Show ' THE GARLAND TIMES GARLAND UTAH Dr News Notes It a m Privileg a to Live in Utah ' MARY North Summit high school by Its 13 to 0 victory over Wa-satch county high recently won the right to contest the winners of he western half of the division for the state tournament berth BOISE — Idaho shipped to Los Angeles last year 894750 pounds of dressUtah sent the southern ed poultry The California city 323815 pounds Two states together provide Los Angeles with 20 per cent of the dressed poultry consumed shipped to Los of year 320845 pounds dressed poultry Idaho lent the southern California city 894750 pounds The two states together provide Los Angeles with 20 per cent of the dressed poultry consumed SALT Angeles LAKE-U- tah last moved from the summer ranges In Colorado to the winter ranges Jn Utah It was announced recently by Thomas Redmond chief state sheep inspector who has Just returned from the border being more one PROVO— “If we had pheasant we would have our limit" remarked Bob Bullock to Wit Hoover a th e y'we r e h u dl n g In the YicTliltf' of Spanish Fork recently They had already shot three and were returning to the marshes of Utah lake near Provo PAYSSN stockholdThe annual ers meeting of tho Strawberry Water Users’ asoclatlon was held recently with at the Nebo stake tabernaclo Preeldent Lee R Taylor In charge A levy was made of 30 cents por 10 cents for operation and maintenance and 20 cents for a reserve fund — IfAnd ing at song: then lie the same atarted singing time and this SALT LAKE — Moderately cool weather and showers of the last week hare Improved the grain outlook In Utah and germination of most sowaccordings this fall Is now expected ing to the weekly crop report of J Cecil Alter government meteorologist Winter range forage has Improved and large numbers of sheep have been moved to winter range RICHFIELD— R Scott Zlmmermmn la charge of rodent control In Utah Is vlstlng Sevlor county In a campaign for control of porcupines in national forest areas It is claimed that this rodent Is very destructive of tree life and forage once It becomes numerous Reports from forest rangers dicate that the poicuplne family has materially Increased this year In the Fish lake forest CEDAR CITY— Final arrangements have been made for the program for Branch Agricultural college Founders' day ing November 18 The two outstand- features of the program will be the address by Charles R Mabey and the dedicatory ceremonies by Dean Milton Bennlon Mr Mabey and Mr Bennlon served as members of the Branch Agricultural college faculty In the days when the school was a branch of the University of Utah LOO AN — Proclamation restoring to entry the waters rfthe Logan rlver M was Issued recently by George Bacon state engineer Waters of this stream were withdrawn from filling on November 24 1923 to protect them aganlst possible appropriations which might Interfere with the proposed Cache valley reclamation projects The proclamation restoring the stream to entry becomes effective as soon as of It has been notice published three successive Weeks LAYTON — As set forth In the weekly vegetable review published by the Kansas City office of the United States In bureau unique situation prevails Domesthe onion market this year of late tic production onlona la about lighter than last season with eastern crops particularly short Shipments were quite Jheavy earlier in the fall but have now are reBrices begun to slacken latively high— two or three times those of last autumn — and are at such a livel as to attract a large volume of onions torn foreign countries vttkaWwaUa ilk vail “4UUaM“ Ml a U (tlhM lahe) Skid Pm klral earreal (wiituia tubM) malilotW come I Hawk Without a Perch The gtime of "Hawk without a perch" can be played In the garden or In the fields and nny Dumber can take part In It As soon as the players have agreed to begin the game they cry:— “The last perched Is hawk" npon which every player tries to get a perch — that is to gei hla feet off the ground The players may sit on a gate stand on a piece of wood or In fact do any- udnf? Um as their feebde on the earth He or she who ts longest In finding a perch must be the hawk Now the players signal to each other and chnnge places or fly to new and the hawk tries to catch perches them whilst they are off the perch If he succeeds naturally the player he whom has touched becomes the hawk In his or her turn Definite Little Mary about four years old was visiting her aunt when aa old arrived from out of acquaintance town The lady by wny of Conversation asked Mary where she lived “Well" said Mary very Importantly “you