Show 4 A BOOST FOR BEAR VALLEY IS A BOOST YOURSELF t send VOLUME the I news RIVER FOR IN THE PAPER ADVERTISE THE THAT GOES INTO HOMES OF THE PEOPLE "THE GARLAND TIMES" tq vs NUMBER XV GARLAND Pay Election Judge i'cung Mother On Basis 01 Service Passes Aw ai It Ik with keen regret and deep sympathy that we record the death of Mrs Mrs May King Wortley Wortley died at the home of her parents in I forth Garland on the evening of the Of the stom14 th Inst of tuberculosis ach The Wortley family had recently moved to Belle Fouche South Da- kota Mr Wortley being employed by at the Sugar Company that point where Mrs Wortley’s conAn operation dition be came known was performed there and it was found that the trouble was of an Incurable nature As soon as it was possible Mrs to Ogden and Wortley was brought was given treatment at the Dee hospital for some time after which she was brought to the home of her parents where she died as stated Mrs Wortley was born at Farming-to- n Davis Comity Utah on February 10th 1894 She was married to Lawr18 ence Wortley on September 1918 survive — Agnes — Elia- Five children both Ruth Alice May and an infant son Lawrence Edward Wortley character a May was a beautuiful loving daughter and loving wife a kind and tender mother and a friend to all who came within the realm of her influence She will be greatly missed in her church and social circles and the loss sustained by her family is irreparable and beyond human estimation Our sincere sympathy goes out to those bereft of her benign influence and association and may they seek and find the only solace to be had under such circumstances that which eminates from Deity who in his great wisdom doeth all things well Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock p m in the Stake Tabernacle Garland this Saturday afternoon The election judges in Garlnnd are entitled to a bonus for efficient pui lie service performed Garland was the first precinct in Box Elder county to send the election returns In to headwere quarters where the - tabulations being made These returns came In on the night of early in the evening waitelection with hundreds anxiously ing and Salt Lake City headquarters in both political parties asking for about the count The next to report was the 3rd in Brigham then the 5th 6th 1st 4th 2nd and 7th precint in Brigham Perry came next then Tremon-to- n 1st Coliinston Willard Penrose Willard 2 Riverside Deweyville and Fielding was this time it long after midBy night and the crowd hung around waitthat ing for additional information of the Some could not be obtained far away districts had no way of com munkation but there are other near by that failed to report The Judges went home and wTent to bed and no doubt obtained a good nights rest with a telephone at their elbow The Journal suggests that hereafter make it the the county commissioners to get duty of all judges of election as possible the returns in as quickly and pay them on the basis of services be bonus should A paid performed to judges that send In the count promptly— The political parties are willing to pay the telephone bills aifd if it to is necessary a reasonable charge send a Paul Revere on a long ride to Elder the nearest telephone —Box Journal Why STATE ROAD TO BE OILED IN THE SPRING learn through Mi Thomas Wise represetatlve of the State Road Commission that plans are now afoot to oil the road from Bear River City to Tremonton and Factory Street in Garland as soon as the weather and road conditions will permit in the spring Gravel Is now being hauled on the Bear strip In contemplation of this improvement This will put us on a good road equal to the best and we will be able to make Salt Lake City five minutes sooner than we can do at present and five minutes In Salt Lake means a lot to a fellow with lots of We can spend nearly a year's money earnings in that time We STAKE RELIEF SOCIETY HOLD CONFERENCE Meeting adjourned until 2 o'clock which opened with Community singing "Make the World Brighter" An address on the benefit of the Relief Society work in the wards was given by Bishop Horace L Richards of the Fielding ward Trio "Sunrise and- You" was rendered by Mrs A O Seager Mrs O L Brough and Miss May Frldal Talk Mrs Elsie B Alder Vocal Solo “The Night Comes On" was rendered by Mrs Flossie Roberts The convention closed after two very successfuul sessions The Stake Relief Society convention was held Saturday at 10 morning o'clock in the Garland ward chapel with Mrs Ellse B Alder as a representatives from the general board of Relief