers who had winning over a stockholder heretofore always stood by Father and hud thereby come very near to getting a majority of the stock Ap parently they had not quite gotten It and the papers 6eented to however think that the events In the market for the past two days were proof of their determination to do so One or more than hinted that two papers father's Indictment was engineered by the X T Z with the express purpose of “bearing’’ his stock nnd Inducing to come over to the his supporters X T Z side of the BghL Just as dinner wits over Fred turned np I had arranged with him over the telephone early In the day to be sure him all to come out and hnd promised sorts of exciting things as an In ducemenL had no real reason ol course to suppose that I could deliver the goods but I thought I could And so I offered excitement — not openly of course hut mysteriously so as to he certain to make him come Later when he did come I tried to tell him not to be toodlsappolnted If nothing “The ghoMs happened I said “nnd walk after all maycnot If they don't you mustn't be mad with me for bringing you out here for noth Ing” Fred laughed at this and declared he would have come out anyhow “The Dlnsmore family Is occupying the center of the stage In New York today” he sold "und the office thinks I've got the Inside track on all news from ont here The city editor has even warned me that I’m expected to find Mr Dlnsmore and get a scoop Ue’d have sent tue on his return out here tonight whether had wanted did to corns or not But of course A to come want of ghosts park dnnclng ragtime Is enough to hrlng After out any reporter In New York you told me that you couldn't hme Now lets kept me away with ropes have the wlm'e story" told Is So we told him That I told him everything tifm except T’erkitiv a n (TSTKs Lit lieft f a ho u t that think didn’t port worth' telling When I hud finished Fred whistled “I think Pm not g0ng to fell you wliai It would spoil the sus do think pense It’ll be a heap more exciting to let matters develop themselves If those grlsly specters of yours do turn sllpiters up and clunk their ballroom through the midnight corridors It’ll be someth lag to remember— Anyway thrill the have of watching we'll for them" was 1 red was right of course crazy to know what he thought Bui was crazy for the thrills too Fred In mnn that own after a was heart my respect On (be whole I was willing to wait “That’s all right" I agreed “Bui ¥’U I want to csk you something Braxton Mr that sold yesterday name sounded familiar to you Have you thought about It some more and have you managed to place him yeti I tried to speak naturally but In spite of myself my voice quivered Fred glanced at me quickly Then he smiled It was a knowing smile (lint I It made me furious though not with Fred It wasn't his fault that was giving myself awsy to com couldn’t help It pletely And yet Miss I nhert hud found me out and now Fred had done the sume thing J was simply disgusting Fred wiped the smile from bis Ups very quickly Perhaps he saw that it hurt Fred really was a dear boy could guess “Well” he sulil “1 think pretty well both as to Mr Braxton and Alisa—IjiherU- - lint If J od you It would help to spoil the thrills And utter that even a bona fidv ghost wouldn't gle you half as much pleaSo If you don’t mind I'll keep sure that to myself tool” - I but of mind very decidedly course I couldn't say so Instead I asked Fred If his guess at things that for happening anything provided night “I can’t tell" he answered depends If the explanation think It Is I should say the - "It all what chances Is When she once wuy her mind she wouldn't for any ghost In the world I cmililn keep quiet to save my life Ml sure that things were going was about to go on nnd on or There wasn't a sign horribly resi'ess of aiijthliig happening und the more more restless noth'ug happened the I bee mie llnnlly opened the door to thevurrldor and looked out Everything mis dark of course and could ventured Into tbe jioihlng So hall und felt my wuy to the lopor tlie wain then s'opped nnd looked down the hull Into which the moonaseep njj(lnljy But nut h n g was lining there either Tlien’TT’oc-- ' ourred tu uie that tnne of us had explored the tl Ird story of the house Whut If lOineiliing were hiding up Josephine’ made change t up buiMwiiy l thought I beard a door npstuirs I suppose It was some Miller sound that bad made me IN of ihe third story In tne flrt-I gazed up pi lie Wonderlngly the stilrs Then Fred and Jo remembered t’outd they be In the third sephlne story? Whut could they have gone up there for? Before knew It I was hurrying up the Muirs to Ihe third floor At the top stopped to look and listen I caught sight and to my amazement of a light streaming from beneath a door a us si a red but my dander was und door limn lied along to bold ns a lion drew near It As heard the murmur of