know Bobbte the cat I live right next door to him" Hit Company Manner Llttla Jimmie — Burs me the cake Ills Mother (who sviini him to If you lene) If — w hd Jlmmv ? Little J iiuinle — ir i : any im PURPOSE Co set It or It Can't Be dot" Phone Waa 1HT and ISM - Balt Lalta CUT Ptoh St Can and Main Street— Salt lkw Hotel Adjoining Newhouee So threaded Newly for all coupled purposed Utah So J J kind Vfl faithful is From the home current Mary turn on the ndio and see what the weather man taya Then let's see if there isn't a good male quartette somewhere or a brais Laud—" What a satisfaction it is to know your radio will do its duty hat a host of friends Good reliable Atwater Kent Radio! ha dependttbtlity baa made! “Yon can always count on in Atwater Kent" — wherever radio is known that what they ay This quality of steadfastness it built in and doubly assured by 222 factory teats or inspections Hence the common remark “If Atwater Kent nukes it it's right" set ia powered wholly from Atwater Kent circuit Yon snap a switch to turn the current on and off just as you do with an electric light Always ready to operate Current costs only a fraction of a cent an hour — or from batteriea The 1929 battery net also hat clear tone selecti vity great range and plenty of volume plus beauty and compactness — at money-tarinprice satisfaction that You cannot buy the Atwater Kent Radio gives for less than the figure quoted here Yon can pay a great deal more without getting more The ATWATFR 4764 IhMhiikoa 1929 The Unpardonable Crime Wlint’s New Arrival — Here here “ the trouble? Bystander — They're running Jones out of town he was caught minding hla own business Kent Radta Boar Ibioa Int CO Attomtar Ikoiai Free PhUadalpUay Cutting Critique Robert of Saint Hubert professor school painting at the Fontainebleau was shown over a very blatant new house the other day liy Its apartment owner a New York builder “Yes” the man said at the end of “I guess there the visit of inspection ain't nn apartment house like this In 7 stories the woild Twenty-fou3000 rooms 800 bathrooms elevators ami best of all” — here be paused — "best of all sir the place N fireproof absolutely fireproof throughout" "Oh wlmt a pity I" said Mr Better to be envied t Painless Parker Dentist 174 i South Mata Street Salt Laka City SemloH Hotel Suu ud Cmm jalt lake cm A Hotdof Smt a KENT MANUFACTURING Ava TVmpl the house lighting aabiaiti Panel fall Modal PrkaadoBot to 84 “Be true to your teeth or he false to y ou Wliatacomforttoknow your radio Co Coan Wrecking St 8T4 IaL (itjr Itoh Phone end used Building Materials of nU Plumbing Pipe Paints end Hardware Raft New Modal and Iron and Motal Co Monsay 3rd Wee t - Salt Lnka City Ufil Treasure for America? said the Frost Brothers "ws never henrd you talk like this before Do you enjoy seeing the flowers come In the spring?" up “Ha ha ha" laughed Jack Frost And as he laughed the flowers which had not already been touched by his magic stick began to droop and wilt “That was such a cold laugh" they whispered sr their bends nodded forward “We really couldn’t stand It Even though we won’t see our friend Mr 3un until next year" When Jack Frost jaw the flowers at his laugh he chuckled drooping some more Tm a clever old chap" he said the said "Indeed Frost you are” Brothers “But haven't you worked long enough yet? Haven't you frostbitten enough flowers?" “Ah" said Jack Frost “wlmt would to you If I were not the happen leader?" “We do not know" said the Frost Brothers’ “hut you have such a love of your wnrlt you could keep at It forever and ever" “Oh no not as long as that" said Jack Frost "I would not have such a good time If I did this all the time It's always such a treat to me now “And I love tt os I dlsnppenr In the morning to hear the people say: “Jack Frost must hare been around last light’ Oh I love to hear that “Ah y'n It's a celebration lo go frost biting tike this as well as our work I" ANT FOB USED Used Pipe Fitting1 & Valve teto) AUMe4i41 ('ullforulii nmy noon gain the altar from the famous Stoke Poges church of this It was In the churchyard church that Gray wrote his “Klegy In a Country Churchyard" If the sug locul now church the before gestlon council receives the final approval of the chancellor of the diocese the altar will soon cross the Atlantic to adorn the “Churih of the Little Flowers" near Los Angeles henr" “Well" It Mnln So 4th taka Mini lUtalnMkA It ae rwt(rlnthHl(wllkM oloda lultM r ballarlaa Ing them fitted CITY OTA SERVICE GARAGE Oa the air— every Sunday night— Attvatvr Laughed Jack Frost up In the spring AND have Try u if! MODEL 40 ELFCTRIC 