Society from Salt Lake City And a large number of workers of the stake present President Margaret Manning presided The convention opened with community singing A report of the Relief Societies of the East Garland ward and the Thatcher wards were given by their presidents Mrs Carl Larson and Mrs A N Wright Duet "Gentle Words” was rendered by Mrs Thompson and Mis D Henry Manning Talk on education by A O Seager of the Tremonton ward Vocal Solo “Hold Me In Thine Hand JJ - was by Mrs Flossie Roberts of Salt Lake City Mrs Ellse B Alder gave a very interesting talk on Child Welfare r Leonard Bishop who has been labormission for ing in the Netherlands the past 33 months returned to his home in this city Thursday evening of last week ' FRIDAY Eve They Died With Boots On Question Answered in Film Picture at the Liberty Barthelmess star in the Richard Firstt National’s epic of the tank corps "The Patent Leather Kid” which runs at the Liberty Theatre for three days beginning Sunday night after its senbroke in a sational Broadway run pair of arm boots while on location wtih the company They are the kind that lace only part of the way and come off very hard After a half hour’s struggle In to get them off Barthelattempting mess said: “Now I know why most of the old frontiersmen died with their boots on” See this wonderful picture at the and also Liberty Theatre in Garland hear the wonderful music with it Mr and Mrs Fred oung our local Theatre man and wife attended the surprise party Friday evening at Ogden Mr in honor of Mr oungs father oung has resided in Ogden for the last past 24 years SATURDAY DANCE NIGHT POSTPONED On account of the recent deaths of this community the regular Saturday night dance at the Palace Hall will be - — postponed of Garland had her Marcia Housley tonsils removed this week at the Bear River Hospital in Garland NOTICE Of Time and Place of School Election Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in School Representative Precincts Numbers Two and Four of Box Elder 8chool District Box Elder County State of Utah on Wednesday Dec 5th 1923 for the purpose of electing a Member of the Board of Education for said School RepresentaNumber Two and Four tive Precincts for a term of four years Princt Two comRepresentative n prises Garland East Garland Beaver Dam Fielding Riverside Plymouth and Portage Princt Four comprises Representative Willard Perry Mantua Harper Honey vllle and 'Deweyville The polls will open at 7 o'clock A M and continue open until 7 o’clock p m oi the same day Dated this 16th day of November A D 1928 BOARD OF EDUCATION BOX ELDER SCHOOL DISTRICT By LEROY D WHITE President P HORSLEY Clerk By ERNEST Nov 23rd Bear River High School - a UTAH FRIDAY jQC 6? Early History Of Fielding v-- ? $200 THE YEAR Large Gatherings Burglars Enter At Conference Service Station -- Social Kegilious Economic and Narrative History of Fielding Utah — 1876 1900 By Alvin Hess Under the Direction of Professor Joel E Ricks Head of the History Department U A C Log&n April 1st 1928 A Pdlitical of the The Quarterly Conference Bear River Stake which convened last Saturday and Sunday was In the nature of a combined Preisthood ConThe idea of vention and conference the general authorities of the church conseems to be that the quarterly Continued from last Issue ferences should be a working gathering rather than a preaching gathercame children and all This means CHAPTER 7 the gathering of course that every possible means ing thereby vitalizing available was utilized for beds before and making for more Interesting meetSOCIAL LIFE OF THE PEOPLE the dance was over in order to care for ings which touclf the lives of greater with connection In numbers the Dances Ho gotten up and conducted the children Every one assembled A Dispute Larger Dances Coming of sang and bowed in prayer Then at Priesthood convention was a convenwhich Round Dances Public Dinners Chris the signal of the floor manager the tion of Relief mas Day 1893—House Parties Out of music started starring the fiddler some met at the same time as the priesthood but In separate rooms Door Among Friends times accompanied by an organ someThose representing the General authtimes by the accordian and at other Quilting Bees Theatricals times by the harmonica J M Hess orities were Elder Geo F Richards of In reviewing the social life of the the first floor manager was of course the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles the big man in the management of Bishop Joel Riohards of the 27th ward community from the beginning sometimes