a voice but It was not until my hand waa on the knob tliut recognized It Almost screamed My hnnd dropped out It us Futher'a voice— Futher a Slowly realized the situation Father hud been hiding In Dlnsinore's Folly sidle the whole city wns being him ranwKkod for Why be had chosen lUnsmore to hide In and why he wns hiding at all I did not know Cut tliut he bud done It was evident heard So It really wus Father that talking over the telephone the after Lie was on the upstairs noon before I was when switch of the telephone on the downstairs one An Instant later heard Fred laugh nnd realized that he had known all along that Father was In the house of at conclusions I wns Jumping course but was sure I was Jumping ui aa I Then at Ma Quickly a Knowing It Was are just about even fot some fuo toTherefore"— he got up— "If night think I'll look over you'll permit the bouse and see what I can find out" “All right” said “Ton can around until your heart’s conteut hunt But and It seems It’s nearly ten o’clock to me that we’d better get ready for I mean put out tbe ghosts Instead the lights and go to our rooms and give Perkins a chance to think weve all gone to bed tie'll be waiting to send some word or signal to the spooks when the const Is clear” The otherg agreed that vus right and so we all went upstairs to our rooms Ov course however none of us dreamed of going to sleep InMend we T(M the lights out In Mrs James’ room and talked tn whispers by the light of dhi moon Then faintly but distinctly we heard some one moving along the cor I thought rldor outside the door that footstep as the one recognized It had heard the night before stopped Si our door and listened— at least tbe one who made It listened Then It passed on and all was still once more Two minutes afterward Fred got up “Ah ha I" lie said “The plot thhkens guess The third act Is at hand a bit" I’ll go and reeonnolter (Ie st ted for the door but as he reached It Josephine got np “I think I’ll go too" she announced calmly And 6he went with Fred That was Wall wn oh os a myth bv was described tl Andrade In a tec on “Engines" el 'he lamdnn he said Watt m nn In Actunlly strument maker was asked to repair Ihe model of a Newcomen engine nnd was led by Ids examination of this he to design b more efficient and In which steam steam engine having been expanded lo low pres sure In other parts of the engine did work by virtue of the partial vacuum It was tint created by a condenser principle whlth was applied In every or turbln economical reciprocating engine of today Modj other famous discoveries have Hie claims It bin and called quest been of inventors n'nd scientists dispelled hv the explosion of similar popular mjths surrounding their work heated controversy as There was to whether George Stephenson or Sir Davy was the first to In Humphrey vent the miners’ safety lamp When the admirers of Davy In UJ1? present lid I'rof JR N de ture to children Royal Institution RELIEVED ryvQUICKLY - Carter's Little Liver Pills Purely Vegetable Luuth Move tkebowcli frc Grom 'pain and ttnpbnnt eftee effects TUrrclleve the s?tra el coanipea lion poboM Vrhidi many time cium sour ad metd condition la tho ayium Kemembcr a doctor's proscription and can bn they ara to Anybody given with abfoiutn conhdcnce AU Drutfite25c sad 75c Rod Package CARTER’S ESI PILLS Sleep Bullete for Beaete Bullets carrying sleeping potions have been Invented by Captain Harris director of the Harris zoological expedition to South Africa Tho nose of the bullet carries a hypodermic needle which on Impmt discharges n The unlnml la undrug powerful conscious an hour Well Maybe Not “I liuve been reading some of the In Woman’s Home Companion on why people inarrv'' wrote one husband "I don’t lelieve the authors know why they nmrrj'’ he added “Nobody knows" articles to Assistance Is always offered those who don’t need It freely College llth t-t- and Salmon Streets Portland Oregon assiiiig-'Si t rTrini COYOTE FOX en4 SKUNK Smueirme Oepeinee Uot oujoim une alpha lirunehi IU1 Free ClrceUr Free Faneelae mi cttmci luweeos LMte mimm Mmctmom tl 1 UA TP1ITO L K IV Bookie tree Beet retulte ln Lll I O"'4' I Me nighMt ref ereMM VmmptnoM colietk rM eteatMkiftMat PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM FtonMTPtifendni RtatorM Boftoty to Gray and wmt fhem t I Kill till Color tad ssd Fadod lriirr)rta Kali SHAMPOO— Ideal fa am FLORE5TOM turn wilh 1’iirkff lisir tfftiMtm Makes ti so cents by mail or at drag hair eoft and fluffy & gifts Uiacos Chemical Worka Ptchu£u ( t oyotr " WohM aillrd rular Evadm HU Nr Fnr Skunk ara muiL Formula and lnutructtona frw Huuav Llrtngatm— Mont MEDITERRANEAN Stf"' as “Transylvania" sailing Jan 30 25 th eruiM r K dye ineludm Madetn Canary Island Caaablanra Rabat Capital at Morocco Spam AUriert Malta AthanaCon- 15 dajr i'aleatlneand Egypt Italy llantinople kmcra Cherbourg (Rons) Includooi motor etc