Show Mr- Big Lumber Co Come and examine our new line of Clothing and be convinced that you FOR SALE-teaharness and wagon get better values here at lower prices Time or cash See Jon Ewls Values than sending your money of Ladies’ watoh fobs at Lewis Drug Co and prices never henrd of The Get next to Workman's sad iron Lumber ComTha pany i9 proving to be a big thiDg here Iu the last two tqonths this abouts It will soon be time to fish We hav concern ba9 imported sixteen carloads an entirely new line and fresh stock of Lumber and other material' which of fishermen’s goods Lewis Drug Co Albert Johnson looks like business of Ephraim comes' down n$w and then Workman has the best in sad irons oee to 'affairs that all and looks into If you want something good in' jewgoes Wel Mr Arneson is kept very elry go to Lewis Drug Co ' fcu9y all the tirad ' —a Watch for Workman with his iron : To Travelers You can get all the supplies you want at the Salina Meat and Supply Company’s Store Just the place you want to ootne to o— — New Barber Emmett Robins baa put in another chair in his shop and engaged a Sait Lake barber by the name of Frank lie and Adams who is a professional Emmett will run the shop at the White most cordially invite House and they the patronage of the public Coal! Coal! Louis Jacobs announces that next three months he will deliver coal at $150 per ton Save money by buy ft 50 delivered jug dow o — — Real Estate Use the Ideal Sad Ir n iron two btg washings with it— use It every day ou the fine things you do CHICKEN FEED— Ground bone and up yourself— in the sewing room for beef scraps for sals at the mill— G pressing— iron everj thing from the ' Loren zen heaviest bedspreads to the baby's lace cap FINE DRIVING qcd Saddle Horses IRON IN COMFORT for sale Well bred trot-in—away from the hot kitchen in the or pacing H S Crane out under the parlor— on thepo-ch-Everything in flshiDg tackle at Lew- trees without an extra step No more walking back and forth for hot irons is Diug Co — — o Then if you think you can do without it return it at' our expense The Ideal Sad Iron burns four hours on one falling of gasHeadquarters for fi9hing tackle oline It costs less than one cent a ‘Split bamboo rods from $150 each to $3 each Steal rods 3 50 to day cu can regulate its heat Instantl$350 each Also Colorado spinners y— something not posMcle with an Hendrix spoon hook® Reels Wood electrio flat iron and cork floaters sinkers Leader The Ideal Sad Iron is boxes Fly books Cuttybunk Oil finish Braided oiljik Irish lineu absolutely safe— we guarantee it It Is Lisle thread Raw silk Euamel and simple — nothing to get out of common fish lines from 5 cents to built to last a lifetime $1 each Snelled books double and The Ideal SelfVling Sad Iron is single and a full assortment of flies Come in early and get your pick s invaluable In travel It packs not spill— carry it filled for use It is ready in an instant— and by tako ing off th9 top you can heat water boil eggs eto Leiwis Drug: Co House and lot23 foot business front on Main street A good farm List your wants and property fcr sale with A J CROSIER Have you a little idle money? Place it where it is safe We allow you FOUR TER CENT on lime deposits That’s better than a largor per cent unless you are eure of you) investment First State Bank Of Salixa o o Debt to the World Do ycu lose your red blood! Whatever you are wherever or however you are situated keep your heart warm and your humanity at par Push forward! Peof good cheer Believe in our peo pie in cur methods in our country in jour neighbor and in yourself And remember if you are going into business that after all is said and ('one— after your fortune is made gieat it may be — iu the small hotus of the night in your heart of l'eaits the tiling you are really going to enjoy take satisfaction in and be proud of ‘the thing that will carry you over tlA rough places that will keep jour Irani clear will bo the thought of hat 'you have done to help others v hat you have left to a world that hnoffered so much to you — Your o —— — Parade cf Bad Hats Just what is the cause of It a observation does not reveal hut if anyone wishes to seo some shocking bad silk hats all he has to do is to take a walk on Fifth avenue on any of these Sundays The vintage of some of these samples of headgear is not to be reckoned by a young man nor ia the country that The only thing that gave them birth one can compare this array to is the spectacle presented by the London city "darks” who make a "topper” last to an extraordinary age and who preserve the miglnal brilliancy of the silk nap by giving them a coat of vaseline — New York Press - o r’ Luxury the country of the barefoot could luxury be Imputed Ip the first man who made himself a pair of shoes? Was he not rather a model of sense and industry? So of the man who contrived the first shirt As to the man who had It washed and Jorned I set him down as an absolute genius abundant in resources and qualified fo govern a state however a soNaturally ciety unused to clean shirts looked upon him as an effeminate coxcomb who was likely to corrupt the simplio-i'of the nation— Voltaire —— o In r Germany Home of Canary Birds The export of canary birds from Every year Germany is very large