Show THE GARLAND Kr Poultrymen ' Dairymen YOU NEED OUR SERVICE “ - We Need Your Business Our prices on Cream and Try are always top J Eggs US in J W McDowell U C'H Utah Early History Of Fielding from page 1) some drinking was carried admitted on much to the disgust of the better class of people This suggests a large feature of the life of the time And- then there was visiting among This means merely that a friends family or perhaps only a part of the family might at any time make a freez er of Ice cream or otherwise equip Itself and call on friends to “spend the were conunon evening” candy pulls and many expert candy makers were These were the good old days was held at Standing's (Hamptons) evolved In this affair Rag bees and quilting bees were often Bridge July 4 1893 visits but of River- the occasion for these Deweyville Fielding Collnston and Beaver Dam part- course the feature of these was either side Plymouth This assembled all the best to Bew carpet rags or ter assist In makicipated wrestlers and other com- ing quilts It Is Important to mention racehorses petitive units and the times had were too that the lunches served at these very big Gome betting and It must be functions were both appropriate and baseball game merged into horseracand occasioning wrestling matches Horseshoe pitchally “free for alls” ing was Indulged In during the early became The long winters Spring short for the young people through sleighing parties In fact every one all for was alert to every possibility But perhaps sorts of out door sports the Joint “Fourth of July" celebrations afforded the widest opportunity for Such a celebration keen enjoyment rsxxzrsisr 1 f 8 - on log Mhoolhoieo as the' Hess House t as I have a fn this building whlih v ') d feet bv fret the fiist school W'th with Mltfin Farias teacher f exception of only one or two kin K 14 Atid Wete the thief means of conveyam of of The question teachers jdea-- s almost whnlely a matter of availahi r at ilrst but It w’as not long befote better times and better teachers cun Wm Miller another settler was the second teacher and we may be suit he was very meageily paid with whatever means of exchange that could be found acceptable and at hand Here dunng the late full and winter months the first chilclien of the "Flat” received their very limited and frugal educa'mn good solid citizens have bccqme the ultimate outcome In spite of handicaps This school continued to operate until 1894 when It was abandoned for somewhat better schools In the town of Fielding Among the touch- ers of this school were Maggie Piert and John Anderson Joseph Morgan Minnie Jensen The first trustees were J H Hess Jedd Earl and Lemuel Rogcannot ers I profitably trace all the events and changes In the educational field and I will therefore leave this field oppen largely f6r those who may be especially interested In this work This brings us to Fielding proper where in 1891 Frank J Walker and M 'i W Earl had built the schoolhouse kauri O founder of this Institution bi w y sxir! i lut&t Tvhfcf n ik ' w y (Continued PTfLTt The little kn til 'known built in PRODUCE Trcmonton TIMES appetizing And so life thus shed its burdens In favor of the happy communion among the people I shall certainly be asked "What social functions were there to develope the talent of the community aside from the schools?” To this I make reply that under the management of E O Wilcox a very fine Dramatic Association was long maintained Among the plays staged were: The Deacon Uncle Toms Cabin The Last Loaf East I j nne and other similar plays These p a brought their blunders their recov u a their rriKths their glowing appeal? ti the aspiring joulh of the time Mv earliest memory takes me back to tin sf d 1 "stern realities of the stage” cheri'h that memory Gome of the players were E O Wilcox M thulm tu-Rose Ga'ii George Wood Lot ii Jr R E Eamsbury and others of ’1 r e In music they couUmpoiaiics h of and writus not corriiiosfri song sint rv of pood quality neverttu r Sm i y am I to admit that po li u y aehu umi nts that are outstanding h c com" ot t of the town during this o A that gx beoiid mere h ca! and r n t t Intel et All of It was confuu special occasions and passed cn the curt tut of events This cm of the social pait of 'a the ftciomt u t t ) i 'I i 1 I - ' : - j I rs A A ' irair ' Sil Pecks Service Station fered to In chapter 7 Here a school was started under the jurisdiction of the local school board composed of J H Hess E O Wilcox and Micah Gam John Anderson was one of the first or probably the! first teacher In this school room Somewhat later a large four brick school house was built and Fielding began having as good schools as any town in the valley Amony the trustees that served later were C W Whose Earl F T Coombd and others names I have not yet uncovered The people early became Interested In church schools especially the B Y University of Provo This Interest came directly as a result of two visits of the Garland - looney nuMHiflMi Phone 50 the fust Sept 12 1892 and the idation Is a natural center for several June 21 1893 From that time of the towns surrounding it One of people of Fleldmg have been the developments of the future could the establishment of good supporters pf Church Schools and w'ell be toward such a school Much could be accomseminary instruction that efficiency Since that early time the schools plished by the added would come from the services of spechave made only normal growth the principals of a later period ialized teachers It must be kept in were M H mind however that this is mere conwho have been outstanding J jecture and is not to be construed to Welling Wm Davis J B Driggs The be prophetic In any sense what ever W Thornton and John Benson present incumbent is Arthur Neely of We can leave this now with the stateto ment that Fielding has and docs stand He Is privilaged Brigham City teach now in a strictly modem up to oit as a school of the better type and from built its results may well be judged date six roomed schoolhouse during the summer of 1927 This school the living products of the schools If developement tends toward consol (To Be Continued) Maeser second on the srar7CT?-B- r Jner 'ft for ClhrMmas r liolpoint Aulomalic Elcclric Range great gift that will make Mother happiest is this modern liolpoint Ranje this Christmas with it many conveniences najimesaiing tea- - this splendid gift will bring: Instant dean cooking heat at the turn of a switch elim- tures and conveniences than can be listed here Among them are: Automatic automa5ic t temperature control timer (optional) electric light over cooking surface drawer beneath oven Here’s what - white enamel clock smokeless salt and broiler utility pepper shakers Ilotpoint Electric Per- - burning or undercooking a range easily cola tor and Cord convenience outlet for use of kept as clean as a china plate no soot to soil uten- - other appliances siLs fast and economical operation This is the wonder gift within the reach of every model”-Chis t mas special has mere fea-i family ination of SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER j'angeyurcha'iiHl Jifrom ilhiverj us from now until Christmas we give ABSOLUTELY FREE Visit Our Store and See It! of Genuine Pyre U a wonOven derful comhinnbon Every woman Is del ghted wilh Pyre ware A i rct set Make Your Selection Doweh For Any Electric Rangre 24 Now-Ta- ke Months Delivery toPay in Our Stock liic'l u Reduced Prices 3ESB3 one it Also a Complete Line of Good Y ears Tires at Greatly sgsaarsgg" The r Ji Jo EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE Any Time f |