Show s V tinsAsr i K vximwn'tr vtw L Sul I ! o 4 City rA 7--?w 1L VmiKA lV VOL SEVIER CO’ 1TY UTAH 11' ijUNE NO 1909 f 4 :c MOUNTAINS Of SociaUPercoS Things! Are Hum- Richfield News WE WILL CELJV BRATE THE ONYX AND ming! About qf fhe Ql Manager W I Richfield June S—Funsral services his son and daughter J)ean ax3 t FOURTH MARBLE over the remains of Joseph Kramer lina were among the salt visitors! afternoon after - ' ' : Brown ' y tug the time'of cheap ra'ea Mrs L4ut£ Harris went to Balt Lake Sunday to meet her grandson who will return home with her after flushing the years course atthi school for it be deaf at Oden Mrs Lehl Peterson has been In Salt Lake daring the week visiting her n L Hai Local Comped Wonderful De- posits Just Out Of Salina days 2y Experts ' To Fronounced In Be Best United States daughter Mrs Kearns £ M Peytorf stops pff occasionally at Salina to get his mall of pure onyx stone which has been Mrs E'A Ivie took ad vanl age of the pronounced by authority to be equal excursion rates and went to Balt Lak A comto the best in the country pany baa been formed which has come to visit her daughter who is employed ’ into possession of the ground In the there company is Mr Dali A J Lewis Essie Rex ami Mrs Robert Evans and others They have nevei went to Eoye ka Saturday to attend tbt seen lit to give it any publicity which funeral of Mildred Ivie the Is so greatly sought for similar thiugs ianghtfer of My and Mrs Charles Ivie Through The girl died Friday night everywhere else on earth The famithe courtesy rf Mr A J Lewi tht ly formerly lived Bere and the detea ed editor of this paper has been advised was recently here on a visit of the fact and shown a beautiful Rhe Misses Bath Gottfredson Mary sample of the stone taken from the t hillside to the east There is any' Cnyistensen Rhoda Hunfphrey Olevia an cunt of it and some big things majt 3c6rop Ollie Casto Tillie Deutler and Rqlog Slevens took the teachers’ exbe doing (here soon Mr Lewis and some Salt Lake part- amination in Richfield last week a ies htve filed claim on th$ big red Jliss Alice Mortensen isemployedio mound just west of Redmond "Ihey Richfield and ia making quite a slay have done' some development woik there there and find that it is a rich mine of A happy birthday party was given a fine marble and onyfr only awaiting the home of Mrs A A Dastrup last development to bring pealth- toibs iu honor of her BSlh birthThursday owners day Her gons and daughters were all OOLIJEJ and had made up the affair tV present 1 £nd while n fhk sutjwbf Lr ’user and ice cream was serve J and teaj be ieRto !eral time was had by all good mountainof ol': efe were fifteen of her grandchildyho aie Ju Just east of Salina lies a mountain L- "('' “"ruhead ef ' ' jt - irjiliraiiisio'hV-which is making wealth for some peopie &'' Thesp filings need only development '1 (fining results The owners ’ought to get something out of them while ' ' live they v tbs'lum-wu- — if Sorensen Is ' ‘ j Found- Guilty James Sorensen was tried In Justice Lund’s court on Tuesday of this week months charge of having the Edwards saloon open after the hour for closing and selling or giving to Mel Harwood some bottled goods at the time Mr Sorensen plead not guilty and ' asked for a jury trial Thirteen met iwere pummtned and outof the lot the following four were selected: J F Martin August Erieksen U F Jenseu and Raymond Case County Attorney Jorgensen appeared for the town and the defendent was represented by him self and James Edwards Marshal Rasmussen swore it was (twenty minutes past eleven when he saw Mr pass out the bottled goods Mel Harwood swore that be obtained the goods at about eleven Leonal Sorensen gave evidence that when they eft the dance hall to go and get the goods that it was ten minutes past eleven and ittook them sometime to walk to the saloon James S Jensen testified that he was ‘Town President whe&the ordinance under Which the Complaint was dr&wu was passed and that it had been regularly posted and v advertised i Mr Sorensen testified in his Own be- half and told bis story to the jury He said that the saloon clock was not quite eleven at the time but his watch was one minute past eleven Tne case was then given to the jury After two hours of deliberation a verdict of guilty was returned with a re ' 'commendation for mercy I The court then sentenced the defendent to pay a flne of $25 and costs iof $30 amounting to $55 or staud e to the town j air for days feas case was the A and filed bond api pealed to the district codrt Albert Nord felt received a letter the other day addressed to Mrs Albert Nordfelt Ever siDce he has been trying to find her and pwears that he will not rest until she Is found Mr and Mrs Charley Nielsen wout to' Salt Lake Friday and saw the sights there for several days Thomas Herbert of the forest service has baen called to Wasatch to get He will pointers on forest planting remain there' about six weeks and get the necessary information Mrs John Anderron was among the Salt Lake visitors during the week Mis9 Tillie Beuder of Richfield was 6 Salina visitor this week and wa3 seen escorting a certain gentleman about town Miss Belle Face ofLoa is In Salina for a stay of six the sewing coarse Mrs C enjoying Scipio weeks A pi p luke while taking Herbert