about 130000 of these birds are sent to America 3000 to England and tome 2000 to Russia Probate- - Gaurdianship Notices Consult County Clerk or Respective signers For Further Information In Th® Seventh Judicial Distiict Court Sanpete County Utah fn The Matter Of The Estate Of Mary Knighton Deceased NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND PERSONALTY The uudersigned-wilsell at private (ale the following described real estate and personal property belonging tc (he said estate Persona 1 Property Five shares of th8 capital 6tock of the Gunnison a corporation Creamery Company four shares of the capital stock of the Gunnison Irrigation a Company corporation one buggy and one harness Real Estate: The S W of the N W M of Sec 2' Twp 20 S R 1 E L M containing 40 acres in Sanpete County Utah Also: Lot 4 Block 10 Plat A Gunnison Townsite Entry Sanpete County Utah Also: Lot 5 Block 3 Plat A Gunnison Townsite Entry Sanpete County Utah Also: Commencing at the N W corner of Lot 2 Block 21 Plat A Salina Townsite Entry Sevier County Utah thence easterly along the north line feet of said Lot 2 a distance of 208 thence southerly parallel with the east lifle of said Lot 2 a distance of 50 feet thence west at right angles with the line last run 208 M feet to the east line of said Lot 2 thence north to the place of beginning and containing — square feet of land in Sevier County Utah Said sale will be made on or after Saturday the 12th day of June 1909 and written bids will bo received by the undersigned at Juab' Juab County Utah terms of sale cash ten per cent at time of sale and balance upon confirmation by the couit John M Knighton Administrator 26 1909 Dated May Dilworth Woolley Attorney Utah Manti It jll ON REAR ESTATE RELIABLE’ REPRESENTATIVES The Jackson Loan Fort Worth Texas ' & 9 Hats that are nobby and suits that compare With the test that are made anywhere A guaranteed fit ard best kind of wear a 0 0a t) 6 o 9 a o 9 9 0 O 9 © P & o o & The Salipa Co - op Store it O t Co Jackson Mississippi H 0 PAPE T OFFICERS SnslL President N E A J Lewis ft - Single Copy 10 Cts WEEKLY PUB C0(Lld PUBLISHERS st Xtw York QUEEN 47 W 2MU — ' cities ot the United States and Europe gyFour per Cent interest’ paid on lime daposits on all the principal TsSlREgSE Sewing Machine runs lighter than any other LIME Oluf Jeppson lasts longer than any other prepared to supply the public with the finest kind of Lime at1 See him very reasonable prices 9 lm CANYON fAGLE WAGON WHEEL CIENWOOD operate than any other $jFREE makes a more perfect stitch than any other best of all THE ROYAL wanting permanent work should apply at once at ' SEWING CHICAGO it V and GOROB TOURIST Co-o- p Denver St Louis and Chicaj(4 leave' Salina Northbaund Southbound a:4 p mt 10:51am E M Peyton Local Agent Train Vhen Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper - The Cough Syrup that isvusf rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is r- CO ILLINOIS MACHINE Sold by Salina To com-- bined in one FREE OAF iPIUNal OF THE GUNNISON GAItPEN QK THE CODI SPRINGS WANITOU SLEEPERS is is OF JIIK GRANDB KIVER CANYON PULLMAN tFREE easier to tFREE the Wi CANYON than any other WANTED jli panorama of natural beauty all the way A beauty spot in every mile has less vibration MEN arid TEAMS Lkc! A tFMEE is more beautiful than any other Spalding Investment Co Gunnison Ut II UfiiU Cashier Slok ans Sample Copy Free Those A V s CA3$AL STOCK ip2E000-0- r IN TIIC WORLD Cl Cl FIRST STATE BANK OF SAUNA Salina Utah Drafts diawn IS THE GREATEST FRANK e "Brown’s In Town" 9 !J9e30S®©®as’®CC0®®CS®®S©O®0SSCf £C CUPP J BORIS uamaoku © 1 c c NEW YORK ALBERT w Cl © o Eggs and Breeding Stock For Sale By Geo F Crane ISSUED : © White Leghorns White' Wyandottes $400 o 0u 9 ft 0 © o 9 SHOW © the store and share The sights and wonders there Once in the chance is fair That you’re a patron there ft chickens i os Come in 9 0 © 9 a Per Year © m Dame Fashion lives and lingers here All through our spring and summer wear The very best for ladies’ fair o THEATRICAL Cl Our ladies’ under and outer wear Is always sure to bear The very worst of wear and tear Q THOROUGH BRED WANTED Trust on the walk follow S a© AXTELLTJTAH EASY PAYMENTS on the run others leads t i MONEY LOANED LONG TIME The g We have all there is in merchandise and win our way on merit — Bank Your Money VOR SALE— — Try This Self-Heating Iron A You Are at Home Here i 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE ftp) LAXATIVE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c a ikeloh and Ascription my our opinion free frnetlior m Communion liiTonllon prohnbly patentMile on Patents tlou fttrlotlycntillAentlnl out free OlAest niienc? ior ocurluK patent I’atenta taken turouab Blunu A Co receive luthe notice without charge Iptciui AnTOne nnrilng Quickly aacertftln Scientific Jlmcncnii largest handsomely Hlnetrated weekly culation of any soientlUe l'ut iml Terms fi fluid byall newsdealers venrt four nionlbs Flew York MUNN & Co liras 4 OfQee hi F 8t WahUiivB P A COM SYRUP Bees is thaoriglnal laxative cough syrup contains no opiates gently moves thj bowels carrying the cold off through the natural channels Guaranteed to give latisfaction or money refunded FOR SALE BY LEWIS DRjjG S& |