he and sister Ellse B Alder representing Probably It must not be thought by any the dance readers that the conditions are going needed to be “big'' to control some of the General Board of the Relief Soc- J let y to be far from that of any ether— be- - the dancers To assist him call master whose duty it was to These representatives gave timely sog The the in Utah giiining community throcommon element in all these fonnj call out and announce the different gestions and recommendations was the authority of the Bishop and changes in the square dances These ughout the annua! meeting during the were kind of allowed the convention dances only of the members Priesthood the other hismost of this of The first meeting wgs held Saturdining the to whom authority had been delegated period The instructions to the bishops came tory Among these dances there ap- day morning at 10 o’clock and was deof the peared the Scotch Reel Plain Quadsigned especially for the preisthood out from the central offices rille Four and French Mush Money be we and sure that quorum heads of the various organizachurch might Suzanne Whcruail- were in notion tions of the 6takes many restrictions and taboos to which amid clatter and laughter a Jolly time anoard B G slddqe he shrdiu shrds all must conform were laid down On we be sure n Afternoon exercises Saturday listening to the reports that have been wjs had 1891 may when the Pink School were under the direct charge of made about other places I find few After House was built the crowds became the High Priest Quorum However to outstanding differences make my report approach more nearly much larger To meet the situation Sunday morning session under direct the men were numbered and there (Charge of the Elders completion I think it best to give an account of the social life as related to bjing room for only three sets twelve Sunday afternoon session under dir- the history of Fielding In doing this couples they must await their turns ect charge of the Seventies as coll master It by the my theme will take such form as to was announced Sunday evening services under dirIn one of these crowded dances ect allow for separate treatment of (1) charge of the Lesser Priesthood Dances 2) Public dinners and ward that a very Important 23event took place Following or the the ‘minutes of the overDec 1893 an Christmas night parties (3) House parties (4) out- whelming croud for the time assembled meetings door sports (5) visiting among friends The Stake quarterly conference opened all was and (6) theatricals muslo and literary set men were numberedtime and Saturday November 11 1928at 1000 to a regular good But dur- A M President M H Welling Conducttalent ing the dance the young people became Afer the construction of the "Hess impatient morals broke down a waltz ing the exercises Apostle Oeorge F Richards representing thef general auth House” already jefered to in my former was announced and round dances Chapters some of the dances that were given the Inception It was here orities of the church Opening song were being held a Plymouth yvere now agfin that Bishop Richards and his “Come let u Anew” Prayer by K H held (1886) in these quarters It seems councilors J H Hess and E O Wilcox Frldal Jr Singing "Now Let us Rejoice''4 This was a meeting of Stake Presthat in the beginning any person might passively showed though clearly and Clerk High Councelors get up a dance but and such aspirant their decided disapproval The round idency Aaronic Stake Preasthood committee must first take four important steps 'dance became the subject of the and ward clerks Patrlarks Bishoprics he must see and get the consent hop’s disgust duriing the dance as well Secretaries Group of the bishop (M J Richards) second M for jbe next Sunday’s sermon As and Presidencies he must make definite arrrangements much as people resented the introduct-wlt- h Leaders Group Secretaries of aQ and ward supervisors of all the hall manager (Jed Earl) third i0n of the “Rag” and other such dances the floor manager (J M Hess) must be jn my time no such sensation grew Aaronic Priesthood quorums of the notified and fourth all the people out 0f It as the coming of the round stake to questlonalrs as per Responses must be notified In order to secure a dance caused in 1893 Of course now crowd This latter requirement furn- - we are glad they came only we do program were made as follows: High 153 seventy: i&hed opportunity Ray for horseback rides feel the need of maintaining grace and Priest: Wm King mond O Brough: 187 Seventy David for the younger