981 8114 wahoianf ftnUhad li oU Ha" Optometrist Olasees LAKE Automobile Parte Pa “You are Indeed very merry” said the Frost Brothers be?" asked “And why shouldn't “When the wind takes a Jack Frost nap I can do such splendid work is so still Nothing dis“Everything turbs rneLut I'm talking too much We must be off' - So Jack Frost and the Frost Brothers were off Ail over the countryside they went waving their sticks covered with tiny icicles a special kind of lilclcs used by Jack Frost They waved It over tjie flowers they waved It over the aliruhs the grass In fact over everything 4lm flor go to bed and let the snow and tlje winter winds have their chnnce Besides no care one would for the flowers as they do now If they grew In the garden every single dny of the year “Half of th Joy of flowers Is watch- Ha SALT Seetk SALT LAKE PIPE CO Sait Lake City Utah W Sixth South St “We dancwas hla I'm so happy I’m eo Kay I Ilka to work like to play Whlrhovar It la Co not mini Is (till and kina Bo Ionic aa ths wind “Ha 2ed Evens EXAMINED straightened Utah Auto Parts “Well have both a celebration and work too" sold do some wonderful Jack Frost “Work and play are all the same me 1 feel like singing s song about CITY— K C Wright asenginoer of the state road who returned from the during the week said recently that the eight and one half demiles of federal aid highway signated as project 109 E running from the Utah Idaho line to the Curlew valley Junction is now completed MANTI —A total of 170 deer have been hilled by hunters In the- Mantl Cut NEW THE CELEBRATION BRICIIAM chief commission Curlew valley forest this year according to word received by the state fish and game This Is an Increase of department about 85 per cent orer the same period last year Forest rangers In the region anticipate that at least 225 deer will be killed before the season Is over 81 ye Pipe - Valves - Fittings BONNER GRAHAA I wwisw uo sistant WASHINGTON-MReed Smoot ri wife of the Utah senator died Tuesday She at 7 a m after a long Illness was 65 years old Mrs Smoot was ths daughter of Horace F Eldredge Salt Lake pioneer and Chios A She waa born iu Salt Eldredge Lake was years ago and reared here receiving her education at the University of Deseret Cross 471 COALVILLE— L C KYKS - than pitied Pa "Radio's Trooot Vo4eo Atwater Knit Radio Spoakam It E3 tana qnilw Each differ! ia Hospitality POPULAR ARROW who CO For thoee CTAH 1‘ICKJJS Salt an Gulls Liknd Strawberries Htrunge picnic guests were entertained at a clambake on the shore at BHfasrrMalnowhen a flock of after circling about swooped dowu and made an attack on a plate of strawberry tarts although they left the apple tarts on the plate Only one of the birds succeeded in getting awny with one of the tidbits of dessert and he was followed for some distance by the others trying to get a bite PRICES PICKLES BRAND want the beet JLAHK BALT Lake CITY Costume Co Cootamoo Optra Play Book Matko etc T M SeWM M3eh Lke CtrCuk FURS WANTED Wo eon per more for your fun than yon eon poailblf obUkUkeIeowberoAtrtol shipment will convince joo Write for price Hat on Fur or lYope AMERICAN HIDE A FUR CO 157 wot bouth Temple Salt Lake CUyVUk 7o Read Mor- ela to Learn More All Books at Publisher's Prices WH tend Memory of Animals It is said that the memories of certain animals are longer and more than those of humans — trustworthy Woman's Home Companion r D if yoa say ao them DESERET BOOK COMPANY 44 East Snath Temple SL O Box 179S Salt Laka City Imitators are a servile race eMmmaites ©ham o o cleated tires that grip like a cleated shoe ClIAINS this winter? NOI Yet safety all the time — not just when chains are on! And quietness all the time — not just when chains are ofFI Geated tires are the tire industry’ answer to winter’s most annoying problem What an innovation! The picture tells the story Geated tires grip wet roads bite into snow slush and mud are respond brakes effectively to the demands of AND THEN after the trying conditions of winter have worn down the cleats comes into play the standard long mileage Dunlop d balloon tread ready when spring comes to take over the changed road demands brought about by the difference between winter and spring road conditions The winter mileage provided by the cleats themselves is entirely additional to the standard tread mileage Dunlop considers this winterized tire one of the greatest of its a any inventions for the safety and comfort of motorists T Dunlop Jtaltrv If tb Dunlop rtpmtntativ kas not bud time to touch you uirt your order lo the s tuna Dunlop wurebotu DUNLOP TIER AND RUBBER CO BUFFALO N T ' - |