ha9 lately been a visit with her son Ernest at M Frank Herbert is filing Up his residence and making quite an improvement upin it The Misses Laura ’Crane and Esther Simpers Went to Ephraiih early in the week to attend the Carnival there- Gustaf Joheson was a Manti visitor one day during the week Mr Ji V Reynolds of Ogfieh spent a short time in Salina recently And was a guest of the Rex family enjoying his stay exceedingly well The Misses Olay Allred and Carrie Marguetsen departed for Salt Lake TxesdBy foHhe purpose of attending summer schcL Simon Christensen a&d Mortln Jensen of Richfield were in Salina Sunday in the interests of the Scandinavian Jnbilee 'tobe held atRiohfield in September u were held yesterday the arrival of the afternoon train The young man died of scarlet fever in a Council Arpblnts Executive Committee c- Salt Lafce hospital on Saturday mornV Td Start Things ing after an illness lasting but three days He was but 20 years of age aud was woiking in Biogham at the tune ‘4 He was a memb Things Well Under Way For 'i Great Big the illness seizedhim er of compauy E N G U and the loial Rousing Time tr- i members attended the funeral and buried him with military honors fH Of course Salina will celebrate the The infant of Mr pnd Mrs Soren Neilsen was buried yesterday in the Glorious Fourth'rJuly in grand old as arrangements The little one died Vyle Manti'ciroetery are now well uuder way The council Saturday morning after an illuess of an committee exeoulivo )' appointed about a week with stomach trouble ' the meeting Saluiday evening The Richfield June 8— Word has just committee members are PF Peterson reac ted hereof the disastrous ruuawaj U N Lund DrOE West Stena 3corup which oocared near Central on SaturMrs A J Crosier This committee met Tuesday even- day in which Mrs J C Hansen was 1 he Fuuday school of- ing and made a good badly injured beginning toward ficers and members had been on a picgetting other commt tees Each membnic that day and on the return journey er went on as chairman of a sub comtjie outfit which Siipt Fred Anderson mittee and will select the members of was drivingj was mled up in the runtheir own committee and report at a One of the front wheela struck meeting Saturday evening after w away a large rock aud the driver was thrown all will be notified m out of the pig 1 he horses dashed g Finianco Contmlttee P F Peterson the road and as there were e Program Dr C E West uumber of bys aud girls lathe lig Music Soorup these werek slrewn a considerable Amusement Committee U N Lund ''"lys Hansen attempted to The committee was made complete ner clothing caught and she and the members are a9ked to do ail in was dragged several ods before being their power to gat up a good parade reed frbtnher perilous position bhs Their namos are: A JsLawis E T badly bruised about the head face Ricketts W II Brown Loui3 Jacobs Bhoulders Tbs wagon struck John Arueson ome obstruction anj was overturned ‘ 1th several children under the bo$ vising th with a few bruiaes hoescar'’ school boc-- j i iiry pleasing 8e ve CentraJi small tovn sonth of lUcff tnaii and'E-- ’& ThaSallna Creek Irrigation company Ain li Id u 10:ur is When he ’was here week- it be'f afoiiyjucL Ij having any amount of trouble this' pe line t a spring tEfee miles out 6f oVS f t fi & Water known that he is treating HalinvBoise year wn to e ure a water supply for culi-rwell He is virtually giving Since the flood the crek Las cut so purposes about $300 when the charges for v&'Jt3-Jeep south of MurpbwiUe and is eatare compared wf h that of some othe wviiijgj H WiikinsoD aged 33 died ing through the railroad track into the architects The plans for the lavatory IV be hA me cf his parents yesterday south field ditch in fourplaces ' The "" are given absolu‘ely free aud on othei "horning of miner’s consumption company has I een company has been had wor&eij in many of the mines of compelled to build a new ditch 6 rode ' items there have been big reductions He south of the old owe Above the dam The trustees highly appreciate SJj& the state aud was Nreti known laavds his parents two hrotheis und a the creek is filled wi services ahd speak very well of him vock and gravel sister the latter living in Mexico The so that there is o— praouv father John vviiklnsoB i3 one of the and threatens!© cut a now chhaju! old piorfoer of this section and a not- where the railroad Is' jt is ed Iudian fighter funeral services most Impossible for the watermaster ' y Hero is a splendid program for Sun- were held today to keep water in the north side ditch day night’s meeting It is got'en up as the gravel and fbek fill it u by the choir tinnally as fast as it is cleaned Bong choir The trouble all lies with the railrok! Trayer Simon Hugentotler cutting the creek where the grass Tlii it i very live Iowa of 593 people end frowioi ev Binging choir and willows had grown and made the There ar ery day A water ayelem haebeeo imlalled Reading Mary Christensen banks solid but the grade cutting splendid schools sod hueinex houses There room for I wo iboutaud families Duet Mrs Albrecht and Prof Theo They can get good lead it has left it to run through loose France i9 which gravel continually caving ‘in Ten minute talk Bp G Lorentzeu The event of next week will be the and