Show SAUNA THE A CALL Weekly Newspaper Published Friday At Saline Utab By Every The Cal! Publishing Co Price Year Subscription $150 Per Facts About Safina On the I) R G Ry In center of and chief town in the great Sevier Valley 1000 Population VVatersysDtu Light system Extra (ioo! Public sehooU High School M issiou School Moimon Htul Presbyterian Churches Beautiful Town Hall Fine Public I’atk Good Dance and Up Newspaper Amusement Hall Beautiful Homes Fields Like unto The Rest Neighbors the Garden of Eden C’Httle and sheep upon a hundred bills Good Hotels Commercial club A Bank Bell I oca Forest ofhe and Gov’t Telephones Climate like unto Southern Calfrnia Atout Twenty First Class Business Houses Room and opportunity foi 5000 families with a little means toes tablish themselvos here as the state has just built a f 00000 canal to bring 110000 acres under cultivation It tells of your prosperity and weeps when adrer-POvertakes you It will sit up at nights with your 6iek family anl contribute to your wants when in need It will go ’or Ihe don or at njidnlght if you need him It will deluy its issue a day toatteud the funeral of one of your family It wU give you the bfcst room in its delllog if your house burns down It will send yoir’a “mesV of fresh moat if It butchers befoie yob do — And this is not all— If your family is too poor to erect a tombstone when you die it wilD’ehlp in” to b lp erect ouo to remember your last rrstirg place Stl’l this Is uot all as it will close its eyes to the truth and any something nice about yon a'tar you’re dead aud endeavor to make your wi e believe you were an angel when h i B wardly knows it’s a lie and still youM cuss if and let the poor editor send your paper “'steen” errs without paying him a cent mid stop your paper If he intimates lfrat he is "hard up”— Shame on you t— Ex zssszss n Peopl- e- A SALIMA MEAT SUPPLY CO We will have Msh eirery Timrfedajf an‘d Friday Fresh Fruit Tuesdays and Fridays We have dressed chickens Tuesdays and Fridays up stairs oyer thet Go cp stoie and ask the man lie repairs cleans and makes suits to oi der isU-- Bricksen August VIVIAN r We handle cattle by the car load hogs calves aud poultry Wholesale aud retail Meat and Groceries BURNS Professional Harness - Maker line of complete Harness saddles whips robes Ccme lp horse medicines etc Stcie Just South cf The A To be honest about it hK INI U TRIAL SCHOOL short lime since the Governor and Through the courtesy of some bis par’y aud the editor of a magazine women and with ihe money of visited the state Industrial School ai Sumutl Newhc use tl'a school books Ogden T he sihool was prepared for will have printed on them as it fvi- this year prner Uy is for official about stories their covers beautiful Things were ideul just then SLd a box animals that will lead to kinder was indues to write a letter sayirq of the dumb creatures treatment tk t conditions iu the school were This is well and it may tr productive simply ang e to is of much good It veiy panful a t new comes seme loud think of the unlimited trutihs tha ms about bad conditions there are praoMsed upon animale through aud casts of tx'rtme cruelty The out tLecountry districts where hu complaii eLts say and we believe it mane laws do not prtvvil so much that one toy was whipped withastrap Anyone who can lessen this amount until his clothes weie torn to shreds and degree of cruelty will be a ben- (Tom the whqqing aud htmsalf hall THE A efactor to the world Ihi re are three t Lings for which the mouth of June is noted They are roses brides and graduates These three are enough to beautify and make glorious RDy month The rose is cue of the prettiest things iu creation Since the beginning it has been love’s own flower and the peifume it has diffused would almost make an ocean of sweetness Brides! And hovcu’i they been drawing Leaven nearer and nearer to earth from time immemo'idl? And don’t they measure cut about all the happiness that comes to man? Angels could not be lovlier than June ties The graduates of school college and uiiiversityare always la evidence in June And really there is a glory in this It keeps Ihe frech fragrance of an almost ideul life before the public to inopiie aud cheer It is the beginning of reul life and shows the bouyuney the hope the first little victory iu a bard struggle and all the beauty aud nobility of promising youth TnE TRUTH In another instance a boy luj killeJ m the deiautin of searltt fe&ver and as fever patents do he picked holes it the quilt tLis he was severely beaten aud died shortly afterwards The above is not idle alk It out- - u meeting of'club women m Ogden bj: honest uvab o people rteLave neuidofa boy being knocked lown with a revolrer by a Lig brute and then set iu a chair aud beaten almost into a i ulp in and many other acta if brutal iubnmauity to children It is a burning shame am? the law should be invoked But nape of the state i fficiala can get to see the actual conditions thereas it may cos£t