guide Nereey Meaiterre JoaetS r RANK C CLARK ltli HN TlMaBlds MY For Galled Horses it Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh back (r Stet bottl if aatauited AltaMl W N U Salt Lak City No A Treat in Storo Hare Sheridan the sculptor of half American nnd ImlfKiigllsh blood Is’ fUi coming back to lecture uguln said the other day to London “My oilier Amerlenn lectures fulled because they were too heavy My new lectures will he light and nlry— full of' you know My lecture on epigrams for example will begin consists In a man runnlng after you till ou land him"— j Rclioboth Sunday Herald did Right tyou I right Father whs up to one of his Wall games nnd hud decided for reason to lei people think be remembered had gone out of town that he had told some one over the phone to ‘‘Buy Buy Buy I" Suddenly I began to wonder what She bad bad become of Josephine and— good Fred gone outside with She must be with Father gracious Street too made me heartsick Tbe realization Josephine known all along too Had Father called her wondered in and not called me? It nearly broke my hear' to think that he could do uch a thing Father and bad been had never thought such bully pals he would treat me aa ©f course Fongfel to hove guessed I ought to hove remembered tliat Jo sephlne and I had been Id the house for cal) a little more than twenty four hours and that Father probably hadnt known that we were there for dm s than half that time I ought to have understood that be was fright fully busy with that Wall Street and “drive" against his Intrenrhments that be had no time to talk with Jo sephlne or with me I ought tj have guesse1 that Josephine hnd reached Father first simply because Fred hnd taken her there nnd not because Fa ther bud sent for her and had for gotten me J ought to have guessed lota of things But didn't I was to miserable Had I (TO BI CONTINPED I Many Accorded Fame They Had Not Earned gine hy on the BILIOUSNESS Business some C8CtQC9333E8X8X8X300C®9XWl0OOOCR3aCfCH50O83CR3C8X8X3OXf0DOaOOO The popular belief that led to Invent the steam ei serving the effect of rtoam laundry but my health got so bad that I had to I give up work got a bottle of Lydia E Vegetable end Compound began taking it and every time I feel I pet another1 bottle It is an excellent tonic and am willing to tell others bout it Teople take me to be much younger than I am”— Mns Harry d Second Ave Bouth Nashville Tennessee here? Tin in a worked be ready? you Send fee SVcuee Catalog Nashville Tenn — "I cannot say too much in favor of the medicine I was in s rundown condition too Fred Glanced He 8mlled Smile Too When will MYERS WNU Service CHAPTER X Last yeaf we p’aced more than 1000 in good positions We can place you when competent By Taking Lydia E Pink ham's Vegetable Compound MARRIOTT ed service of countered plate those of with mraThlresis Ir 1818 Henry Bell the Scottish engineer who placed the first hip the Comet on the Clyde In 1812 hnd tn concede priority for the Inven tlon to Robert Fulton an American engineer him a Stephenson and £1000 Set Camel Before Wife Thai a rumel Is worth more than a the declare tlon of a nnflv who recently offered both h rlergvmnn He first offeree for the equivalent of $?h Vhj do you ’want Jto sell her?" r was asked “Bhe Is old and fights us the laconic reply "Then she wnufn tlghl me" snld tin clegyniHtu “No rvot hr English gentleman" waa th answer The offer being refused the native then offered ihe camel for t'ta Asked tn explain Ihe difference In prices he refilled curtly “Camel bet wife was of Egvpt an English the wife ter Ilian tvlfe" Grief’s Effect! Grief hallow a ugea head hearts even while It It is always safe to give a Bayer tablet there is not the slightest genuine Aspirin You have the doctor’s assurance that it affiectjthe heart And you probably know from experience that Bayer Aspirin does banish all sorts of pain irTshort relief for headaches neuralgia neuritis Rheumatism too Nothing like it for breaking up a cold At all druggists with proven directions enclosed harm in doesn’t r to tb trtW nark of Bayer Ifanofaetnrt of MonoeceUcacidoetor of tlolicyiicocid plrla N Protect their Tenet er Shins anti Silky Hair trllh Cuticura your children the Cutictirm habit may bare dear akm and lovely hair through life The daily use of Cuacura Soap assisted by Cuncura Ointment keep! the skm and scalp clean and healthy Tiach floap 95e Ointment 9fte flOe SsmpU unh fm AtUnu "Cuticurm Dept B5 Malden Talera to Sootking and (iktra S Maas h CaaUif a TJhat GRAND is "A Different Utah Coal" that is HARD in fact it bums almost like Anthracite It stores with no loss LASTS LONGER is CLEANER and MAKES NO STRINGY SOOT OR CLINKERS Both the retail dealer and consumer will find UTAH-GRANCOAL an economical fuel Just as good for range heater brooder or furnace' UTAH Phone your dealer or write us CHESTERFIELD COAL COMPANY Salt Lake City Utah t A |