people to all j?arU of courtesy In our dances Larson As an example the "Flats" of how To close my remarks on dances I A of 1st Elders: John Alphales closely this procedure must be adered want to call to the attention of ail Quorum to I will relate an incident which will that a debt of gratitude is due to those son 2nd Lyman T Thorpe 3rd Leland 5th Illustrate this This came to me from veteran fiddlers John H Earl M W Hansen 4th Charles B Gunnell Jensen Deloss P Jed Earl Earl and others from those who “dancA Johnson Bothwell Beaver Blshop-Adam Bigler one of the settlers and ed to their tune” P Jorgensen Deweyville of the L D S church a Not the least in prominence and im- Marlon G Perry East Garhad been a comparatively heavy donor portance were the Public Dinners and Bishop land Bishop Eugene S Hansen in building this house It appears that ward parties Every body looked forL Hansen Bishop - Victor his Interest in the house had never been ward with delight and backwards with Fielding Bishop Horace L Richards entirely surrendered to th e Church regrets upon these parties For in Garland Bishop - Wilford W Richards He therefore felt that he had certain them there was always an abundance Howell Bishop - Charles B Ounnell PenrosiS not represented ' Plymouth not to the use of the house Of picnic along with other Jollities over other people At any rate his And plenty of variety there was as a represented Riverside - John H Ward 1st councilor Tremonton Bishop son Bert Gigler proceeded to “get consequence of every housewife’s fur- James Walton up a dance" In doing so he left out nishing her own share enough for herElder George F Richards of the one of the steps Th floor manager self and family Programs were enjoy- - Conucil of Twelve Apostles commentat the time of Mr Bigler’s visit to his ed though the parties were rot carefully ed upon the reports of the various place was away from home He was selected Any man and his wife were groups from whom reports had been therefore not duly notified The ar- liable to be called on to sing or any called for and gave instructions relatto rangement proceeded and the dance individual might be called to take any ive to the responsibilities attaching was priesthood and- - Ui assembled but no floor manager part that might be assigned to him quorums ftnd present When the floor manager was Of course these parts were always pre ivities notified he went quickly to the dance pared before hand We of today have closed with singing "Redeem and waiting until the “set" then In different taste but not more enjoyable ?r Meeting of Israel" and Benediction by Clinton process was finished he stepped to times by any means Once or twice a Smith a deacon i front called the dance to order and year these parties came notably at of Utte afternoon session Saturday exclaimed “All of you who value your Christmas or Thanksgiving Day stake conference opened at 2 o’clock the 25 had Dec 1893 for better Christmas Day disperse provides This was a fellowship session under a good example I quote from Bishop night” the direction and by the There was a general murmur In the Richard's journal "Met at Pink quorum President Wm King con- School House 10 a m all recited Art- room lighted by charcoal lamps “How Firm a song: ducting Opening o hours of enjoyable Foundation" Prayer: H P 8wtnyarcL Would the dance break up orcmfwy lcles of room lighted lamps program picnic at noon dance in afby charcoal R A Johnson W E Parker and Jog- Would the dance break up or would ternoon for the children and in the It not? Well It did not though a few evening for adults" As stated above people departed for home The ou- this evening marked the introduction recitations etc were enjoyed guests durmornof of dance was the the situation The next round tgrowth that went home at 4 o'clock a m Feb 19 ing the next few weeks the bishop ing after the feast boys from all parts met at LemuclRoger's had an enjoywith his ward teachers made Special of the town "dashed towards the school able time Three days stright and a calls at the homes of the "offenders" house “picnic hunting" L e approp- very fine record I think for late hours and demanded in each case a public riating to themselves food that was Can It be that some of the young folks Needleft behind apology In sacrament meeting of to day Inhertt something of th nocless to say that many acceded to the Birthdays "surprises” and other turnal habits of some their ImmedJed events became the occasion for house demand while some Including iate anneestors? Of course all was for and