child’s life ts speak of conditions when visitors are there i'r Useful "CU HoXj Farm” The at recl-- leaning commission of Ballimoie 1ms opened ai “old horse farm” and now five mules are rehartl expericuperating from their ences By this system ofrest and recuperation the commissioner believes that the usefulness of the horses and mules of his department will be greatly lengthened I have as fine a Itock jEmmit Robins Barber of goods to select from as can be found south of Provo Come and see for yourself Stpp in and get acquainted And when you need it let mb give you the best tonsorial work in town Agent for the Richfield Steam Laundry— — (White House Building! b! 9 3A r W Al Davidsen Furniture and Professional Painter and Paper Hanger Hardware Store EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE Hardware Stoves and Ranges Dr P F Spicer J 1 Graduate Rental Surgeon tV L i 077ICZ072B HEAT aara iais mst 'a MARKET jas I have been very particular and careful iu selecting my complete line of sp ing and summer goods both as to quality aud prices Therefore I am able to do better by you than others' I buy right aud consequently can sell light at prices that are mouey savers to ihe buyers My friends knew this and keep coming £2333 Prof' Theo Frances Teacher of Vocal aud Comet Music Violiu Piano Tuning FROM NEW YORK And Repairing- Organs “One hundred aud ten thousand men and women are uncmlojeJ and unCleaned and Repaired able to secure w or k in New Yo: k City “Two thousand seven huudred men Ac cording to Section £? of the Fish from Blackwell’s were diuihargeJ Island workhouse beiore their senten- and Game Law of the State of Utah whi h reads as follows ces expired to make way for others Reservation of waters for propagasent in “Two hundred thousand men and tion of fish For ihv better advance meat of the fih interest of Ihe State women have been out of work for two the State commissioner may select oue years in New York State stream laks or pond for the period of “Eighty thousand members of labor That’s vvliat all know of fouryears in each county for the pur- organizations 8re reported nnemnloj- - P09e ox- start at d rhopagat at the Department of Labor at ins of th fishtrg breeding And it shall be a mis- Albany lemeanor for any person or persons to Just across lli street from nniori tuea have fish on anv stream lake or “Forty thousand pond while Salina Opera House been forced from the organization lor reserved ' lack of funds to pay dues I hereby declare Seven Mile creek ' “Thirty-foumillion fls hundred and and its tributaries iu Reviar county forty-twthousand dollars represents closed beginning dune 1 1909 The the preponderance of witulj awuL from public is hereby wahned to do no Ash13$ savings banks of New York State ing in this s' ream or its tributaries in 1093 according to Superintendent during said period ' Williams Fpeo W CTi ambers C N Land at The Call Office f ‘Nine huudied beads of families State Commissioner in Chief Wardeu New York unable to tenure work Bybox IjAis'cnMT though able bodied aud willing were Fifth District State of Utah supported by the ASsociatioi for the Richfield Business and Professional improvement of the Foorin 1908 Directory “Eight hundred and fifty honest able men uuible to secure employment r LdoKiNa du grandmawere sent to the workhouse in three They ate considerate youngsters in months by New York City magistrates Nottingham as most people know f on their own req nests ” Tit Fits A little boy whose Attorneys at Law grandmother bed just died Wrote the THE COUNIRY NE'VSPAi ER foliowing letter which lie duly frosted: There ar few who ’appreciate the “Dear Angels we hate sent ycu oouutry newspaper and its editor as grandma Please give ‘her a all Richfield harp to they should is short winded and can’t play The country newspaper is a “Lome blew a Irafhpef” and should be a grown” iiutifution s part of every man's and woman's piide uerjrrmed who lives upon its good deeds The Ilic! res3 Jane the dishes you ) The country newspaper weeps riben hft7‘heen putting on the table bf laiel ‘you weep It mourns tvFen j oa tnourn were positively dirty Wnat hatre your Att’y atid Counselor at Ltiw it sighs when you sigh It tells of your to siy about ill ‘v good traits and you have tp hedevilish The Servant— I think ma'am that kuoan when it says anything bad about' you ought to dishes They — Utah - Richfield you wouldn’t show the dirt at all 1 - Notice To Public Professional BLACKSMITH Carl Nielsen Notary Public - can 7 do belief on earth with your money than at my STORE Nuf Sed You Yours HAYES and OATES FARM LOANS tit J G Jorgenson CoUrt House LOUIS JACOBS Truly 3aBES3aP£BBHfcag628£ -- snn tir PTMt’frrwr-iff IU Johhson-j&raesu- n i ' i Is now prepaied tofurhisli' all iifcds hnpcWtd Lumber Shiugles Lath Doors Windows and all soitrf Furnishings at Prices as low As any firm iu the state snsssee Bits Of Humor for i W B f HUMPHREY-- : 13 BILLSlTiOMPTLY ATTENDED TO - Office at Residence Saljuaj Utah y |