washing down Violin Solo Selection from Overture marriage of Alronzo Jensen of (his Tancredi Prof Theo France place to Miss Pearl Miller of Salina on Anthem choir Friday rune 18 Fine invitations are Biograpiical Sketch of Edwin Me out for the event and a splendid reDowell Prof Theo France The Salina town council held its ception will be tendered theta at the And Olevia homo of tho Misses Stena Duet regular monthly meeting Saturday groom Scorup evening and transacted considerable Song Salina eighth grade graduates bnsiness the most important of which Male quartett was the selection of a councilman to Song choir succeed George Stevens After ’Mr Stevens’ resignation had Prayer Simon Ilugentobler been accepted President Jorgensen Mri tfnd Mrs Albert Dastrup enterout that no had ‘''decided to apgave The proposition to levy a oho mill tained a number of friends at their tax eaoh year for 15 years for building point DG Burgess to the council home Monday evening the occasion was unanimously a state capltol was voted down In The appointment being a sort of farewell party for the sustained by the board and Mr BurTuesday’s election throughout a was made Joseph and Aaron Prows who are go- state full gess fledged member by a taajorit of over 3000 every An executive committe wa3 appointing away to remain or the summer county except Salt Lake going strongA ed to arrange for a Fourth of July celgeneral good time with games' re- ly against It freshments music and singing was the And $25 was appropriated for Here is the re3ult in Sevier county: ebration order of tne evening Tlibve were presthe purpose’ Richfield— 62 no 25 yes Jent: Mt and M 8 Jensen Mr A matter of very great Impoftand 5 Venice— 18 no 3 yes and Mrs J C Jcuaen Mr and Mrs O was the decision to ask for bids for ' MoDroe-41- no 2 yea N Lundy Mr and Mrs Joseph Frows the piping to reach from the tank to Glenwood —24 no 10 yea Mr and Mrs Aaron ProweV-VHuish town and to cover the town streets'' 8 no 1 yes The usual grist of bills were allowed J O Lyman Sophia Jacobsen Pearl Sigurd— Elsinore— 12 no 10 yes JeDsen Nola Crane Alvilda Neilsen and several minor matters attended Salina— 61 no 10 yes and mother Cloe Prows to Redmond — 62 no There is always something doing in Salina But just now there 1$ a great doing and times ae pretty lively Where the recen fire was things are n6w humming Jcfim Arnosop with a force of men is busily engaged in reand building remodeling the old Mo (Cleoahan buiiding'aud will make it an business house George W up Long is clearing away the rubbish from bis meat market place pnd getting ready to build a new one Up above where the pest office used to be'' complete remodelling and fixing up of the buildfug is going on and it will soon be occupied byBomer Rasmussen of Ephraim who will conduct n refreshment pallor there perhaps something on the pafe line In' Edwards’ new saloon builJing a new barber shop is located and au artist by the name of Larsen doing business Emmett Robins has bad to put in another chair anl get a barber from Salt Lake to help him Two new and splendid blacksmith shops have been erected and are both j open for business All this is outside of the meeting house which is now roofed Id aud tl£t school tuildiDg where the baseme walls are uband th water works et ’ etc Gcd It'S t J Architect Irrigation Trouble iiM'tl)V lat M I A Program 4 ' ’' - REDMOND - A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs The' sewing class being oohduoted at Charles Prows Sunday evening The the school rooms by Mrs ‘Hansen of mother was very ill fora time Ephraim is proceeding nicoly There 25 young dadies taking the Mr and Mrs Aaron Browfe gave sn are about oourse and they are working in dead ice cream partyto feotoe friends Sunearnest V day evening in hondr of th'elr wedding Mr and Mrs M 0 And reason Went day 9 to Price Wednesday to visit with the was 5V r 1 Mrs and A son borh to i Perfumes 50 j to per dunoh at who resides therp Tbe lady’s daughter Lewie Drug Co Humphrey Monday evening A- B Gates has bad quite A struggle child ilved twenty four boars And then those new bat pins at Lewis passed silently to rest The funeral with his sicknete pneumonia since servioes were held Wednesday after- the last issue of the paper fBu the - A new lint of Gent's watch chains noon from the home- The mother is physician now reports that be is convalescing and very likely out of danger quite sick and has suffered exceedingly Vt Lewis Drug Co ‘Sec 7 r Council Meets Capitol Building Voted Down Aurora— 31 to Joseph— 23 no 2 yea y Principal Chosen Cove— 15 no- Fork day Salina was without a or surgeod That was yesterday f n Drs West and Treece drove to Manti and attendad the District Medical Association's meeting there having a very instructive session There ought to be another Jane wedding or two in Salina as' there' are a number of young men and ladies who are of age Tho trustees no have A complete faculty of teachers for the coming year The list was completed Wednesday evening by the selectscn ot Prof C C Conley as principal who comes here from Laramie Wyoming and Is said to be well up in the teaching profession o There will bo a fine dance at the Opera House this Friday evening for young and old - 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