Jenny Earl remained recalcitrant parties' These provided much amuse- a good time an succeeded In their aim even after repeated requests It was ment for the people I am convinced And then again the several months before the trouble sub- that sometimes this sort of revelry went some social possibilities provided waves when everysided and then only after leaving a in psychologcal was turned to sting of disharmony In some cases I body seemed to catch the spirit at the Many times pleasure do not wish to take sides in this I same time The spirit seemed to re- profit In rabbit hunts and drives In merely give this as It was given to me main for several days at1 a time List- the summer baseball early became Of course most of the dances pe- ed under the year 1892 In the Richpopular and competition between rhaps all with the one exception noted ard's Journal I found this very- Interabove were gotten up regularly esting statement "Feb 17 entertained towns became keen Sometimes the 42 on Page 2) ' was Invited and everybody (Continued Everybody guests at my home games songs OT T TID DAT DELcious refreshments willVbe served- - Y Burglars were busy Monday night of this week and used the Stayner Auto Company’s Service Station as a place of operation They managed to break Into the back way and mde their way into the front part of the building where they went thru the cash register They found this very small picking' however as all of tha money had been removed before closing the garage for the night except a couple of dollars in pennies and small change They They endeavored to feet a Hudson car that was on the sales floor but this was locked In trying to get the engine started they annexed a bunch of keys from Mr Stayner’s desk but none of would fit the car so they had these to content theselves with taking all the some tires tools that the car contained and several cartons of light globes The theft was discovered about 7 o’clock Tuesday morning when Kieth n up the Winters game jpvq- Report place for the day’s business to the was made of the pilfering County Sheriff but to date nothing has been discovered to throw any light upon the culprits Death Takes Yoan® Man as we go to press we are Inof the death of Pei ly y son of Mr and Mrs John J Shumway of this city on Thursday evening at the family home Funeral services will be held in Garland Sunday at 11:30 a m Just formed Pharmacy Moves Into New Quarters moved The Knoth Dnig Company quarters during the week to those form erly occupied by the Garland Banking IS a This Company great Improvement' to the cornor of Factory and Main Streets to see the bilding all lighted up again and Mr Knoth Is arranging his store very nicely and he also Invites all his customers to come and iuspect his new store He also has added a lot of new stock and from all Mrance he Is going to have on of the most stores in the county Attends Funeral At American FalL G O Sweeten and daughter of Garland attended the Falls services held at American Idaho on Thursday for Mrs Mary Thornton a friend of Miss Orpha imSweeten They report a most pressive services and a large attendMrance Sweeten also played a cornet solo on the program accompanied by Orpha t Mr Orpha Mr and Mrs Dee Cutler and baby returned to their home In Suowvllie Wednesday morning after visiting during the week at the home of Mrs Cutler's parents Mr and Mrs C M Peterson eph S Johnson sang “I Know My Heav” enly Father Knows The duties and oppert uni ties of a as follows High Priest was discussed (a) As an exemplar - Leo Earl (b) As a neighbor and friend - E H Cornwall (c) As a parent and councelor - C H Last (d) As a missionary - Oliver Mark (e) As a temple worker or representative of the geological sosiety t Joseph 8 Johnson At this Juncture Bishops were excused to attend the Relief Society meeting sang “High on the MounCongregation tain Top” Bishop Joel Richards of Salt Lake City visiting with his father Geo F Richards discussed the subject of the eonventiopuPriesthood and gave of the efficiency helpful Illustrations of well planned properly- conducted Geo Elder F preisthood meetings Richards made the concluding address at this session of the conference and and advice of gave much Instruction a helpful and Inspirational character In the line of honoring the priesthood to those and reviewing its benefits holding It any Closing Hymn “Have I Done Good In the World Today” was sung and benediction was pronounced by W E Packer of the session Sunday morning Continued on Page 5) The SOCIAL EVENT of - Season’ Be sure and be lhere |